Famous Quotes & Sayings

Perfectly Safe Quotes & Sayings

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Top Perfectly Safe Quotes

Perfectly Safe Quotes By Thomas Boswell

Terrorism drives out all normal human activity before it, defining life in its own sick terms, if it can. So, a baseball game on a sultry Texas night before a huge crowd, with everyone feeling perfectly safe, is exactly what terrorists hate. Which is why it is so important to resume such athletic rituals - which symbolize stability, confidence and order - as soon as is reasonably possible. — Thomas Boswell

Perfectly Safe Quotes By Douglas Adams

Please relax," said the voice pleasantly, like a stewardess in an airliner with only one wing and two engines one of which is on fire, "you are perfectly safe. — Douglas Adams

Perfectly Safe Quotes By Joanna Wylde

Puck said the shittier the hotel, the less likely it was anyone would remember us. By that logic, we were now perfectly safe. — Joanna Wylde

Perfectly Safe Quotes By Paula Hawkins

Mac saved me. He took me in, he loved me, he kept me safe. And he wasn't boring. And to be perfectly honest, we were taking a lot of drugs, and it's difficult to get bored when you're off your face all the time. I was happy. — Paula Hawkins

Perfectly Safe Quotes By Naomi Novik

They all had stories. They had mothers or fathers, sisters or lovers. They weren't alone in the world, mattering to no one but themselves. It seemed utterly wrong to treat them like pennies in a purse. I felt the soldiers understood perfectly well that we were making sums out of them
this many safe to spend, this number too high, as if each one wasn't a whole man. — Naomi Novik

Perfectly Safe Quotes By Dallas Willard

This present world is a perfectly safe place for us to be." That certainly is what Jesus, and the Bible as a whole, has to say to us. "Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life, and I shall dwell in the house of the Lord forever" (Ps 23). — Dallas Willard

Perfectly Safe Quotes By Tony Reinke

I wish we may learn from all our changes, to be sober and watchful, not to rest in grace received, in experience or comforts, but still to be pressing forward, and never think ourselves either safe or happy, but when we are beholding the glory of Christ by the light of faith in the glass of the Gospel. To view him as God manifest in the flesh, as all in all in himself, and all in all for us; this is cheering, this is strengthening, this makes hard things easy, and bitter things sweet. This includes all I can wish for my dear friends, that you may grow in grace, and in the knowledge of Jesus. To know him, is the shortest description of true grace; to know him better, is the surest mark of growth in grace; to know him perfectly, is eternal life. This is the prize of our high calling; the sum and substance of all we can desire or hope for is, to see him as he is, and to be like him: and to this honor and happiness he will surely bring all that love his name.81 — Tony Reinke

Perfectly Safe Quotes By Anne Frank

I see the eight of us in the Annexe as if we were a patch of blue sky surrounded by menacing black clouds. The perfectly round spot on which we're standing is still safe, but the clouds are moving in on us, and the ring between us and the approaching danger is being pulled tighter and tighter. We're surrounded by darkness and danger, and in our desperate search for a way out we keep bumping into each other. We look at the fighting down below and the peace and beauty up above. In the meantime, we've been cut off by the dark mass of clouds, so that we can go neither up nor down. It looms before us like an impenetrable wall, trying to crush us, but not yet able to. I can only cry out and implore, 'Oh, ring, ring, open wide and let us out!' Yours, Anne — Anne Frank

Perfectly Safe Quotes By Claire Thompson

Happily for you, dear girl, that isn't the case here. You're perfectly safe. I might hurt you - no, let me amend that, I'm definitely going to hurt you, but I would never harm you." Jaime — Claire Thompson

Perfectly Safe Quotes By Alan W. Watts

To put it still more plainly: the desire for security and the feeling of insecurity are the same thing. To hold your breath is to lose your breath.

We worry because we feel unsafe, and want to be safe. Yet it is perfectly useless to say that we should not want to be safe. Calling a desire bad names doesn't get rid of it. What we have to discover is that there is no safety, that seeking it is painful, and that when we imagine that we have found it, we don't like it. In other words, if we can really understand what we are looking for - that safety is isolation, and what we do to ourselves when we look for it - we shall see that we do not want it at all. No one has to tell you that you should not hold your breath for ten minutes. You know that you can't do it, and that the attempt is most uncomfortable. — Alan W. Watts

