Famous Quotes & Sayings

Relentlessly Question Quotes & Sayings

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Top Relentlessly Question Quotes

Relentlessly Question Quotes By Jack Paar

Variety and the Hollywood Reporter, two publications read more faithfully in Hollywood than the Koran is in Mecca. — Jack Paar

Relentlessly Question Quotes By Rebecca Solnit

Billions of women must be out there on this seven-billion-person planet being told that they are not reliable witnesses to their own lives, that the truth is not their property, now or ever. — Rebecca Solnit

Relentlessly Question Quotes By C. JoyBell C.

If we were all looking for something 'easy come and easy go', then all of our lives would be easy. The problem is that we look for something real, don't we? And it is this longing for what is real, that makes finding the right person to be the most difficult task in the world. You can marry someone and promise the rest of your life to the person, only to find out later that this person makes you feel lonely. If we had no innate longing for true love and for true partnership, then none of us would have any problems! Therefore, the most frightening question to ponder upon, is, 'what if true love does not exist; what if the real stuff isn't real at all?' In such a case, life would be meaningless. I suppose I would rather believe in love relentlessly, than live in this world meaninglessly. — C. JoyBell C.

Relentlessly Question Quotes By Carolyn McCray

That's your story? And you're sticking to it?" Brandt asked. "That you're suggesting a mission that is super dangerous, but Lopez could get us out of it on unicycles? Driven into the sea? — Carolyn McCray

Relentlessly Question Quotes By Robert Lanza

Today's preoccupation with physical theories of everything takes a wrong turn from the purpose of science - to question all things relentlessly. Modern physics has become like Swift's kingdom of Laputa, flying absurdly on an island above the earth and indifferent to what is beneath. — Robert Lanza

Relentlessly Question Quotes By Yusuf Al-Qaradawi

The lack of insight to reality, life and history as well as into God's ways, or sunan in His creation, some people will continue to seek or demand the impossible. They will imagine what does not or cannot happen, misunderstand occurrences and events, and interpret them on the basis of cherished illusions which in no way reflect God's sunan or the essence of Islamic law. — Yusuf Al-Qaradawi

Relentlessly Question Quotes By Vanda

Danny and I were sposed to go to his mother's house for Thanksgiving. Now what? What do I tell his mother?
Well, not this. Mothers hate it when you tell them their sons are queer. — Vanda

Relentlessly Question Quotes By Friedrich Wilhelm Joseph Schelling

Far from it being true that man and his activity makes the world comprehensible, he is himself the most incomprehensible of all, and drives me relentlessly to the view of the accursedness of all being, a view manifested in so many painful signs in ancient and modern times. It is precisely man who drives me to the final despairing question: Why is there something? Why not nothing? — Friedrich Wilhelm Joseph Schelling