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Quotes & Sayings About Role Of Teachers

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Top Role Of Teachers Quotes

Role Of Teachers Quotes By Tom Krause

When school districts are measured by how much confidence, worth and hope their graduates have acquired while in school, when the role of education becomes more about nurturing students and a love for learning than standardized test scores, when the term "honor" student stands more for a child's character than than their grades, then schools will again take their role as a place for effective change in America. Until then education will continue to be run by paper chasing, pride driven central office administrators and educational bureaucrats trying to prove their worth to politicians who don't even know our kids. Let our teachers care, let our children thrive. Let our teachers teach. — Tom Krause

Role Of Teachers Quotes By Oliver DeMille

The next step is for the great teachers to arise, and for them to clearly understand the challenges ahead and mentor accordingly. Where most generations focus the education of their children on preparing to make a living or succeed financially, leadership generations are taught by parents who see a higher role for their children. — Oliver DeMille

Role Of Teachers Quotes By Richard F. Thomas

One of the powerful functions of a library - any library - lies in its ability to take us away from worlds that are familiar and comfortable and into ones which we can neither predict nor control, to lead us down new roads whose contours and vistas provide us with new perspectives. Sometimes, if we are fortunate, those other worlds turn out to have more points of familiarity with our own than we had thought. Sometimes we make connections back to familiar territory and when we have returned, we do so supplied with new perspectives, which enrich our lives as scholars and enhance our role as teachers. Sometimes the experience takes us beyond our immediate lives as scholars and teachers, and the library produces this result particularly when it functions as the storehouse of memory, a treasury whose texts connect us through time to all humanity.
[Browsing in the Western Stacks, Harvard Library Bulletin NS 6(3): 27-33, 1995] — Richard F. Thomas

Role Of Teachers Quotes By Michael Socha

I was never on the side of the teachers at school. Even though I put all the work into getting the main role in the end-of-year musical when I was 11, they didn't give it me, even though they knew I should have had it. That sort of drove me into am dram and getting the main part in another production. And I did. — Michael Socha

Role Of Teachers Quotes By Tucker Elliot

The reality for teachers is we don't know if we've been successful or not. It takes years to see how a kid turns out, and it's impossible to know what role we've played, for better or worse. It's why so many teachers burn out - our successes are limited and rarely celebrated, but our failures are always out there for everyone to see and judge. — Tucker Elliot

Role Of Teachers Quotes By Jerry Rice

After I got disciplined I got introduced to football and then after that everything just took off for me. I had a lot of role models: the teachers, the coaches. Watching them give so much to so many students so they can be successful in life basically just ingrained in me that I think it's more gratifying for me to give back and than just to receive. — Jerry Rice

Role Of Teachers Quotes By Leonard Sax

Today, for most kids in the United States and Canada, kids' primary attachment is to other kids. "For the first time in history," Neufeld observes, "young people are turning for instruction, modeling, and guidance not to mothers, fathers, teachers, and other responsible adults but to people whom nature never intended to place in a parenting role - their own peers. . — Leonard Sax

Role Of Teachers Quotes By Douglas J. Moo

Any teaching that in any way detracts from Christ's exclusive role is by definition both wrong and ineffective. The teachers themselves are probably not denying that Christ was central to God's saving purposes. They seem rather to be arguing that certain practices must be added on in order to achieve true spiritual fulfillment. But, for Paul, in this case, addition means subtraction: one cannot "add" to Christ without, in effect, subtracting from his exclusive place in creation and in salvation history. — Douglas J. Moo

Role Of Teachers Quotes By Shaun Sipos

I've had teachers that inspired me, yes. I think teachers play a really important role in people's lives. I had one teacher in particular who helped me through high school and really instilled a confidence in me by just holding me up to a standard I wasn't holding myself up to. — Shaun Sipos

Role Of Teachers Quotes By Paul Auster

Everybody make words,' he continued. 'Everybody write things down. Children in school do lessons in my books. Teachers put grades in my books. Love letters sent in envelopes I sell. Ledgers for accountants, pads for shopping lists, agendas for planning week. Everything in here important to life, and that make me happy, give honour to my life.'
The man delivered his little speech with such solemnity, such a grave sense of purpose and commitment, I confess that I felt moved. What kind of stationery store owner was this, I wondered, who expounded to his customers on the metaphysics of paper, who saw himself as serving an essential role in the myriad affairs of humanity? There was something comical about it, I suppose, but as I listened to him talk, it didn't occur to me to laugh. — Paul Auster

Role Of Teachers Quotes By Dante Hall

The only reason we make good role models is because you guys look up to athletes and we can influence you in positive ways. But the real role models should be your parents and teachers! — Dante Hall

Role Of Teachers Quotes By Michele Stephenson

But parents aren't the only ones who can address stereotype threat. There's a lot that educators at all levels can do.