Perfectly Safe Quotes By Kady Cross

You're not going to take advantage of me, are you?" The cushions felt so nice behind her head. It was so nice to lie down. "Novels are always warning young women of the dangers of being taken advantage of by wealthy young men."
"You are perfectly safe. Emily is here to protect your virtue."
"That's too bad. — Kady Cross

Perfectly Safe Quotes By Mark Helprin

You'll be shot," they cautioned. "No. I won't be shot. I'm going to shoot them, and then I'll go home. I'll be perfectly safe. I can see the future, and the clouds are lifting." "You can see the future? How can you see the future?" "I know enough now about the patterns of the past to see the darkness of the future unraveling before the golden light of time. Behind the clouds is the dawn. How can I possibly know such things? The fact is, I do. So watch out. — Mark Helprin

Perfectly Safe Quotes By Terry Pratchett

It's all right," said the Fool urgently. "You'll be perfectly safe with me." "Yes, I will, won't I," said Magrat, trying to look around him to see where the others had gone. "They're staging the play outside, in the big courtyard. We'll get a lovely view from one of the gate towers, and no one else will be there. I put some wine up there for us, and everything." When she still looked half-reluctant he added, "And there's a cistern of water and a fireplace that the guards use sometimes. In case you want to wash your hair. — Terry Pratchett

Perfectly Safe Quotes By Sarah A. Hoyt

Marry me, Thena, please.

I tried to sigh and would have managed it, had he left me enough air space. If he intended on kissing me like this a lot, I was going to need a nose-mask and oxygen tanks in the future.
Yes, I said reluctantly, I think I must.
It was perfectly clear to me that the poor man had become disturbed in his reason, and in those conditions it would be cruel and unfair to send him to space alone, much less when space had become so dangerous. I must marry him, just to make sure he stayed safe. It was the least I could do, since I was fairly sure I'd started him on this road by trying to garrotte him and reducing his supply of oxygen to the
Yes, yes, you must, he said. It gets very boring in the Cathouse, without anyone to kick me.
Poor man. Madder than a broomer hopped up on oblivium. — Sarah A. Hoyt

Perfectly Safe Quotes By William J. Bernstein

My rule of thumb is that if you spend 2 percent of your nest egg per year, adjusted upward for the cost of living, you are as secure as possible; at 3 percent, you are probably safe; at 4 percent, you are taking real risks; and at 5 percent, you had better like cat food and vacations very close to home. For example, if, in addition to Social Security and pensions, you spend $50,000 per year in living expenses, that means you will need $2.5 million to be perfectly safe, and $1.67 million to be fairly secure. If you have "only" $1.25 million, you are taking chances; if you are starting with $1 million, there is a good chance you will eventually run out of money. — William J. Bernstein

Perfectly Safe Quotes By Cari Waites

Daniel." His voice is soothing. "It's okay. You're okay. Remember we talked about the chair. We talked about the things that would happen here. The chair trains you to take the stuff that frightens you. Sounding is perfectly safe, I promise."

Says the man without the metal rod up his cock. — Cari Waites

Perfectly Safe Quotes By James Whistler

You should not say it is not good. You should say you do not like it; and then, you know, you're perfectly safe. — James Whistler

Perfectly Safe Quotes By Sarah MacLean

I forbid you from frequenting taverns, public houses, or other establishments of vice."
She snorted in amusement. "Establishments of vice? That's a rather puritanical view of things, isn't it? I assure you, I was quite safe."
"You were with Ralston!" he said, as though she were simpleminded.
"He was perfectly respectable," she said, the words coming out before she remembered that the carriage ride home was anything but respectable.
"Imagine - my sister and the Marquess of Ralston together. And he turns out to be the respectable one," Benedick said wryly, sending heat flaring on Callie's cheeks, but not for the reason he thought. "No more taverns. — Sarah MacLean

Perfectly Safe Quotes By L.E. Modesitt Jr.

You didn't ask us about whether it was safe to take your troops out of the locial. You told us that was what you were doing. Your assumption was that Old Earth is perfectly safe unless you're warned. Is deep space safe? Would you drop into the sun's photosphere because no one warned you it would incinerate you? Nothing is perfectly safe. We don't provide warning signs to protect you from yourselves. Try to remember that. — L.E. Modesitt Jr.

