Famous Quotes & Sayings

Radians Quotes & Sayings

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Top Radians Quotes

Radians Quotes By Masha Gessen

To create, and to confront, one has to be an outcast. — Masha Gessen

Radians Quotes By Shane Claiborne

When we were starting our community a bunch of older Benedictine nuns said to us, "If you have any questions or want to pick our brains, please do - we've been doing community for about 1,500 years together so we've learned a few things." — Shane Claiborne

Radians Quotes By Catherine Clark

No I just feel a little dizzy. You know, like when you try to read the newspaper in the car and all the lines start waving around and go blurry?"
"That doesn't happen to me"
"Oh. — Catherine Clark

Radians Quotes By Alexander Von Humboldt

At no other time has Nature concentrated such a wealth of valuable nourishment into such a small space as in the cocoa bean. — Alexander Von Humboldt

Radians Quotes By Demi Lovato

Don't make assumptions. Find the courage to ask questions and to express what you really want. Communicate with others as clearly as you can to avoid misunderstandings, sadness, and drama. With just this one agreement, you can completely transform your life. - MIGUEL ANGEL RUIZ It's better to take the time to ask questions and to find the words to say what you really feel. Often we leave so much room for interpretation either because we are rushing or because we are afraid to speak the whole truth, but this is where miscommunications start. So even if you aren't sure about what someone means or how they feel, just ask them. Goal: When was the last time you assumed something and were wrong? Make a point to know the truth and not assume it. — Demi Lovato

Radians Quotes By Athol Fugard

You can't answer violence with counter violence ... The answer is love. The best sabotage is love. — Athol Fugard

Radians Quotes By Dada Bhagwan

The worldly life has arisen through the ego. One is indeed free if the ego dissolves. What is the foundation on which the ego stands? It is the ignorance of the Self. — Dada Bhagwan

Radians Quotes By Karen Marie Moning

They changed me. Before the rape, I was good, genuinely never had a mean thought. If I hurt someone, it was by accident and I felt bad about it. But when they were done with me, there was something new inside me: something ruthless and feral and beyond law that hungered to be the one perpetrating the savagery, because when you are the savage, no one messes with you. I'd wanted to be bad. It's safer to be bad. — Karen Marie Moning

Radians Quotes By Erwin McManus

A person God himself deems as wise is one who not only hears His voice, but immediately begins to act upon His instruction. — Erwin McManus

Radians Quotes By Lisa Kleypas

I love you. I don't give a damn if your father is the devil himself. I'd let you stab a knife in my heart if it pleased you, and I'd lie there loving you until my last breath.-Rhys Winterborne's to Helen Ravenel — Lisa Kleypas

Radians Quotes By Kristen Ashley

You wanna taste me?" he murmured.
Yes, I wanted to taste him. I would pay every penny of Aunt Ella's inheritance to taste him.
"No," I lied.
He did a full grin this time, a full satisfied grin. It was hot, so hot my knees totally buckled and he took all my weight into his body.
"Liar," he whispered ... — Kristen Ashley

Radians Quotes By Jo Brand

I've never been a fan of euphemism. — Jo Brand

Radians Quotes By Susan Rothenberg

I can say that paintings are prayers, they have to do with anything that makes you wish for more that what everyday life provides. — Susan Rothenberg