Dr. Steele emphasizes the role that teachers of diverse students can play in helping their students of color excel by taking an interest in them, their families, and their lives; by earning their trust; and by helping them understand that they see their potential. — Michele Stephenson

Role Of Teachers Quotes By Mark Kennedy

But the best thing Washington can do for education is realize that our role is limited. Washington must keep its promises, but let those who know our childrens' names- parents, teachers and school board members- make education decisions. — Mark Kennedy

Role Of Teachers Quotes By Tony Abbott

As with public hospitals, better public schools are likely to emerge when local teachers and parents have more say over how their schools are run. It's especially important to give parents a direct say in the running of schools rather than just an advisory role. Even — Tony Abbott

Role Of Teachers Quotes By Linsey McGoey

frustration has flared up over the Common Core initiative, involving the implementation of national reading and maths standards for primary and secondary school children. The Gates Foundation played a central role in bringing the standards to fruition. Spending over $233 million to back the standards, the foundation dispersed money liberally to both conservative and progressive interest groups. The two major teachers' unions, the National Education Association and the American Federation of Teachers, each received large donations, as did the US Chamber of Commerce. Gates himself suggested that a benefit of the standards is that they open avenues towards increasing digital learning. In 2014, Microsoft announced it was partnering with Pearson to load Pearson's Common Core classroom material onto Microsoft's Surface tablet. Previously, the iPad was the classroom frontrunner; the Pearson partnership helps to make Microsoft more competitive. — Linsey McGoey

Role Of Teachers Quotes By Jon Porter

Teachers are unparalleled in the role they play in children's lives. — Jon Porter

Role Of Teachers Quotes By Abdul Kalam

Each individual creature on this beautiful planet is created by God to fulfil a particular role. Whatever I have achieved in life is through His help and an expression of His will. He showered His grace on me through some outstanding teachers and colleagues and when I pay my tributes to these fine persons, I am merely praising His glory. We are all born with a divine fire in us. — Abdul Kalam

Role Of Teachers Quotes By Patricia Sequeira Belvel

We are more than role models for our students; we are leaders and teachers of both an academic curriculum and a social curriculum. — Patricia Sequeira Belvel

Role Of Teachers Quotes By Jason Alexander

Even when I was an actor in training, one criticism my teachers had was that I should think about directing instead of acting, because the best actors see the material they're working on through blinders. They can't see anything but their role. I could never really do that. — Jason Alexander

Role Of Teachers Quotes By Douglas A. Johnson

Quality control" is the correct role for parents and they can help provide that if they too have the assignment and instrument with which the product will be judged. All teachers should have links to project assignments and assessments on their classroom websites for easy parental access. — Douglas A. Johnson

Role Of Teachers Quotes By Louis Cozolino

Emotional attunement between teachers and learners is highlighted, as well as the central role of storytelling in traditional and contemporary learning. Research has also found that exploration and play, usually consigned to less important after-school activities, are central — Louis Cozolino

Role Of Teachers Quotes By Kevin James

I had many teachers that were great, positive role models and taught me to be a good person and stand up and be a good man. A lot of the principals they taught me still affect how I act sometimes and it's 30 years later. — Kevin James

Role Of Teachers Quotes By Dan Shechtman

I see the root of the education crisis in the primary and secondary schools. Academia is doing a fairly good job. The root of the problem is the teachers. Some are great. But too many of them are not capable of being good role models. They can't control the classes. They lose too much time trying to create a learning environment. — Dan Shechtman

Role Of Teachers Quotes By Deepak Chopra

Now more than ever, in this age of violence and confusion, there is an urgent need for parents to take on the role of spiritual teachers to their children. — Deepak Chopra

Role Of Teachers Quotes By Wendy Kopp

The idea that computers can ever replace teachers and schools reveals a deep lack of understanding about the role leadership plays in student success. — Wendy Kopp