Perfectly Safe Quotes By James M. Barrie

The man who is in real danger is the man who thinks he is perfectly safe. — James M. Barrie

Perfectly Safe Quotes By Derek Landy

You can't leave me alone," she said, following him into the living room.
"Yes," he corrected, "I can. You'll be perfectly safe."
"The front door's off!"
"Well, yes. You'll be perfectly safe as long as they don't come through the front door. — Derek Landy

Perfectly Safe Quotes By John Ortberg

The gospel, Dallas said once, means that this universe is a perfectly safe place for you to be. — John Ortberg

Perfectly Safe Quotes By Joshua A. Norton

Now, therefore, the Directors of the company are hereby ordered to see that precautions are taken to make travel on said railroad perfectly safe by using a screw with at least twenty-four inches diameter. — Joshua A. Norton

Perfectly Safe Quotes By Julie Klassen

So." He looked at her expectantly. "Shall we go?" Emma blinked. "Now?" "Did you not say you would like to see inside?" "Well . . . yes. If you are certain it is safe." "Perfectly safe." He extracted his pocket watch and glanced at it. "That is, for the next four hours. — Julie Klassen

Perfectly Safe Quotes By Stephen Levine

Death is perfectly safe. (55) — Stephen Levine

Perfectly Safe Quotes By Haruki Murakami

Here's what hurst the most," Kafuku said. "I didn't truly understand her--or at least some crucial part of her. And it may well end that way now that she's dead and gone. Like a small, locked safe lying at the bottom of the ocean. It hurts a lot."

Tatsuki thought for a moment before speaking.

"But Mr. Kafuku, can any of us ever perfectly understand another person? However much we may love them? — Haruki Murakami

Perfectly Safe Quotes By Oscar Wilde

Waning. He was perfectly safe there. Nor, indeed, was it the death of Basil Hallward that weighed most upon his mind. It was the living death of his own soul that troubled him. Basil had painted the portrait that had marred his life. — Oscar Wilde

Perfectly Safe Quotes By Ram Dass

The stroke has given me another way to serve people. It lets me feel more deeply the pain of others; to help them know by example that ultimately, whatever happens, no harm can come. 'Death is perfectly safe,' I like to say. — Ram Dass

Perfectly Safe Quotes By Charles Spurgeon

The Providence of God is the great protector of our life and usefulness, and under the divine care we are perfectly safe from danger. — Charles Spurgeon

Perfectly Safe Quotes By Terry Pratchett

History records a great many foolish comments, such as, "it looks perfectly safe," or "Indians? What Indians?" and Dogger added to the list with an old favourite which has caused more encyclopedias and life insurance policies to be sold than you would have thought possible.
"I suppose," he said, "that you'd better come in. — Terry Pratchett

Perfectly Safe Quotes By Debbie Ford

To live a life of excellence, you will have to take risks. You will have to step into new territory and climb new mountains. If you're up to something that's as big as you are, it's going to be scary. If it feels perfectly safe, you are probably underachieving. To leave your mark in the world, you will have to stand someplace you've never been willing to stand before. And you will have to have the courage to aspire to excellence. — Debbie Ford

Perfectly Safe Quotes By Skye Jethani

The reason why we look so crazy as Christians is because we see a world that the rest don't see. We see a God-bathed world in which we are perfectly safe. So safe, so set free from fear that we can even love our enemies without thought of the consequences. — Skye Jethani

Perfectly Safe Quotes By George Lois

Follow your bliss. That which you love you must spend your life doing, as passionately and as perfectly as your heart, mind and instincts allow. The sooner you identify that bliss, which surely resides in the soul of most human beings, the greater your chance of a truly successful life. In the act of creativity, being careful guarantees sameness and mediocrity, which means your work will be invisible. Better to be reckless than careful. Better to be bold than safe. Better to have your work seen and remembered, or you've struck out. There is no middle ground. — George Lois

Perfectly Safe Quotes By A&E Kirk

Stop being a baby," Blake stepped into the room.
"We're perfectly safe." Something clanked. Blake yelped, lifted me in front of his chest, and peeked around for danger. Logan ducked under the gate.
"It's just me." I glared at Blake.
"Are you seriously using me as a human shield?"
"Sorry, babe. But this place likes you a lot better than it does me."
A & E Kirk (2014-05-26). Drop Dead Demons: The Divinicus Nex Chronicles: Book 2 (Divinicus Nex Chronicles series) (p. 499). A&E Kirk. Kindle Edition. — A&E Kirk

Perfectly Safe Quotes By J.K. Rowling

Just - just to be clear," he said. "You want to leave Tonks at her parents' house and come away with us?"
"She'll be perfectly safe there, they'll look after her," said Lupin. He spoke with a finality bordering on indifference. "Harry, I'm sure James would have wanted me to stick with you."
"Well," said Harry slowly, "I'm not. I'm pretty sure my father would have wanted to know why you aren't sticking with your own kid, actually. — J.K. Rowling

