Famous Quotes & Sayings

Please Donate Quotes & Sayings

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Top Please Donate Quotes

Please Donate Quotes By Mary Roach

The point is that no matter what you choose to do with your body when you die, it won't, ultimately, be very appealing. If you are inclined to donate yourself to science, you should not let images of dissection or dismemberment put you off. They are no more or less gruesome, in my opinion, than ordinary decay or the sewing shut of your jaws via your nostrils for a funeral viewing. — Mary Roach

Please Donate Quotes By David Wong

He whipped the chair around and actually split one of the things in half with the impact, spilling the spray of blood that was reflective, like mercury.
John bellowed, "Anyone else want to donate blood to chair-ity?"
He ducked into the the door and bashed one monster right in the wig, screaming, "There's some dessert! With a chair-y on top! — David Wong

Please Donate Quotes By Gunter Blobel

It was one of the great pleasures of my life to donate the entire sum of the Nobel Prize, in memory of my sister Ruth Blobel, to the restoration of Dresden. — Gunter Blobel

Please Donate Quotes By Amy Goodman

The Pacifica Network is a vital cornerstone of our independent media landscape that depends on your financial support. Please donate today to safeguard the future of listener-powered community radio. — Amy Goodman

Please Donate Quotes By Malala Yousafzai

We must "Bring Back Our Girls" and support Nigerians working every day to create change. Please donate now to support Nigerian organizations educating and standing up for girls — Malala Yousafzai

Please Donate Quotes By Marie Kondo

There's no need to let your family know the details of what you throw out or donate. You can leave communal spaces to the end. The first step is to confront your own stuff. — Marie Kondo

Please Donate Quotes By Liya Kebede

It's one thing to donate money. It's a whole other thing to give an opportunity for someone to make his own money. — Liya Kebede

Please Donate Quotes By Gretchen Rubin

Generally, I've observed, we seek changes that fall into the "Essential Seven." People - including me - most want to foster the habits that will allow them to: 1. Eat and drink more healthfully (give up sugar, eat more vegetables, drink less alcohol) 2. Exercise regularly 3. Save, spend, and earn wisely (save regularly, pay down debt, donate to worthy causes, stick to a budget) 4. Rest, relax, and enjoy (stop watching TV in bed, turn off a cell phone, spend time in nature, cultivate silence, get enough sleep, spend less time in the car) 5. Accomplish more, stop procrastinating (practice an instrument, work without interruption, learn a language, maintain a blog) 6. Simplify, clear, clean, and organize (make the bed, file regularly, put keys away in the same place, recycle) 7. Engage more deeply in relationships - with other people, with God, with the world (call friends, volunteer, have more sex, spend more time with family, attend religious services) — Gretchen Rubin

Please Donate Quotes By Christina Scalise

The Three D's of Creating True Happiness For All ...
Declutter - Remove all unwanted items from your home,
Donate - to your local charity,
Deduct - Save money by claiming your donation on your tax return — Christina Scalise

Please Donate Quotes By Steven Klein

There was a mental institution near my house, and I would donate time teaching mentally ill patients how to do ceramics. I photographed them as well. So those were my first pictures. — Steven Klein

Please Donate Quotes By William MacAskill

According to the most rigorous estimates, the cost to save a life in the developing world is about $3,400 (or $100 for one QALY). This is a small enough amount that most of us in affluent countries could donate that amount every year while maintaining about the same quality of life. Rather than just saving one life, we could save a life every working year of our lives. Donating to charity is not nearly as glamorous as kicking down the door of a burning building, but the benefits are just as great. Through the simple act of donating to the most effective charities, we have the power to save dozens of lives. That's — William MacAskill

Please Donate Quotes By Joan Rivers

I've had so much plastic surgery, when I die they will donate my body to Tupperware. — Joan Rivers

Please Donate Quotes By Jerry Lewis

If I've learned anything in the more than 50 years that I've led MDA, it's that the generosity of the American people knows no bounds. I'm sure that with their fellow citizens in such dire need, they'll dig deep and do everything they can to help. I'm hopeful that many people will be willing to make two phone calls and donate to both causes. — Jerry Lewis

