Famous Quotes & Sayings

Pay Forward Quotes & Sayings

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Top Pay Forward Quotes

Pay Forward Quotes By Doug Collins

I was taught by teachers, and if it's one thing I have it's a basketball mind and I try to pass it on and pay it forward. — Doug Collins

Pay Forward Quotes By Shungiku Nakamura

Maybe the reason I believe reality is crueler ...
... is because I've never really loved?
There was a time when I believed that ...
... "Hard work will pay off." or "Your feelings will always reach them."
I don't know if it's a blessing or a curse ...
... that I found out that that's a myth.
What should I do ...
If that's what it means to become an adult,
it's not necessarily unfortunate, but really mundane.
But it's not like I'm being negative,
I just turned my back and I am moving forward ...
-Onodera Ritsu — Shungiku Nakamura

Pay Forward Quotes By Winifred Holtby

To choose, to take, with clear judgement and open eyes; to count the cost and pay it; to regret nothing; to go forward, cutting losses, refusing to complain, accepting complete responsibility for their own decisions - this was the code which she attempted to impress upon the children who came under her influence - the code on which she set herself to act. — Winifred Holtby

Pay Forward Quotes By Brittany Maynard

The world is a beautiful place, travel has been my greatest teacher, my close friends and folks are the greatest givers. I even have a ring of support around my bed as I type ... Goodbye world. Spread good energy. Pay it forward! — Brittany Maynard

Pay Forward Quotes By Adora Svitak

We need to reward the 'thankless job' of substitute teaching with better pay and chances for permanent positions. I look forward to the day when no student comes home saying, 'I didn't learn much today ... we had a sub.' — Adora Svitak

Pay Forward Quotes By Woody Hayes

You can never really pay back. You can only pay forward. — Woody Hayes

Pay Forward Quotes By Anna Quindlen

Being a parent is not transaction ... we do not get what we give. It is the ultimate pay-it-forward endeavor: we are good parents not so they will be loving enough to stay with us but so they will be strong enough to leave us. — Anna Quindlen

Pay Forward Quotes By Jeff Goins

Maybe something can only be born when something else dies. Maybe our 'coming alive' feels like being dragged through the dirt. Maybe you and I are hanging my a thread of grace for most of our lives and we're expected to be humble, not haughty, with the breaks we've been given. Maybe we're supposed to pay good deeds forward. Maybe we're supposed to think what's in it for me? far less than we do. Maybe we need to sacrifice more. Maybe it won't feel like a sacrifice at all, but more like the sensation of becoming unnumbed. — Jeff Goins

Pay Forward Quotes By Giuliana Rancic

I'm from Naples. I was born in a poor neighborhood and I always, in my heart, felt like it would be amazing to be able to adopt a child from Naples. I could give someone the opportunity I had. I would love to give back in that way and pay it forward. — Giuliana Rancic

Pay Forward Quotes By Molly Friedenfeld

A purposeful act or extension of kindness to another is never wasted, for it always resides in the hearts of all involved in a chain of love. — Molly Friedenfeld

Pay Forward Quotes By Randy Pausch

Sometimes you can't pay it back, so you just have to pay it forward. — Randy Pausch

Pay Forward Quotes By Peter Tomsen

During our meetings in Peshawar, Abdul Haq...asked me why the United States does not pay attention to terrorism. He compared America to a huge elephant: "One hundred people push on it and it doesn't blink, but when it decides to move, it lumbers forward and crushes everything. — Peter Tomsen

Pay Forward Quotes By Penelope Fitzgerald

Annie - although she also knew that those who don't speak have to pay it off in thinking - was resolved on silence. Whatever happened, and after all she was obliged to see Mr brooks two or three times every day, though she by no means looked forward to it, feeling herself more truly alive when she could picture him steadily without seeing him - whatever happened, he needn't know how daft she was. — Penelope Fitzgerald

