Famous Quotes & Sayings

Pout Quotes & Sayings

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Top Pout Quotes

Pout Quotes By Duke Ellington

I merely took the energy it takes to pout and wrote some blues. — Duke Ellington

Pout Quotes By Rainbow Rowell

Right. So I didn't tell her. Now, where do we start?"
His face falls into a pout. "I was counting on Bunce to tell us where to start."
"Let's start with what we know," I say. That's where Penelope always starts.
"Right." Baz actually seems nervous. He's tapping the chalk against his trouser leg, leaving white smudges. — Rainbow Rowell

Pout Quotes By Anthony Liccione

People like to cry over spilled milk, but I cry every time I spill my coffee. — Anthony Liccione

Pout Quotes By MF Grimm

You pout like a trout in a drought ... can't get out.
You want to scream, but fish can't shout. — MF Grimm

Pout Quotes By Tiffany Reisz

What are you doing?" he asked as he came deeper into the dark kitchen.

"If you're going to pout, I'm going to drink," she said, pouring herself a steep glass of red wine. "I read somewhere that red wine is good for diabetics. Want one?"

"I'm not pouting. And I don't drink."

"There's a lot you don't do. — Tiffany Reisz

Pout Quotes By Aria Kane

Bright green eyes peered at her from underneath long lashes that curled toward Saturn. Despite the so very pretty eyes, he had a strong face with sharp angles that cast shadows from the harsh overhead cargo light. A slight overbite gave the impression of a permanent pout. Dark curls tumbled lazily from his head to his shoulders.
In one word: gorgeous.
Another word: dangerous. — Aria Kane

Pout Quotes By Gena Showalter

I haven't have fun for a long time," Kaia said with a pout.
"Me, either. Except with myself, but I don't suppose that counts."
"It does the way I do it. — Gena Showalter

Pout Quotes By Luis Alberto Urrea

He couldn't believe she was real. She was like some dream, some story old men told youngsters. She made a fool out of him with the slightest grin or pout. She slept in his bed, not beside him, but around him, her aromatic legs and arms wrapped around him, her mouth against his throat, her beautiful thundercloud hair over his face, his chest. He kissed her hair. Took it to his fist and kissed it, breathed it ... Oh my God, he thought. He didn't know what it was about her that made him more insane: her belly, or the pale friction of her thighs; the small of her back, or her armpits. — Luis Alberto Urrea

Pout Quotes By Kristin Hannah

She pouted prettily, and he wondered if that was one of the things they taught wealthy young girls at schools like Miss Porter's. If not, it had been passed down from one generation to another as carefully as the secret of fire. — Kristin Hannah

Pout Quotes By Bode Miller

We should tell our kids to just have fun, participate and not get bent on winning or losing. But every coach, when they say that, they say it tongue in cheek, 'Don't worry about winning': If you win I'll get you ice cream, but if you lose I'm going to pout in the car. — Bode Miller

Pout Quotes By T.J. Klune

Well, now," Mrs. Havisham said, all but purring as she leaned forward, ample cleavage on display. "You've grown up, haven't you? Tell me, Gustavo. What are your thoughts on having an experienced lover?"
"Not many," Gus said. "In fact, none at all. Also? I came out when I was thirteen. You were there. As was the whole town. Pastor Tommy announced it at the Fall Harvest Festival. On stage. Into a microphone. There was apple pie afterward."
"Still?" she said with an exaggerated pout.
"Yes," Gus said, deadpan as he could make it. "Still. Funny how that works."
"Well, if you change your mind, you know where to find me," she said, dragging a pink fingernail down his arm. "My door is always open. Like my body."
"That's not even remotely healthy," Gus said with a sniff.
"Maybe that's why I need your protein," she said with a wink.
"Nope," Gus said. "Nope, nope, nope."
"You sure about that?"
"Maybe you should close that door. And your legs. — T.J. Klune

Pout Quotes By Chelsea Ballinger

Are you trying to call me strange, Mandrake?" I pout playfully.

