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Responsibility Responsibility For Kids Quotes & Sayings

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Top Responsibility Responsibility For Kids Quotes

Responsibility Responsibility For Kids Quotes By Timothy Ferriss

Sooner or later, parents have to take responsibility for putting their kids into a system that is indebting them and teaching them to be cogs in an economy that doesn't want cogs anymore. Parents get to decide . . . [and] from 3 p.m. to 10 p.m., those kids are getting homeschooled. And they're either getting home-schooled and watching The Flintstones, or they're getting homeschooled and learning something useful. — Timothy Ferriss

Responsibility Responsibility For Kids Quotes By Linda Lael Miller

Than she was, but for the next three days - or was it four? - the kids' meals would be her responsibility. "Let's go out for pizza!" Matt suggested exuberantly. He was standing on the raised hearth of the double fireplace that served both the kitchen and dining room, and Sharon — Linda Lael Miller

Responsibility Responsibility For Kids Quotes By Gail Collins

The key to success for any woman who wants to have a really serious career and a family is to marry a guy who is going to take at least half the responsibility for the house and kids - and sometimes more than half. — Gail Collins

Responsibility Responsibility For Kids Quotes By Kajol

I am a very strict mother, and as a mother, it's my responsibility to guide my kids and tell them to go how far and no further. There should be rules and guidelines for the kids, and they should know their limits. — Kajol

Responsibility Responsibility For Kids Quotes By Maria Shriver

Having kids - the responsibility of rearing good, kind, ethical, responsible human beings - is the biggest job anyone can embark on. As with any risk, you have to take a leap of faith and ask lots of wonderful people for their help and guidance. I thank God every day for giving me the opportunity to parent. — Maria Shriver

Responsibility Responsibility For Kids Quotes By Gayle King

The dream for any parent is you want to raise happy, healthy, responsible, compassionate, kind kids. We all have a responsibility to do that. — Gayle King

Responsibility Responsibility For Kids Quotes By Christie Brinkley

Because I'm an older mom, I have a responsibility to my kids as well as myself. I want to be there for them. — Christie Brinkley

Responsibility Responsibility For Kids Quotes By Brigid Schulte

Time-use researchers call it "contaminated time." It is a product of both role overload - working and still bearing the primary responsibility for children and home - and task density. It's mental pollution, one researcher explained. One's brain is stuffed with all the demands of work along with the kids' calendars, family logistics, and chores. Sure, mothers can delegate tasks on the to-do list, but even that takes up brain space - not simply the asking but also the checking to make sure the task has been done, and the biting of the tongue when it hasn't been done as well or as quickly as you'd like. So it is perhaps not surprising that time researchers are finding that, while "free time" may help ease the feeling of time pressure for men, and in the 1970s helped women a little, by 1998 it was providing women no relief at all.15 — Brigid Schulte

Responsibility Responsibility For Kids Quotes By Kevin Heath

Don't be afraid of giving kids responsibility, be there to guide & support them, not just to do things for them — Kevin Heath

Responsibility Responsibility For Kids Quotes By Bill Cosby

What we need is for people to realize - 'I want to raise my kid. I want to go back and get my three kids. I want to take on that responsibility. I want to love my children.' — Bill Cosby

Responsibility Responsibility For Kids Quotes By Faith Evans

Certainly it is a blessing to have three beautiful kids who are all healthy. God put them here for me to nurture and bring them up and try to keep as close to right as I can. So it's a blessing. It's a big responsibility, but at the same time it's an honor. — Faith Evans

Responsibility Responsibility For Kids Quotes By Simon Sinek

A parent does not do everything for their kid. A parent that does everything for their kid produces a kid with no self-confidence. If our parents fixed everything for us and did not allow us to do anything on our own, or intervened every single time, we would all grow up to be completely dependent. The reason we grow up to be healthy adults is because our parents played this game of giving us responsibility, disciplining us when necessary, letting us try, letting us fail. — Simon Sinek

Responsibility Responsibility For Kids Quotes By Tia Mowry

There's a lot of focus on kids like Macaulay Culkin or others who had bad situations at some point in their careers and not enough focus on the people who do good like Natalie Portman or Claire Danes. It's hard for children to have these full-time jobs with all this responsibility. — Tia Mowry

