Famous Quotes & Sayings

Proud Midwife Quotes & Sayings

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Top Proud Midwife Quotes

Proud Midwife Quotes By Vikram Seth

Workers of lungless labs- when dying
Will you be proud you were midwife
To implements exemplifying
Assaults against the heart of life?
You knew their purpose, yet you made them.
If you had scruples, you betrayed them.
What pastoral response acquits
Those who made ovens for Auschwitz?
Indeed it is said that the banality
Of evil is its greatest shock.
It jokes. It punches its time clock,
Plays with its kids. The triviality
Of slaughtering millions can't impinge
Upon its peace, or make it cringe. — Vikram Seth

Proud Midwife Quotes By Lucy McConnell

She eyed him. "You could be stalking me."
"I am the stalkee, never the stalker. — Lucy McConnell

Proud Midwife Quotes By Suzy Kassem

The World as an Ice Cream Store

From now on, try to look at the world as if it were a gigantic ice cream store. What makes it so great is that it contains a combination of so many unique flavors, and this is why people love it so much. If you want to keep enjoying all the ice cream, we all have to take part in preserving and maintaining 'the store'. United, we have to make sure that it never gets robbed or destroyed, and to protect it from greedy crooks who want to brand and monopolize certain flavors, and eliminate those that compete with them.

Our job as devoted protectors of our universal ice cream store is to make sure that no one group tries to control it, and that there is always enough cream for everybody all around. There is no such thing as 'cream only for the cream', or 'the best cream only for this or that team'. We have to stick together and melt together. Or else, there will be no peace. — Suzy Kassem

Proud Midwife Quotes By Tasha Hoggatt

To become a better person, you must focus on good, positive thoughts and what positively connects you to humanity on a deeper level — Tasha Hoggatt

Proud Midwife Quotes By Anne Taylor Fleming

It was palpable, all that wanting: Mother wanting something more, Dad wanting something more, everyone wanting something more. This wasn't going to do for us fifties girls; we were going to have to change the equation even if it meant ... abstaining from motherhood, because clearly that was where Mother got caught. — Anne Taylor Fleming

Proud Midwife Quotes By Herb Cohen

No' is a reaction, not a position. The people who react negatively to your proposal simply need time to evaluate it and adjust their thinking. With the passage of sufficient time and repeated efforts on your part, almost every 'no' can be transformed into a 'maybe' and eventually a 'yes'. — Herb Cohen

Proud Midwife Quotes By Patrick Ness

He heard the creaking and cracking of wood again, groaning like a living thing, like the hungry stomach of the world growling for a meal. Then — Patrick Ness

Proud Midwife Quotes By Ian Watson

If you look back on a period of psychological or spiritual growth, you'll generally find that it's when you've let go of something that you have made progress. It's the letting go that allows you to expand and grow. — Ian Watson

Proud Midwife Quotes By Obert Skye

Desperate times call for desperate measures. That's a saying, or a bit of advice, or a catchprase, or a string of words used to confuse people less intelligent than you. In any case, it means: Life is tough, so you'd better fight hard-or something like that. — Obert Skye

Proud Midwife Quotes By Randy Siegel

Most breakups are awful. But with compassion, attention, introspection, and intention they can become transforming, bringing you closer to alignment with your true self while preparing you for the next great adventure. — Randy Siegel

Proud Midwife Quotes By Albert Camus

The principle of painting is also to make a choice. "Even genius," writes Delacroix, ruminating on his art,
"is only the gift of generalizing and choosing." The painter isolates his subject, which is the first way of
unifying it. Landscapes flee, vanish from the memory, or destroy one another. That is why the landscape
painter or the painter of still life isolates in space and time things that normally change with the light, get
lost in an infinite perspective, or disappear under the impact of other values. The first thing that a
landscape painter does is to square off his canvas. He eliminates as much as he includes. — Albert Camus

Proud Midwife Quotes By Debby Feo

Crunchy little bite
Blood sip - to keep him going
An energy shot — Debby Feo

Proud Midwife Quotes By Kylie Fornasier

Venice is a stage, Orelia. Pretend for no other reason than to act like everybody else. — Kylie Fornasier

Proud Midwife Quotes By Porochista Khakpour

Because for me to go fully experimental, it would turn into an artist book actually. And I'm not opposed to that. But I wanted to toy with the conventions of traditional narrative and sometimes to do that all the way, you have to actually utilize traditional narrative, I think - or it's one way to do it. — Porochista Khakpour

Proud Midwife Quotes By Kristin Hannah

To make real friends you have to put yourself out there. Sometimes people will let you down, but you can't let that stop you. If you get hurt, you just pick yourself up, dust off your feelings, and try again. — Kristin Hannah