He nods. "Your strange is what makes you sensational to me. — Chelsea Ballinger

Pout Quotes By Freddie Mercury

Is Billy Idol just doing a bad Elvis pout, or was he born that way? — Freddie Mercury

Pout Quotes By Charlie Cochet

He lifted his face and gave his brother a pout. Where did these two learn to do that pouty-lipped thing? It was devious and highly effective. — Charlie Cochet

Pout Quotes By Julian Darius

All I ever wanted, nira I expected: Nonette, upon whom my life pivots.
The name I give my fire when I lay down, defenseless before its majestic awfulness.
A little no, a little negation. A French girly pout, the syllables for which have been found at last.
All my hurt dug up, exposed for dissection in the glaring light, and finally melted away by the loving caresses of her yielding thighs.
And the girl who took such simple joy in this terrible duty.
Nonette. — Julian Darius

Pout Quotes By Robyn Carr

She wanted to get married," he said. "She said, either we at least get engaged and plan to get married, or I walk. Those were her words." He made a slash in the air with his finger. "Line in the sand. Ultimatum." "Really," Shelby said with a questionable tone. "After only two years of practically living together?" "Okay, now you're just making fun of me," Sean said in a pout. "I admit, I shouldn't have let her go. But I was younger. I was cocky then." "Oh, were you?" Luke asked. Sean glowered. "So, she said she was ready for marriage, you said you weren't, you split up - is that right?" Shelby asked. "That's about it." He made a face. "We might've said a few unnecessary things during the discussion. You know - angry things." "I'll bet," Luke said. "And — Robyn Carr

Pout Quotes By Victor Hugo

They adored each other; but still the permanent and the immutable subsist. We may love and laugh, pout, clasp hands, smile, and exchange endearments, but that does not affect eternity. Two lovers hide in the dusk of evening, amid flowers and the twittering of birds, and enchant each other with their hearts shinning in their eyes; but the stars in their course still circle through infinite space. — Victor Hugo

Pout Quotes By Terry Pratchett

She sniffed, and smiled a bit, but not too much because if there is one thing worse than someone who doesn't understand you it's someone who understands perfectly, before you've had a chance to have a good pout about not being understood. — Terry Pratchett

Pout Quotes By Craig Ferguson

You better watch out.
You better not cry.
You better not pout,
I'm telling you why,
Cause Santa Clause might put a cap in your ass. — Craig Ferguson

Pout Quotes By Bijou Hunter

I don't know why you want to hang out when I'm half asleep?"
Cooper leaned over and kissed me softly. His lips sucked at my bottom lip for a second before he pulled back and relaxed into the corner of the couch. "You pout when you sleep."
"Like an angry little pout," he said, demonstrating with his lips. "It's the hottest thing I've ever seen. I thought you might give me a real talking to like my old gym teacher. Man, did that bitch hate me."
"I'm sure she had her reasons."
Cooper snorted. "Of course, you'd take a stranger's side over the guy who's feeding you."
"Maybe you called her a bitch forty times."
"Yeah, there was that. — Bijou Hunter

Pout Quotes By Veronica Roth

I pout my lower lip for a second, but then I grin as the pieces come together.
"That's why you like me!" I exclaim. "Because you're not very nice either! It makes so much more sense now. — Veronica Roth

Pout Quotes By Jussi Adler-Olsen

So, I suppose you just have a sense of where it is. And you don't have to be precise, is that it?"
"Allah is great. He has such wide shoulders."
Carl stuck out his lower lip in a pout. Of course Allah did. What was he thinking, anyway? — Jussi Adler-Olsen

Pout Quotes By Carrie Jones

My eyes meet his eyes.
"You were a jerk," I say.
His hands move to my cheeks. "I'm sorry."
I pull away, but I can only go an inch before I bump into lacrosse sticks, not that I really want to go any farther. "Nope. No way. You do not get to kiss me yet."
He pouts. — Carrie Jones

