Famous Quotes & Sayings

Raise Money Quotes & Sayings

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Top Raise Money Quotes

Raise Money Quotes By Pliny The Younger

Perhaps you will ask whether I can raise these three millions without difficulty. Well, nearly all my capital is invested in land, but I have some money out at interest and I can borrow without any trouble. — Pliny The Younger

Raise Money Quotes By Hugh Jackman

To this day, I am the least materialistic person I know, because my father didn't raise me to just go out and buy this or that car. The only reason I wanted to make money as an actor was because I'm passionate about food! — Hugh Jackman

Raise Money Quotes By Sunday Adelaja

God wants to take care of us, raise us up and direct us in life — Sunday Adelaja

Raise Money Quotes By Richard Thaler

If rather than setting the minimum balance as the lowest possible amount, so we keep people in debt for as long as possible, we raise the minimum payment and encourage people to pay off their credit cards, we're going to make less money, but we're going to have costumers that are more solvent. — Richard Thaler

Raise Money Quotes By Jill Abramson

My advice on getting a raise is what everybody's advice is: to become a confident negotiator; but that is so hard. My admiration for women who are good at that is unbridled. Women in general have a harder time talking about money with their bosses. — Jill Abramson

Raise Money Quotes By John Wood

...literacy is as vital as food, security, limiting population growth, and control of the environment.

Education, after all, is the one issue that affects every other one. I think of it in the same way as dropping a pebble into a pond and getting a ripple effect. Educated people make more money and are more likely to escape poverty. Educated parents raise healthier children.

...The list goes on, just as ripples in a body of water emanate outward. — John Wood

Raise Money Quotes By Meera Uberoi

A king should first gain the confidence of the foe and when he has gained it should spring on him like a wolf. The foe should be struck down so effectively that he may never agin raise his head. The foe should be slain by the arts of conciliation, expenditure of money, creating disunion among his allies or by employment of force. Indeed every means in the king's power should be used to destroy the foe. The king should never strike in ignorance but having slain his foe should never indulge in sorrow. The king should speak with soft words before he smites and even as he is smiting. Grieve for the victim after he is down. — Meera Uberoi

Raise Money Quotes By Kevin Systrom

Having a company that's successful is a wonderful platform to do new things. You don't have to raise money for it; you can take profits from the company and pump them into new business. — Kevin Systrom

Raise Money Quotes By William J. Clinton

You know what higher interest rates mean. To you it means a higher mortgage payment, a higher car payment, a higher credit card payment. To our economy it means businesspeople will not borrow as much money, invest as much money, create as many new jobs, create as much wealth, raise as many raises. — William J. Clinton

Raise Money Quotes By James Nesbitt

It's hard to make a film in Britain. It's hard to raise money. The best stuff that is shot on film in Britain is usually shot on film for television. — James Nesbitt

Raise Money Quotes By George Saunders

I can look back and see that I've spent much of my life in a cloud of things that have tended to push "being kind" to the periphery. Things like: Anxiety. Fear. Insecurity. Ambition. The mistaken belief that enough accomplishment will rid me of all that anxiety, fear, insecurity, and ambition. The belief that if I can only accrue enough - enough accomplishment, money, fame - my neuroses will disappear. I've been in this fog certainly since, at least, my own graduation day. Over the years I've felt: Kindness, sure - but first let me finish this semester, this degree, this book; let me succeed at this job, and afford this house, and raise these kids, and then, finally, when all is accomplished, I'll get started on the kindness. Except it never all gets accomplished. It's a cycle that can go on ... well, forever. — George Saunders

Raise Money Quotes By Michael Hansen

Shop on the days that are not peak - take the time to figure out which days during the month are going to be the busiest for the stores in your area. These are the days that the prices on your favorite things are going to be the highest. Some of the days to watch out for include holiday long weekends, paydays, the 1st, 15th, and 31st of the month, and even the weekends are usually not the best days to shop in order to save money. This is because everyone is going to be out shopping and so the stores will raise prices due to supply and demand. — Michael Hansen

