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Psychoanalyze Yourself Quotes & Sayings

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Top Psychoanalyze Yourself Quotes

Psychoanalyze Yourself Quotes By Julie Chen

I am the Chenbot! — Julie Chen

Psychoanalyze Yourself Quotes By Patti Smith

Personally, I'm not much for symbolism. I never get it. Why can't things be just as they are? I never thought to psychoanalyze Seymour Glass or sought to break down "Desolation Row." I just wanted to get lost, become one with somewhere else, slip a wreath on a steeple top solely because I wished it. — Patti Smith

Psychoanalyze Yourself Quotes By Bob Goff

God can use anyone, for sure. If you can shred on a Fender or won "Best Personality," you're not disqualified-it just doesn't make you more qualified. — Bob Goff

Psychoanalyze Yourself Quotes By Theodore Sturgeon

Every agent has a Sig Weiss - as a rosy dream. You sit there day after day paddling through oceans of slush, hoping one day to run across a manuscript that means something - sincerity, integrity, high word rates - things like that. You try to understand what editors want in spite of what they say they want, and then you try to tell it to writers who never listen unless they're talking. You lend them money and psychoanalyze them and agree with them when they lie to themselves. When they write stories that don't make it, it's your fault. When they write stories that do make it, they did it by themselves. And when they hit the big time, they get themselves another agent. In the meantime, nobody likes you. — Theodore Sturgeon

Psychoanalyze Yourself Quotes By Gerald Celente

What are these so-called austerity measures? What do they really bring? Oh, they bring a lot more poverty. Oh, they bring a worse GDP. Oh, they bring more unemployment. — Gerald Celente

Psychoanalyze Yourself Quotes By Dada Bhagwan

What does Jinmudra (Tirthankar God's sitting posture) say? The lotus position of Vitrag Lords, one hand and foot placed over the other, preaches, "Oh, humans! Understand this if you have the wisdom. You have already brought with you the food, drink and all things you need; therefore, let go of the awareness that 'I am the doer' and make effort to attain Moksha (ultimate liberation)! — Dada Bhagwan

Psychoanalyze Yourself Quotes By Marty Rubin

We are propelled through life by the force of our desires. — Marty Rubin

Psychoanalyze Yourself Quotes By Stephen King

Everybody wants to psychoanalyze horror. They don't want to psychoanalyze a book like Gay Talese's "Sex with Your Neighbor" or something like that. It's pretty much accepted that Americans should be interested in who they're diddling and how they're doing it. — Stephen King

Psychoanalyze Yourself Quotes By Liz Bower

Yes, she probably thought he was a few displays short of an exhibition, seeing as he had yet to utter a single word. — Liz Bower

Psychoanalyze Yourself Quotes By Todd Bennett

I think psychoanalyze-pinhead is the important lesson of GNU Emacs. — Todd Bennett

Psychoanalyze Yourself Quotes By Paracelsus

There is in each person, in every animal, bird and plant a star which mirrors, matches or is in some sense the same as a star in the heavens. — Paracelsus

Psychoanalyze Yourself Quotes By Jane Goodall

I wanted to talk to the animals like Dr. Dolittle. — Jane Goodall

Psychoanalyze Yourself Quotes By Laini Taylor

Never repent of your own goodness - Brimstone — Laini Taylor

Psychoanalyze Yourself Quotes By Carl Richards

Don't be committed to the guess, be committed to the process of guessing. — Carl Richards

Psychoanalyze Yourself Quotes By Tim Duncan

At this point, if I were to psychoanalyze myself, I'd have to say I am a clown, cleverly disguised as a regular person. — Tim Duncan

Psychoanalyze Yourself Quotes By Regis Debray

Truly, more than removing the partition between vectors and values, we would have needed to talk about strengthening crisscrossed lacings: an intertwined kind of understanding that would de-ideologize 'ideologies,' desanctify sanctities, but also mentalize the material bases of systems of inscription, and psychoanalyze not souls but tools. That is, in one and the same gesture, make our mnemo-technic equipment intelligible as mentality and our mental equipment intelligible as technology. — Regis Debray