Pay Forward Quotes By Glen Cook

It is an age lurching along the lip of a dark precipice, peeking fearfully into chaos's empty eyes, enrapt, like a giddy rat trying to stare down a hungry cobra. The gods are restless, tossing and turning and wakening in snippets to conspire at mischief. Their bastard offspring, the hundred million spirits of rock and brook and tree, of place and time and emotion, find old constraints are rotting. The Postern of Fate stands ajar. The world faces an age of fear, of conflict, of grand sorcery, of great change, and of greater despair amongst mortal men. And the cliffs of ice creep forward.
Great kings walk the earth. They cannot help but collide. Great ideas sweep back and forth aross the face of a habitable world that is shrinking. Those cannot help but fire hatred and fear amongst adherents of dogmas and doctrines under increasing pressure.
As always, those who do the world's work most dearly pay the price of the world's pain. — Glen Cook

Pay Forward Quotes By Joshua Neik

Every once in awhile try to do something nice for somebody you don't know, even if it's just leaving an opening in traffic for them to merge into, small things like that give people hope that we're not all assholes. — Joshua Neik

Pay Forward Quotes By Dan Pearce

Parenting is the greatest pay it forward system on earth. We don't owe our parents anything. We owe our children everything. The same was true for our parents. The same will be true for our children. — Dan Pearce

Pay Forward Quotes By Catherine Ryan Hyde

If you can't pay it back, pay it forward. — Catherine Ryan Hyde

Pay Forward Quotes By Ryan Holmes

I often talk about the PayPal mafia out of San Francisco, people that were in PayPal and got out of PayPal and continue to reinvest in other start-ups and create a huge pay-it-forward type of network there. — Ryan Holmes

Pay Forward Quotes By Mariska Hargitay

If you stop for one second and do something, everyone is happy. You pay it forward and it comes back to you twelve-fold. — Mariska Hargitay

Pay Forward Quotes By Becca Fitzpatrick

What is it with girls?" Elliot said, splitting a smile between us. "I swear, I've never known a girl who could go to the bathroom alone." He leaned forward and grinned conspiratorially. "Let me in on the secret. Seriously. I'll pay you five bucks each." He reached for his back pocket. "Ten, if I can come along and see what the big deal is. — Becca Fitzpatrick

Pay Forward Quotes By Apolo Ohno

Do I feel any pressure as the most decorated Winter Olympian in American history? None at all. The only pressures that I know I face are those of how to pay it forward: How can I continually make a positive impact in people's lives, help others achieve their dreams, create their own Olympic mindset, creating champions within themselves? — Apolo Ohno

Pay Forward Quotes By Gary Shteyngart

I was a jackass in many ways. I projected that cruelty towards others, that kid whose hand I was wringing. If I could have hurt a hundred weaklings - weaker than me, and I was already very weak - I would. I was dying to hurt somebody, to pay it forward. — Gary Shteyngart

Pay Forward Quotes By Woody Hayes

You can never pay back, so you should always try to pay forward. — Woody Hayes

Pay Forward Quotes By Robert Rankin

Still,' whispered Jack, 'you have to keep at it. Overcome the miseries of vomiting and the whirling pit. Pay your dues and work towards the real rewards of big-time adult drinking. Something to look forward to. — Robert Rankin

Pay Forward Quotes By Joyce Rachelle

When we're struck with cruelty, we can either inflict the same on others like it's a rite of passage, or decide that here is where it stops. — Joyce Rachelle

Pay Forward Quotes By Jo Walton

What you can't pay back you pay forward. — Jo Walton

Pay Forward Quotes By Chris Matakas

The greatest effects we have on the world are the ones we can never see. — Chris Matakas

Pay Forward Quotes By Erin McCarthy

Life is like waiting in line at the grocery store. You wait, you slowly move forward, you pay the price, then you exit unsatisfied and broke. — Erin McCarthy

Pay Forward Quotes By Nyrae Dawn

Tegan leans forward, pressing his lips to mine too quickly for my taste. "Because." Another kiss. "You're." Oh, one more. "My girl." Two kisses this time. "And it doesn't feel right for you to pay me for us to work out together. Because I want to be able to kiss you when I want and I can't do that if you're my client."
At least I think that's what he said. I'm not sure I caught anything after him telling me I'm his girl.
"I am? Your girl, I mean?"
He gives my waist a squeeze and I suck in my stomach. "I thought so, unless you're only using me for my make-out abilities."
"You're so -"
"Conceited. I know. But you like it. — Nyrae Dawn