Raise Money Quotes By Phil Robertson

Always remember this. Television, fame, money - listen, here is a news flash for America. Fame cannot remove your sin. And all of the money you ever amass cannot raise you from the dead. — Phil Robertson

Raise Money Quotes By Stephen Baldwin

Getting movies made is not as difficult as people think. Making movies is easy. You get a script, you get a director, you raise the money, you make the movie. — Stephen Baldwin

Raise Money Quotes By George Will

Recently the country has seen too much of our legislators, seeing them as a gaggle of check-kiting, judge-smearing deadbeats who don't pay their restaurant bills but raise their pay in the middle of the night. Many Americans-this columnist included-hitherto said tax increases are justified by the budget deficit now say: Give that mob more money? Never. Not a nickel of new taxes until term limits change the political culture on Capital Hill. — George Will

Raise Money Quotes By Rick Dees

I don't know if people understand that there are different ways to raise money for great causes. — Rick Dees

Raise Money Quotes By Ron Paul

When the federal government spends more each year than it collects in tax revenues, it has three choices: It can raise taxes, print money, or borrow money. While these actions may benefit politicians, all three options are bad for average Americans. — Ron Paul

Raise Money Quotes By Brian Krzanich

When you want a raise, you're not only going in saying: 'I want more money.' You're going in and saying: 'Here's what I want out of my career. Here's what I accomplished. Here's what I said I was going to do. Here's what I've done. Not only do I deserve more money, but I want to get to here on my career.' — Brian Krzanich

Raise Money Quotes By Gary Hines

About the Story

Not all the details in this story are true. The times some events occurred have been changed, and the conversations are made up. Most of the things Tad Lincoln did in this story reportedly happened, including saving Jack the turkey and bombarding the Cabinet Room door with his toy cannon. Tad really was determined to raise money to help wounded soldiers and did persuade his father to pardon a woman's husband so he wouldn't be shot. Although Tad's antics often annoyed his father's staff, most agreed he had a big heart and a special way with animals. Once he even hitched goats to a chair and ran them through the White House, upsetting a gathering of dignified ladies. Nothing was too surprising when it came to Tad.
Although several presidents had declared occasional days of thanksgiving, none had ever officially made it a national holiday. Abraham Lincoln finally did so with his Proclamation of Thanksgiving on October 3, 1863. — Gary Hines

Raise Money Quotes By John Hickenlooper

I would argue that one of the issues which the public should be much more emphatic about with all politicians ... is patronage, appointing people to high positions because they supported your campaign or helped you raise money. — John Hickenlooper

Raise Money Quotes By Barack Obama

What we also have to recognize is that the deficit levels that I'm inheriting, over a trillion dollars, coming out of last year, that that is unsustainable. At a certain point, other countries stop buying our debt, at a certain point, we'd end up having to raise interest rates, and it would end up creating more economic chaos and potentially inflation. — Barack Obama

Raise Money Quotes By Rick Santorum

I raise money the old fashioned way, I go out and tell people what I think. And I say to them, "If you hire me, I'm a CEO, and I'll listen to you. But at the end of the day, I'm going to make the decision, something I've done throughout my whole career with, frankly, great success." — Rick Santorum

Raise Money Quotes By Laura Kightlinger

I get asked to do benefits a lot and I've decided I've got to be a bit more discerning, I can't just do all of them ... I got asked to do a benefit for babies born addicted to crack. And I said well, all right, I'll help you raise money for them, but I think we both know what they're gonna spend it on. — Laura Kightlinger

Raise Money Quotes By Loni Flowers

I don't need a big house to raise a family, I only need you."
Alex smiled, kissing her on the forehead. "Well, why didn't you tell me that to start with? We could have saved a lot of money," he teased. — Loni Flowers

