Famous Quotes & Sayings

Purple Sky Sunset Quotes & Sayings

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Top Purple Sky Sunset Quotes

Purple Sky Sunset Quotes By James Elkins

The range in brightness from the purple glow [of the sunset] to the dark sky above is too great for most films, and naturally it is beyond the range of printed pictures. — James Elkins

Purple Sky Sunset Quotes By L.M. Montgomery

The "Avenue," so called by the Newbridge people, was a stretch of road four or five hundred yards long, completely arched over with huge, wide-spreading apple-trees, planted years ago by an eccentric old farmer. Overhead was one long canopy of snowy fragrant bloom. Below the boughs the air was full of a purple twilight and far ahead a glimpse of painted sunset sky shone like a great rose window at the end of a cathedral aisle. — L.M. Montgomery

Purple Sky Sunset Quotes By Harlan Coben

The sun was now in its death throes, bruising the sky a coiling purple and orange. — Harlan Coben

Purple Sky Sunset Quotes By James Elkins

The purple light or glow, which appears roughly fifteen or twenty minutes after sunset ... looks like an isolated bright spot fairly high in the sky over the place the sun has set, and then it quickly expands and sinks until it blends with the colors underneath. — James Elkins

Purple Sky Sunset Quotes By J.K. Rowling

Twilight fell: The sky turned to a light, dusky purple littered with tiny silver stars. — J.K. Rowling

Purple Sky Sunset Quotes By Kristin Hannah

Shadows crept along the ground like slowly seeping India ink, moved up the sides of the house, and slipped through the slats on the picket fence. Sunset tinted the sky purple and pink. — Kristin Hannah

Purple Sky Sunset Quotes By Lauren Oliver

I tear down Baxter, which loops around the last mile down to Back Cove.
And then I stop short. The buildings have fallen away behind me, giving way to ramshackle sheds, sparsely situated on either side of the cracked and run-down road. Beyond that, a short strip of tall, weedy grass slants down toward the cove.
The water is an enormous mirror, tipped with pink and gold from the sky. In that single, blazing moment as I come around the bend, the sun - curved over the dip of the horizon like a solid gold archway - lets out its final winking rays of light, shattering the darkness of the water, turning everything white for a fraction of a second, and then falls away, sinking, dragging the pink and the red and the purple out of the sky with it, all the color bleeding away instantly and leaving only dark.
Alex was right. It was gorgeous - one of the best I've ever seen. — Lauren Oliver

Purple Sky Sunset Quotes By L.M. Montgomery

I climbed the hill of firs and looked down over the fields of mist and silver in the moonlight. The shadows of the ferns and sweet wild grasses along the edge of the woods were like a dance of sprites. Away beyond the harbour, below the moonlight, was a sky of purple and amber where a sunset had been. — L.M. Montgomery

Purple Sky Sunset Quotes By Tod Wodicka

The sun tells the best joke of a day full of them, setting so spectacularly that you can almost smell the tropical paradise lazing somewhere over this rim of endless, gray socialist towers. Miles of square windows explode orange, red, and purple, like a million TV sets broadcasting the apocalypse. Clouds unspool. The sky drains of birds. — Tod Wodicka

Purple Sky Sunset Quotes By Victoria Kahler

A slight breeze cooled the Hawaiian spring air, swaying the branches of palm trees, which cast black silhouettes against the purple and orange colors of the twilight sky. — Victoria Kahler