Perfectly Safe Quotes By Richard Hell

I walk in the sprinkling rain like a lion. Pretty soon there won't be lions anymore. If I have to die to be a lion I'll die. I'm roaring, but in the language of rain and sand: I am invisible, I blend in, and I'm not hungry so everyone is safe. I can just observe them, join them, I can admire them, I can pity them and love them. They're so pathetically beautiful I could cry. How could I ever forget that this world is gorgeous and interesting? Every little detail is a gateway to huge canyons of knowledge and understanding. And it's all so sexy. Nothing is restrained, everything is perfectly, ripely, ravishingly itself, and swollen with signs and information that link it in the web. — Richard Hell

Perfectly Safe Quotes By G.K. Chesterton

There is a law written in the darkest of the Books of Life, and it is this: If you look at a thing nine hundred and ninety-nine times, you are perfectly safe; if you look at it the thousandth time, you are in frightful danger of seeing it for the first time. — G.K. Chesterton

Perfectly Safe Quotes By Terry Tempest Williams

What is it about the relationship of a mother that can heal or hurt us? Her womb is the first landscape we inhabit. It is here we learn to respond - to move, to listen, to be nourished and grow. In her body we grow to be human as our tails disappear and our gills turn to lungs. Our maternal environment is perfectly safe - dark, warm, and wet. It is a residency inside the Feminine.
When we outgrow our mother's body, our cramps become her own. We move. She labors. Our body turns upside down in hers as we journey through the birth canal. She pushes in pain. We emerge, a head. She pushes one more time, and we slide out like a fish. Slapped on the back by the doctor, we breath. The umbilical cord is cut - not at our request. Separation is immediate. A mother reclaims her body, for her own life. Not ours. Minutes old, our first death is our own birth. — Terry Tempest Williams

Perfectly Safe Quotes By Chuck Palahniuk

You're a product of our language, and how our laws are and how we believe our God wants us. Every bitty molecule about you has already been thought out by some million people before you. Anything you can do is boring and old and perfectly okay. You're safe because you're so trapped inside your culture. Anything you can conceive of is fine because you can conceive of it. You can't imagine any way to escape. There's no way you can get out.The world is your cradle and your trap. — Chuck Palahniuk

Perfectly Safe Quotes By Thomas Mann

I never can understand how anyone can not smoke it deprives a man of the best part of life. With a good cigar in his mouth a man is perfectly safe, nothing can touch him, literally. — Thomas Mann

Perfectly Safe Quotes By Rick Yancey

You're safe here. Perfectly safe. That phrase still haunts me. Haunts me because it's always been a lie. It was a lie before they came and it's still a lie. You're never perfectly safe. No human being on Earth ever is or ever was. To live is to risk your life, your heart, everything. Otherwise, you're just a walking corpse. You're a zombie. — Rick Yancey

Perfectly Safe Quotes By James C. Dobson

Perhaps this is why not one of 800 sexologists attending a conference raised a hand when asked if they would trust a thin rubber sheath to protect them during intercourse with a known HIV-infected person. I don't blame them. They're not crazy, after all. Yet they're perfectly willing to tell your generation that "safe sex" is within reach and you can sleep around with impunity. It is a terrible lie. — James C. Dobson

Perfectly Safe Quotes By Marissa Meyer

But you are crazy."
"I know." She lifted a small box from the basket. "Do you know how I know?"
Scarlet didn't answer.
"Because the palace walls have been bleeding for years, and no one else sees it." She shrugged, as if this were a perfectly normal thing to say. "No one believes me, but in some corridors, the blood has gotten so thick there's nowhere safe to step. When I have to pass through those places, I leave a trail of bloody footprints for the rest of the day, and then I worry that the queen's soldiers will follow the scent and eat me up while I'm sleeping. Some nights I don't sleep very well." Her voice dropped to a haunted whisper, her eyes taking on a brittle luminescence. "But if the blood was real, the servants would clean it up. Don't you think? — Marissa Meyer