Pay Forward Quotes By Ryan Holmes

Everybody getting a significant exit creates a legacy and creates something that you can pay forward and bootstrap an industry in a substantial way. — Ryan Holmes

Pay Forward Quotes By Andrea Michaels

I try to incorporate life's lessons from everyone around me and pay it forward anytime I can. I look at every person I meet as a new and thrilling experience with which I'm gifted. Every new city or country or continent that I visit is a beautiful exploration from which I can learn. Every new client or project represents the possibility of meeting new people and having new adventures. — Andrea Michaels

Pay Forward Quotes By Catherine Ryan Hyde

Because it proves that you don't need much to change the entire world for the better. You can start with the most ordinary ingredients. You can start with the world you've got. — Catherine Ryan Hyde

Pay Forward Quotes By Iris Murdoch

Our actions are like ships which we may watch set out to sea, and not know when or with what cargo they will return to port. — Iris Murdoch

Pay Forward Quotes By K.J. Kilton

when you get up every day, remember your time is the most precious asset you have and you are taking a step forward to reclaim your freedom. You are pushing against the drag that holds you back. Be cognizant of the price you may have to pay to achieve your goals. Know that these are down payments into the new and free you. Celebrate them. Without the pain, there is no coming alive. — K.J. Kilton

Pay Forward Quotes By Greg M. Epstein

We've also evolved the ability to simply 'pay it forward': I help you, somebody else will help me. I remember hearing a parable when I was younger, about a father who lifts his young son onto his back to carry him across a flooding river. 'When I am older,' said the boy to his father, 'I will carry you across this river as you now do for me.' 'No, you won't,' said the father stoically. 'When you are older you will have your own concerns. All I expect is that one day you will carry your own son across this river as I no do for you.' Cultivating this attitude is an important part of Humanism
to realize that life without God can be much more than a series of strict tit-for-tat transactions where you pay me and I pay you back. Learning to pay it forward can add a tremendous sense of meaning and dignity to our lives. Simply put, it feels good to give to others, whether we get back or not. — Greg M. Epstein

Pay Forward Quotes By Jeff Pinkner

We're well aware of how intelligent our audience is. We're well aware that Fringe is a show that you really need to lean forward into and pay attention to and think about. It's not designed to be a show that you can watch while you're folding laundry. — Jeff Pinkner

Pay Forward Quotes By Aimee Carter

You and I should play sometime. I think you would like it,' she said." It's a game of strategy, mostly. The strong pieces are in the back row, while the weak pieces - the pawns - are all in the front, ready to take the brunt of the attack. Because of their limited movement and vulnerability, most people underestimate them and only use them to protect the more powerful pieces. But when I play I protect my pawns.' ... 'They may be weak when the game begins, but their potential is remarkable. Most of the time, they'll be taken by the other side and held captive until the end of the game. But if you're careful - if you keep your eyes open and pay attention to what your oppenent is doing, if you protect your pawns and they reach the other side of the board, do you know what happens then?' I shook my head, and she smiled.
"Your pawn becomes a queen." ... 'Because they kept moving forward and triumphed against impossible odds, they become the most powerful piece in the game. — Aimee Carter

Pay Forward Quotes By Stephanie Lahart

So, you've failed many times at many things. That's okay! Learn, grow, and move forward. With the right attitude and mindset, you can learn a lot from failure. Pay attention and keep on striving! You've got this! — Stephanie Lahart

Pay Forward Quotes By Lou Gaglia

Beauty is looking backward and urging forward, and trying desperately to pay attention to the now. — Lou Gaglia

Pay Forward Quotes By Matt Micros

Nick Nelson was first brandished with the moniker "the last of the nice guys" after leaving a pickup basketball game in 6th grade to help an elderly lady he didn't know, carry her groceries 17 blocks to her house. — Matt Micros