Responsibility Responsibility For Kids Quotes By Barack Obama

If we truly believe in our public schools, then we have a moral responsibility to do better - to break the either-or mentality around school reform, and embrace a both-and mentality. Good schools will require both the structural reform and the resources necessary to prepare our kids for the future. — Barack Obama

Responsibility Responsibility For Kids Quotes By Liam Hemsworth

I love watching my brothers raise their kids and not have to do it for myself and have the responsibility. — Liam Hemsworth

Responsibility Responsibility For Kids Quotes By Carew Papritz

It's a fool who thinks that having a kid is a right, which is the biggest crock of fishheads I've ever heard. You have a responsibility, not only to a person but also to a spirit because that's what a child is. A pissing, crying, yawning, giggling, laughing package of spirit that is looking for you to take the lead. It's a heck of a responsibility to look after a spirit. — Carew Papritz

Responsibility Responsibility For Kids Quotes By Eminem

It'd be stupid for me to sit here and say that there aren't kids who look up to me, but my responsibility is not to them. I'm not a baby sitter. — Eminem

Responsibility Responsibility For Kids Quotes By Michele Bachmann

I talk to a lot of women who have difficult times who are suffering. I really want women to be encouraged and to have hope because things can get better. Make good decisions, stop making bad ones, because we have to take responsibility too. But make good decisions and really the future will be a lot better for your kids - and yourself. — Michele Bachmann

Responsibility Responsibility For Kids Quotes By Adrian Peterson

I love my son. I love my kids, my family, Like I said after I took the misdemeanor plea, I take full responsibility for my actions. — Adrian Peterson

Responsibility Responsibility For Kids Quotes By Steve Burns

'Blues Clues' has been incredibly good to me, and I've been working so hard on it for so long that I take it very personally. I wouldn't want to do anything to jeopardize what so many kids love. So there's a lot of responsibility there. — Steve Burns

Responsibility Responsibility For Kids Quotes By Douglas Adams

The usual people tried to claim responsibility. First the IRA , then the PLO and the Gas Board. Even British Nuclear Fuels rushed out a statement to the effect that the situation was completely under control, that it was a one in a million chance, that there was hardly any radioactive leakage at all, and that the site of the explosion would make a nice location for a day out with the kids and a picnic, before finally having to admit that it wasn't actually anything to do with them at all. — Douglas Adams

Responsibility Responsibility For Kids Quotes By Joe Wilson

When a government goes to war, particularly a democracy, it is the most solemn and awesome responsibility of our leaders - to decide to send our kids to go off and kill and die for us. — Joe Wilson

Responsibility Responsibility For Kids Quotes By Richard Eyre

Entitlement is a double- edged sword (or a double-jawed trap) for kids. On one edge it gives kids all that they don't need - indulgence, dullness, conceit, and laziness; and on the backswing, it takes from them everything they do need - motivation, inde- pendence, inventiveness, pride, responsibility, and a chance to really work for things and to build their own sense of fulfill- ment and self-esteem. — Richard Eyre

Responsibility Responsibility For Kids Quotes By Chris Palmer

In this image-driven age, wildlife filmmakers carry a heavy responsibility. They can influence how we think and behave when we're in nature. They can even influence how we raise our kids, how we vote and volunteer in our communities, as well as the future of our wildlands and wildlife. If the stories they create are misleading or false in some way, viewers will misunderstand the issues and react in inappropriate ways. People who consume a heavy diet of wildlife films filled with staged violence and aggression, for example, are likely to think about nature as a circus or a freak show. They certainly won't form the same positive connections to the natural world as people who watch more thoughtful, authentic, and conservation-oriented films. — Chris Palmer

Responsibility Responsibility For Kids Quotes By David Robinson

There is a mysterious dance that happens in the family between privilege and responsibility, between trust and accountability. One step forward of responsibility allows for a step forward of privilege. The weight of trust requires the counterweight of accountability. Cloistered parents allow space between themselves and their children for this dance to take place. We don't smother our kids. Neither do we abandon them. We dance together with them. — David Robinson

