Famous Quotes & Sayings

Racist Christians Quotes & Sayings

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Top Racist Christians Quotes

Racist Christians Quotes By Hugh Halter

Do you ever wonder why a battered wife stays with her husband? Why people continue to spend money they don't have even though they know they are deeply in debt? Why some keep jamming food in their mouths when they're already overweight? Why do people stay in bad relationships? Why are some people still racist? Why do people still drink and drive? You'd think the response to all these things would be obvious and cause them to scream, "Duh, of course I need to change this." Why do we keep doing church the same way even when we know it's in critical decline? Why do paid church leaders spend so much time preparing for a 90-minute service for Christians who have heard it all before? Why do we still call our message the good news when it clearly seems to be bad news or no news to Sojourners? Why do we think Pharisees are only found in the Bible? Why is returning to a simpler form of ancient church so hard to grasp? — Hugh Halter

Racist Christians Quotes By Jeanette Winterson

The words come at my call but who calls whom? — Jeanette Winterson

Racist Christians Quotes By Samuel Beckett

The syndrome known as life is too diffuse to admit of palliation. For every symptom that is eased, another is made worse. The horse leech's daughter is a closed system. Her quantum of wantum cannot vary. — Samuel Beckett

Racist Christians Quotes By David Foster Wallace

You're wearing that bow tie, after all. Isn't that rather an invitation to a young sir? — David Foster Wallace

Racist Christians Quotes By Arthur Honegger

To tell the truth, in Pacific 231 I was on the trail of a very abstract and quite ideal concept, by giving the impression of a mathematical acceleration of rhythm, while the movement itself slowed . I first called this piece Mouvement symphonique. On reflection I found that a bit colorless. Suddenly, a rather romantic image crossed my mind, and when the work was finished, I wrote the title Pacific 231, which indicates a locomotive for heavy loads and high speeds (a type unfortunately disappeared, alas, and sacrificed to electric traction). — Arthur Honegger

Racist Christians Quotes By William Deresiewicz

In 1971, 73 percent of incoming freshmen said that it is essential or very important to "develop a meaningful philosophy of life," 37 percent to be "very well-off financially" (not well-off, note, but very well-off). By 2011, the numbers were almost reversed, 47 percent and 80 percent, respectively. — William Deresiewicz

Racist Christians Quotes By Lee Spetner

I am suggesting here that organisms have a built-I capability of adapting to their environment. I am suggesting that to the extent that evolution occurs, it occurs at the level of the organism. This suggestion differs sharply from the thesis of the NDT, which holds that evolution occurs only at the level of the population. Organisms contain within themselves the information that enables them to develop a phenotype adaptive to a variety of environments. The adaptation can occur by a change in the genome through a genetic change triggered by the environment, or it can occur without any genetic change. — Lee Spetner

Racist Christians Quotes By Bobby Jindal

I think it's offensive to equate evangelical Christians, Catholics, others that view marriage as between a man and a woman, as being racist. We're not racist. We love our fellow man, we think we're all equal under God's eyes, we don't believe we should change the definition of marriage simply because of opinion polls or because of a court that quite frankly isn't looking at the constitution. — Bobby Jindal

Racist Christians Quotes By Debasish Mridha

Dream is the roadmap but hope is the guiding light in the way of life. — Debasish Mridha

Racist Christians Quotes By Richard Rohr

Faith itself became a "good work" that I could perform, and the ego was back in charge. Such a mechanical notion of salvation frequently led to all the right religious words, without much indication of self-critical or culturally critical behavior. Usually, there was little removal of most "defects of character," and many Christians have remained thoroughly materialistic, warlike, selfish, racist, sexist, and greedy for power and money - while relying on "amazing grace" to snatch them into heaven at the end. — Richard Rohr

Racist Christians Quotes By Ashwin Sanghi

a sermon was meant to be like a woman's skirt, long enough to cover the essentials and short enough to keep one interested! — Ashwin Sanghi

Racist Christians Quotes By Richard Rohr

Christians are usually sincere and well-intentioned people until you get to any real issues of ego, control power, money, pleasure, and security. Then they tend to be pretty much like everybody else. We often given a bogus version of the Gospel, some fast-food religion, without any deep transformation of the self; and the result has been the spiritual disaster of "Christian" countries that tend to be as consumer-oriented, proud, warlike, racist, class conscious, and addictive as everybody else-and often more so, I'm afraid. — Richard Rohr

Racist Christians Quotes By John Berger

The human quality Degas most admired was endurance. — John Berger

Racist Christians Quotes By Debasish Mridha

To fill life with moments of happiness, be happy in the moment. — Debasish Mridha