Famous Quotes & Sayings

Roaring 20s Funny Quotes & Sayings

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Top Roaring 20s Funny Quotes

Roaring 20s Funny Quotes By Louis Tomlinson

One time, Niall sat on the floor for hours trying to find a way of putting his M&M's in alphabetical order. — Louis Tomlinson

Roaring 20s Funny Quotes By Karen Ehman

Our words are powerful, and they have consequences. — Karen Ehman

Roaring 20s Funny Quotes By Elizabeth Madox Roberts

First, there is the person one thinks he is and the appearance one thinks he has. Then there is the thing one actually is, and there is that which the others think, and here a myriad-faced being arose in her thought, but the second came back as being more difficult to know, for what eyes would see it and where would it stay? — Elizabeth Madox Roberts

Roaring 20s Funny Quotes By Michael Haneke

What I like are films that take me seriously, that don't treat me as more stupid than I am. — Michael Haneke

Roaring 20s Funny Quotes By Oswald Chambers

Once we see Jesus, the impossible things He does in our lives become as natural as breathing. — Oswald Chambers

Roaring 20s Funny Quotes By Sarah Dessen

Disappointment is part of life. Just like change. — Sarah Dessen