Raise Money Quotes By Jamie McMurray

It was really special for Bass Pro Shops to take Tracker off the side and put Joplin, Missouri on there. They have helped me a lot this past week with putting together ways to raise money to help rebuild Joplin. It's my hometown. It was heartbreaking to see the tornado and see all the people that lost their homes and the ones that lost their lives. It is really special that Johnny let us put that on there. Hopefully we made some people proud tonight. — Jamie McMurray

Raise Money Quotes By Caroline A. Shearer

Raise Your Financial Vibration" Principle: Money is a tool that helps you live your intended life. — Caroline A. Shearer

Raise Money Quotes By Thomas Malthus

It may at first appear strange, but I believe it is true, that I cannot by means of money raise a poor man and enable him to live much better than he did before, without proportionably depressing others in the same class. — Thomas Malthus

Raise Money Quotes By John Grisham

Litigation funders are private companies that raise money from their investors to buy into big lawsuits. — John Grisham

Raise Money Quotes By Thomas E. Woods Jr.

Ron Paul is crazy, the guardians of respectable opinion assured us. What they really meant was that Ron Paul defied traditional political categories and advanced positions outside the Clinton-to-Romney continuum. People whose minds have been formed in ideological prison camps for 12 years have learned to confine themselves within an approved range of possibilities. Tax me 35 percent or tax me 40 percent, but don't raise the possibility that taxation itself may be a moral issue rather than just a matter of numbers. Either bomb or starve that poor country, but don't tell me there might be a third option. The Fed should loosen or the Fed should tighten, but don't tell me our money supply doesn't need to be supervised by a central planner. As always, confine yourself to the three square inches of intellectual terrain the New York Times has graciously allotted to you. — Thomas E. Woods Jr.

Raise Money Quotes By David Brock

Editors of conservative magazines aren't out trying to raise money. The money is there; the cash reserves are in the bank. — David Brock

Raise Money Quotes By Atom Egoyan

I think the situation in Toronto is such that there are funding organizations which make it easy for a film to raise more money than it needs and very often that works against a film. — Atom Egoyan

Raise Money Quotes By Douglas Leone

Raise as little as you can to get you to something that you can show - plus maybe a quarter or two so you have a little bit of cushion - and then raise some more money. Raise as little - not as much - as you can because that's the most expensive equity you're going to sell. — Douglas Leone

Raise Money Quotes By Gary Krist

The Illinois Constitution was written before they realized they'd have a city the size of Chicago in the state. The constitution had severe limits on the ability of any city to raise monies through taxes and bonds. When Chicago grew explosively, they had to come up with ways of getting more money to do more things. — Gary Krist

Raise Money Quotes By Brian Tracy

I think the critical thing is the product or service that you're trying to raise money for. And probably the best description of that, people should say when they hear, "This is what I want to do. This is what I want to bring to the market." They should say, "Gee! That's a great idea" or "Gee! Why hasn't somebody else thought of that before? Well, that's an incredible idea!" In other words, the more a person is delighted, or astonished, or happy with your product, or service, or idea, the more happy they are to put up money for it. — Brian Tracy

Raise Money Quotes By Ludwig Von Mises

This was the argument put forward during the War when the expenditure on the army and navy had to be met; and this was the argument put forward in Germany and Austria after the War when a part of the population had to be provided with cheap food, the losses on the operation of the railways and other public undertakings met, and reparations payments made. The assistance of inflation is invoked whenever a government is unwilling to increase taxation or unable to raise a loan; that is the truth of the matter. — Ludwig Von Mises

Raise Money Quotes By Thomas Jefferson

Our tenet ever was ... that Congress had not unlimited powers to provide for the general welfare, but were restrained to those specifically enumerated; and that, as it was never meant that they should provide for that welfare but by the exercise of the enumerated powers, so it could not have been meant they should raise money for purposes which the enumeration did not place under their action. — Thomas Jefferson

