Quotes & Sayings About Romance Novels
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Top Romance Novels Quotes

But guys like Mason McCarthy stayed glued to your brain long after they had left you behind. They charmed their way into your heart and pants with their smooth words and sinister good looks and then ditched you the second you were deemed old news.
Still, I wanted him. That was the scariest part - not his assumed womanizing, not that he could disrupt my life and tear my heart into tiny pieces, but that I would let him. — Amanda McGee

Falling in love, making love, having baby, if all sprinkled with the love, you will know how to be a man; how give love and how to receive it." Taham said. "You learn the rules of love so you can love people, love yourself and reach the true love without austerity."
from "Goddess of Passion", book one — F.J. Namini

I stood my ground, staring straight into his eyes. "You didn't do anything to me. Since when is sex so life or death to you?" -Abby Abernathy
"Since it was with you!" -Travis Maddox — Jamie McGuire

Something inside him shifted and came to rest, as if it had found its proper place. It was like one of his sister's wooden tumbling puzzles, like the satisfying click it made when all its many turning pieces were perfectly aligned. — Lena Goldfinch

What do you do when Mom leaves you alone like this? (Kat)
I write romance novels. (Acheron) — Sherrilyn Kenyon

Deputy Grayson?"
He turned to stare down into those soft green eyes, his pulse ratcheting up. "Yes, Miss Smith?"
"Thank you." She touched his arm. "And no matter what happens, I promise I'm not a bad person."
She flung her arms around his neck and kissed his cheek....
Warmth rushed through Nash and tingling spread from where Phoebe's lips had touched his cheek. He raised a hand to the spot and stared at the woman, a frown pulling his brows downward.
He hadn't begun the day with the intent of finding a runaway bride stranded on the side of the road. Scenarios like that were only found in those unrealistic romance novels women liked reading.No. He hadn't asked for a kiss. But now that she'd done it, she couldn't undo it, and he couldn't unfeel it. — Elle James

It's a given that we exist in a world where we have to live in continuity every day; no one is immune to that, in life or romance novels. By the same token, it's not something I find terribly important. — Neil Gaiman

We never looked quite right on paper, but that's what made us so great. We were exactly what we wanted to be ... and that was happy. — Hope Alcocer

I will not stand by and let any man believe his death is an act of one of the gods. They don't deserve the credit. This is just nature, a side effect of mortality - H — Katie Hamstead

No matter how long it takes, true love is always worth a wait, because waiting is the sign of true love...
-In Search of a Soulmate. — Swapna Rajput

Some readers were aware that the novels they loved amounted to a propaganda campaign, that the love stories had a particular agenda that might or might not have anything at all to do with reality. But then as now, being a canny and independent-minded consumer of popular media did not bar one from also enjoying being manipulated by it. — Hanne Blank

I will carry you kicking and screaming like a child then spank you. We can do this my way or yours. — J.L. Sheppard

I trust you, Collin, with my life and my heart. If I didn't, I wouldn't be here right now. We may not be joined together, by law, by God, but we are, in my heart. — Nicole Gulla

I don't know who he was," Kavita flat-out states, "but whoever he was he sure did a number on you, didn't he?"
Mary leans forward to ensure he would see her deviant stare. "Did it ever occur to you that maybe I did a number on him?"
Kavita leans in closer as well, and with that same deviant expression, "Yes. I have. — Carroll Bryant

Oh dios mio, she makes me burn, she makes me need. She is etching herself into mi alma — P.T. Macias

That's because those pages got torn to shreds when you left, now you both are in different chapters. He wants you - like always, and you want the hot guy down the street. Typical Frankie and Brody style. You guys dance one wild tango, if you ask me. — A.M. Willard

Romance novels have the power to bring love into the lives of readers. Through the characters, we get to fall in love every time we pick up a romance novel. What could be better than that? — Lori Wilde

Lips that have tasted the salt of tears always give the sweetest kiss. — C.J. Carlyon