Pout Quotes By Carrie Jones

Oh my God! Issie's a bunny, isn't she? Do they have those? Do they have werebunnies?"
"Big leap there,Zare." Nick cracks up. He shakes with laughter.
I pout. "She'd be a good bunny."
"True.But it's not her.It's Devyn."
"Devyn? Devyn is cute and normal."
He scrapes at the bottom of the hash pan. His voice comes out dead calm. "He's an eagle."
"Oh.Okay.I am not going to freak out about this, but let me say that I am surprised."
"Because he's in a wheelchair?"
"No! Because he's a bird. — Carrie Jones

Pout Quotes By Adam Gidwitz

When you are very pretty, people tend to remark on your looks. They smile at you more easily. They are more permissive of your faults. Soon, you come to believe that your prettiness matters, and that you are better because you are pretty, and that all it takes to get through life is a batting of your eyelashes and a twisting of your hair around your little finger, and that you can scream and pout and shout and tease because everyone will still like you anyway because you are so unbelievably pretty. This is what many very pretty people think.
Beware, then, for this is how monsters are made. — Adam Gidwitz

Pout Quotes By Dana Gould

Approached literally, there's but a hair's difference between You'd better not pout, you'd better not cry, and Don't scream. — Dana Gould

Pout Quotes By Rick Riordan

Hermes had said, the giant was about ten feet tall, which made him small compared to some other giants I'd seen. But Cacus made up for it by being bright and gaudy. He had curly orange hair, pale skin, and orange freckles. His face was smeared upward with a permanent pout, upturned nose, wide eyes, and arched eyebrows, so he appeared both startled and unhappy. He wore a red velour housecoat with matching slippers. The housecoat was open, revealing silky Valentine-patterned boxer shorts and luxurious chest hair of a red/pink/orange color not found in nature. Annabeth made a small gagging sound. It's the ginger giant. — Rick Riordan

Pout Quotes By Gloria D. Gonsalves

My thick and full lips shall pout their African ancestry until all sorrows are kissed out of me. — Gloria D. Gonsalves

Pout Quotes By Steve Kluger

Romance isn't just about roses or killing dragons or sailing a kayak around the world. It's also about chocolate chip cookies and sharing The Grateful Dead and James Taylor with me in the middle of the night, and believing me when I say that you could be bigger than both of them put together, and not making fun of me for straightening out my french fries or pointing my shoelaces in the same direction, and letting me pout when I don't get my own way, and pretending that if I play "Flower Drum Song" one more time you won't throw me and the record out the window — Steve Kluger

Pout Quotes By Hester Lynch Piozzi

One should know the value of Life better than to pout any part of it away. — Hester Lynch Piozzi

Pout Quotes By Fyodor Dostoyevsky

You can never control things with just the police in any society, anywhere. Every one of us, when he goes in, demands that a special policeman be assigned to protect him. They don't understand that society protects itself. And what do our heads of families, our worthies, our wives, our young girls do in such circumstances? They say nothing and just pout. There's not even enough social initiative to restrain the pranksters. — Fyodor Dostoyevsky

Pout Quotes By Danielle Monsch

The second the door closed after him Laire started jumping, a huge smile on her face and her body shaking in repressed excitement. "I'll go, I'll go, I'll go. You don't even like the Oracle. Let me."
Before the first words were out of Laire's mouth, Fallon started to shake her head, and as soon as the green-haired woman took a breath, Fallon used it as her opportunity to say, "No way."
"Please please please."
"Let me rephrase. No way in hell."
Laire stopped jumping, a small pout coming to her lips. How she had been able to prevent an ankle fracture while jumping on those spikes, Larissa would never know. "Why not?"
"Because if they have an orgy going on, you'll want to join. And if they don't have an orgy going on, you'll want to start one. I'll take Aislynn with me. — Danielle Monsch

