Famous Quotes & Sayings

Quotes & Sayings About Photography By Famous Photographers

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Top Photography By Famous Photographers Quotes

Photography By Famous Photographers Quotes By Kathleen Hanna

My vision of punk rock was these dudes who were spitting on the audience and moshing. That's why I kind of left that scene. Then I see all these people around my same age or between 17 and 25 that were making music themselves in their own town. They weren't just singing, but creating. I see them putting out this music where there are tons of women involved in the scene and involved in the bands. — Kathleen Hanna

Photography By Famous Photographers Quotes By Ray Kurzweil

Those with engineering skills will build tomorrow's genius computers. But those with the ability to create knowledge of any kind will be the ones who are best able to extract great value from them. The way to create value in the age of genius machines will be to compile and disseminate knowledge that other people will find useful. — Ray Kurzweil

Photography By Famous Photographers Quotes By Mark Klett

Fine-art photography is a very small world associated with galleries, museums, and university art programs. It's not like rock music; the products of this world have never been widely seen because the artists are often exploring things that are not already coded in general consciousness. It's not that photographers don't want to be famous, it's just that very few of the views from the edges of culture make the mainstream. Ansel Adams was an exception. — Mark Klett

Photography By Famous Photographers Quotes By Leigh Bardugo

She righted herself, her balance returning. Had she really thought the world didn't change? She was a fool. The world was made of miracles, unexpected earthquakes, storms that came from nowhere and might reshape a continent. The boy beside her. The future before her. Anything was possible. — Leigh Bardugo

Photography By Famous Photographers Quotes By Megan Fox

Hold your head high, and your middle finger higher. — Megan Fox

Photography By Famous Photographers Quotes By Jenny Han

Josh, you break my heart. And you're a liar. Because you know me, you know me better than almost anybody, and you don't love me. — Jenny Han

Photography By Famous Photographers Quotes By Elle Casey

Yes. Go away." I stare at the ceiling. Having him this close makes me sad for some reason. Must be the drugs again. I never did like being on them. Wine is way better.
He takes my hand back. "Don't be like that. — Elle Casey

Photography By Famous Photographers Quotes By Wayne Rogers

Free speech is not a bogus issue. It is an issue. — Wayne Rogers

Photography By Famous Photographers Quotes By Christopher Hitchens

It's only when you have grazed on the lower slopes of your own ignorance and begun to understand the great vistas of nonknowledge that you have, that you can claim to have been educated at all. — Christopher Hitchens

Photography By Famous Photographers Quotes By Carrie Ann Ryan

First, there will be no kidnapping. I know you're stronger and bigger and have magic and crap, but I'm drawing the line at kidnapping. — Carrie Ann Ryan

Photography By Famous Photographers Quotes By James Windell

After the death of a parent, children will typically start to worry about your safety as their mother, so they will need extra reassurance from you. — James Windell

Photography By Famous Photographers Quotes By Erle Stanley Gardner

Life is like that. We can only see from birth to death. The rest of it is cut from our vision." Drake — Erle Stanley Gardner

Photography By Famous Photographers Quotes By Bill Jay

The best way for photographers to become rich and famous is to go into another field. — Bill Jay

Photography By Famous Photographers Quotes By Barbara Marciniak

The Earth is alive and contains the knowledge you seek. It is your consciousness that determines what it reveals. How to access this knowledge? And where are the keys to open it and make it yours? The Earth speaks. Love her, honor and respect her and she will reveal her secrets. — Barbara Marciniak