Role Of Teachers Quotes By Lionel Shriver

Teachers were both blamed for everything that went wrong with kids and turned to for their every salvation. This dual role of scapegoat and savior was downright messianic but even Jesus was probably paid better. — Lionel Shriver

Role Of Teachers Quotes By Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

Teachers can be a living example to their students. Not that teachers should look for students to idealize them. One who is worth idealizing does not care whether others idealize them or not. Everyone needs to see that you not only teach human values but you live them. It is unavoidable sometimes you will be idealized
it is better for children to have a role model, or goal, because then the worshipful quality in them can dawn. — Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

Role Of Teachers Quotes By Rachel Naomi Remen

We usually look outside ourselves for heroes and teachers. It has not occurred to most people that they may already be the role model they seek. The wholeness they are looking for may be trapped within themselves by beliefs, attitudes, and self-doubt. But our wholeness exists in us now. Trapped though it may be, it can be called upon for guidance, direction, and most fundamentally, comfort. It can be remembered. Eventually we may come to live by it. — Rachel Naomi Remen

Role Of Teachers Quotes By Ann Coulter

Moore's only concession to the Democrats' role-playing is to deny that he is a Democrat, hoping enough Americans were taught by public school teachers that no one will know how to look up Moore's voter registration card. Democrat. — Ann Coulter

Role Of Teachers Quotes By David Connolly

In their role as celestial servants to humans on earth, Angels act variously as guardians, guides, teachers, truth-givers and comforters, protectors of the righteous, punishers of the wicked, and more. — David Connolly

Role Of Teachers Quotes By Harvey Milk

I was born of heterosexual parents. I was taught by heterosexual teachers in a fiercely heterosexual society. Television ads and newspaper ads - fiercely heterosexual. A society that puts down homosexuality. And why am I a homosexual if I'm affected by role models? I should have been a heterosexual. And no offense meant, but if teachers are going to affect you as role models, there'd be a lot of nuns running around the streets today. — Harvey Milk

Role Of Teachers Quotes By Tim Foley

The most important role models in people's lives, it seems, aren't superstars or household names. They're "everyday" people who quietly set examples for you-coaches, teachers, parents. People about whom you say to yourself, perhaps not even consciously, "I want to be like that." — Tim Foley

Role Of Teachers Quotes By Solomon Ortiz

I have fought to protect those benefits that ensure better salaries for teachers across the Nation such as grants to pay off student loans and funding for Teach for America. Still, we must all do more to show our continued appreciation for our Nation's leading role models. — Solomon Ortiz

Role Of Teachers Quotes By Zig Ziglar

Individuals score points, but teams win games. This is true in athletic events and in life. If you make it in life, your "team" of parents, teachers, ministers, etc., will have played a major role in your success. — Zig Ziglar

Role Of Teachers Quotes By Marcos C. Lima

We argue that the role of teachers is becoming less that of a knowledge transmitter, and closer to that of an "animator of collective intelligence" who provides analytical tools (the proverbial "fishing rod") rather than simply giving away raw information ("fish"). — Marcos C. Lima

Role Of Teachers Quotes By Barack Obama

Of all the rocks upon which we build our lives, we are reminded today that family is the most important. And we are called to recognize and honor how critical every father is to that foundation. They are teachers and coaches. They are mentors and role models. They are examples of success and the men who constantly push us toward it. — Barack Obama

Role Of Teachers Quotes By Alexis Wright

The expectation was I would get married and become a mother and settle down. We didn't have any role models. We saw teachers and doctors and nurses, but I'm not a teacher, and there was no possibility of being a doctor or a nurse. I had to work and find my own way. — Alexis Wright

Role Of Teachers Quotes By Kurt Vonnegut Jr.

It was all here for me, just as it has all been here for you, the best and the worst of Western Civilization, if you cared to pay attention: music, finance, government, architecture, law and sculpture and painting, history and medicine and athletics and every sort of science, and books, books, books, and teachers and role models.
People so smart you can't believe it, and people so dumb you can't believe it. People so nice you can't believe it, and people so mean you can't believe it. — Kurt Vonnegut Jr.

Role Of Teachers Quotes By Andrew Shue

The most important role models should and could be parents and teachers. But that said, once you're a teenager you've probably gotten as much of an example from your parents as you're going to. — Andrew Shue