Pout Quotes By David Foster Wallace

Her lips are full and red and tend to wetness and do not ask but rather demand, in a pout of liquid silk, to be kissed. I kiss them often, I admit it, it is what I do, I am a kisser, and a kiss with Lenore is, if I may indulge a bit for a moment here, not so much a kiss as it is a dislocation, a removal and rude transportation of essence from self to lip, so that it is not so much two human bodies coming together and doing the usual things with their lips as it is two sets of lips spawned together and joined in kind from the beginning of post-Scarsdale time, achieving full ontological status only in subsequent union and trailing behind and below them, as they join and become whole, two now utterly superfluous fleshly bodies, drooping outward and downward from the kiss like the tired stems of overblossomed flora, trailing shoes on the ground, husks. — David Foster Wallace

Pout Quotes By Elvis Costello

You swore you wouldn't shout. If it's not your punch, then it's your pout. — Elvis Costello

Pout Quotes By Victoria Schwab

What brings you to my room?" he asked, relief bleeding into annoyance.
"Adventure. Intrigue. Brotherly concern. Or," continued the prince lazily, "perhaps I'm just giving your mirror something to look at besides your constant pout."
Kell frowned, and Rhy smiled. "Ah, there it is! That famous scowl. — Victoria Schwab

Pout Quotes By Sylvia Plath

As for free will, there is such a narrow crack of it for man to move in, crushed as he is from birth by environment, heredity, time and event and local convention. If I had been born of Italian parents in one of the caves in the hills I would be a prostitute at the age of 12 or so because I had to live (why?) and that was the only way open. If I was born into a wealthy New York family with pseudo-cultural leanings, I would have had my coming-out party along with the rest of them, and be equipped with fur coats, social contacts, and a blase pout. How do I know? I don't; I can only guess. I wouldn't be I. But I am I now; and so many other millions are so irretrievably their own special variety of "I" that I can hardly bear to think of it. I: how firm a letter; how reassuring the three strokes: one vertical, proud and assertive, and then the two short horizontal lines in quick, smug succession. The pen scratches on the paper ... I ... I ... I ... I ... I ... I. — Sylvia Plath

Pout Quotes By Laurell K. Hamilton

If I'd been alone, I wouldn't have eaten at all. I'd have taken a shower, thrown on an oversize T-shirt, and gone to bed surrounded by a few select penguins. Now I had a fancy dinner to eat, by candlelight nonetheless. If I said I wasn't hungry, would he be insulted? Would he pout? Would he yell about all the work going to waste and tell me about starving kids in Southeast Asia? "Shit," I said softly and with feeling. Well, hell, if we ever were going to cohabitate, he'd have to know the truth. I was unsociable, and food was something you ate so you wouldn't die. I — Laurell K. Hamilton

Pout Quotes By Rosario Dawson

I'm a really smiley person, so I've just learned when I'm doing my own makeup, I have to make sure it's smile ready and not too heavy. As amazing as the Victoria Beckham pout is for photos, I just can't do it! — Rosario Dawson

Pout Quotes By Kinley MacGregor

Varian rubbed the back of his head where his lump was growing significantly. "Not that I particularly want to defend Merrick, but those little rocks did happen to hurt. Thank the gods for armor."
Merewyn gave him a sweet, sympathetic pout. "Poor baby." She reached up to rub his sore spot, but honestly he'd much rather have her rub something else that was bothering him. The touch of her hand made his entire body break out into chills. Not to mention that the smell of her so close played total havoc with his hormones.
He honestly wanted to curl up beside her and start purring like a cat.
More than that, he had a vicious need to nibble her body until he was drunk on her scent. And there was a thought that made him glad he was wearing his armor again since it kept his erection hidden from the ones around him.
Stepping away from her before he actually did purr, he looked at Merrick. "What other nasty surprises do we have in store for us? — Kinley MacGregor

Pout Quotes By Ariel Pink

You can pout about the way the world is as long as you want, but that's not going to change it. You've got to figure it out. — Ariel Pink

