Famous Quotes & Sayings

Quotes & Sayings About Priceless Moments

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Top Priceless Moments Quotes

Priceless Moments Quotes By Reza Aslan

But what is most desperately needed is not so much a better appreciation of our neighbor's religion as a broader, more complete understanding of religion itself. — Reza Aslan

Priceless Moments Quotes By Ted Dekker

The kingdom of God is not about what we see with these eyes. It's not about eating or drinking or walking or throwing away the crutches. Those can be good gifts, like wealth and prosperity. But they touch only the surface and they are quite incidental. His kingdom is about peace and joy and love and a kind of power that will turn your heart into a herd of thundering horses if you let it. It — Ted Dekker

Priceless Moments Quotes By Oprah Winfrey

There is the voice that everybody hears ... saying to you, "You should do this, you should be this, you ought to, you got to." And then there is the still small voice - for some people not so small - inside every human being that calls you to something that is greater than yourself. — Oprah Winfrey

Priceless Moments Quotes By Oscar Wilde

I do not mean merely in its adding to enthusiasm that intellectual basis which in its strength, or that more obvious influence about which Wordsworth was thinking when he said very nobly that poetry was merely the impassioned expression in the face of science, and that when science would put on a form of flesh and blood the poet would lend his divine spirit to aid the transfiguration. Nor do I dwell much on the great cosmical emotion and deep pantheism of science to which Shelley has given its first and Swinburne its latest glory of song, but rather on its influence on the artistic spirit in preserving that close observation and the sense of limitation as well as of clearness of vision which are the characteristics of the real artist. — Oscar Wilde

Priceless Moments Quotes By Hans Haacke

I have a particular interest in corporations that give themselves a cultural aura and are in other areas suspect. Philip Morris presents itself in New York as the lover of culture while it turns out that if you look behind the scenes, it is also a prime funder of Jesse Helms, someone who is very hostile to the arts. — Hans Haacke

Priceless Moments Quotes By Angelica Hopes

The courage is light of one's life,
is the beauty of today.
The hope of one's soul,
is the promise of a tomorrow.
The times of our past,
is a wisdom for anytime.
The labour of our sacrifice and love,
is a masterpiece of our moments.
The voyage of one's mind,
is a journey towards discovery.
The joy in one's heart,
is a gift for everyone.
The faith of a soul,
is a key to hope and to love.
The true unconditional love of a heart
is a priceless treasure one can ever give.
For our mind, heart and soul
In any journey of rise or fall,
Let faith, hope and love breathe!
As you share it for whom your heart beats. — Angelica Hopes

Priceless Moments Quotes By Jerome K. Jerome

It seems to me so shocking to see the precious hours of a man's life - the priceless moments that will never come back to him again - being wasted in a mere brutish sleep. — Jerome K. Jerome

Priceless Moments Quotes By Cassandra Wilson

Everything I do is collaborative. It's just my way. I'm really very interested in how the other musicians perceive the song. — Cassandra Wilson

Priceless Moments Quotes By Gertrude Atherton

Power, after it has ceased from troubling, is the dominant passion in human nature. — Gertrude Atherton

Priceless Moments Quotes By Emiliano Salinas

I think the biggest insult, the worst way you can offend a Mexican, is to insult their mother. A mother is the most sacred thing in life. — Emiliano Salinas

Priceless Moments Quotes By Jodi Hills

We have to choose to slow down, to actually see the time and space that we are in. To truly see people and accept them in their priceless moments. — Jodi Hills

Priceless Moments Quotes By Thom Gunn

How sociable the garden was.
We ate and talked in given light.
The children put their toys to grass
All the warm wakeful August night. — Thom Gunn

Priceless Moments Quotes By Ralph Marston

Every moment spent in negativity is paid for with something truly priceless. That something is life. — Ralph Marston

Priceless Moments Quotes By Andrew Hill

These magic moments when rhythms and harmonies extend themselves and jell together and the people become another instrument. These things are priceless and they can't be learned; they can only be felt. — Andrew Hill

Priceless Moments Quotes By Victoria Moran

In terms of days and moments lived, you'll never again be as young as you are right now, so spend this day, the youth of your future, in a way that deflects regret. Invest in yourself. Have some fun. Do something important. Love somebody extra. In one sense, you're just a kid, but a kid with enough years on her to know that every day is priceless. (418) — Victoria Moran

Priceless Moments Quotes By Kresley Cole

When a group of young females had asked her what one should name her horse, she'd answered, "I like the sound of Fellatio."
When Rydstrom had confronted Sabine about it, she'd said, "Do you know how priceless it was to hear that demoness sigh, 'I love my Fellatio'? Even gold can't buy moments like that! — Kresley Cole

Priceless Moments Quotes By Abraham Verghese

A man is only as rich as the number of children he fathers. After all, what else do we leave behind in this world ... — Abraham Verghese

Priceless Moments Quotes By Lailah Gifty Akita

Time is priceless gift.
Time defined moments.
Time lost can not be redefined.
May you find the value of time as your greatest wealth. — Lailah Gifty Akita