Famous Quotes & Sayings

Quotes & Sayings About Playing Possum

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Top Playing Possum Quotes

Playing Possum Quotes By Anais Nin

Convalescence. Such an utter weakness that you lie like an animal hibernating, playing possum. You float. You are adrift. Every current is stronger than you. — Anais Nin

Playing Possum Quotes By Penny Reid

I sat back in my seat and stared out the windshield, much of what I knew about the order of the universe rearranging itself. Perhaps Jennifer Sylvester wasn't feeble after all. Perhaps Jennifer Sylvester was fierce.

That makes no sense. Nobody is that good at playing possum. Well . . . nobody but me. — Penny Reid

Playing Possum Quotes By Taylor Anderson

...playing possum was a skill he'd learned in China once upon a time, and it had come in handy more than once. When, oh, Chinese gangsters, for example, thought you were down for the count, they were less prepared when you suddenly resurrected yourself and beat them to death with a goofy jade Buddha you didn't know why you had. Life was weird that way, and it always helped to have an edge. — Taylor Anderson