Pout Quotes By S.M. Boyce

He pouted - full on pouted. A prince. Pouting. - Kara, re: Braeden — S.M. Boyce

Pout Quotes By Elizabeth Peters

Nefret was still pouting when Emerson helped her into the carriage. Emerson did not observe the pout. He would not have observed it (men being what they are) even if something had not distracted him. — Elizabeth Peters

Pout Quotes By Jennifer Estep

The panther prowled around me in a loose, wide circle. Its mouth turned down, almost in a pout, and it seemed disappointed that I wasn't going to run away. Or scream, at the very least. Its tail, which was at least three feet long, twitched back and forth in what seemed to be annoyance. Or maybe anticipation. I didn't know. I'd always been more of a dog person.
I cleared my throat, and the panther stopped and flicked up one of its rounded ears. Listening.
Um, nice kitty? — Jennifer Estep

Pout Quotes By V.E Schwab

Don't you have enough knives?" he grumbled, his lip thrust forward in a pout.
Lila's smile sharpened. "No such thing," she said, wrapping her fingers around the blade. — V.E Schwab

Pout Quotes By Carli Lloyd

You can be angry and pissed off at the coach and put your head down and pout. Or you can rise above it, respect the decision, but also know that you're going to go and work that much harder and prove everybody wrong. And that's the road that I chose. — Carli Lloyd

Pout Quotes By Billy Graham

Dogs are quick to show their affection. They never pout, they never bear a grudge. They never run away from home when mistreated. They never complain about their food. They never gripe about the way the house is kept. They are chivalrous and courageous, ready to protect their mistress at the risk of their lives. They love children, and no matter how noisy and boisterous they are, the dog loves every minute of it. In fact, a dog is still competition for a husband. Perhaps if we husbands imitated a few of our dog's virtues, life with our family might be more amiable. — Billy Graham

Pout Quotes By Toni Morrison

All around her it was like that: a fast crack on the head if you let the hunger show so she decided then and there at the age of twelve in Baltimore never to be broken in the hands of any man. Whatever it took
knife blades or screaming teeth
Never. And yes, she would tap dance, and yes, she would skate, but she would do it with a frown, pugnacious lips and scary eyes, because Never. And anybody who wanted nice from this little colored girl would have to get it with pliers and chloroform, because Never. When her mother died and she went to Philadelphia and then away to school, she was so quick to learn, but no touchee, teacher, and no, I do not smile, because Never. It smoothed out a little as she grew older. The pugnacious lips became a seductive pout
eyes more heated than scary. But beneath the easy manners was a claw always ready to rein in the dogs, because Never. — Toni Morrison

Pout Quotes By Christopher Hitchens

Mrs. Clinton, speaking to a black church audience on Martin Luther King Day last year, did describe President George W. Bush as treating the Congress of the United States like 'a plantation,' adding in a significant tone of voice that 'you know what I mean ... '
She did not repeat this trope, for some reason, when addressing the electors of Iowa or New Hampshire. She's willing to ring the other bell, though, if it suits her. But when an actual African-American challenger comes along, she rather tends to pout and wince at his presumption (or did until recently). — Christopher Hitchens

Pout Quotes By Tana French

I've always loved strong women, which is lucky for me because once you're over about twenty-five there is no other kind. Women blow my mind. The stuff that routinely gets done to them would make most men curl up and die, but women turn to steel and keep on coming. Any man who claims he's not into strong women is fooling himself mindless; he's into strong women who know how to pout prettily and put on baby voices, and who will end up keeping his balls in her makeup bags. — Tana French

Pout Quotes By Sophia Loren

I think the quality of sexiness comes from within. It is something that is in you or it isn't and it really doesn't have much to do with breasts or thighs or the pout of your lips. — Sophia Loren

Pout Quotes By Jojo Moyes

She is probably slightly too old to pout, but they've been going out a short enough time for it still to be cute. — Jojo Moyes

Pout Quotes By Laurie Halse Anderson

Mother is the rock, I am the ocean. I have to pout and roll my eyes for hours until she finally wears down and crumbles into a thousand grains of beach sand. It takes a lot of energy. I don't think I have it in me. — Laurie Halse Anderson

