Phineas Quotes & Sayings
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Top Phineas Quotes

Every one is made of matter, and matter is continually going through a chemical change. This change is life, not wisdom, but life, like vegetable or mineral life. Every idea is matter, so of course it contains life in the name of something that can be changed. Motion, or change, is life. Ideas have life. A belief has life, or matter; for it can be changed. Now, all the aforesaid make up man; and all this can be changed. — Phineas Quimby

This was the tree, and it seemed to me standing there to resemble those men, the giants of your childhood, whom you encounter years later and find that they are not merely smaller in relation to your growth, but they are absolutely smaller, shrunken by age. In this double demotion the old giants have become pygmies while you were looking the other way. — John Knowles

She looked at Connor. "How old are you?"
His jaw shifted. "I doona discuss my private life."
"I can translate that for you," Phineas offered. "It means he's embarrassed he was a caveman and ate brontosaurus burgers for lunch."
Connor arched an eyebrow at him. "The correct translation is 'sod off.' — Kerrelyn Sparks

We have to deal with rather than anesthetizing tension with TV or video games. It's easier to bypass relational snags with a convenient distraction, forfeiting the chance to improve problem solving and listening skills. I don't want my kids to be more comfortable interacting with a computer screen than a human being. We stay the course until we've resolved an issue, not allowing "Phineas & Ferb" to fill the space instead. This is harder and requires more time, but my kids will marry people and have bosses and children. Learning healthy relational skills is now or never. — Jen Hatmaker

I've come to gamble."
The old man's mouth twitched. He put down his shish kebab and leaned toward Percy. "A interesting. Information in exchange for the harpy? Winner take all?"
"No," Percy said. "The harpy isn't part of the deal."
Phineas laughed. "Really? Perhaps you don't understand her value."
"She's a person," Percy said. "She isn't for sale. — Rick Riordan

The dying swan, when years her temples pierce, In music-strains breathes out her life and verse, And, chanting her own dirge, tides on her wat'ry hearse. — Phineas Fletcher

I watch a lot of cartoons. I watch a lot of "SpongeBob SquarePants" and "Phineas and Ferb." — Colin Kaepernick

The doctors take the bodily evidence as the disease ... disease is itself an impudent opinion. He throws off the feelings of the sick and imparts to them his own which are perfect health, and his explanation destroys their feelings or disease ... He is like a captain who knows his business and feels confident in a storm, and his confidence sustains the crew and ship when both would be lost if the captain should give way to his fears. — Phineas Quimby

I was born in Memphis. There was music all around me, really deep and special music. I heard all these great masters at a young age.There was a great genius in my town, Phineas Newborn, who is one of the greatest pianists ever on the planet. He took me under his wings at about 9 and he put me on the right track. — Charles Lloyd

Drop, drop, slow tears, and bathe those beauteous feet Which brought from heaven the news and prince of peace. Cease not, wet eyes, his mercies to entreat; To cry for vengeance sin doth never cease; In your deep floods drown all my faults and fears, Nor let his eye see sin but through my tears. — Phineas Fletcher

Phineas Gage's case is not the only important
historical source in the effort to understand the neural basis of
reasoning and decision making ... [to understand the effect of] prefrontal damage ... The Hebb-Penfield and Ackerly-Benton shared a number
of personality traits ... They are bereft of a theory of
their own mind and of the mind of those with whom they interact — Antonio R. Damasio

It may seem strange to those in health that our beliefs affect us. The fact is, there is nothing of us but belief. It is the whole capital and stock in trade of man. It is all that can be changed, and embraces everything man has made or ever will make. — Phineas Quimby

Gene, on the desire to be Finny: I lost part of myself to him then, and a soaring sense of freedom revealed that this must have been my purpose from the first: to become a part of Phineas. — John Knowles

Damn." Phineas turned the Big Boy off, then noticed he'd left the box on the bed. Damn, had Zoltan seen it? He stuffed the phallus back into the box, but must have jammed too hard, for it started wiggling again.
"Stop it." He punched a button, but it merely increased its speed, the tip spiraling in wild circles.
Damn! He watched in horror. It was like a whirlybird on steroids! How could a man compete with that? He ripped the balls off it and emptied out the batteries. "Die, you freakin' dildo, die! — Kerrelyn Sparks

Phineas didn't really dislike West Point in particular or authority in general, but just considered authority the necessary evil against which happiness was achieved by reaction, the backboard which returned all the insults he threw at it. — John Knowles