Please Donate Quotes By Ilona Andrews

Please tell me there is coffee."
Aunt B grimaced. "They're already crazy. If I let them have coffee, they'd be bouncing off the walls. We have herbal tea,"
I needed to find Julie, find her mom, convince a sociopath to donate some blood for the good of mankind, and deal with a tentacled atrocity swaddled in cloth and his rabid mermaids. I needed coffee. — Ilona Andrews

Please Donate Quotes By Henry Rollins

To see change in your own area code is very powerful. There's a little orphanage down the street from my company, and we donate $1 from the sale of each CD we sell to the orphanage. — Henry Rollins

Please Donate Quotes By Nicholas D. Kristof

There could be a powerful international women's rights movement if only philanthropists would donate as much to real women as to paintings and sculptures of women. — Nicholas D. Kristof

Please Donate Quotes By Elizabeth Reyes

I hate fucking pussies like that." Felix reached out and shook Hector's hand. "Good for you, man. I would've cracked him too." He turned and pointed at Abel. "Let me know if you need help with that. I'll donate to the cause. We'll call it 'Cracking Down on Future Fucking Douchebag Wife Beaters of the World.' Can't think of a better charity. — Elizabeth Reyes

Please Donate Quotes By Sharad Vivek Sagar

This is an emotional request to the for-profit startups I help to build, strategize, and monetize. I do it for free because I care for you and your vision. I don't take an equity or a salary despite knowing that you and your investors will make money, and loads of it, eventually. I help because I care. Please remember, to pay back. Not to me, but to the world. Preferably, donate to a non-profit which will never receive the investments that you can and you are; donate to children and youth who want to do good things, to families that need you, to social startups that sweat day in and day out to bring smiles, and to anyone who cares for PEOPLE more than PROFITS. My salary will be drawn. I will be paid back in full. Thank you! — Sharad Vivek Sagar

Please Donate Quotes By Peter Diamandis

Today, we don't blink an eye when the world's wealthiest individuals donate enormous sums of money to charitable causes. In fact, we expect them to do so. — Peter Diamandis

Please Donate Quotes By Sarah Jessica Parker

Just because you donate sperm does not make you a father. I don't have a father. I would never give him the credit or acknowledge him as my father. — Sarah Jessica Parker

Please Donate Quotes By Rush Limbaugh

The Clinton Foundation does nothing but donate to charities." They can't find any evidence that what Schweizer has written about the Clintons and their foundation and the fund-raising and the getting paid for speeches is wrong. They can't find anything where he's wrong. The book has not been "discredited." So [Donald] Trump delivers this massive speech. It hit home run after home run after home run. — Rush Limbaugh

Please Donate Quotes By Rodney Dangerfield

The shape I'm in, I could donate my body to science fiction. — Rodney Dangerfield

Please Donate Quotes By Craig Hamilton-Parker

Perhaps the hellfire preachers are right, and I will perish in some terrible pit in hell. Perhaps I should donate large sums of money to their causes to save me from my Faustian fate. Nonetheless, if I am to go to the sulphurous pit, I'm likely to meet some interesting people in this netherworld, including perhaps Homer, Socrates, Gandhi, Mohammed, Einstein, and other non-Christians. I may even see Jesus there, for he was a Jew not a Christian. Unfortunately, many Christians have--and still do--abuse the — Craig Hamilton-Parker

Please Donate Quotes By Yanis Yingnan JI

Poor children, typhoons (the turbulent waters) washed their house collapsed, their homelessness, family members dead. Do not you want to help them? If you want to help them, please donate the money to typhoon Haiyan — Yanis Yingnan JI

Please Donate Quotes By Judy Gold

I like being able to donate my comedy to charity. I'm not a billionaire, and I can't write checks. — Judy Gold