Raise Money Quotes By Ice Cube

You can go raise the money outside of the industry, and then what you're doing is fighting with your money to get back into the industry, or for them to use your money instead of their own. So, you got to figure out how to do it within the flow of the industry. — Ice Cube

Raise Money Quotes By Barbara Mikulski

One hundred thousand dollars was the bridge that enabled me to go on TV, not miss a beat or miss an opportunity, and raise then my own money to carry me forth. And that's how I got to be the first Democratic woman in the United States Senate's history. — Barbara Mikulski

Raise Money Quotes By Peter Schiff

The president says we need to raise the debt ceiling because America pays its bills. No if we paid our bills we wouldn't have all this debt. The reason we have to raise the debt ceiling is because we can't pay our bills and we have to borrow money because we don't have any money to pay our bills. — Peter Schiff

Raise Money Quotes By Tom Kite

We went around and looked and talked to a lot of foundations with those charities and decided upon the Children's Hospital. They had a golf tournament at the time, but it was a small event that didn't raise a significant amount of money. — Tom Kite

Raise Money Quotes By Denis Leary

My charity is in the business of helping firefighters in any way that we can. For instance, after 9/11 we were the second-fastest charity to raise and distribute money to the widows and surviving family members of the 343 firefighters who died that day. — Denis Leary

Raise Money Quotes By Maria Cantwell

But the fact is, it's illegal for the Administration to spend North west taxpayers' money to develop this rate hike proposal, just so it can turn around and raise their energy rates. — Maria Cantwell

Raise Money Quotes By Bill Maris

With a regular venture fund, you raise, let's say, a billion dollars, and then over the next three or four years, you've got to invest that money; otherwise, the people who invested with you will say, 'What are you doing? You're just collecting fees on our money.' — Bill Maris

Raise Money Quotes By Horace Greeley

Answering a letter from a church asking what else they should try after having failed to raise enough money on bake sales, bazaars, suppers, etc. Why not try religion? — Horace Greeley

Raise Money Quotes By Lamar Alexander

If the administration asks for $5 and Congress appropriates $4, that's what they get. If the government creates a subterfuge by going outside the government to raise money through a private entity, that's a violation of the law. — Lamar Alexander

Raise Money Quotes By Lisa McMann

Dealing with an alcoholic single mother and endless hours of working at Heather Nursing Home to raise money for college, high-school senior Janie Hannagan doesn't need more problems. But inexplicably, since she was eight years old, she has been pulled in to people's dreams, witnessing their recurring fears, fantasies and secrets. Through Miss Stubin at Heather Home, Janie discovers that she is a dream catcher with the ability to help others resolve their haunting dreams. After taking an interest in former bad boy Cabel, she must distinguish between the monster she sees in his nightmares and her romantic feelings for him. And when she learns more about Cabel's covert identity, Janie just may be able to use her special dream powers to help solve crimes in a suspense-building ending with potential for a sequel. McMann lures teens in by piquing their interest in the mysteries of the unknown, and keeps them with quick-paced, gripping narration and supportive characters. — Lisa McMann

Raise Money Quotes By Robert Higgs

It would take little more than $50 billion to raise every poor person above the official poverty line, yet the percentage of the population classified as poor hardly budges, while annual welfare spending amounts to four times that much. Where's the money going? — Robert Higgs

Raise Money Quotes By Douglas Wilson

I want to get the point across that you may not have money to give to a charity, whether that is Ronald McDonald House or Broadway Cares or DIFFA, but you can help RAISE money or give your time and talents. — Douglas Wilson

Raise Money Quotes By Loretta Napoleoni

Well, I think here there is some money gathered, especially in Europe, through the web, through connection to a network. I mean, imagine that in Brussels there is only one person, one single person, which is monitoring the traffic that goes on on the internet for the jihadist groups. In Strasbourg there are two people. So I mean you can imagine how easy it is to raise money through the net. — Loretta Napoleoni

