Famous Quotes & Sayings

Prideority Quotes & Sayings

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Top Prideority Quotes

Prideority Quotes By Colin Dexter

You've never seen any evidence of drugs - any packets of drugs? Crack? Speed? Ecstasy? Anything? Anything at all?" Had she? "No," she said. Almost truthfully. "You've never smelt anything suspicious?" "I wouldn't know what they smell like, drugs," she — Colin Dexter

Prideority Quotes By Tom Felton

I plan to go to college in Southampton, a fishery studies college. Again, my brother was down there about two years ago and he said it was great, so I'm looking forward to that. — Tom Felton

Prideority Quotes By Napoleon Hill

He had no money to begin with. He had but little education. He had no influence. But he did have initiative, faith and the will to win. — Napoleon Hill

Prideority Quotes By Leigh Bardugo

It's always just you and me. — Leigh Bardugo

Prideority Quotes By Mike Carey

Fear is a serviceable tool, I suppose. Like the stalls in a battery farm. If you want to keep people from their collective strength, make them too afraid of each other to ever meet or talk. — Mike Carey

Prideority Quotes By Birdy

I've never spoken to Bon Iver, but I would love to. I'm a huge fan! — Birdy

Prideority Quotes By Paul Theroux

which proved yet again, as I had seen in many lands, that the Bible was often the happy hunting ground of an unbalanced mind. — Paul Theroux

Prideority Quotes By John Banville

None of this means anything. Anything of significance, that is. I am just amusing myself, musing, losing myself in a welter of words. For words in here are a form of luxury, of sensuousness, they are all we have been allowed to keep of the rich, wasteful world from which we are shut away. — John Banville

Prideority Quotes By Warren Moore

Lou Reed drove Honda scooters these days, and I was a hell of a lot closer to the wild side than him. — Warren Moore

Prideority Quotes By Jennifer Connelly

I can't comment on any outside perception. I'm happy to come out and talk about movies that I've worked on in a setting like this. Otherwise, I have my own life that I live which is very different and private. — Jennifer Connelly

Prideority Quotes By Cara McKenna

I'm a selfish prick, and I want to be the greatest fuck of your life and ruin you for every man who comes after me. But I'm not a mind reader, so I need some help. — Cara McKenna

Prideority Quotes By Will Arnett

I don't want to make a show about AA because it's a personal experience for anybody who is a part of that. My relationship with it has changed over the years, and I wanted the show to reflect that in a real way. — Will Arnett

Prideority Quotes By Sarah Burton

I always drew dresses. I remember loving Richard Avedon's early Versace campaigns. I used to plaster my whole walls with them when I was a kid. — Sarah Burton

Prideority Quotes By Thomas Jefferson

The sun has not caught me in bed in fifty years. — Thomas Jefferson

Prideority Quotes By Brian Herbert

A requirement of creativity is that it contributes to change. Creativity keeps the creator alive. - FRANK HERBERT, unpublished notes — Brian Herbert