Famous Quotes & Sayings

Riitta Havukainen Quotes & Sayings

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Top Riitta Havukainen Quotes

Riitta Havukainen Quotes By Mark Vanhoenacker

Jet lag results from our rapid motion between time zones, across the lines that we have drawn on the earth that equate light with time, and time with geography. Yet our sense of place is scrambled as easily as our body's circadian rhythms. Because jet lag refers only to a confusion of time, to a difference measured by hours, I call this other feeling 'place lag': the imaginative drag that results from our jet-age displacements over every kind of distance; from the inability of our deep old sense of place to keep up with our aeroplanes. — Mark Vanhoenacker

Riitta Havukainen Quotes By Jennifer L. Armentrout

You're too important, too special to throw everything away for a pure." Seth sighed, dropping his hands to mine. "Now, I brought us a movies to watch, the one that has sparkly vampires in it. I thought you'd be down for that. — Jennifer L. Armentrout

Riitta Havukainen Quotes By Donal O'Shea

The willingness to reexamine lifelong beliefs because of conflicting data takes enormous courage, and contrasts sharply with recent examples of public discourse in which our political, cultural, and religious leaders have fit data to preconceived theories. — Donal O'Shea

Riitta Havukainen Quotes By Joseph Campbell

A hero ventures forth from the world of common day into a region of supernatural wonder: fabulous forces are there encountered and a decisive victory is won: The hero comes back from this mysterious adventure with the power to bestow boons on his fellow man. — Joseph Campbell

Riitta Havukainen Quotes By Amy Smart

I have to say that as an actor, I really look for the role. I'm not really looking to see if it's for television or film, because there are highly talented people in both mediums. — Amy Smart

Riitta Havukainen Quotes By Harvey V. Fineberg

When you're dealing with a problem as complex as autism, you have to look at it from many different points of view and assemble evidence from many different vantage points. Biological evidence in humans and in animals, toxicologic evidence, how does the body deal with toxins, and evidence looking at the actual experience in populations. — Harvey V. Fineberg