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Quotes & Sayings About Romeo And Juliet Act 4

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Top Romeo And Juliet Act 4 Quotes

Romeo And Juliet Act 4 Quotes By Gabbo De La Parra

As a writer, I am not opposed to killing off villains. That's not the kind of later biting in the ass I prefer for my protagonist. — Gabbo De La Parra

Romeo And Juliet Act 4 Quotes By Jennifer Rardin

For instance, dragons are deeply revered by the Chinese. According to legend they have megapowers that include weather control and life creation. And they're seen as kind, benevolent creatures. Funny. Every fairy tale I'd ever heard involving dragons starred daring knights trotting off to kill said dragons. Probably the real reason every time East meets West they get pissed off and throw tea in our faces. — Jennifer Rardin

Romeo And Juliet Act 4 Quotes By William Shakespeare

Tis but thy name that is my enemy;
Thou art thyself, though not a Montague.
What's Montague? it is nor hand, nor foot,
Nor arm, nor face, nor any other part
Belonging to a man. O, be some other name!
What's in a name? that which we call a rose
By any other name would smell as sweet;
So Romeo would, were he not Romeo call'd,
Retain that dear perfection which he owes
Without that title. Romeo, doff thy name,
And for that name which is no part of thee
Take all myself. — William Shakespeare

Romeo And Juliet Act 4 Quotes By Peter Sklivas

My heart aches to hold you and no one else for all eternity. — Peter Sklivas

Romeo And Juliet Act 4 Quotes By Sara Shepard

Hannakins: I know you guys are living out your own private Romeo and Juliet love story, but remember: Both of them die in Act V. -A — Sara Shepard

Romeo And Juliet Act 4 Quotes By Jessica Sorensen

I tap my foot anxiously on the floor. Do I want to sit here and listen to more of his story? Or try to run? I feel like I'm in a maze where almost every end is a dead end or a trap and it's hard to figure out which path will get me to wherever I need to go. Also, my emotions are confusing, combine them with the electricity; I feel like I'm being pushed toward Alex and then pulled back. Pushed and pulled. Pretty soon I'm going to tear in half. — Jessica Sorensen

Romeo And Juliet Act 4 Quotes By Alexandre Dumas-fils

I think that every one whom you may ask how to write a play will reply, if he really can write one, that he doesn't know how it is done. It is a little as if you were to ask Romeo what he did to fall in love with Juliet and to make her love him; he would reply that he did not know, that it simply happened.
Well, my dear friend, if you want me to be quite frank, I'll own up that I don't know how to write a play. One day a long time ago, when I was scarcely out of school, I asked my father the same question. He answered: It's very simple; the first act clear, the last act short, and all the acts interesting. — Alexandre Dumas-fils

Romeo And Juliet Act 4 Quotes By William Shakespeare

Well, in that hit you miss. She'll not be hit
With Cupid's arrow. She hath Dian's wit,
And, in strong proff of chastity well armed,
From Love's weak childish bow she lives uncharmed.
She will not stay the siege of loving terms,
Nor bide th' encounter of assailing eyes,
Nor ope her lap to saint-seducing gold.
O, she is rich in beauty; only poor
That, when she dies, with dies her store.
Act 1,Scene 1, lines 180-197 — William Shakespeare

Romeo And Juliet Act 4 Quotes By Prince

Capulet! Montague!
See what a scourge is laid upon your hate,
That heaven finds means to kill your joys with love! — Prince

Romeo And Juliet Act 4 Quotes By Karleen Koen

There is no weakness in crying. If we do not sorrow over what hurts us, how do we ever go past it? I have shed many a tear myself, Barbara Devane, over what life has brought me. Compassion can come from great pain, if you allow it. But compassion takes courage. Bitterness is easier. — Karleen Koen

Romeo And Juliet Act 4 Quotes By Kevin Kwan

Growing up in Singapore, I wasn't allowed to visit China. So when I was finally able to go there after the country began opening up to tourism in the 1990s, I found it to be utterly astounding. — Kevin Kwan