Psychoanalyze Yourself Quotes By Robert A. Heinlein

There used to be, dirtside, a legal defenses called "diminished capacity" and "not guilty by reason on insanity." These concepts would bewilder a Loonie. In Luna City a man would necessarily be of diminished mental capacity to even think about rape; to carry one out would be the strongest possible proof of insanity - but among Loonies such mental disorders would not gain a rapist any sympathy. loonies do not psychoanalyze a rapist; they kill him. Now. Fast. Brutally. — Robert A. Heinlein

Psychoanalyze Yourself Quotes By Samuel Fuller

Mark Twain didn't psychoanalyze Huck Finn or Tom Sawyer. Dickens didn't put Oliver Twist on the couch because he was hungry! Good copy comes out of people, Johnny, not out of a lot of explanatory medical terms. — Samuel Fuller

Psychoanalyze Yourself Quotes By Janet Fitch

We stared out at the city that hummed and glittered like a computer chip deep in some unknowable machine, holding its secret like a poker hand — Janet Fitch

Psychoanalyze Yourself Quotes By Andrew Solomon

You cannot understand the otherness of places you have not encountered. If all young adults were required to spend two weeks in a foreign country, two-thirds of the world's diplomatic problems could be solved. It wouldn't matter what country they visited or what they did during their stays. — Andrew Solomon

Psychoanalyze Yourself Quotes By Siobhan Davis

I don't think I'd feel any more violated if he'd stripped me bare. I might as well have lain down before him openly exposing all my flaws and my fears, inviting him to psychoanalyze me. — Siobhan Davis

Psychoanalyze Yourself Quotes By R.B. O'Brien

It was great but intense to try to go back into a character's mind, a mind that is filled with self-loathing and a mind that is male. It is fun to try to psychoanalyze why a character acts and feels the way he/she does, and doing it as a different gender lends itself to many challenges. My desire to delve into the male psyche comes from many years of being drawn to men that seem to have a darker side. But there is also light in them, and it is that duality and intensity that makes me feel alive. Thorne is very much that man as is my first male protagonist, Michael, from the Natalie's Edge series. Each man, while plagued with a dark past and demons, has this glorious light within them, fighting noble causes. I picture them as true anti-heroes, like the likes of Batman, the Dark Knight. — R.B. O'Brien

Psychoanalyze Yourself Quotes By Deepak Chopra

satisfying. You don't have to psychoanalyze yourself; you can stop obsessing about your body and dwelling in disappointment and frustration. There is only one principle that applies: Life is about fulfillment. If your life isn't fulfilled, your stomach can never supply what's missing. "What Am I Hungry For?" Everyone's life story is complicated, and the best intentions go astray because people find it hard to change. Bad habits, like bad memories, stick around stubbornly when we wish they'd go away. But you have a great motivation working for you, which is your desire for happiness. I define happiness as the state of fulfillment, and everyone wants to be fulfilled. If you keep your eye on this, your most basic motivation, then the choices you make come down to a single question: "What am I hungry for?" Your true desire will lead you in the right direction. False desires — Deepak Chopra

Psychoanalyze Yourself Quotes By Abhijit Naskar

Religion is what gives a person hope to keep walking even in the darkest times. — Abhijit Naskar

Psychoanalyze Yourself Quotes By Jandy Nelson

There are people everywhere standing in line at the movies, buying curtains, walking dogs, while inside, their hearts are ripping to shreds. — Jandy Nelson

Psychoanalyze Yourself Quotes By Jonathan Lethem

The wind was picking up off the ocean now and the whole coastal scene had a bleak, abandoned look, as though Maine in November really belonged to the ragged gulls who wheeled over the sun-worn pier, and the humans had just gotten the news and taken a powder. — Jonathan Lethem