If you lay down and act like a doormat... then you are sure to get walked on. — Janey Rosen

When I was done, his arms were spread wide above his head, secured by the black ties at his wrists. he looked like a dark god who was being punished. — Chloe Blaque

When I told you I didn't want you it was the blackest kind of blasphemy — Stephenie Meyer

Here's the thing about romance novels: The moment when the hero and heroine discover that they're perfect for each other is often the moment when it's them against the world. — Sarah MacLean

If it feels good, enjoy it. If it doesn't, adjust your position until it does. — Amy Lane

As a first-generation Ethiopian immigrant, Sheba had lived in Charleston since she turned five years of age. She was Ethiopian by birth, but American by preference. She had worked hard, studied and sacrificed plenty to get where she was today, no easy feat for someone who had just celebrated her twenty-sixth birthday. According to her friends, Sheba was a beauty, though when she looked in the mirror, she saw inevitable flaws; her cheekbones were too pronounced, her mouth a little too wide, her nose with that perturbing slant to it. Still, she accepted compliments gratefully, especially from her roommate, Janelle. Janelle was the true beauty, Sheba thought, with dark ebony skin so smooth that she could be a walking ad for Ghirardelli Dark Chocolate. — Joanna Hynes

While it's romantic fiction and bares all of its hallmarks, I ultimately want all women to see a part of themselves in Lia. We all dream of a knight galloping in on a white horse, and my book will compel readers to weight up how much of life is fate, and how much of our destiny we create for ourselves. — Timea Tokes

This is it, so please don't question it. I love you, I need you, and you mean everything to me. So, will you have me? Please put your all your eggs in one basket because I am doing the same. I don't want a life without you in it so please don't let me have one. — Hope Alcocer

Nothing to say. I used to be a ghostwriter for a publisher.'
'Medieval stuff?'
'Eighty-page love stories. You have this guy, untrustworthy but good in bed, and this girl, radiant but innocent. In the end they fall madly in love and it's incredibly boring. The story doesn't say when they split up.'
'Of course not,' said Mathias — Fred Vargas

I'll never turn her away, Clyde. She's my mate. I'll protect her till my dying breath. I'll even swallow my pride and ask a favor as momentous as the one I just asked of a man who has done nothing but try to drive a wedge between her and myself. — J.L. Sheppard

Helena had been standing by her window looking out to sea, breathing in the fresh air and admiring the picturesque scene of a small ship sailing into the harbor.
She had not been able to think of anything other than Mikolas for days.
From LONGING the 3rd chapter of TRUE LOVE — Destin Bays

Do you always touch strangers?" I question, trying to ignore the warmth of his hand and the way I have to remember to breathe.
"You've been upgraded to acquaintance," he winks. "This is completely appropriate. — Teresa Michaels

LIPID (Last Idiot Person I Dated) syndrome: a largely undiagnosed but pervasive disease that afflicts single women. — Lauren Willig

Babe, when we have sex, we create magic. We leave earth. We travel the fucking universe. Sex with you goes on and never ends. It transcends. I'm fucking addicted to it. Addicted to you. I didn't want to share you. — S. Ann Cole

I'm a man of words, yet you rob me of them every single time. — Joanna Shupe

That attraction force which always happens between the reader and the book, i adore it when it takes place <3 — Marvin Perry

If measuring by this earthly realm's time then it's been years but in the unseen realm above known as Vehaven, it has been but a moment. — Madison Thorne Grey

He was a professional athlete and coach, a Ferrari who lived his life in the fast lane. She was a girl-next-door kind of girl, closer to a golf cart than a sports car. — Emily March

I'm pleased to know you realize she is mine, gypsy. Care to explain why it is that I find you here in the Gwarda arena and touching what belongs to me? — Madison Thorne Grey

Well, I did tell you I couldn't give you a thing. Maybe you've just realised that Alistair can give the god damn world, and the pleasure of kissing his shiny slap-head every day! — LeeAnn Whitaker