Pay Forward Quotes By Joanna Macy & Chris Johnstone

Much of the oxygen we breathe comes from plants that died long ago. We can give thanks to these ancestors of our present-pay foliage, but we can't give back to them. We can, however, give forward. When we are unable to return the favor, we can pay it forward to someone or something else. Using this approach, we can see ourselves as part of a larger flow of giving and receiving throughout time. Receiving from the past, we can give to the future. When tackling issues such as climate change, the stance of gratitude is a refreshing alternative to guilt or fear as a source of motivation. — Joanna Macy & Chris Johnstone

Pay Forward Quotes By David Chiles

Pay it forward with free compliments. They are returned in due time. — David Chiles

Pay Forward Quotes By Mindy McGinnis

In a world like this, you pay it forward, 'cause more than likely you didn't deserve it when you got it the first time. — Mindy McGinnis

Pay Forward Quotes By Carolyn See

Women want a family life that glitters and is stable. They don't want some lump spouse watching ice hockey in the late hours of his eighteenth beer. They want a family that is so much fun and is so smart that they look forward to Thanksgiving rather than regarding it with a shudder. That's the glitter part. The stable part is, obviously, they don't want to be one bead on a long necklace of wives. They want, just like men, fun, love, fame, money and power. And equal pay for equal work. — Carolyn See

Pay Forward Quotes By Robert A. Heinlein

You don't pay back, you pay forward. — Robert A. Heinlein

Pay Forward Quotes By C.S. Pacat

Once [your romantic leads] have kissed, you don't get any pay-off from a second kiss. In fact, you risk reducing the tension. Every step forward has to up the stakes. But if the stakes go too high too early, it becomes a tension arms race. Escalate too soon and you've got all-out nuclear war in chapter four and scorched romantic earth for the rest of the story — C.S. Pacat

Pay Forward Quotes By Robin Hobb

I made a sudden decision. "and my dog has followed me from town and cought up with us here. I left him with friends, but he must have chewed his rope. here, boy, come to heel."
I'll chew your heel off for you, Nighteyes offerd savagely, but he came, following me out into the cleared yard.
"Damn big dog," Nick observed. He leaned forward. "looks more than half a wolf to me."
"Some in Farrow have told me that. It's a buck breed. We use them for harding sheep."
You will pay for this. I promise you.
In answer I leaned down to pat his shoulder and then scratch his ears. Wag your tail, Nighteyes.
"He's a loyal old dog. I should have known he wouldn't be left behind."
The things i endure for you. He wagged his tail. Once. — Robin Hobb

Pay Forward Quotes By Mark Billingham

I bought an insurance policy covering the inheritance tax my kids will have to pay when we die, which I thought was a good bit of forward thinking. And I always know I'm going to have enough for tax because I make sure I keep it back in my business account. — Mark Billingham

Pay Forward Quotes By Dalene Davies

Sock Monsters Pay-It-Forward to offer hospitalized children a chance to smile, if only for a while! — Dalene Davies

Pay Forward Quotes By Diane Samuels

You mustn't throw them away. Let me have them. — Diane Samuels

Pay Forward Quotes By Anthony Liccione

Level, is spelled the same forward and backwards. Those on the upper level can always hit the bottom, and those on the bottom can always rank to the top. Envision your footprints up there already trailing, and your feet will soon follow suit. — Anthony Liccione

Pay Forward Quotes By Marina Adair

Call it eternal optimism or romantic rebellion, but one of these days karma would stop flipping her the bird and pay it forward. — Marina Adair

Pay Forward Quotes By John F. Kennedy

While much remains to be done to achieve full equality of economic opportunity-for the average woman worker earns only 60 percent of the average wage for men-this legislation is a significant step forward. — John F. Kennedy

Pay Forward Quotes By Ayn Rand

America's abundance was created not by public sacrifices to the common good, but by the productive genius of free men who pursued their own personal interests and the making of their own private fortunes. They did not starve the people to pay for America's industrialization. They gave the people better jobs, higher wages, and cheaper goods with every new machine they invented, with every scientific discovery or technological advance- and thus the whole country was moving forward and profiting, not suffering, every step of the way. — Ayn Rand