Pout Quotes By Stephen King

If you promise to be good Paul you can have a piece of birthday cake but you won't have to eat any of the special candle so he promised to be good because he didn't want to be forced to eat any of the special candle but also because mostly because surely because Annie was great Annie was good let us thank her for our food including that we don't have to eat girls just wanna have fun but something wicked this way comes please don't make me eat my thumb Annie the mom Annie the goddess when Annie's around you better stay honest she knows when you've been sleeping she knows when you're awake she knows if you've been bad or good so be good for goddess' sake you better not cry you better not pout but most of all you better not scream don't scream don't scream don't scream don't He — Stephen King

Pout Quotes By Jon Beason

I would cry after losses when I was a kid and pout. But I played like that. — Jon Beason

Pout Quotes By Sarah MacLean

May I drive?" "You think I'd consider handing over the reins of this remarkable equipage?" He replied with feigned superiority. For generations, the Earls of Blackmoor had prided themselves on having the most current and impressive modes of transportation. The most recent earl was no different, and the brand-new curricle in which they were riding was certain to be the envy of many. "Indeed. I think you'd enjoy the experience of teaching me how." "I've had this curricle for less than a week, Alex. You're not driving." Alex replied with a comic pout, "I shall convince you otherwise, my lord. I warn you." "Indeed? Well you are welcome to try, my lady." He — Sarah MacLean

Pout Quotes By Nyrae Dawn

Only real men can pout without losing their masculinity. I have nothing to worry about there. ~What A Boy Wants — Nyrae Dawn

Pout Quotes By Abbi Glines

Most women beg me to lick them, and I give it to you for free and you push me away," he said with a fake pout on his face.
"You're crazy." I giggled
"I'm the good kind of crazy, though. — Abbi Glines

Pout Quotes By Stuart MacBride

Guthrie handed him the mug, a wee pout pulling his pale face out of shape. With his semi-skimmed skin, faint ginger hair, and blond eyebrows he looked like a ghost that had been at the pies. "Milk, two sugars. — Stuart MacBride

Pout Quotes By Joss Stirling

Wisdom you speak, Obi Tina.'
'None of that - I'm the one who gets to speak backwards - no, we're both wrong - that's the little green guy, Yoda.'
'You're right. So I just get to pout and act badly when you try and teach me anything.'
'Try channelling Luke rather than Annakin - the outcome is better. — Joss Stirling

Pout Quotes By T.W. Lawless

Peter smiled as Concheetah sashayed across the ballroom floor
Concheetah sashayed towards him, wriggling her hips, full lips in a pout, followed obediently by the tentative, Tapping Ted dressed in tight shorts and singlet. Tapping? Tapping because he always wore conspicuous, tap-dancing shoes in the club.
Was Ted going to rip up the stage as a mincing Irish dancer or maybe perform a Gene Kelly routine or the Swan Lake ballet in taps? It was terrible to imagine. Peter bit his lip at that thought, hoping he wouldn't burst into howls of laughter.
He had noted after coming to several shows, that Ted usually stood at the side of the stage ready with a drink of champagne and an encouraging word and a dry towel to mop Her Highness's face. And he always cried during the
show's finale, Abba's Dancing Queen. Poor Tapping Ted. — T.W. Lawless

Pout Quotes By Jim Butcher

Hell's bells," I snarled, taking an involuntary step back. "Right here? Now? You could have given me a couple of minutes to get clear, dammit."
"And what fun would that be?" Maeve asked, pushing out her lower lip in a pout. "I am who I am, too. I love violence. I love treachery. I love your pain - and the best part, the part I love most, is that I am doing it for your own good." Her eyes gleamed white all the way around her irises. "This is me being one of the good guys. — Jim Butcher

Pout Quotes By Shelly Laurenston

Smitty gave his best pout. "Why are y'all trying to hurt me?"
"Because it's fun?"
"It's easy."
"I love it when you cry."
Smitty sighed. "Forget I asked. — Shelly Laurenston