She had blue eyes, but his were BLUE. Not just one shade of blue, either, but a swirl of shades that reminded her of the stretch of ocean between Bella Vita Isle and Nassau where the turquoise waters fell into a deep, fathomless blue. — Emily March

Reed wanted to believe, and he had to place faith in her, to have a life with her. "Ruby, the one thing I know for certain is I love you. I have faith in you. I believe in you. — D.F. Jones

I'll thank you now, Kathel, Keirah whispered. Placing a simple, soft kiss on Kathel's lips, she turned and walked away toward her cabin, leaving both men stunned in her wake. — Madison Thorne Grey

10% of authors earn 75% of the royalties. If you're writing a Romance novel, your odds will be slightly higher at making back your investment. Throw in a few vampires, even better. — J.R. Young

Dear girl with the red scarf,
People will come and go in our lives. Most of them we won't give a second thought to as soon as the door closes behind them. But I had always imagined that you would leave the deepest, everlasting mark.
-Mr. Universe. — Maria La Serra

Now Robby ... he's who you should be with, she said, as if on cue with my thoughts. I tried not to roll my eyes. — Nicole Gulla

Layla had always just been there. In my life. I wasn't sure who said, 'hi,' first, or maybe who smiled at who first - all I really remembered was staring at her, and her staring back at me, neither of us looking away. Both of us standing frozen, and life falling into the background with a distant hum. As if the world had stopped spinning. Just for us.
I remembered not caring if it had. She'd seemed so familiar, and even as a little kid, I'd known she was special. Like something bigger than me, older than me, had taken over my emotions in a way I didn't understand. She just felt like ... home.
I could have gazed into her eyes forever. Happy to stand in that powerless state for the rest of my life — Laney McMann

Darius began to walk away, but as if he thought better of it, turned back to face Wharick. He stared into the Gwardian's eyes for a moment and then spoke quietly. If ever a blade comes that close to my neck brother, the only debt you owe me is to make sure it connects. — Madison Thorne Grey

As Amani frantically diced the ingredients for her Pan seared Mahi-Mahi with Mango Salsa, she recalled her first meeting with him during a class he taught on the presentation of food and organization the previous year. Amani had been immediately drawn to the tall, serious Californian, and not just because of his looks. With dark wavy hair, strong features and the deepest blue eyes she had ever seen short of Paul Newman's, David Spencer was everything Amani admired in a man, and then some. — Joanna Hynes

Death, everyone fears it in one way or another but when I stood in front of it myself, face to face, I felt no fear. — Atarah L. Poling

Men are from Mars and Women are from Venus. Where are Angels like you are from? — Amit Kalantri

I am a hopeful romantic. - Charlotte, In the Shadow of Angels — Fanny Lee Savage

Readers understand that the books celebrate female power. In the romance novel, the woman always wins. With courage, intelligence and gentleness she brings the most dangerous creature on the earth, the human male, to his knees. — Jayne Ann Krentz

Of course he's a Valentine. Look at him; he's the pure definition of the word. — Pella Grace

It was a very special moment for John's spirit was awakening and he was opening up, I had touched and
resonated with his soul. It was more than just cyber sex, more than making love with someone you loved, it was blending souls as soul mates do and it was an incredible moment for the two of us. We both cried beautiful happy tears — Astrid Brown

She didn't know Matt had followed her until he grabbed her shoulder, halting her headlong rush to nowhere. He turned her into his arms, pulled her against his chest, crushed her mouth in a searing kiss.
"Shane," he said when he raised his head from hers. "I love you. I love you."
Her heart opened and the wall inside her trembled as she clung to him. "Burn me up, Matt," she said, her voice a ragged whisper. "Burn it away. Please, please, burn it all away."
She heard him growl deep in his throat and he lifted her into his arms in one swift movement.
As he carried her back across the parking lot and through the door of her room, she rained kisses on his neck and the hard line of his jaw. His skin was warm and damp and tasted of salt and desire. — Jane Taylor Starwood

