Famous Quotes & Sayings

R E Lee Quotes & Sayings

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Top R E Lee Quotes

R E Lee Quotes By Robert E.Lee

Death, in its silent sure march is fast gathering those whom I have longest loved, so that when he shall knock at my door, I will more willingly follow. — Robert E.Lee

R E Lee Quotes By Tim Berners-Lee

We need diversity of thought in the world to face the new challenges. — Tim Berners-Lee

R E Lee Quotes By Ang Lee

Not taboo - it's just that straight actors still risk their careers commercially and economically. They have to please the crowd - they're movie stars; their image is their industry. It goes beyond acting. — Ang Lee

R E Lee Quotes By Harper Lee

In Alabama can't - ?" I was indignant. "I do. I guess it's to protect our frail ladies from sordid cases like Tom's. Besides," Atticus grinned, "I doubt if we'd ever get a complete case tried - the — Harper Lee

R E Lee Quotes By Lee Child

I'd never believed in luck. Never had any cause to. Never relied on it, because I never could. — Lee Child

R E Lee Quotes By Bryan Lee O'Malley

Scott, if your life had a face, I would punch it. I would punch your life in the face. — Bryan Lee O'Malley

R E Lee Quotes By Lee Myung-bak

Sacrifice: That's what makes our mosaic so beautiful and rich. — Lee Myung-bak

R E Lee Quotes By Sandra Lee

I'm not searching for some mysterious, unattainable person, place or thing. I'm experiencing life! — Sandra Lee

R E Lee Quotes By Spike Lee

Any film I do is not going to change the way black women have been portrayed, or black people have been portrayed, in cinema since the days of D.W. Griffith. — Spike Lee

R E Lee Quotes By Harold B. Lee

Never is the gospel of Jesus Christ more beautiful than in times of intense need, or in times of a severe storm within us as individuals, or in times of confusion and turmoil. — Harold B. Lee

R E Lee Quotes By Carolyn Lee Adams

I know how to work a problem. Frustration is the enemy. It makes you do stupid things. So you don't let it beat you. Instead you search for landmarks, look for signs. The task takes every single bit of me I have left. It's good, this task, because it keeps my mind focused. — Carolyn Lee Adams

R E Lee Quotes By Tommy Lee

Pamela Anderson: 'He called and called, leaving about twenty messages, just drunk dialing. One of them was him singing his version of the Oscar Mayer theme song:
"My baloney has a first name, it's L-A-R-G-E. My baloney has a second name, it's P-E-N-I-S. I like to use it every day and if you ask me why, I'll saaay, 'Cuz my Large Penis has a way with P-U-S-S-Y today!"
Actually that was the message that got me interested. — Tommy Lee

R E Lee Quotes By Kimora Lee Simmons

Don't accept less than what it is that you know that you want. Don't allow someone to be a jerk. Don't allow someone to disrespect you. Listen to the bigger voice in your head telling you that you deserve the best, whatever that is whatever that is you decide you like for yourself. It may differ from what I like or what is ideal for me. But the bottom line is to never accept less than what you know you deserve. — Kimora Lee Simmons

R E Lee Quotes By Harper Lee

Cry about what, Mr. Raymond?" Dill's maleness was beginning to assert itself. "Cry about the simple hell people give other people - without even thinking. Cry about the hell white people give colored folks, without even stopping to think that they're people, too." "Atticus — Harper Lee

R E Lee Quotes By Harold B. Lee

Marriage is a partnership. Someone has observed that in the Bible account of the creation woman was not formed from a part of man's head, suggesting that she might rule over him, nor from a part of a man's foot that she was to be trampled under his feet. Woman was taken from man's side as though to emphasize the fact that she was always to be by his side as a partner and companion. — Harold B. Lee

R E Lee Quotes By Lee Goldberg

Standing up for what you believe in comes at a price but backing down exacts a toll that your soul never stops paying — Lee Goldberg

R E Lee Quotes By Ben Lee

As a musician or a performer, you're meant to know what you're about, but it's ridiculous that someone 14 would have any idea of what they're about. — Ben Lee

R E Lee Quotes By Harper Lee

All we had was Simon Finch, a fur-trapping apothecary from Cornwall whose piety was exceeded only by his stinginess. — Harper Lee

R E Lee Quotes By Tommy Lee

I threw my son, Brandon, a rave for his birthday and I fully set it up like a crazy rave with lights and sound, me and my partner DJ'd - I got Mix Master Mike from the Beastie Boys to come DJ for a bit. — Tommy Lee

R E Lee Quotes By Harper Lee

Jem's fears of never being able to play football were assuaged, he was seldom self-conscious about his injury. His left arm was somewhat shorter than his right; — Harper Lee

R E Lee Quotes By Ilchi Lee

Who am I who sits here?
What is it that I want? — Ilchi Lee

R E Lee Quotes By Shelly Laurenston

All right. Talk to me darlin'. You're not insane. A little crazy, but not insane. And this ... everything you've gotten ... in the last few days ... do you know how many people would kill for this?"
"But ... — Shelly Laurenston

R E Lee Quotes By Jamie Lee Curtis

I've etched out who I am through myriad haircut attempts, outfit attempts, beauty attempts, diet attempts. It's been an evolution. — Jamie Lee Curtis

R E Lee Quotes By Harper Lee

Dill if you don't hush I'll knock you bowlegged. — Harper Lee

R E Lee Quotes By Stace Lee


It's okay to be different
It's up to you to be magnificent
You are the one that matters
Don't allow yourself to be shattered
Do allow yourself to silence the noise
Feel everything including the joys
Beastly doesn't have to be ugly
It's up to you to make it lovely — Stace Lee

R E Lee Quotes By Brian Michael Bendis

I was there when Sam Raimi showed Stan Lee the first cut of the first Spider-Man movie. I was on a couch next to Stan, watching how special effects had finally caught up to his imagination. It was insane. And I'm thinking, "He had to wait until he was 80 years old for that to happen." When they announced Powers and Jessica Jones, I thought, "Oh, that's nice!" — Brian Michael Bendis

R E Lee Quotes By Lee DeBourg

Oh for Christ sake What's the name of this soap opera, The Bored and The Addlebrained? At least half you Snow Girls have a serious boyfriend. — Lee DeBourg

R E Lee Quotes By Jennifer Lee Carrell

An ancient mustiness padded the air, tinged with with an acrid scent-a trace of the war between paper and oxygen, played out in slow inexorable burn that would one day crumble this empire to dust. -page 62 — Jennifer Lee Carrell

R E Lee Quotes By Amy Lee

I write by myself initially. That's the way I've always written, just working on pure thought by myself. Then I bring it to the table with whoever I'm collaborating with. — Amy Lee

R E Lee Quotes By Lee Ann Womack

It takes so many people to make a success story like that. It starts with the song and the songwriters, then Mark Wright's producing, all of the players that played on it, me singing, the marketing department, the promotion department at the label ... It takes a lot of people to make a hit like that. — Lee Ann Womack

R E Lee Quotes By A. Lee Martinez

Being a good person is more than just not being a bad person. — A. Lee Martinez

R E Lee Quotes By Amy Lee

When I was in high school, I listened to a lot of death metal bands. — Amy Lee