Famous Quotes & Sayings

Pekao Bank Quotes & Sayings

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Top Pekao Bank Quotes

Pekao Bank Quotes By Anton Chekhov

What is there flattering, amusing, or edifying in their carving your name on a tombstone, then time rubbing off the inscription together with the gilding? — Anton Chekhov

Pekao Bank Quotes By Tori Amos

Music has an alchemical quality. And there's more than one voice on the piano. You have two hands. One can be playing a celestial melody while the other is doing quite the opposite. The joining of the profane and the sacred, or the passionate and the compassionate, happens right there on the keyboard. — Tori Amos

Pekao Bank Quotes By Bill Russo

Life is a mirror. The face you put into it, is the one you will see — Bill Russo

Pekao Bank Quotes By Keith Sweat

R&B is never going to be dead, it's just going to evolve. — Keith Sweat

Pekao Bank Quotes By Michelle Woods

Never stop chasing your dream till you catch it. — Michelle Woods

Pekao Bank Quotes By Corrine Jackson

The truth is, some apologies never see the light of day. — Corrine Jackson

Pekao Bank Quotes By Albert Camus

The aim of art, the aim of a life can only be to increase the sum of freedom and responsibility to be found in every man and in the world. It cannot, under any circumstances, be to reduce or suppress that freedom, even temporarily. No great work has ever been based on hatred and contempt. On the contrary, there is not a single true work of art that has not in the end added to the inner freedom of each person who has known and loved it. — Albert Camus

Pekao Bank Quotes By Manuel Gonzales

... the bunch of us thinking to ourselves, What strange and thrilling times we live in. Thinking : How amazing that we are alive and part of such a unique world. A world you felt, at one point, might be full of nothing more than reality singing competitions and Donald Trumps and Kardashians and Angelina Jolie's cute ethnic kids and Carson Daly, a world that hardly seemed worth saving, worth all of this effort. — Manuel Gonzales

Pekao Bank Quotes By Jeff Bridges

My father was so in love with showbiz, all the different aspects - what we're doing here, making the movies, everything about it. — Jeff Bridges

Pekao Bank Quotes By Beat Streuli

I like to be flexible in the way I take pictures. I do not use a tripod, and I move around in the crowd, of which I am myself part ... I try to preserve the dynamics of the street, and my way of using the camera tries to approximate as much as possible the way we see: focusing on details, opening up to wider angles, and composing all these very short, fragmented impressions into a larger mental picture. — Beat Streuli