Perfectly Safe Quotes By Anne Frank

I see the eight of us in the Annex as if we were a patch of blue sky surrounded by menacing black clouds. The perfectly round spot on which we're standing is still safe, but the clouds are moving in on us, and the ring between us and the approaching danger is being pulled tighter and tighter. We're surrounded by darkness and danger, and in our desperate search for a way out we keep bumping into each other. We look at the fighting down below and the peace and beauty up above. In the meantime, we've been cut off by the dark mass of clouds, so that we can go neither up nor down. It looms before us like an impenetrable wall, trying to crush us, but not yet able to. I can only cry out and implore, Oh, ring, ring, open wide and let us out! — Anne Frank

Perfectly Safe Quotes By James Madison

Liberty and order will never be perfectly safe until a trespass on the Constitution provisions for either, shall be felt with the same keenness that resents and invasion of the dearest rights ... — James Madison

Perfectly Safe Quotes By John Ortberg

There is something you can't fix, can't heal, or can't escape, and all you can do it trust God. Finding ultimate refuge in God means you become so immersed in his presence, so convinced of his goodness, so devoted to his lordship that you find even the cave is a perfectly safe place to be because he is there with you. — John Ortberg

Perfectly Safe Quotes By Beth Moore

I believe many Christians are just like I used to be. They are convinced they are allowing the Word to do its sanctifying work simply by a steady diet of sermons and Bible studies. They even love the Word. Still they may have unknowingly practiced such selective application that some places remain inadvertently unprotected. No need to wait until something painful happens. You can change your approach today! Begin aggressively asking God to plow through your precious life with His Word. Don't be scared to do it! Be scared not to do it! You're perfectly safe with God. — Beth Moore

Perfectly Safe Quotes By Bronislaw Malinowski

Coastal sailing as long as it is perfectly safe and easy commands no magic. Overseas expeditions are invariably bound up with ceremonies and ritual. Man resorts to magic only where chance and circumstances are not fully controlled by knowledge. — Bronislaw Malinowski

Perfectly Safe Quotes By Alice McDermott

beach. They were perfectly safe. Michael's head crested the dune again. Then his shoulders, the rump of his blue jeans, the short barrel of his machine gun. He was crawling on his belly along the top of the dune, crushing the sea grass, filling his shirt and the pockets of his pants with sand. She would have to remember to shake him out before he got into the car. — Alice McDermott

Perfectly Safe Quotes By Douglas Adams

But that's not the point!" raged Ford "The point is that I am now a perfectly safe penguin, and my colleague here is rapidly running out of limbs! — Douglas Adams

Perfectly Safe Quotes By C.S. Lewis

But what do you want me to do, Sir?" "My dear young friend, the golden rule is very simple. There are only two errors which would be fatal to one placed in the peculiar situation which certain parts of your previous conduct have unfortunately created for you. On the one hand, anything like a lack of initiative or enterprise would be disastrous. On the other, the slightest approach to unauthorized action - anything which suggested that you were assuming a liberty of decision which, in all the circumstances, is not really yours - might have consequences from which even I could not protect you. But as long as you keep quite clear of these two extremes, there is no reason (speaking unofficially) why you should not be perfectly safe. — C.S. Lewis

Perfectly Safe Quotes By Thea Harrison

Look at me," he said. "Keep looking only at me. There is no danger. You're perfectly safe. I've got you. I've always got you. You're mine. I will never let go. I will always protect you. You are my life now. Do you understand anything I'm saying?" Her — Thea Harrison

Perfectly Safe Quotes By Lynn Kurland

I can't believe it," she said. "I just can't believe it." "Neither can I," Jessica said, eyeballing the door. "And if you'll just let me by, I'll go get some help - " "Oh," Abigail said, with another laugh, "you're perfectly safe. I'm not crazy." She held out her hand. "Abigail Moira Garrett de Piaget. Local girl from Freezing Bluff, Michigan. Nice to meet you." Jessica felt her jaw slip down to land with a figurative thud on her chest. "You're kidding." Abigail pulled her hand back and hugged herself, still laughing in a gasping kind of way. "Oh, honey, you just don't know the half of it." Jessica could hardly think straight. "You're from - " "1996. Fell into a pond and resurfaced in Miles's moat in 1248. It's a wonder he took me in with the way I smelled." "Then you're from - " "Michigan. And what I wouldn't give for a York peppermint patty about now. — Lynn Kurland

Perfectly Safe Quotes By Thea Harrison

Besides ... ' She smiled. 'I'm perfectly safe, remember? I've got you. I've always got you.'
'Please always stay mine,' he whispered.
'Always. — Thea Harrison

Perfectly Safe Quotes By Douglas Adams

When the girl sitting at the next table looked away from a moment, Dirk leaned over and took her coffee. He knew that he was perfectly safe doing this because she would simply not be able to believe that this had happened. — Douglas Adams

