Famous Quotes & Sayings

Presumptively Positive Quotes & Sayings

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Top Presumptively Positive Quotes

Presumptively Positive Quotes By David McCullough

Not incidentally, the Langley project had cost nearly $70,000, the greater part of it public money, whereas the brothers' total expenses for everything from 1900 to 1903, including materials and travel to and from Kitty Hawk, came to a little less than $1,000, a sum paid entirely from the modest profits of their bicycle business. — David McCullough

Presumptively Positive Quotes By Patricia Bray

People need books like zombies need brains. — Patricia Bray

Presumptively Positive Quotes By Benjamin N. Cardozo

The Constitution overrides a statute, but a statute, if consistent with the Constitution, overrides the law of judges. In this sense, judge-made law is secondary and subordinate to the law that is made by legislators. — Benjamin N. Cardozo

Presumptively Positive Quotes By C. JoyBell C.

We are all surrounded with so much static energy, that it is actually crucial to develop the ability to remove that and to flow through the streams in life that we make - the ones that are not stagnant, the ones that are real, the energy that is flowing and that is real and that is actual. You can get so caught up with what your friends think about your photo on Facebook that you don't realize your loss of ability to actually feel what in fact was going on in that photo. Too often, we stop to smell the flowers in order to show someone that we have stopped to smell the flowers; without actually smelling anything with our noses! This is scary. We live in a scary world. — C. JoyBell C.

Presumptively Positive Quotes By R. K. Milholland

The key is to commit crimes so confusing that police feel too stupid to even write a crime report about them. — R. K. Milholland

Presumptively Positive Quotes By Mary Pope Osborne

set sail on a voyage of your own titanic facts — Mary Pope Osborne

Presumptively Positive Quotes By Janell Haworth Desmond

While I was growing up, I was mostly compliant and easy going. But sometimes I could be a little rascal. — Janell Haworth Desmond

Presumptively Positive Quotes By George Morgan

Is Abundant Success in all his honest undertakings. — George Morgan

Presumptively Positive Quotes By Beyonce Knowles

I discovered after going to music festivals that I am a rock fan. I love the guitars, the phrasing, and the abandon of rock fans. — Beyonce Knowles

Presumptively Positive Quotes By Hildegard Of Bingen

Even in a world that's being shipwrecked, remain brave and strong. — Hildegard Of Bingen

Presumptively Positive Quotes By Michael Monroe

We need to keep government small, but we also need to keep the influence of big business small, and we need to keep the power in the hands of the people, where it belongs. Big government and big business aren't the only two alternatives. — Michael Monroe

Presumptively Positive Quotes By Kin Hubbard

A friend that ain't in need is a friend indeed. — Kin Hubbard

Presumptively Positive Quotes By Bernard Malamud

You could not pity anything if you weren't a man; pity was a surprise to God. It was not his invention. — Bernard Malamud

Presumptively Positive Quotes By Napoleon Hill

When your desires are strong enough, you will appear to possess superhuman powers to achieve. — Napoleon Hill

Presumptively Positive Quotes By George MacDonald

One thing is clear to me, that no indulgence of passion destroys the spiritual nature so much as respectable selfishness. — George MacDonald