Famous Quotes & Sayings

Richard Florida Creative Class Quotes & Sayings

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Top Richard Florida Creative Class Quotes

Richard Florida Creative Class Quotes By Tom Waits

It's terrible for the culture of music. Like anything that is purely economic, it ignores the most important component. — Tom Waits

Richard Florida Creative Class Quotes By Nancy Gibbs

Runners exalt the marathon as a public test of private will, when months or years of solitary training, early mornings, lost weekends, rain and pain mature into triumph or surrender. That's one reason the race-day crowds matter, the friends who come to cheer and stomp and flap their signs and push the runners on. — Nancy Gibbs

Richard Florida Creative Class Quotes By Adam Johnson

All this information," I say. "Yet the world is more mysterious than ever. — Adam Johnson

Richard Florida Creative Class Quotes By Terence McKenna

For me, the glory of the human animal is cognitive activity. — Terence McKenna

Richard Florida Creative Class Quotes By Richard Florida

As the economy has become more specialized and the occupational division of labor has deepened, the Creative Class has increasingly outsourced functions that were previously provided within the family to the Service Class. — Richard Florida

Richard Florida Creative Class Quotes By Richard Florida

Places that succeed in attracting and retaining creative class people prosper; those that fail don't. — Richard Florida

Richard Florida Creative Class Quotes By Frank Zappa

This here song might offend some, if it does it's because your dumb. — Frank Zappa

Richard Florida Creative Class Quotes By Sarah Weeks

...but now that I know it's possible for a couple of zebras to outsmart a crocodile, life is starting to look up" -Joe — Sarah Weeks

Richard Florida Creative Class Quotes By Abba Eban

Better to be disliked than pitied. — Abba Eban

Richard Florida Creative Class Quotes By Jane Fonda

When I left the West Coast I was a liberal. When I landed in New York I was a revolutionary. — Jane Fonda

Richard Florida Creative Class Quotes By Neil DeGrasse Tyson

There's no denying the public's appetite for cosmic discovery. — Neil DeGrasse Tyson

Richard Florida Creative Class Quotes By Thomas Ligotti

Schopenhauer's Will-to-live, commendable as it may seem as a hypothesis, is too overwrought in the proving to be anything more than another intellectual labyrinth for specialists in perplexity. Comparatively, Zapffe's principles are non-technical and could never arouse the passion of professors — Thomas Ligotti

Richard Florida Creative Class Quotes By Forrest Mars Jr.

I'm a religious man. I pray for Milky Way. — Forrest Mars Jr.

Richard Florida Creative Class Quotes By Pete Seeger

My mother wanted me to learn how to read music. She'd given fiddles to my two older brothers, but they'd rebelled. I came along and my father said, "Oh, let Peter enjoy himself." What she did was leave musical instruments all around the house. Whistles, marimbas, squeeze boxes, a piano and organ. By age six or seven, I could bang out a simple tune on almost anything. I developed a good ear, so I didn't learn to read music until I taught myself at age eighteen, 'cause I was hearing so many good songs I couldn't possibly remember them all. — Pete Seeger

Richard Florida Creative Class Quotes By Richard Florida

Beneath the surface, unnoticed by many, an even deeper force was at work - the rise of creativity as a fundamental economic driver, and the rise of a new social class, the Creative Class. — Richard Florida

Richard Florida Creative Class Quotes By Danny Glover

Democracy is about criticism. I didn't elect Obama because he's a black; I voted for Obama because he was the right person at the time. Period. The exceptionalism of a black U.S. President is not important to me. It's what he does. And who he has at the table. And what he does to change the world - that's what's important. — Danny Glover