Raise Money Quotes By Elliott Smith

I can't think of anything off the top of my head that seems more important than something designed to raise money to keep something going that keeps IV drug users from dying. — Elliott Smith

Raise Money Quotes By Alison Eastwood

[Director] Peter Wallerstein does great work rescuing sea life along the shores of LA, and I helped raise money for sanctuaries such as Chimp Haven, who are now taking in over two hundred medical lab chimps released from government-funded medical testing labs. — Alison Eastwood

Raise Money Quotes By Jimmy Fallon

A political action committee trying to raise money for a 2016 Hillary Clinton campaign is selling "Ready for Hillary" champagne glasses and Christmas ornaments. Because if one thing improves the holidays, it's drinking mixed with politics. — Jimmy Fallon

Raise Money Quotes By Darrel Ray

Once one is convinced of the idea of eternal life or death, the person may do almost anything to achieve the reward or avoid punishment. He may fly an airplane into a building or become a missionary to another county. She may become a celibate nun or vow to raise a quiver full of children and homeschool them according to her religion. At the very least, the person will attend church regularly, give money, pray and do other things to ensure good standing with the deity. The root of this action is the hope for a reward and avoidance of punishment. — Darrel Ray

Raise Money Quotes By David Mamet

I always thought the real violence in Hollywood isn't what's on the screen. It's what you have to do to raise the money. — David Mamet

Raise Money Quotes By Rick Scott

You cannot go out and say, oh, I am going to raise all this spending, but it's not going to cost anybody any money. — Rick Scott

Raise Money Quotes By Amanda Hearst

I started Friends of Finn to raise money and awareness about the issue of puppy mills, which are illegal breeding facilities where animals are often bred to death and mistreated. It's a prevalent problem and a million dollar industry in the United States. — Amanda Hearst

Raise Money Quotes By Robert Greene

If you're in your early twenties, don't put so much importance on the money, on the raise. Getting an extra thousand dollars a year is okay, but the real thing is the responsibility and the power and the experience that you're learning. — Robert Greene

Raise Money Quotes By Dick Morris

(Howard Dean) is proving that the Internet is a better, cheaper, and faster way to raise money than the old glad-handing of special interests and fat cat donors. He's also about to demonstrate that the Internet is a better place to spend campaign dollars than are TV stations and media time buys. The fact that Internet communications is free makes one-on-one retail politics more effective, more rapid, and less costly than mass communication. — Dick Morris

Raise Money Quotes By Tim Tebow

Helping raise money for kids - there's nothing better than that. — Tim Tebow

Raise Money Quotes By Lindsey Graham

I'm for Simpson-Bowles. It doesn't raise taxes, it closes loopholes and takes the money we would give to a few people and put it on the debt — Lindsey Graham

Raise Money Quotes By Bill Maris

If I were to leave and raise a venture fund, I would have to find 10 or 100 LPs. They would all give me a bunch of money, and I would take a percentage of that to pay myself. They would expect me to invest that over the next three years, and they want that money back in seven or eight years. — Bill Maris

Raise Money Quotes By John Sayles

I probably wouldn't have done as many as I did in one year, which I did when I was trying to raise money. — John Sayles

Raise Money Quotes By G. Edward Griffin

In the North, the sale of government bonds was the one measure for raising funds that seemed to work. Even that, however, with the lure of compounded interest to be paid in gold at a future date, failed to raise more than about half the needed amount. So the Union faced a real dilemma. The only options remaining were (1) terminate the war or (2) print fiat money. For Lincoln and the Republicans who controlled Congress, the choice was never seriously in doubt. — G. Edward Griffin

Raise Money Quotes By Steve Berry

Raising tax rates does not raise revenues. In fact, just the opposite happens. The rich just find a way to legally shelter their money and avoid the higher taxes. And who could blame them. But every time we've lowered tax rates, revenues rose. Harding. Coolidge. Hoover. Kennedy. Reagan. Bush. They all got that. — Steve Berry

