Famous Quotes & Sayings

Positive Testing Quotes & Sayings

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Top Positive Testing Quotes

Positive Testing Quotes By John Kramer

The smallest act of compassion can save a soul, perhaps your own. — John Kramer

Positive Testing Quotes By Thomas Hobbes

A Covenant not to defend myself from force, by force, is always void. For ... no man can transfer or lay down his Right to save himself from Death. — Thomas Hobbes

Positive Testing Quotes By Argus Hamilton

No wonder we keep testing positive in their bicycle races. Everyone looks like they're full of testosterone when they're surrounded by Frenchmen. — Argus Hamilton

Positive Testing Quotes By Richard Kadrey

Whiskey doesn't mix well with toothpaste, but I already filled the glass, and once whiskey's been let loose you have to deal with it, like love or a rabid dog. — Richard Kadrey

Positive Testing Quotes By Yash Chopra

The secret of being a great actor is a love of food. — Yash Chopra

Positive Testing Quotes By Yanni

The live concerts are everything and I'm very grateful that most of my career, I'm a live artist, I've been doing this. So I've traveled quite a lot, played in - I never stopped playing. — Yanni

Positive Testing Quotes By Belinda Carlisle

I was like the good girl, bad girl, there were no grey areas for me. — Belinda Carlisle

Positive Testing Quotes By Suzanne Crowley

There's a thin line between genius and bottom-barrel stupidness. I hover delicately on a tightrope between the two, wondering where I'll land if I'll ever fall. — Suzanne Crowley

Positive Testing Quotes By Robbie Williams

I've deliberately tried to calm myself down because eventually I want to be a good role model to my kids. — Robbie Williams

Positive Testing Quotes By Charles Baxter

Oh, he said. He was trying to smile, but it was a brave smile, a sickroom smile, and I was sorry I had caused it. I had apparently taken the wind out of his sails. His discouragement wasn't a good sign. Men should stand up to me more than that. They have to fight back to satisfy me. They have to face me down. — Charles Baxter

Positive Testing Quotes By Samantha Sotto

There are other ways to live forever. — Samantha Sotto

Positive Testing Quotes By Ian Rankin

Everything you do from waking till sleeping is against somebody's Bible, Cafferty. — Ian Rankin

Positive Testing Quotes By J. D. Hoppenfeld

Motor testing also helps identify which nerve root may be the source of the problem. If there is weakness in quadriceps strength, it indicates that the L4 nerve root may be affected. Weakness on dorsiflexion indicates that the L5 nerve root may be affected, whereas plantar flexion weakness is indicative of an S1 radiculopathy (Fig. 2-13). A good way to help remember these is as follows. "Quad" means four - L4. Bending five toes toward the patient (dorsiflexion) tests L5. Pressing down on the gas (plantar flexion) of a new S1 Porsche tests S1. A positive straight-leg test is a nonspecific sign for lumbar disc herniation. The patient experiences pain in the back when — J. D. Hoppenfeld

Positive Testing Quotes By Conan O'Brien

An American judo fighter was expelled from the Olympics after testing positive for marijuana. Officials became suspicious when he kept stopping the match and saying, 'What are we fighting for, man?' — Conan O'Brien

Positive Testing Quotes By Patrik Sinkewitz

I made a big mistake. There's no doubt about it. But there have been positive testing cases in the past where the offender wasn't attacked to quite the same extent, especially not by other riders. — Patrik Sinkewitz

Positive Testing Quotes By Barbara Ehrenreich

People tend to judge presidents on how the economy performs, and yet we don't expect them to have the power to do much about it. Or we don't want them to exercise that power, if they were to have it. — Barbara Ehrenreich

Positive Testing Quotes By Joe Lauzon

Only thing I am testing positive for is Pasta or Cheese. — Joe Lauzon

Positive Testing Quotes By Dinesh D'Souza

Lincoln is nowhere saying that blacks are inferior. He is not saying he rejects the idea of blacks marrying whites. He is simply refusing to go there. He is keeping the debate where it ought to be, on the simple question of whether people should be permitted to steal other people's life and labor by enslaving them. Of the black woman he says, "In her natural right to eat the bread she earns with her own hands without asking leave of anyone else, she is my equal and the equal of all others."20 — Dinesh D'Souza

Positive Testing Quotes By Esther Hicks

The Universe is abundant with everything that you want. It's not testing you. It's benevolently providing for you. But you are the orchestrater. You are the definer, and you do it through your joyous anticipation. If there is an emotion that you are wanting to foster, that would serve you very, very well, it is positive expectation. It is excited anticipation. — Esther Hicks

Positive Testing Quotes By Kristiane Backer

According to Islam, whenever we are struck by illness or misfortune or someone hurts us, there is a higher purpose behind it, which we may not understand at the time,' one of them said to me. 'That's where trust comes in. Through suffering, God helps us to better ourselves and make good our mistakes. It is a form of purification and also God's way of testing the strength of our faith and the goodness of our character.' Another lady suggested I look on the bright side.

'Suffering draws us closer to God and that is our aim in life,' she said. Then she quoted Rumi who had said, 'It is pain that draws man to his Lord, because when he is well, he doesn't remember the Lord.' I tried to look at the positive and believe that there was a higher, spiritual perspective on what I had just been through, and all the advice I was given helped me a lot. But it took quite a while for my heart to catch up with my mind. — Kristiane Backer

Positive Testing Quotes By Joel Edgerton

I'm pretty skeptical about Hollywood and its fascination with the sequel and the franchise. — Joel Edgerton

Positive Testing Quotes By Oche Otorkpa

A planet without AIDS is possible, but to create that planet we must
do away with the vestiges of the old planet where testing positive to
the HIV virus effectively relegates an individual to the subclass of
Human society — Oche Otorkpa

Positive Testing Quotes By Elizabeth Holmes

No one thinks of the lab-testing experience as positive. It should be! One way to create that is to help people engage with the data once their physicians release it. You can't do that if you don't really understand why you're getting certain tests done and when you don't know what the results mean when you get them back. — Elizabeth Holmes

Positive Testing Quotes By Richard A. Falk

The existing order is breaking down at a very rapid rate, and the main uncertainty is whether mankind can exert a positive role in shaping a new world order or is doomed to await collapse in a passive posture. We believe a new orderwill be born no later than early in the next century and that the death throes of the old and the birth pangs of the new will be a testing time for the human species. — Richard A. Falk

Positive Testing Quotes By Akiva Ben Joseph

Jesting and levity accustom a man to lewdness. — Akiva Ben Joseph