Famous Quotes & Sayings

Recovery Surgery Quotes & Sayings

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Top Recovery Surgery Quotes

Recovery Surgery Quotes By Darynda Jones

He'd been in surgery for-like-ever, then in recovery, but they put him in a room because, despite the amount of blood loss, his wounds were no longer life threatening. "You here to get in my pants?" he asked.
"You're not wearing any pants," I reminded him. "You're wearing a girly gown with a built-in ass ventilator. — Darynda Jones

Recovery Surgery Quotes By Charlie Cochet

Ash is out of surgery. He has a shit-ton of recovery to do, but he's going to live to roar another day." Cael threw his arms around Dex and squeezed him tight. Dex chuckled and hugged him back. "Okay, Chirpy. Let's go." His brother pulled back and wiped a tear away. "I'm — Charlie Cochet

Recovery Surgery Quotes By Robin Quivers

I had a major surgery, a major abdominal surgery, and a mass was removed from my pelvic area, and I do have some more recovery to do. But everything seems to be fine. — Robin Quivers

Recovery Surgery Quotes By Armin Navabi

A study of heart patients in 6 separate hospitals sought to determine whether prayers from strangers would have any effect on a person's recovery (1). After carefully following the recovery of 1,800 heart surgery patients for 30 days after the surgery, researchers found absolutely no link between prayer and recovery. However, there was a significant difference between those who were aware of the fact that they were being prayed for and those who did not know. Those who knew ended up suffering more complications, possibly due to the additional stress it caused. Being told that a high number of people are praying for your recovery might increase how severe you would perceive your illness to be and thus negatively affect your recovery. To date, there have been no reputable scientific studies showing any clear link between prayer and healing. — Armin Navabi

Recovery Surgery Quotes By Richard Asher

It is not always worth the discomforts of major surgery to get minor recovery. — Richard Asher

Recovery Surgery Quotes By Nick Goepper

God helps me for sure every day and at every contest. I broke my hand and had to get surgery on it. The recovery was really frustrating because I had to skip three weeks at the beginning of the season. But I flipped it around and took it as a blessing. I said a lot of prayers and just asked God to do His thing. I did other things to compliment the recovery like getting the right sleep and taking care of my body. But I went back to the doctor after four weeks and he was ecstatic about the recovery of my hand. I take that as a tribute to my faith and my belief in doing the right things. — Nick Goepper

Recovery Surgery Quotes By Amy Rankin

After the brain surgery, I started the hard process of recovery. — Amy Rankin

Recovery Surgery Quotes By David Wong

After being raised as an evangelical Christian, I for years assumed that Christianity was the default - there were Christians, and then there were weirdos. I was shocked when, in college, I found that some people get offended when you tell them, for instance, that their recovery from surgery was a 'miracle.' — David Wong

Recovery Surgery Quotes By Paul Horn

After I came out of surgery - I was in the hospital for five weeks - I found that I gravitated toward very gentle sounds: chant music, solo bamboo flute sounds, a laid-back record of my own called 'Inside.' And the music became a very real part of my recovery process. — Paul Horn

Recovery Surgery Quotes By Sally Stap

It was surreal to see such normalcy in the midst of my personal crisis. The horses still raced. The vendors still served food. The world did not stop because I had a brain tumor. — Sally Stap

Recovery Surgery Quotes By Cornell Woolrich

Then the long nights, that were also days, in the hospital. And the long blanks, that were also nights. Needles, and angled glass rods to suck water through. Needles, and curious enamel wedges slid under your middle. Needles, and - needles and needles and needles. Like swarms of persistent mosquitoes with unbreakable drills. The way a pincushion feels, if it could feel. Or the target of a porcupine. Or a case of not just momentary but permanently endured static electricity after you scuff across a woolen rug and then put your finger on a light switch. Even food was a needle - a jab into a vein ...
("For The Rest Of Her Life") — Cornell Woolrich

Recovery Surgery Quotes By Shaquille O'Neal

Since I suffered the injury on company time, why shouldn't I also be able to get surgery and do recovery on company time? — Shaquille O'Neal

Recovery Surgery Quotes By Lauren Pearce

I peered around the corner into the main recovery ward. All I could see were surgeons. Surgeons filling out those incessant forms. Surgeons bringing cups of tea and little sandwich triangles to patients. Surgeons laying in a lethargic stupor, recovering from eye surgery. — Lauren Pearce