A faint, high pitched scream came from Etienne's pocket, accompanied by a drumbeat. "There are squirrels in my pants!" a girl cried as Phineas and Ferb's "Squirrels in My Pants"song began blaring from his phone.
Every immortal in the room turned to look at him.
Etienne scowled at his brother.
Laughing, Richart closed his cell phone and put it away. "I didn't change it. I just wanted to know what it was."
"Asshole. — Dianne Duvall

Love is like linen, often changed, the sweeter. — Phineas Fletcher

You must take the world as you find it, with a struggle to be something more honest than those around you. Phineas, as he preached himself this sermon, declared to himself that they who attempted more than this flew too high in the clouds to be of service to men an women upon the earth — Anthony Trollope

Stranded in this mill town railroad yard while the whole world was converging elsewhere, we seemed to be nothing but children playing among heroic men. — John Knowles

Human misery universally arises from some error that man admits as true. We confound our fears with the idea feared, and place the evil in the thing seen or believed. Here is a great error, for we never see what we are afraid of. — Phineas Quimby

The Master was slipping from his official position momentarily, and it was just possible, if Phineas pressed hard enough, that there might be a flow of simple, unregulated friendliness between them, and such flows were one of Finny's reasons for living. — John Knowles

I had to be right in never talking about what you could not change, and I had to make many people agree that I was right. None of them ever accused me of being responsible for what had happened to Phineas, either because they could not believe it or because they could not understand it. I would have talked about that, but they would not, and I would not talk about Phineas in any other way. — John Knowles

Man is made of opinions, - of truth and error; and his life is a warfare like all other lives before him ... Man goes on developing error upon error till he is buried in his own belief ... It is the office of wisdom to explain the phenomena in man called disease, to show how it is made, and how it can be unmade. This is as much a science as it is to know how to decompose a piece of metal. — Phineas Quimby

I'm going to kill Jude this afternoon for fun, then eat my own putrid kidney for dinner. — Will Christopher Baer

Phineas leaped to his feet, giving Vanda a appalled look. "Vanda! Why'd you do it?"
"What?" Vanda stood.
Phineas slapped a hand against his brow. "you can't attack these people jut because you hate Naruto! — Kerrelyn Sparks

Beauty when most unclothed is clothed best. — Phineas Fletcher

Long open panegyric drags at best, And praise is only praise when well address'd. — Phineas Fletcher

You know," said Phineas Nigellus, even more loudly than Harry, "this is precisely why I loathed being a teacher! Young people are so infernally convinced that they are absolutely right about everything. Has it not occurred to you, my poor puffed-up popinjay, that there might be an excellent reason why the headmaster of Hogwarts is not confiding every tiny detail of his plans to you? Have you never paused, while feeling hard-done-by, to note that following Dumbledore's orders has never yet led you into harm? No. No, like all young people, you are quite sure that you alone feel and think, you alone recognize danger, you alone are the only one clever enough to realize what the Dark Lord may be planning . . . — J.K. Rowling

As I walked briskly out the road the wind knifed at my face, but this sun caressed the back of my neck. — John Knowles

Must like the rest of us on the surface, he had an underlying obliging and considerate strain which barred him from being a really important member of the class. You had to be rude at least sometimes and edgy often to be credited with "personality," and without that accolade no one at Devon could be anyone. No one, with the exception of course of Phineas. — John Knowles

I felt that I was not, never had been and never would be a living part of this overpoweringly solid and deeply meaningful world around me. — John Knowles

I see." The nurse nodded. "How can I help you?"
"I'm Inspector Mc - " Phineas halted, obviously having second thoughts about using his real name.
"Man-boob," Brynley finished for him.
He stiffened.
"What can I do for you, Inspector McMan-boob?" the nurse asked.
He gritted his teeth. "It's muscle."
"Inspector Muscle?" the nurse asked.
"Yes. Exactly." He gave Brynley a triumphant look. "And this is my assistant, Nurse - "
"Doctor," Brynley corrected him.
"Doctor . . ." He glanced down at her chest. "A-cup."
He arched a brow. "You'll have to prove it. — Kerrelyn Sparks

What makes you so special? Why should you get it and all the rest of us be in the dark?"
The momentum of the argument abruptly broke from his control. His face froze. "Because I've suffered," he burst out. — John Knowles

I saw on the pad not an operator's number from my home town, but one which seemed to interrupt the beating of my heart. — John Knowles

