Famous Quotes & Sayings

Posh Upper Class Quotes & Sayings

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Top Posh Upper Class Quotes

Posh Upper Class Quotes By Robert Orben

Remember the days when you let your child have some chocolate if he finished his cereal? Now, chocolate is one of the cereals. — Robert Orben

Posh Upper Class Quotes By Joan D. Chittister

I celebrate myself," the poet Walt Whitman wrote. The thought is so delicious it is almost obscene. Imagine the joy that would come with celebrating the self - our achievements, our experiences, our existence. Imagine what it would be like to look into the mirror and say, as God taught us, "That's good. — Joan D. Chittister

Posh Upper Class Quotes By Michael Ian Black

I have a good family and I like to be home with them. The older I get, the lazier I get, and the more content I am to sit at home and eat string cheese. — Michael Ian Black

Posh Upper Class Quotes By Phyllis Logan

'Downton Abbey' about upper-class posh people: of course it is. — Phyllis Logan

Posh Upper Class Quotes By Kristian Goldmund Aumann

Every love gives you wings. — Kristian Goldmund Aumann

Posh Upper Class Quotes By William Lindsay Gresham

Loneliness came over him, like an avalanche of snow. He was alone. Where he had always wanted to be. You can only trust yourself. There's a rat buried deep in everybody and they'll rat on you if they get pushed far enough. — William Lindsay Gresham

Posh Upper Class Quotes By Princess Diana

I love meeting people and helping them. — Princess Diana

Posh Upper Class Quotes By Ben Chaplin

When I first left drama school, I was too posh for the working-class parts and not posh enough for the upper-class roles. You know what England is like: the gradations of accent and how you're judged by them are still there. I discovered that to get a break you have to lie about where you're from. — Ben Chaplin