Perfectly Safe Quotes By Tom Shadyac

The mystics will tell you death is perfectly safe. A violent act will beget a violent act; it is simply a law. — Tom Shadyac

Perfectly Safe Quotes By Neale Donald Walsch

I do not care what you do, and that is hard for you to hear. Yet do you care what your children do when you send them out to play? Is it a matter of consequence to you whether they play tag, or hide and seek, or pretend? No, it is not, because you know they are perfectly safe. You have placed them in an environment which you consider friendly and very okay. — Neale Donald Walsch

Perfectly Safe Quotes By Neil Gaiman

It's just harder out there in the world of the living, and we cannot protect you out there as easily. I wanted to keep you perfectly safe ... But there is only one perfectly safe place for your kind, and you will not reach it until all your adventures are over and none of them matter any longer. — Neil Gaiman

Perfectly Safe Quotes By Rick Yancey

You're never perfectly safe. No human being on Earth ever is or ever was. To live is to risk your life, your heart, everything. — Rick Yancey

Perfectly Safe Quotes By Derek Landy

Now, before you begin to worry, the section of the gaol that I'm standing in is completely secure. No problems here. I'm not in any danger whatsoever."

"And the section I'm standing in?"

"Well," he said, "the important thing to remember is that I'm perfectly safe."

Valkyrie sighed. "I'm stuck in here with the bad guys, aren't I?"

"Or you could be glass-half-full about it and say that they are stuck in there with you. Which might make you feel better. — Derek Landy

Perfectly Safe Quotes By Willa Cather

Her secret? It is every artist's secret
passion. That is all. It is an open secret, and perfectly safe. Like heroism, it is inimitable in cheap materials. — Willa Cather

Perfectly Safe Quotes By Najwa Zebian

Broken Wings Don't break a bird's wings and then tell it to fly. Don't break a heart and then tell it to love. Don't break a soul and then tell it to be happy. Don't see the worst in a person and expect them to see the best in you. Don't judge people and expect them to stand by your side. Don't play with fire and expect to stay perfectly safe. Life is about giving and taking. You cannot expect to give bad and receive good. You cannot expect to give good and receive bad. Does it happen? Yes, but don't make that an excuse for you to keep doing what you know is wrong. Don't blame life for what you do. That is so selfish and ignorant on your behalf. — Najwa Zebian

Perfectly Safe Quotes By Derek Landy

I don't want a perfectly safe weapon. I want a dangerous weapon that hurts people."
He took the stick from her, rapped it against her head. She howled and he nodded.
"See? It hurts people. — Derek Landy

Perfectly Safe Quotes By John Kenneth Galbraith

World War II revealed two of the enduring features of the Keynesian Revolution. One was the moral difference between spending for welfare and spending for war. During the Depression very modest outlays for the unemployed seemed socially debilitating, economically unsound. Now expenditures many times greater for weapons and soldiers were perfectly safe. It's a difference that still persists. — John Kenneth Galbraith

Perfectly Safe Quotes By A. J. Jacobs

Let me tell you, though: being the smartest boy in the world wasn't easy. I didn't ask for this. I didn't want this. On the contrary, it was a huge burden. First, there was the task of keeping my brain perfectly protected. My cerebral cortex was a national treasure, a masterpiece of the Sistine Chapel of brains. This was not something that could be treated frivolously. If I could have locked it in a safe, I would have. Instead, I became obsessed with brain damage. — A. J. Jacobs

Perfectly Safe Quotes By Arthur Machen

The two men were slowly pacing the terrace in front of Dr. Raymond's house. The sun still hung above the western mountain-line, but it shone with a dull red glow that cast no shadows, and all the air was quiet; a sweet breath came from the great wood on the hillside above, and with it, at intervals, the soft murmuring call of the wild doves. Below, in the long lovely valley, the river wound in and out between the lonely hills, and, as the sun hovered and vanished into the west, a faint mist, pure white, began to rise from the hills. Dr. Raymond turned sharply to his friend. Safe? Of course it is. In itself the operation is a perfectly simple one; any surgeon could do it. — Arthur Machen

Perfectly Safe Quotes By Bill Kristol

Many of Bush's defenders have praised him for keeping the country safe since Sept. 11, 2001. He deserves that praise, and I'm perfectly happy to defend most of his surveillance, interrogation and counterterrorism policies against his critics. — Bill Kristol