What are you waiting for?" shanna asked. "He's dying! Do it!"
Conner looked at Angus. "Ye do it. It was yer idea."
"Nay? Ye were the first to suggest it. Ye do it."
"I'm no' touching him." Conner said.
He nudged Phineas "Ye do it."
"I don't even know how!" Phineas poked at Robby. "You do it."
"Why me?" Robby turned to Angus. "Ye're the expert. Ye do it."
Angus grimaced. "I'm no' doing it. I hate the bugger."
"Stop it!" Shanna screamed "You- Forget it! I'll do it myself."
"Shanna you don't know how," Roman said.
"Gods blood. I guess I have to do it."
"You guess?" Shanna cried "Are you going to let him die?"
"He threatens to kill me every time he sees me. — Kerrelyn Sparks

Talk about songs that make me cry: Track 7 on the 'Phineas and Ferb' soundtrack, 'Summer (Where Do We Begin?).' When you get to the part about sitting with your brother underneath the shade of a big tree in the backyard, ohmygod. Turn on the waterworks. — Christopher Gorham

Phineas gave Abigail an encouraging smile. "Chillax, dudette. He didn't want to bite you."
She wondered if she'd overreacted. "He didn't?"
"Naw." Phineas smirked. "He just wanted to jump your bones. — Kerrelyn Sparks

Which word when pronounced right is wrong but if pronounced wrong is right? The word wrong. — Phineas T. Gildersleeve

Science is wisdom reduced to practice. — Phineas Quimby

Everyone contributed to this legend except Phineas. At the outset, with the attempt on Hitler's life, Finny had said, "If someone gave Leper a loaded gun and put it at Hitler's temple, he'd miss." There was a general shout of outrage, and then we recommended the building of Leper's triumphal arch around Brinker's keystone. Phineas took no part in it, and since little else was talked about in the Butt Room he soon stopped going there and stopped me from going as well - "How do you expect to be an athlete if you smoke like a forest fire?" He drew me increasingly away from the Butt Room crowd, away from Brinker and Chet and all other friends, into a world inhabited by just himself and me, where there was no war at all, just Phineas and me alone among all the people of the world, training for the Olympics of 1944. — John Knowles

There's no bright side," Phineas objected. "The man's got no gonads."
"But she hit the target," Carlos said.
"The man has got no gonads," Phineas repeated forcefully.
"It was an accident." Caitlyn set her gun on the counter. "I was aiming for his chest."
"You blew his pecker to Connecticut," Phineas muttered.
She grinned. "I think you have issues, Phineas. It was only a paper pecker. — Kerrelyn Sparks

Now I have a shot at being the Planet's Funniest Kid Comic. "The planet Earth?" asks Phineas of - you guessed it - Phineas and Ferb. "Or Mars? We built a portal to Mars for the science fair once. — James Patterson

Never try to understand the students. They hate it. They would much rather be tragically misunderstood, wallow in self-pity, stew in their own - "
"That's enough, Phineas," said Dumbledore. — J.K. Rowling

All of them, all except Phineas, constructed at infinite cost to themselves these Maginot Lines against this enemy they thought they saw across the frontier, this enemy who never attacked that way-if he ever attacked at all; if he was indeed the enemy. — John Knowles

Jack zoomed into the clearing at vampire speed. His eyes widened at the sight of Phineas and Brynley hovering twelve feet in the air. "I heard a gunshot. Are you all right?"
"Dagnabbit! Another alien!" Digger bellowed.
"Where?" Jack glanced behind him, then gasped when Digger shifted back into a bear and charged. He levitated, too. "Merda! Now I see why you're floating. — Kerrelyn Sparks

Garrett!" Nick's handcuffs clanked when he moved. "The laces on those boots, the plastic thingies have modified handcuff keys on them." "The aglets?" Zane asked. He squirmed around, trying to loosen the ropes enough so he could see his shoes. "The what?" Nick asked, sounding an odd combination of desperate and exasperated. "Aglets. Plastic thingies." "Why do you know what those things are called?" "Phineas and Ferb. — Anonymous

Phineas created an atmosphere in which I continued now to live, a way of sizing up the world with erratic and entirely personal reservations, letting its rocklike facts sift through and be accepted only a little at a time, only as much as he could assimilate without a sense of chaos and loss. — John Knowles

Sean groaned. "What are you thinking? The future of Vamps around the world depends on this, and you're subjecting those poor innocent girls to a playboy and the self-proclaimed Love Doctor?"
Phineas huffed. "Dude, I can be a perfect gentleman."
"On what planet?" Sean growled. — Kerrelyn Sparks

The first miracle after the baptism of the Holy Ghost was wroughtly upon a beggar. It means that the first service of a Holy Ghost-baptized church is to the poor; that its ministry is to those who are lowest down; that its gifts are for those who need them the most. As the Spirit was upon Jesus to preach the gospel to the poor, so His Spirit is upon His servants for the same purpose. — Phineas F. Bresee