It happened as it always did, swallowing her swiftly and completely. Intense. Painful. Quick, vivid colors spun beneath her eyelids. Sounds were sharp inside her skull. Fire shot up through her bones. She may have been screaming and she wouldn't have known. There was smoke in her nose, thick and black, and she couldn't breathe. It stung her eyes and licked at her skin. Wood and metal crashed down as skin blistered and popped and she knew this wasn't her, knew it was someone else, someone with a bigger body, bigger boots and darker jeans, and big ol' hands with scars on the fingers. Men's hands. Nails blunt and dirty with oil and grease and burning and- The cars were on fire. Paper burned and curled and rags ignited, the cement floor pockmarked by flash fires. Meat withered in her nose and she realized it was her. Him. Dancing embers blackened and burned bone. He screamed and she hoped she was not. He writhed and she really hoped she was not. He was dying, dead, and- — Angele Gougeon

Semua orang pernah patah hati. All you have to do is move on. — Nina Ardianti

Love isn't about holding on. It's about letting go. — Jacqueline Simon Gunn

It's not goodbye, Sam. It's see you in two days. I promise ... " she said stroking his hair away from his dimpled cheek.
"I'm counting on it. You will be missed," he said as he put her hand on his chest near his heart. "You will be missed right here ... — Rachel Hanna

I was going to make him forget, too. He would forget every woman who came before me, every moment that I wasn't a part of, every dream he had that didn't include me. Starting now. — Emma Nichols

You'll have to fall in love at least once in your life, or Paris has failed to rub off on you. — E.A. Bucchianeri

Ivanov: And this whole romance of ours is commonplace and trite: he lost heart, and he lost his way. She came along, strong and brave in spirit, and gave him an helping hand. That's all very well and plausible in novels, but in life ...
Sasha: In life it's the same.
Ivanov: I see you have a fine understanding of life! — Anton Chekhov

And then I realized that my sister was trying to LIVE a romance novel.
Man, that takes courage and imagination. Well, it also took some degree of mental illness, too, but I was suddenly happy for her.
And a little scared. Well, a lot scared. — Sherman Alexie

This was the stuff of novels with
men like him on the cover. — Erin Kellison

She needed this. For the comfort, for the love, for all the glorious things she did not deserve and yet could not stop herself from wanting. — Madeline Martin

He couldn't escape it. She'd begun re-calibrating his senses the moment she came through that library door. His peripheral vision was now trained for flashes of golden hair: his ears, trained for her melodic laugh. He found himself following the drifting scent of her soap and dusting powder, like a dog panting after the butcher's wife. — Tessa Dare

This is everything I thought I didn't want. Or didn't need. But I'm here now and it's everything I need and the only thing I want. — Tamara Lush

So the Bawdy Bluestocking was the proprietress of her own shop, selling lurid novels to ladies in the front and more esoteric fare in the back, from the looks of the shelves around him. He spied Pope and Crabbe, Shakespeare, of course, and names he did not recognize at all. He wondered how she chose her stock and where it came from. She must spend her days in endless research. The thought was unaccountably lovely to him. — Evelyn Pryce

Lost: Heartbeat. Last seen being chased away by an Irishman's shameless grin. Reward if returned. — Whitney K.E.