Responsibility Responsibility For Kids Quotes By Henry Cloud

Responsibility is actually broader than this. We think of responsibility in terms of ownership. To take ownership of your life is ultimately to take control. Ownership is to truly possess your life and to know that you are accountable or your life-to you and others. When you take ownership, your realize that all aspects of your life are truly yours and only yours, and that no one is going to live your life for you. — Henry Cloud

Responsibility Responsibility For Kids Quotes By Eddie Marsan

I've got four kids to feed and a wife to provide for. It's a worry but a great responsibility as well and one I relish. — Eddie Marsan

Responsibility Responsibility For Kids Quotes By Emily Matchar

[Leslie Bennett] You have a teenager who desperately wants to separate ... If you don't have a career, these New Domesticity types are likely to find themselves standing in the kitchen with all these domestic skills and no outlet for them, no way to earn a living ... [A]t that point your kids are not thanking you for having made the hand-pureed baby food and for giving them homemade cookies. They don't feel you've done them a big favor; they say, Why didn't she ever grow up and take responsibility for her own life? — Emily Matchar

Responsibility Responsibility For Kids Quotes By Thuy Trang

Each one of us has to take responsibility for reality, and present it so that kids will grow up familiar with that and say, OK. I've seen that before. I'm not afraid of it. — Thuy Trang

Responsibility Responsibility For Kids Quotes By Shooter Jennings

I was able to be more reckless and now I still make mistakes, but having kids, you have a responsibility and these little people who are looking up to you for everything. — Shooter Jennings

Responsibility Responsibility For Kids Quotes By Meg Rosoff

It's hard recommending books for kids, and a huge responsibility. If you get it wrong, they don't tell you they hate that particular book, they tell you they hate reading. — Meg Rosoff

Responsibility Responsibility For Kids Quotes By Tim Daly

We sort of have given up on the idea of taking any sort of personal responsibility for what we see. I don't understand it at all. There are many things that I won't let my kids watch. — Tim Daly

Responsibility Responsibility For Kids Quotes By Mariella Frostrup

Choosing to mother your kids full-time may seem to some the easy choice, eschewing as it does the stresses and strains of the workplace, but one of the continuing frustrations for women is the lack of respect they get for taking on the responsibility for domestic life, whether they're also working outside the home or not. — Mariella Frostrup

Responsibility Responsibility For Kids Quotes By Charles Duhigg

Once you know a habit exists, you have the responsibility to change it ... others have done so ... That, in some ways, is the point of this book. Perhaps a sleep-walking murderer can plausibly argue that he wasn't aware of his habit, and so he doesn't bear responsibility for his crime, but almost all of the other patterns that exist in most people's lives - how we eat and sleep and talk to our kids, how we unthinkingly spend our time, attention and money - those are habits that we know exist. And once you understand that habits can change, you have the freedom and the responsibility to remake them. Once you understand that habits can be rebuilt, the power of habit becomes easier to grasp and the only option left is to get to work. — Charles Duhigg

Responsibility Responsibility For Kids Quotes By Laurie David

My environmentalism reared its head around the age of ten when I inexplicably become obsessed with littering. For some reason I considered it my personal responsibility to pick up litter wherever I found it and yell at anyone I saw contributing to the problem (much to the horror of my mother). I was a ten-year-old on a mission to clean up the streets! But it was years later when I became a mother myself that concern for my kids' future really ignited my passion and set me on my course. Once I started reading and educating myself, there was no turning back. — Laurie David

Responsibility Responsibility For Kids Quotes By Minnie Pearl

So often when you start talking about kindness to animals someone comments that starving and mistreated children should come first. The issue can't be divided like that. It isn't a choice between children and animals. It's our duty to care for both. Kindness is the important thing. Kids and animals are our responsibility. — Minnie Pearl

Responsibility Responsibility For Kids Quotes By Josh Peck

I don't really understand why I should be a role model but I know that children do look up to me, so it is my responsibility to motivate people and be inspiring. I hope that I can do that for kids. — Josh Peck

Responsibility Responsibility For Kids Quotes By Gilles Marini

We only live once, and how would you want to be remembered? I have kids. I have, due to my job, a probably higher responsibility to do good things in my life. But also, since I was a kid, I love doing things out of context, helping friends, being different, being a special kind of man is important for me. — Gilles Marini