Raise Money Quotes By Ava DuVernay

Ignore the glass ceiling and do your work. If you're focusing on the glass ceiling, focusing on what you don't have, focusing on the limitations, then you will be limited. My way was to work, make my short ... make my documentary ... make my small films ... use my own money ... raise money myself ... and stay shooting and focused on each project. — Ava DuVernay

Raise Money Quotes By Benjamin Franklin

Remember this saying, The good payer is lord of another man's purse. He that is known to pay punctually and exactly to the time he promises, may at any time, and on any occasion, raise all the money his friends can spare. — Benjamin Franklin

Raise Money Quotes By Amanda Palmer

There are so many people, so many artists, so many magazines, so many theater companies, so many people trying to raise money for so many things that it's easy to look around and just feel powerless or helpless, because even if you have some resources, you can't help everybody. — Amanda Palmer

Raise Money Quotes By George Monbiot

We would do well to ask why governments seem to find it so easy to raise the money required to wreck the biosphere, and so difficult to raise the money required to save it. — George Monbiot

Raise Money Quotes By Frankie Boyle

Jordan ran the London marathon to help raise money for the blind. After jogging that far with her body, I'm surprised she hasn't joined them! — Frankie Boyle

Raise Money Quotes By Brandon Sanderson

Money is meaningless." Waxillium perked up. "What?" "Only expectation has value as currency, Waxillium," Uncle Edwarn said. "This coin is worth more than the others because people think it is. They expect it to be. The most important things in the world are worth only what people will pay for them. If you can raise someone's expectation ... if you can make them need something ... that is the source of wealth. Owning things of value is secondary to creating things of value where none once existed. — Brandon Sanderson

Raise Money Quotes By Phil McGraw

If you've gone into a marriage and you haven't been clear about how you're going to handle money, how you want to raise kids, who is going to work or stay home or what have you, then you've set yourself up for failure. — Phil McGraw

Raise Money Quotes By Al Jarreau

I had five brothers and sisters. Four of them older, and some of them played instruments, and we would get together and have family recitals and raise money for the church. I belonged to a wonderful church community that encouraged me to sing. — Al Jarreau

Raise Money Quotes By David Plotz

I should say, the one thing you run into is, if you're trying to raise a round you have to decide, well, how much money are you trying to raise? And then you have to justify that to your investors, because they want to know why you [are] raising that much? Why aren't you raising either twice as much or half as much? — David Plotz

Raise Money Quotes By Sam Altman

Generally, you want to raise capital either when you have to or when it's really easy. If the company desperately needs money, and they can't figure out any other way, then they need to raise money. Or if someone's offering you easy money on good terms, you should take it because you can use it for good things. — Sam Altman

Raise Money Quotes By Joseph E. Brown

I am neither a free-trade man, willing to collect all the money we have to raise by direct tax upon the people, nor am I willing to lay a tax simply for protection when the Government does not need the money. — Joseph E. Brown

Raise Money Quotes By Kevin Costner

Some people come to you because if you're in their movie, it'll help them raise money. And some people come to you because they think you're the person to play the part. — Kevin Costner

Raise Money Quotes By Gary Vaynerchuk

Even though I'm a hype man myself, I like the practicality of it all. People who understand how to turn a profit. At the end of the day, this is still business so I'm looking for real practical knowledge of how to actually make money, not necessarily raise it. — Gary Vaynerchuk

Raise Money Quotes By Marian Wright Edelman

It really takes a community to raise children, no matter how much money one has. Nobody can do it well alone. And it's the bedrock security of community that we and our children need. — Marian Wright Edelman

