Famous Quotes & Sayings

Purnamaqq Quotes & Sayings

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Top Purnamaqq Quotes

Purnamaqq Quotes By Debasish Mridha

An art is a poetry but only a few can read it. — Debasish Mridha

Purnamaqq Quotes By Amy Poehler

So here we go, you and me. Because what else are we going to do? Say no? Say no to an opportunity that may be slightly out of our comfort zone? Quiet our voice because we are worried it is not perfect? I believe great people do things before they are ready. This is America and I am allowed to have healthy self-esteem. This book comes straight from my feisty and freckled fingers. Know it was a battle. Blood was shed. A war raged between my jokey and protective brain and my squishy and tender heart. I have realized that mystery is what keeps people away, and I've grown tired of smoke and mirrors. I yearn for the clean, well-lighted place. So let's peek behind the curtain and hail the others like us. The open-faced sandwiches who take risks and live big and smile with all of their teeth. These are the people I want to be around. This is the honest way I want to live and love and write. — Amy Poehler

Purnamaqq Quotes By David Marusek

... I tell you that loneliness itself is the secret. It's a secret you cannot tell anyone. Why?
Because to confess your loneliness is to confess your failure as a human being. To confess would only cause others to pity and avoid you, afraid that what you have is catching. Your condition is caused by a lack of human relationship, and yet to admit to it only drives your possible rescuers farther away (while attracting cats).
So you attempt to hide your loneliness in public, to behave, in fact, as though you have too many friends already, and thus you hope to attract people who will unwittingly save you. But it never works that way. Your condition is written all over your face, in the hunch of your shoulders, in the hollowness of your laugh. You fool no one.
Believe me in this; I've tried all the tricks of the lonely man. — David Marusek

Purnamaqq Quotes By Paul Reiser

They don't see that whole pattern. Worm/death. Worm/death. I would catch on. — Paul Reiser

Purnamaqq Quotes By Casey Stengel

Gettin' good players is easy. Gettin' 'em to play together is the hard part. — Casey Stengel

Purnamaqq Quotes By Derf Backderf

Journey fans stole my drugs! — Derf Backderf

Purnamaqq Quotes By Kit Williams

She's not happy about the life she is living but to jump through the hoop would mean to succumb to death. — Kit Williams

Purnamaqq Quotes By Eden Phillpotts

We are often jealous of our little secrets, though to another ear they generally convey neither profit nor entertainment. — Eden Phillpotts

Purnamaqq Quotes By Tommy Hilfiger

Always stay focused. Always give and try your best. — Tommy Hilfiger

Purnamaqq Quotes By Steven Redhead

Discover the inner beauty and wonder within your heart. When you open then follow your Heart your life will become truly wonderful. — Steven Redhead