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Quotes & Sayings About Piaget's Theory

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Top Piaget's Theory Quotes

Piaget's Theory Quotes By Nora Ephron

A while back, my friend Graydon Carter mentioned that he was opening a restaurant in New York. I cautioned him against this, because it's my theory that owning a restaurant is the kind of universal fantasy everyone ought to grow out of, sooner rather than later, or else you will be stuck with the restaurant. There are many problems that come with owning a restaurant, not the least of which is that you have to eat there all the time. Giving up the fantasy that you want to own a restaurant is probably the last Piaget stage. — Nora Ephron

Piaget's Theory Quotes By Jean Piaget

There is little mysticism without an element of transcendence, and conversely, there is no transcendence without a certain degree of egocentrism. It may be that the genesis of these experiences is to be sought in the unique situation of the very young child in relation to adults. The theory of the filial origin of the religious sense seems to us singularly convincing in this connection. — Jean Piaget

Piaget's Theory Quotes By Ulrich Muller

The major thrust of the criticism leveled against Piaget's theory of infant development comes from the neonativist enterprise that argues that core knowledge and the abilities to represent and reason about physical reality (e.g., objects, causality, space) are innate (see Bremner, 2001; Cohen & Cashon, 2006, for reviews). — Ulrich Muller