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R51 Quotes & Sayings

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Top R51 Quotes

R51 Quotes By Chris Christie

To me, what I've always said is that the president [Barack Obama] has set up an awful situation through his deal with Iran, because what his deal with Iran has done is empower them and enrich them. And that's the way ISIS has been created and formed here. ISIS is created and formed because of the abuse that [Bashar] Assad and his Iranian sponsors have rained down on the Sunnis in Syria. — Chris Christie

R51 Quotes By Michael Douglas

I met Michael Milken for the first time with Oliver Stone at the Drexel Burnham offices in Los Angeles. — Michael Douglas

R51 Quotes By J.I. Packer

Were it not for the work of the Holy Spirit there would be no gospel, no faith, no church, no Christianity in the world at all. — J.I. Packer

R51 Quotes By Nancy Lublin

If most people were to take a moment to picture in their minds the average, not-for-profit, save-the-world girl, they ... well, they probably wouldn't, because who wants to think about hemp, hairy legs, and Birkenstocks? But I'd rather eat a pair of Birkenstocks than put them on my feet, and I love, love, love my Christian Louboutins. — Nancy Lublin

R51 Quotes By Michael J. Nelson

As grand and glorious as love is, it is not without its perils. Anyone who has felt the cruel pangs of rejection knows that love is best approached cautiously, as one would approach an angry, cornered brush-tailed possum. Yes, before throwing yourself into a relationship, it's wise to buy a sturdy pair of leather gloves, and to be extra careful of love's front claws and rows of needle-sharp teeth. — Michael J. Nelson

R51 Quotes By Walter Burkert

What the myth founds is a double existence between the upper world and the underworld: a dimension of death is introduced into life, and a dimension of life is introduced into death. — Walter Burkert

R51 Quotes By Hamish Linklater

I bought a house right before the housing crisis happened. So I paid too much and then I was stuck with it for a long time. So that was sad for me. I was like, "I'd better make a movie about this to get it out of my system." — Hamish Linklater

R51 Quotes By Federico Garcia Lorca

I'm afraid to be on this shore a trunk without limbs, and what I most regret is not to have flower, pulp, or clay for the worm of my suffering. — Federico Garcia Lorca

R51 Quotes By Oren Moverman

I think that's an incredibly overwhelming reality that is really at the basis of how we're going to deal with this. Looking at the film, people will say, "Oh yeah, you're criticizing the police." I say, "No." — Oren Moverman

R51 Quotes By Marie Lu

I taste the wine on his lips. He kisses me gently at first and then, as if he's reaching for something more, he pushes me against the wall and kisses me harder. His lips are warm and so soft - his hair brushes against my face. I try to focus. (Not his first time. He's definitely kissed other girls before, and quite a few at that. He's - he seems like he's short of breath ... ) The details flit away. I grab at them in vain. It takes me a moment to realize I'm kissing him just as hungrily. I feel the knife at his waist against my own skin, and I tremble. It's too warm here, there's too much heat on my face. — Marie Lu