Pout Quotes By Chloe Thurlow

Lips are the outward sign, the emblem of desire, and lipstick is the ink in which we graffiti that message on our smile, our pout and pucker. When a girl blows a man a kiss she is sending him a piece of her soul. — Chloe Thurlow

Pout Quotes By Jennifer Lawrence

I just kind of opened up and said, 'I feel like a rag doll. I have hair and makeup people coming to my house every day and putting me in new, uncomfortable, weird dresses and expensive shoes, and I just shut down and raise my arms up for them to get the dress on, and pout my lips when they need to put the lipstick on.' — Jennifer Lawrence

Pout Quotes By Andy Roddick

I'm not going to go run and hide because I'm catching some heat. I'm not going to stay at home and pout. — Andy Roddick

Pout Quotes By Kiersten White

She rubs her arm where I grabbed her. "What do you do to the people you don't like?"
I flash my teeth like knives in the dark. "Do you really want to know?"
She kicks my shin in a halfhearted pout. "You think different around him, you know."
"Oh?" A cab pulls to the side and I open the door. "Clearer. Happier. But scarier. — Kiersten White

Pout Quotes By Nina George

Beside the sleeping Max, who was curled up like a little boy, knees tucked into his chest, mouth pursed into a surprised pout, lay Sanary's Southern Lights. Perdu picked up the slim volume. Max had underlined certain sentences in pencil and jotted some questions in the margins; he had read the book as a book ought to be read. Reading - an endless journey; a long, indeed never-ending journey that made one more temperate as well as more loving and kind. Max had set out on that journey. With each book he would absorb more of the world, things and people. — Nina George

Pout Quotes By Tana French

Women blow my mind. The stuff that routinely gets done to them would make most men curl up and die, but women turn to steel and keep on coming. Any man who claims he's not into strong women is fooling himself mindless: he's into strong women who know how to pout prettily and put on baby voices, and who will — Tana French

Pout Quotes By E.L. James

You don't play fair.' I pout.
'I know. — E.L. James

Pout Quotes By Susie Orbach

Boys, young men, men of all ages are being captivated by the new visual grammar which pushes men to pout and posture. — Susie Orbach

Pout Quotes By Erin Kellison

The nightmare was shaped like a goddess - a beauty with a body curved to incite reckless sinning. She wore an angry pout that he knew would burn his mouth. She had hair like snow and eyes as cold and fathomless as the deepest reaches of space. How like a nightmare to seduce and terrify at the same time. — Erin Kellison

Pout Quotes By Alice McDermott

She unwrapped the lamb chops from their white butcher paper and peeled a few potatoes and opened a can of peas. Her father came in with the newspaper under his arm and then swatted her on the hip with it as he went to the table to sit down. And then Jimmy came in still wearing his overcoat to say, "What's this? What's this?" And then told their father with his hands on his hips that George was taking "our miss here" out to dinner. And her father lowered the paper and smiled at her - his round, florid face and his sparse white hair which he no longer bothered to slick down with water or tonic, being mostly housebound and hardly out of his slippers all week long - and only began to pout a little, Jimmy too, when she set the plate of lamb chops and the mint jelly and the mashed potatoes and peas in their bowls on the table and then pulled off her apron and said, "I'm just going to take a shower." "Be sure to put it back," Jimmy said — Alice McDermott

Pout Quotes By Lloyd Alexander

Don't pout that way, my child, you'll give yourself a blister — Lloyd Alexander

Pout Quotes By Sarah Dessen

Why are you being so nice to me?' I asked her.
'You know,' she said, 'when you say stuff like that I just want to slap you.'
'You heard me.' She picked up her beer and took a swallow, still watching me. Then she said, 'Colie, you should never be surprised when people treat you with respect. You should expect it.'
I shook my head. 'You don't know-' I began. But, as usual, she didn't let me finish.
'Yes,' she said simply. 'I do know. I've watched you, Colie. You walk around like a dog waiting to be kicked, and when someone does, you pout and cry like you didn't deserve it.'
'No one deserves to be kicked,' I said.
'I disagree,' she said flatly. 'You do if you don't think you're worth any better. — Sarah Dessen