She didn't deserve me. She deserved a hell of a lot better than me, but so help me, I wasn't good enough of a man to just let her go. — Nicole R. Locker

I don't want you to change, Bridgette. I'm not in love with who you could be, or who you used to be, or who the world says you should be. I'm in love with you. Right now. Just like this. — Colleen Hoover

Goodbyes are sad, but they are temporary, because as hellos ends with goodbyes, so will goodbyes start with hellos. — Melody Manful

Good, Star, because you may have felt you were the one needing saving, but it was me all along. You saved me. You taught me to love again. The ones you love may do things that upset you. Hell, they may give you a hundred reasons to give up. Thank you for not giving up on me. I may not be good enough. I know I am not the best for you, but you make me want to be the best I can be. I pray that is good enough. Thank you for loving me enough to hold on. - Stefan — Mel Ballew

Marriage is a partnership, not a democracy. — Nicholas Sparks

The next time you're mad at me, talk to me,' he said. 'Don't shut me out. I don't like playing games. And by the way, I had a great time, too. — Nicholas Sparks

Once inside I stripped off my clothes and showered. Refreshed, I pick up my phone and type.
ME: I want you. Come over now if you feel the same way.
I held my breath as a I waited for a response but after several minutes none came. Maybe he wasn't going to come. — Gwendolyn Grace

All pomp and show." Anjali's glare at the house would've exploded bricks if she'd had superhuman powers. "A fat cow needs a big barn. — Nicola Marsh

Live today. You never know when tomorrow will be a day too late. — Rochelle Carlton

Mary Henry ought to write romance novels. She has a way of embellishing that most authors would envy. — Sandy James

The silence stretched out between us as I stared at him, the tears blurring my vision as I waited for him to save me from this torment. Surely he could find a way. — Kathryn Michaels

It's not like that, Ava! You don't understand the depth of our situation. There's so much that you just don't know. — Nicole Gulla

If you burn away my bones, my love for him would remain, tattooed in the air. — Lia Riley

I heard a bump and knew it must have been Nathan throwing the door up in anger. "And so what if she is here you asshole? I told you the other day that you are NOT welcome here anymore..!" He roared. — Line F. Nielsen

Would you like some sacred chocolate?' a girl asked, appearing suddenly at Lara's side. 'They've very special chocolates,' she said, pushing a plate of the goods in Lara's direction. 'They're raw and sweetened with Stevia.'
Stevia, huh? Lara grabbed a chocolate truffle and popped it into her mouth, winking at the girl. She hoped the 'stevia' would kick in soon, because frankly, it looked like these women were having a better time than she'd had in ages. — Lola Salt

When I was little, my grandma used to get romance novels, and she would get hundreds of these, and she'd read a dozen a month. — Chuck Palahniuk

He stood frozen, staring at me as if he didn't know how to do anything else. I couldn't focus; it was like all the world's blue had originated from his eyes. It was all there, the color of midnight, the sky, the ocean, and blue raspberry lollipops. Why had I spent so much time pretending they weren't remarkable? — Rose Fall

Bitterness filled his heart, and he learned to love the feel of its magic.(Darius) — Madison Thorne Grey

Closing my eyes, I breathe in the air around me.
When I slowly re-enter the world, I look into the most intense brown eyes I've ever seen. My breathing catches. I can't look away. Fuck, he's hot. I can literally feel my brain cells frying. Who's dumb as a rock now, Alexis?
I feel completely frozen and can't move. I don't even think I want to. Blink, Richards, blink."
What happens to someone who has everything figured out and doesn't let anyone rattle her?
To some love is exciting. To her, it's a nuisance. — Kristina Steiner

Honestly...this is why I write.
I write to get the happy ending I sometimes feel is eluding me.
I write for my sanity. — Debora Dennis

Only in romance novels or in thrillers people live outside of a social and political context. — Isabel Allende

I could practically hear the unspoken 'good girl' accompanied by a pat and scratch behind my ears like I was his obedient pet. — Melissa Aragon

In my experience, the romance novels written about BDSM have about as much in common with actual BDSM relationships as a child playing with a jump rope. — Nenia Campbell

He loves the rough men in the romance novels. The mysterious guys with all the swagger." Trevor's cheeks flushed. "Men like that don't exist," Denver said matter-of-factly. "Women write those books because they don't want to deal with the reality that their hero has dirty laundry, belches, and doesn't worship the ground they walk on. — Dannika Dark