Pay Forward Quotes By Anita R. Sneed-Carter

Keep pressing forward and focused on your goals. Hard work does have a "pay day"!!- — Anita R. Sneed-Carter

Pay Forward Quotes By Phil Anselmo

The success that Pantera had, I could have never, ever forecasted or predicted, and I always felt a responsibility to try to pay even a bit of it forward. — Phil Anselmo

Pay Forward Quotes By Elaine Chao

Those who come forward will not be offered an automatic pass to citizenship and should be expected to pay a substantial fine or penalty to participate in the temporary program. — Elaine Chao

Pay Forward Quotes By Michele Spry

Pay It Forward: A random act of kindness towards another person with no expectation of return on investment. (my own definition) — Michele Spry

Pay Forward Quotes By Anthony Pratt

Accelerated depreciation helps companies bring forward capital-intensive investments by reducing payback time. It's not a hand out. Companies still have to pay the tax, but they simply get to defer it. — Anthony Pratt

Pay Forward Quotes By Naval Ravikant

Figure out what you're good at and start helping other people with it; give it away. Pay it forward. Karma sort of works because people are very consistent. On a long enough timescale, you will attract what you project. — Naval Ravikant

Pay Forward Quotes By Molly Friedenfeld

A Spiritual Samaritan lives knowing that if we were to leave this world tomorrow, we were the best humans we could be and we touched the lives of as many souls as possible. We are not asked to be perfect. We are asked to make a difference. — Molly Friedenfeld

Pay Forward Quotes By Thomas Jefferson

Should look forward to a time, and that not a distant one, when corruption in this, as in the country from which we derive our origin, will have seized the heads of government, and be spread by them through the body of the people; when they will purchase the voices of the people, and make them pay the price. — Thomas Jefferson

Pay Forward Quotes By Craig D. Lounsbrough

Avoidance is paying forward that which I would be much wiser to pay off. — Craig D. Lounsbrough

Pay Forward Quotes By Sherrilyn Kenyon

Growing up, books were my lifeline, and I owe a debt to those writers that can never be repaid. They saved my sanity and gave me a world I could escape to. If I can pay that forward to another person, that's all I ask. — Sherrilyn Kenyon

Pay Forward Quotes By Sophie Kinsella

You know, this always happens. Whenever I go away, I always think I'll come back to mountains of exciting posts, with parcels and telegrams and letters full of scintillating news - and I'm always disappointed. In fact, I really think someone should set up a company called holidaypost which you would pay to write you loads of exciting letters, just so you had something to look forward to when you got home. — Sophie Kinsella

Pay Forward Quotes By Victoria Strauss

'Pay it forward' has become a hackneyed concept, but I truly believe in it, and it gives me huge satisfaction to be able to help writers in a measurable way. — Victoria Strauss

Pay Forward Quotes By Norman Cousins

The essence of man is imperfection. Failure is simply a price we pay to achieve success. If we learn to embrace that new definition of failure, then we are free to start moving ahead - and failing forward. — Norman Cousins

Pay Forward Quotes By Eva Longoria

We face a choice this election. President Obama is fighting for changes that grow the economy from the middle out and help all Americans succeed - jobs, education, health reform, the DREAM Act, equal pay for women. He is moving us forward with opportunity today for prosperity tomorrow. Mitt Romney wants to take us back to yesterday. — Eva Longoria

Pay Forward Quotes By Bill Shuster

Government spending is being restrained, the economy is making progress and moving forward, and the pro-growth, tax cutting policies put in place have allowed businesses to grow, which has brought in additional tax revenue to help pay off the debt. — Bill Shuster

Pay Forward Quotes By Dana Goldstein

Henry David Thoreau, Susan B. Anthony, W. E. B. DuBois, and Lyndon B. Johnson are just a few of the famous Americans who taught. They resisted the fantasy of educators as saints or saviors, and understood teaching as a job in which the potential for children's intellectual transcendence and social mobility, though always present, is limited by real-world concerns such as poor training, low pay, inadequate supplies, inept administration, and impoverished students and families. These teachers' stories, and those of less well-known teachers, propel this history forward and help us understand why American teaching has evolved into such a peculiar profession, one attacked and admired in equal proportion. — Dana Goldstein