Pout Quotes By Ainslie Hogarth

Lipstick was an easy answer to boredom. It was the most exciting thing you could do in the shortest amount of time because for a second, you got to convince yourself that you were the kind of gal who wears lipstick every day. You got to pout to yourself, and trick yourself that you were glamorous. Then in a second it was over, time to wipe it off and start again. — Ainslie Hogarth

Pout Quotes By Rachel Vincent

Give me a minute to get dressed."
"You're not dressed?"
I smiled in spite of myself at the lighthearted quility of his jest. Until my broken door began to move. "Jace!" I shouted, trying to keep from laughing as I vaulted off the bed and scrambled to stop him. He wasn't seriously trying to sneak a peek; if he had been, he wouldn't have made any noise. But if I let him get away with a joke today, he'd try it for real tomorrow.
Jace yelped as I ripped the door from his grasp and leaned it against the frame. Then he sulked, his eyes roaming just far enough south to see my tank top and shorts. "Liar!" he accused, the smile in his eyes ruining his pout. "You're not naked."
"I meant I wanted to change."
He grinned. "So, go ahead."
"Nice try. — Rachel Vincent

Pout Quotes By Adrian Michael

I have studied your lips
every line, dip and bend
have come to realize
one truth:
the way you move
is in perfect
unison with
the perk
and pout
of your mouth
orating coded syllables
only I can make out. — Adrian Michael

Pout Quotes By Milton Berle

One of those Christmas songs says, "You better not shout, you better not cry, you better not pout." How's my wife going to get along? — Milton Berle

Pout Quotes By Amy B. Scher

Armed with my positive attitude and inherent stubborn nature, I keep my mind focused and my life moving forward. I stop to rest, pout and even cry sometimes, but always, I get back up. Life is giving me this challenge and I will plow through it, out of breath with my heart racing if I have to. — Amy B. Scher

Pout Quotes By Paul T. Mason

While others might feel manipulative, I feel powerless. Sometimes I just hurt so bad from the mean things that people do to me, real or perceived, or I'm so desperately feeling abandoned, that I withdraw and pout and go silent. At some point people get pissed off and fed up with that crap and they go away and then I'm left with nothing all over again. — Paul T. Mason

Pout Quotes By Marsha Canham

Cameron's fingers curled around the arms of the chair, although the urge to throttle was slowly and unexpectedly giving way to the urge to smile. He had called her bold and brazen, but he was thinking now that the characterization was too mild. She was sitting naked, with only a blanket between her and ruin, yet she dared to defy him with those huge violet eyes and that soft pout mouth
both of which were sorely undermining his efforts to ignore the fact that she was sitting there naked in front of him with only a thin layer blanker protecting him from ruin. — Marsha Canham

Pout Quotes By Alan Bradley

Spare us the pout, there's enough lip in the world without you adding to it. — Alan Bradley

Pout Quotes By Holly Sprink

What is it about our expectations, plans, or ideas that hold such sway over us? It is as if we've written a script for a play of our lives that runs about a month ahead of actual life; if reality varies from what we've created in our minds we disengage or pout. — Holly Sprink

Pout Quotes By Kelly Oram

My therapist played your interview in front of everyone I know. I was the only one who hadn't seen it. I had no idea what was going on and everyone stared at me the whole time. I had to watch that interview with my father standing over my shoulder. It was so embarrassing."
Brian crossed his arms over his chest and raised an eyebrow. "My love for you is embarrassing?"
Miracle of miracles, I managed to keep a straight face. "There's such a thing as subtlety, Brian. You could benefit from a few lessons on the subject."
I'd been doing well, but when Brian's face fell into a pout I burst into laughter. "I loved it. — Kelly Oram