Please Donate Quotes By Kerry Condon

I am an animal rights campaigner myself, and I donate money and time to those charities, but I think sometimes the problem with animal rights campaigners, including myself, is that we don't think about people's feelings, too. — Kerry Condon

Please Donate Quotes By Ronnie Chan

To be honest, we donate to projects that we think are meaningful. How society views it or how we are viewed by history, well, we'll let them decide. How others view us is out of our control. — Ronnie Chan

Please Donate Quotes By Arianna Huffington

There can be no clearer indication of how undemocratic the way we finance campaigns is than the fact that only one-quarter of 1% donate $200 or more, and only one-tenth of 1% gives $1,000 or more. — Arianna Huffington

Please Donate Quotes By Elizabeth Scott

How come you like Josh so much anyway? All he does is sit around drinking overpriced coffee and bitching about how awful things are"
"He cares about the world."
"If he cared about the world, he'd donate the ten thousand dollars he must spend on coffee every year to charity. That would be doing something. — Elizabeth Scott

Please Donate Quotes By Mallory Ortberg

I do not think it is selfish to want to donate a kidney "only" to family members. — Mallory Ortberg

Please Donate Quotes By Judy Greer

Keep your life simple and stylish and earnest. Do good and donate your time and money to something you care about. Make people laugh. Be frank. Always give people a second chance - but rarely a third. Live light, travel light, and be light. Forget shit and move on. Make everyone you love feel loved. Waste not, want not. Reuse stuff. Stop trying to get a tan and straighten your hair - you're just not made that way. Go to the movies, go to the library, go to the park. Try to make every day feel as close to a vacation as possible. Floss. — Judy Greer

Please Donate Quotes By Carl Karcher

If the money we donate helps one child or can ease the pain of one parent, those funds are well spent. — Carl Karcher

Please Donate Quotes By Aprilynne Pike

Tamani has generously agreed to donate his body to my research."
The words were out of Laurel's mouth before she realized how bad they sounded.
"I mean he's helping me. — Aprilynne Pike

Please Donate Quotes By Jose N. Harris

If you'd like to keep CHRIST in Christmas this year, I'd humbly suggest that instead of just posting about it as a status on Facebook, that perhaps you try to find a family in your neighborhood who could use a little help or pehaps donate to a local food bank anonomously. That's keeping CHRIST in Christmas! — Jose N. Harris

Please Donate Quotes By Lisa Kleypas

It's not really your land," Merripen had told him, "until you've put some of your own blood and sweat into it." "Is that all?" Leo asked sarcastically. "Only blood and sweat? I'm certain I can find one or two other bodily fluids to donate if it's that important."
- Merripen & Leo — Lisa Kleypas

Please Donate Quotes By Katherine Paterson

to my father's amazement, was an ancient but clearly recognizable painting of Marco Polo, who must have visited Huai'an during his thirteenth-century travels about China. The priest asked my father to donate a picture of Jesus for his collection, and, after thinking about it, Daddy did. — Katherine Paterson

Please Donate Quotes By Patricia Cornwell

I wouldn't want to donate my body for scientific study. — Patricia Cornwell

Please Donate Quotes By Zhang Xin

It is worthwhile to engage in something that is close to one's heart. I had a scholarship. So if I donate money to give brilliant Chinese students an opportunity to study abroad, then this embodies everything I believe in: education, globalization, social mobility. I am an example of social mobility. — Zhang Xin

Please Donate Quotes By Amit Abraham

After I die if I am buried I will rot. If I am burnt I will become ash but if my body is donated I will live to give life and happiness to many."
"Live life after death - pledge to donate your body. — Amit Abraham

Please Donate Quotes By Ayn Rand

It's easy to run to others. It's so hard to stand on one's own record. You can fake virtue for an audience. You can't fake it in your own eyes. Your ego is your strictest judge. They run from it. They spend their lives running. It's easier to donate a few thousand to charity and think oneself noble than to base self-respect on personal standards of personal achievement. It's simple to seek substitutes for competence
such easy substitutes: love, charm, kindness, charity. But there is no substitute for competence. — Ayn Rand