Famous Quotes & Sayings

Pregnant Beautiful Quotes & Sayings

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Top Pregnant Beautiful Quotes

Pregnant Beautiful Quotes By N. T. Wright

The point is this. The arts are not the pretty but irrelevant bits around the border of reality. They are the highways into the center of a reality which cannot be glimpsed, let alone grasped, any other way. The present world is good, but broken and in any case incomplete; art of all kinds enables us to understand that paradox in its many dimensions. But the present world is also designed for something which has not yet happened. It is like a violin waiting to be played: beautiful to look at, graceful to hold-and yet if you'd never heard one in the hands of a musician, you wouldn't believe the new dimensions of beauty yet to be revealed. Perhaps art can show something of that, can glimpse the future possibilities pregnant within the present time. — N. T. Wright

Pregnant Beautiful Quotes By Christina Applegate

I have such respect for women who go through pregnancy multiple times. I thought it was beautiful being pregnant. The aftermath is brutal. — Christina Applegate

Pregnant Beautiful Quotes By Angelina Jolie

I was absolutely never going to get pregnant. I never felt that it was the right thing to do. Now I wouldn't trade that experience for the world. It taught me a lot about life, just the process of it, and now we have three other beautiful children that wouldn't otherwise be here. — Angelina Jolie

Pregnant Beautiful Quotes By J. Zima

I had a beautiful dream the other day. I was coming home from work and you were standing behind white picket fence trimming roses. You were dressed up all in white. We saw each other from afar and smiled. We kissed, got inside our home where our two beautiful children were playing and waiting for us. We all hugged and I kissed your belly because that's where our third child was. You were pregnant. Than all got blurry and white... I was awake. I was sad because my dream has ended but I was happy at the same time because that was the most beautiful and purest dream I have ever had. — J. Zima

Pregnant Beautiful Quotes By Ian McEwan

There's pathos in this familiar routine, in the sounds of homely objects touching surfaces. And in the little sigh she makes when she turns or slightly bends our unwieldy form. It's already clear to me how much of life is forgotten even as it happens. Most of it. The unregarded present spooling away from us, the soft tumble of unremarkable thoughts, the long-neglected miracle of existence. When she's no longer twenty-eight and pregnant and beautiful, or even free, she won't remember the way she set down the spoon and the sound it made on slate, the frock she wore today, the touch of her sandal's thong between her toes, the summer's warmth, the white noise of the city beyond the house walls, a short burst of birdsong by a closed window. All gone, already. — Ian McEwan

Pregnant Beautiful Quotes By Gwen Stefani

I had gotten pregnant with Apollo, and I didn't plan on that - it was just such a beautiful miracle. Four weeks later they called me and, like "Do you want to do The Voice?" It was this incredible opportunity to do something different. — Gwen Stefani

Pregnant Beautiful Quotes By Jonathan Franzen

The conservatives won. They turned the Democrats into a center-right party. They got the entire country singing 'God Bless America,' stress on God, at every single major-league baseball game. They won on every fucking front, but they especially won culturally, and especially regarding babies. In 1970 it was cool to care about the planet's future and not have kids. Now the one thing everyone agrees on, right and left, is that it's beautiful to have a lot of babies. The more the better. Kate Winslet is pregnant, hooray hooray. Some dimwit in Iowa just had octuplets, hooray hooray. The conversation about the idiocy of SUV's stops dead the minute people say they're buying them to protect their precious babies. (221) — Jonathan Franzen

Pregnant Beautiful Quotes By Sonia Rykiel

First I made a dress because I was pregnant and I wanted to be the most beautiful pregnant woman. Then I made a sweater because I wanted to have one that wasn't like anyone else's. — Sonia Rykiel

Pregnant Beautiful Quotes By Kourtney Kardashian

I find a pregnant body to be beautiful and an incredible reminder of what a woman's body is made to do. — Kourtney Kardashian

Pregnant Beautiful Quotes By Staceyann Chin

You know, in Hollywood you know when somebody is getting pregnant. It's supposed to be this beautiful scene: the rays are coming in and you have these beautiful perfect bodies lying on top of each other and there's the room glowing in one person's eyes and the sun coming up over the other person's shoulder. — Staceyann Chin

Pregnant Beautiful Quotes By Steve Chandler

Not a single person is born in the world who has not a certain capacity which will make him proud, who is not pregnant with something to produce, to give birth to something new and beautiful, to make the existence richer. There is not a single person who has come into the world empty. Osho — Steve Chandler

Pregnant Beautiful Quotes By Kourtney Kardashian

I loved dressing for my pregnant body. A pregnant woman's body is so beautiful. Towards the end, it does get harder, and then it became all about flats and comfortable maxi dresses. — Kourtney Kardashian

Pregnant Beautiful Quotes By Peter Jackson

A pregnant woman is like a beautiful flowering tree, but take care when it comes time for the harvest that you do not shake or bruise the tree, for in doing so, you may harm both the tree and its fruit. — Peter Jackson

Pregnant Beautiful Quotes By Benjamin Franklin

The two most beautiful sights I have witnessed in my life are a full blown ship at sail and the round-bellied pregnant female. — Benjamin Franklin

Pregnant Beautiful Quotes By P.S. Baber

Kansas afternoons in late summer are peculiar and wondrous things. Often they are pregnant, if not over-ripe, with a pensive and latent energy that is utterly incapable of ever finding an adequate release for itself. This results in a palpable, almost frenetic tension that hangs in the air just below the clouds. By dusk, spread thin across the quilt-work farmlands by disparate prairie winds, this formless energy creates an abscess in the fabric of space and time that most individuals rarely take notice of. But in the soulish chambers of particularly sensitive observers, it elicits a familiar recognition - a vague remembrance - of something both dark and beautiful. Some understand it simply as an undefined tranquility tinged with despair over the loss of something now forgotten. For others, it signifies something far more sinister, and is therefore something to be feared. — P.S. Baber

Pregnant Beautiful Quotes By Heidi Klum

I always did feel beautiful when I was pregnant, but I do feel more me when I'm my normal size. — Heidi Klum

Pregnant Beautiful Quotes By Tamar Braxton

There are two sides to being pregnant. There is the beautiful, wonderful blessing side. The second side - it sucks! — Tamar Braxton

Pregnant Beautiful Quotes By Mehreen Ahmed

Mother I had a beautiful house in Shingdi a vegetable garden Vines of bitter gourd lettuce English spinach and tousled coconut trees Coconuts fell on my darling husbands head One day we made love under the tree Now I was pregnant just like my orchard full of fruits with the love child Oh I ran as hard as I could from the shadow These were shadows of time shadows of the past ... — Mehreen Ahmed

Pregnant Beautiful Quotes By Jonas Salk

This is perhaps the most beautiful time in human history; it is really pregnant with all kinds of creative possibilities made possible by science and technology which now constitute the slave of man - if man is not enslaved by it. — Jonas Salk