Raise Money Quotes By George Carlin

Every sixty seconds, thirty acres of rain forest are destroyed in order to raise beef for fast-food restaurants that sell it to people, giving them strokes and heart attacks, which raise medical costs and insurance rates, providing insurance companies with more money to invest in large corporations that branch out further into the Third World so they can destroy more rain forests. — George Carlin

Raise Money Quotes By Karin Slaughter

Claire closed her eyes. Her breathing got deeper. She was awake - she could still hear Lydia greedily thumbing through pages - but she was also asleep, and in that sleep, she felt herself dipping into a dream. There was no narrative, just fragments of a typical day. She was at her desk paying bills. She was practicing the piano. She was in the kitchen trying to come up with a grocery list. She was making phone calls to raise money for the Christmas toy drive. She was studying the shoes in her closet, trying to put together an outfit to wear to lunch. — Karin Slaughter

Raise Money Quotes By Johann Lamont

Fair tax does not mean we don't want to encourage wealth creation. Wealth creation is how we raise the money to pay for world class schools and hospitals, for proper care of the weak, and dignity for the elderly. — Johann Lamont

Raise Money Quotes By Henry David Thoreau

You may raise enough money to tunnel a mountain, but you cannot raise money enough to hire a man who is minding his own business. — Henry David Thoreau

Raise Money Quotes By William Shakespeare

For I can raise no money by vile means: By heaven, I had rather coin my heart, And drop my blood for drachmas, than to wring From the hard hands of peasants their vile trash 75By any indirection. — William Shakespeare

Raise Money Quotes By John McCain

In California, it's hard to buy all the media, no matter how much money you raise or spend, because it's such a huge state. — John McCain

Raise Money Quotes By Paul Hawken

When cattle ranchers clear rain forests to raise beef to sell to fast-food chains that make hamburgers to sell to Americans, who have the highest rate of heart disease in the world (and spend the most money per GNP on health care), we can say easily that business is no longer developing the world. We have become its predator. — Paul Hawken

Raise Money Quotes By Will Rogers

When everybody has got money they cut taxes, and when they're broke they raise them. That's statesmanship of the highest order. — Will Rogers

Raise Money Quotes By Shonda Rhimes

There are all kinds of ways and reasons that mothers can and should be praised. But for cultivating a sense of invisibility, martyrdom and tirelessly working unnoticed and unsung? Those are not reasons. Praising women for standing in the shadows? Wrong. Where is the greeting card that praises the kinds of mothers I know? Or better yet, the kind of mother I was raised by? I need a card that says: "Happy Mother's Day to the mom who taught me to be strong, to be powerful, to be independent, to be competitive, to be fiercely myself and fight for what I want." Or "Happy Birthday to a mother who taught me to argue when necessary, to raise my voice for my beliefs, to not back down when I know I am right." Or "Mom, thanks for teaching me to kick ass and take names at work. Get well soon." Or simply "Thank you, Mom, for teaching me how to make money and feel good about doing it. Merry Christmas. — Shonda Rhimes

Raise Money Quotes By George W. Bush

The best way to encourage economic vitality and growth is to let people keep their own money.When you spend your own money, somebody's got to manufacture that which you're spending it on. You see, more money in the private sector circulating makes it more likely that our economy will grow. And, incredibly enough, some want to take away part of those tax cuts. They've been reading the wrong textbook. You don't raise somebody's taxes in the middle of a recession. You trust people with their own money. And, by the way, that money isn't the government's money; it's the people's money. — George W. Bush

Raise Money Quotes By Montel Williams

If we get the donations, I think we're going to raise a significant amount of money; some will be used for some administered costs, but the public portion of that will go directly into grants. — Montel Williams

Raise Money Quotes By Clayton Christensen

People in private equity complain that they have so much capital and so few places to invest. But you have lots of entrepreneurs trying to raise money at the low end and find that they can't get funding because of this mismatch. I think that there is an opportunity there. — Clayton Christensen

