Famous Quotes & Sayings

Reschedule Quotes & Sayings

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Top Reschedule Quotes

Reschedule Quotes By Abdul Aziz Al Ghurair

Sometimes there are customers who get in difficulty because of situations that are out of their control. These are customers with genuine needs, and the role of the bank is to accommodate these customers, and there is a real need to reschedule the loans of these customers. — Abdul Aziz Al Ghurair

Reschedule Quotes By Doreen Virtue

Logic would dictate that if we really wanted to change our lives, we would just do it. Instead, we usually put off goals until next Monday. When Monday comes around, we reschedule the goal until some other time. We never feel quite prepared to start, always feeling a little short on money, time, or expertise. — Doreen Virtue

Reschedule Quotes By Letitia Baldrige

If the flu situation in your town is serious, cancel a large long-awaited party you had scheduled, but promise the guests in an e-mail that you will reschedule the party as soon as possible. — Letitia Baldrige

Reschedule Quotes By J.D. Robb

I want a homing beacon on your vehicle."
"There will be."
"No, I want one on before we leave the grounds in the morning. I'll see to it."
Give and take, she reminded herself. Even when
maybe especially when
give and take was a pain in the ass. "Okay. But there go my plans to slip off and meet Pablo the pool boy for an hour of hot, sticky sex."
"We all have to make sacrifices. Myself, I've had to reschedule my liaison with Vivien the French maid three times in the last couple of days."
"Blows," Eve said as they slipped into bed.
"She certainly does. — J.D. Robb

Reschedule Quotes By Kristina Schroder

For me, a male role model would be a man who, despite holding a leadership position, has the courage to say that he wants to reschedule a 7 p.m. meeting for 4 p.m. because he'd really like to be able to put his son to bed. — Kristina Schroder

Reschedule Quotes By Joanna Wylde

Do you want me to reschedule, or can you move to your bedroom? I generally frown on cleaning around people while they're having sex. All sorts of potential OSHA violations. — Joanna Wylde

Reschedule Quotes By David Prowse

So I went to George and told him I had the opportunity to become the figurehead of a government safety campaign, and he agreed to give me the week off and reschedule shooting! — David Prowse

Reschedule Quotes By Behdad Sami

They say God laughs when you make plans, that's why I make appointments and sometimes reschedule. — Behdad Sami

Reschedule Quotes By Lisa Kleypas

I'm going to Bristol," Matthew said desperately. "I'll reschedule the meetings. I won't do anything without your leave. But at least I can gather information - interview the local transport firm, have a look at their horses - "
"Swift," the earl interrupted. Something in his quiet tone, a note of ... kindness? ... sympathy? ... caused Matthew to stiffen defensively. "I understand the reason for your urgency - "
"No, you don't."
"I understand more than you might think. And in my experience, these problems can't be solved by avoidance. You can never run far or fast enough."
Matthew froze, staring at Westcliff. The earl could have been referring either to Daisy, or to Matthew's tarnished past. In either case he was probably right.
Not that it changed anything.
"Sometimes running is the only choice," Matthew replied gruffly, and left the room without looking back. — Lisa Kleypas

Reschedule Quotes By Paul Assaiante

You don't get to reschedule life's challenge matches. In the real world, you often have to produce when you do not want to. You go to work with a cold because you have a big presentation and can't call in sick. You have to complete that project, hand in the contract, and feed that baby. — Paul Assaiante

Reschedule Quotes By Ron Funches

I think that's the difference between meetings in New York and L.A. In New York, it's like, 'Be there, and be there on time.' In L.A. it's like, 'Oh, we get it. You might have ran into traffic. We'll reschedule.' — Ron Funches

Reschedule Quotes By Chloe Neill

Do you need to reschedule? There are some other things I could take care of while I'm in town."
Mallory waved him off. "No, today's fine. It's going to be on the exam, so I might as well do it."
"Oh, my God, you are Harry Potter," I said, pointing a finger at her. "I knew it!"
She rolled her eyes, then looked at Catcher. — Chloe Neill

Reschedule Quotes By P.M. Terrell

Among the top ten things I've learned in life: when your hair stylist is having a bad day, reschedule. — P.M. Terrell

Reschedule Quotes By Graeme Simsion

I had become accustomed to being woken, and generally managed to fall asleep again within a few minutes. But the aggregate effect could not be ignored and I was forced to reschedule my bedtime to thirteen minutes earlier. — Graeme Simsion