Digger motioned to Zoltan. "What about that one? He has funny eyes. Could be an alien."
"He's Zoltan, a vampire like me," Phineas explained.
"Are you sure? Zoltan sounds like an alien planet. — Kerrelyn Sparks

Don't give me the evil eye. You were the one about to star in an X-rated porno flick.-Phineas — Kerrelyn Sparks

Disease is the misery of our belief, happiness is the health of our wisdom, so that man's happiness or misery depends on himself. Now, as our misery comes from our belief, and not from the thing believed, it is necessary to be on the watch, so as not to be deceived by false guides. Sensation contains no intelligence or belief, but is a mere disturbance of the matter, called agitation, which produces mind, and is ready to receive the seed of error. Ever since man was created, there has been an element called error which has been busy inventing answers for every sensation. — Phineas Quimby

Snape could send Phineas Nigellus to look inside the house for him," Hermione explained to Ron as she resumed her seat. "But let him try it now, all Phineas Nigellus will be able to see is the inside of my handbag."
"Good thinking!" said Ron, looking impressed. — J.K. Rowling

The silkworm spins out his life, and, wrapping himself in his labor, dies. — Phineas Quimby

I was beginning to see that Phineas could get away with anything. I couldn't help envying him that a little, which was perfectly normal. There was no harm in envying even your best friend a little — John Knowles

As I had to do whenever I glimpsed this river, I thought of Phineas. Not of the tree and pain, but of one of his favorite tricks, Phineas in exaltation, balancing on one foot on the prow of a canoe like a river god, his raised arms invoking the air to support him, face transfigured, body a complex set of balances and compensations, each muscle aligned in perfection with all the others to maintain this supreme fantasy of achievement, his skin glowing from immersions, his whole body hanging between river and sky as though he had transcended gravity and might by gently pushing upward with his foot glide a little way higher and remain suspended in space, encompassing all the glory of the summer and offering it to the sky. — John Knowles

MY THEORY: the trouble is in the mind, for the body is only the house for the mind to dwell in ... If your mind has been deceived by some invisible enemy into a belief, you have put it into the form of a disease, with or without your knowledge. By my theory or truth I come in contact with your enemy and restore you to health and happiness. — Phineas Quimby

That's Carlos?" Phineas lowered his sword and whistled under his breath. "Hello, kitty. — Kerrelyn Sparks

I think we reminded them of what peace was like, we boys of sixteen. We were registered with no draft board, we had taken no physical examinations. No one had ever tested us for hernia or color blindness. Trick knees and punctured eardrums were minor complaints and not yet disabilities which would separate a few from the fate of the rest. We were careless and wild, and I suppose we could be thought of as a sign of the life the war was being fought to preserve. Anyway, they were more indulgent toward us than at any other time; they snapped at the heels of seniors, driving and molding and arming them for the war. They noticed our games tolerantly. We reminded them of what peace was like, of lives which were not bound up with destruction. — John Knowles

Aglets. Plastic thingies."
"Why do you know what those things are called?"
"Phineas and Ferb."
"You watch cartoons?"
Zane laughed hoarsely. "Kind of judgy for someone who can sing the country song from Animaniacs."
"Damn you, Tyler! Can't keep a fucking secret! — Abigail Roux

A long iron rod rocketed straight through the very forefront of Phineas Gage's brain. It's kind of an unusual part of the brain: you can suffer pretty severe injuries to it and often walk away from the injury. It's not a part of the brain that's necessarily vital for your biological self. But it is very important for personality. — Sam Kean

Phineas just walked serenely on, or rather flowed on, rolling forward in his white sneakers with such unthinking unity of movement that "walk" didn't describe it. — John Knowles

I sometimes think you despise poetry,' said Phineas.
'When it is false I do. The difficulty is to know when it is false and when it is true. — Anthony Trollope

One thing is certain: the time will come when the opinions of priests and doctors must give way to the science of life; for their opinions lead to death and misery, and the science of life is health and happiness. — Phineas Quimby

Now, I stand alone on this rock, fighting the errors of this world, and establish the science of life by my works. What is my mode of warfare? With the axe of truth I strike at the root of every tree of error and hew it down, so that there shall not be one error in man showing itself in the form of disease. — Phineas Quimby

The scornful force of his tone turned the word into a curse — John Knowles

Sunny didn't make a fool out of Phineas, God beat her to that. — Jerry Lawler