Famous Quotes & Sayings

Preventeth Quotes & Sayings

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Top Preventeth Quotes

Preventeth Quotes By Gordon Brown

I am happy for there to be a leadership contest. I think there should be — Gordon Brown

Preventeth Quotes By D.E. Stevenson

Jerry took a large slice of wheaten bread, spread with golden butter, and bit into it with her small white teeth. It was a natural gesture - she was very hungry indeed - but to Sam, there was something symbolic about it. Jerry was like bread, he thought. She was like good wholesome wheaten bread, spread thick with honest farm butter; and the thought crossed his mind, that a man might eat bread forever and ever, and not tire of it, and it would never clog his palate like sweet cakes or pastries or chocolate eclairs. — D.E. Stevenson

Preventeth Quotes By Alice Alfonsi

Taylor sighed. Going head-to-head with Sharpay on a school assignment was really beneath her. But the more Taylor considered it, the more she liked the idea of seeing her own poem in the paper. After all, the words "published poet" would look awfully good on those Ivy League college applications.

"You know what?" Taylor said.

"What?" Sharpay snapped.

Hands on hips, Taylor stepped forward till the girls were nose-to-nose. "Bring it on. — Alice Alfonsi

Preventeth Quotes By Polycarp

For 86 years I have served Jesus Christ and he has never abandoned me. How could I curse my blessed king and savior? — Polycarp

Preventeth Quotes By Richard Baxter

Make use of your people's parts to the utmost, as your helpers, in an orderly way, under your guidance, or else they will make use of them in a disorderly and dividing way in opposition to you. It hath been a great cause of schism, when ministers would contemptuously cry down private men's preaching, and with desire not to make any use of the gifts that God hath given them for their assistance; but thrust them too far from holy things, as if they were a profane generation. The work is likely to go poorly on if there be no hands employed in it but the ministers. God giveth not any of His gifts to be buried, but for common use. By a prudent improvement of the gifts of the more able Christians, we may receive much help by them, and prevent their abuse, even as lawful marriage preventeth fornication. — Richard Baxter

Preventeth Quotes By Isabella Bird

[On Malaysia:] Mr. Darwin says so truly that a visit to the tropics (and such tropics) is like a visit to a new planet. This new wonder-world, so enchanting, tantalising, intoxicating, makes me despair, for I cannot make you see what I am seeing! — Isabella Bird

Preventeth Quotes By Aprilynne Pike

I can't just storm in and proclaim my intentions. I can't 'steal' you away. I just have to wait and hope that, someday, you'll ask," Tamani said.

"And if I don't?" Laurel said, her voice barely above a whisper.

"Then I guess I'll be waiting forever. — Aprilynne Pike

Preventeth Quotes By Peter Singer

Unfortunately for ethical egoism, the claim that we will all be better off if every one of us does what is in his or her own interest is incorrect. This is shown by what are known as "prisoner's dilemma" situations, which are playing an increasingly important role in discussions of ethical theory ... At least on the collective level, therefore, egoism is self-defeating - a conclusion well brought out by Parfit in his aforementioned Reasons and Persons. — Peter Singer

Preventeth Quotes By Patricia Briggs

You need to understand something," she said intently. "Charles is my husband. You can't have him. Mine. Not yours. There are lots of nice, unattachment men out there, I'm sure. Pick one of them and you might live longer." Then her body relaxed and her voice regained its usual cheeriness. "Thank you for your time, Ms. Newman. — Patricia Briggs

Preventeth Quotes By Sherrilyn Kenyon

You think I don't know that, Cai?" Maris asked. "I live with him. He jumps at any sudden sound. Pulls a blaster on you if you so much as sneeze unexpectedly. And if that's not bad enough, he's walking around wired with enough explosives to take out half the capital city." Maris's — Sherrilyn Kenyon

Preventeth Quotes By Don Cornelius

People who dance well, dress well, are well groomed and know how to behave seem to know others who dance, dress and behave well. — Don Cornelius

Preventeth Quotes By Jane Fallon

There was something about other people's grief that was so exposing, so personal, that she felt she shouldn't be looking. — Jane Fallon