Raise Money Quotes By David Brooks

tried to raise money for him, to enhance — David Brooks

Raise Money Quotes By Nora Roberts

[She] knew there were women who worked successfully out of the home. They ran businesses, created empires and managed to raise happy, healthy, well-adjusted children who went on to graduate magna cum laude from Harvard or became world-renowned concert pianists. Possibly both.
These women accomplished all this while cooking gourmet meals, furnishing their homes with Italian antiques, giving clever, intelligent interviews with Money magazine and People, and maintaining a brilliant marriage with an active enviable sex life and never tipping the scale at an ounce over their ideal weight ...
She knew those women were out there. If she'd had a gun, she'd have hunted every last one of them down and shot them like rabid dogs for the good of womankind. — Nora Roberts

Raise Money Quotes By Drew Magary

We're constantly judging and grading other parents, just to make sure that they aren't any better than us. I'm as guilty as anyone. I see some lady hand her kid a Nintendo DS at the supermarket and I instantly downgrade that lady to Shitty Parent status. I feel pressure to live up to a parental ideal that no one probably has ever achieved. I feel pressure to raise a group of human beings that will help America kick the shit out of Finland and South Korea in the world math rankings. I feel pressure to shield my kids from the trillion pages of hentai donkey porn out there on the Internet. I feel pressure to make the insane amounts of money needed for a supposedly 'middle-class' upbringing for the kids, an upbringing that includes a house and college tuition and health care and so many other expenses that you have to be a multimillionaire to afford it. PRESSURE PRESSURE PRESSURE. — Drew Magary

Raise Money Quotes By Phylicia Rashad

We are told there is not enough money for education, but somehow there is enough money for people to raise billions of dollars to defeat somebody in an election? Oh! Okay! Does that make sense? — Phylicia Rashad

Raise Money Quotes By Cornell Woolrich

Gosh, it's easy!' he marveled, open-mouthed. 'I never knew before how easy it is to kill anyone! Twenty years to grow 'em, and all it takes is one little push!'
He was suddenly drunk with some new kind of power, undiscovered until this minute. The power of life and death over his fellowmen! Everyone had it, everyone strong enough to raise a violent arm, but they were afraid to use it. Well, he wasn't! And here he'd been going around for weeks living from hand to mouth, without any money, without enough food, when everything he wanted lay within his reach all the while! He had been green all right, and no mistake about it!
Death had become familiar. At seven it had been the most mysterious thing in the world to him, by midnight it was already an old story. ("Dusk To Dawn") — Cornell Woolrich

Raise Money Quotes By Samantha Morton

My name can raise money on a small-budget film. — Samantha Morton

Raise Money Quotes By Ashlee Vance

Page holds Musk up as a model he wishes others would emulate - a figure that should be replicated during a time in which the businessmen and politicians have fixated on short-term, inconsequential goals. "I don't think we're doing a good job as a society deciding what things are really important to do," Page said. "I think like we're just not educating people in this kind of general way. You should have a pretty broad engineering and scientific background. You should have some leadership training and a bit of MBA training or knowledge of how to run things, organize stuff, and raise money. I don't think most people are doing that, and it's a big problem. Engineers are usually trained in a very fixed area. When you're able to think about all of these disciplines together, you kind of think differently and can dream of much crazier things and how they might work. I think that's really an important thing for the world. That's how we make progress. — Ashlee Vance

Raise Money Quotes By James Nesbitt

I went to India with UNICEF in connection with Manchester United to raise money for children's education. — James Nesbitt

Raise Money Quotes By Gael Garcia Bernal

It's very difficult to raise money, especially in the United States, for independent movies. — Gael Garcia Bernal

Raise Money Quotes By Jeff Goins

We who are rich with respect to the rest of the world must come to grips with our own poverty if we are going to make a difference. We must allow our hearts to be broken so we can make things whole once again. We must fall apart before we can build up. Anything else is not compassion. It may raise money or impress the neighbors, but it won't satisfy. — Jeff Goins