Pay Forward Quotes By Anne Fortier

In fact, I shall drink several, and perchance the wine will send me straight to Paradise that I may meet her in person and ... "
Friar Lorenzo sprung forward and hissed, for no apparent reason, "Before it throws you from grace, Messer Romeo, bridle your tongue!"
The young man grinned, " ... pay my respects. — Anne Fortier

Pay Forward Quotes By Brittany Maynard

Spread good energy. Pay it forward! — Brittany Maynard

Pay Forward Quotes By Ron Johnson

Pricing is actually a pretty simple and straight forward thing. Customers will not pay literally a penny more than the true value of the product. — Ron Johnson

Pay Forward Quotes By Justin Bieber

Be humble, be grateful, give back, share, pay it forward, chase your dreams, go for it, and take a moment to remember where it is ALL from. — Justin Bieber

Pay Forward Quotes By Fawn Weaver

Early in our marriage, we knew that once the kids were gone, we would still be married and have to work on it. So, we decided to pay it forward. We worked in the first year like we wanted things to be in the fiftieth year. I'm so glad we did. — Fawn Weaver

Pay Forward Quotes By T.D. Jakes

Street cred is hard won and Destiny requires you to pay it forward. God helps you through hard times so you can help someone else. — T.D. Jakes

Pay Forward Quotes By Daniel Partner

Paul Works like a Farmer

When Silas and Timothy arrived in Corinth, Paul was very busy. He was always talking about the Scriptures with the Jews. He assured them that Jesus was the Christ. They argued and snubbed him. Paul shook the dust out of his cloak into their faces. "This means I'm through with you. You must answer to God for refusing the truth. I'm not to blame. Now I'm going to pay attention to the Gentiles."
One night the Lord spoke to Paul in a vision. "Don't be afraid," he said. "Speak and don't be silent. I'm with you and no one will harm you. Many people in Corinth belong to me."
Paul worked like a farmer among the people of Corinth. He planted the seeds of God's gospel for eighteen months. During that time, Paul wrote two letters to the believers in Thessalonica. He wanted them to live a holy, hard-working life. "Look forward to the day Jesus comes again," he wrote. — Daniel Partner

Pay Forward Quotes By Elizabeth Warren

There is nobody in this country who got rich on their own. Nobody. You built a factory out there - good for you. But I want to be clear. You moved your goods to market on roads the rest of us paid for. You hired workers the rest of us paid to educate. You were safe in your factory because of police forces and fire forces that the rest of us paid for. You didn't have to worry that marauding bands would come and seize everything at your factory ... Now look. You built a factory and it turned into something terrific or a great idea - God bless! Keep a hunk of it. But part of the underlying social contract is you take a hunk of that and pay forward for the next kid who comes along. — Elizabeth Warren

Pay Forward Quotes By Elizabeth George

It's one thing to have a goal, but it's quite another thing to actually accept the challenge, develop a strategy to press for the goal, make the sacrifices, pay the price to move forward, and blessing of blessing, to realize some part of it. — Elizabeth George

Pay Forward Quotes By Friedrich Nietzsche

To say it for those who know how to explain a thing: women have the intelligence, men the heart and passion. This is not contradicted by the fact that men actually get so much farther with their intelligence: they have the deeper, more powerful drives; these take their intelligence, which is in itself something passive, forward. Women are often privately amazed at the great honor men pay to their hearts. When men look especially for a profound, warm-hearted being, in choosing their spouse, and women for a clever, alert, and brilliant being, one sees very clearly how a man is looking for an idealized man, and a woman for an idealized woman--that is, not for a complement, but for the perfection of their own merits. — Friedrich Nietzsche

Pay Forward Quotes By Ian Anthony Dale

So many good fortunes have come my way, and I'm trying to pay it forward by helping to raise money to complete 'Bulbul: Song Of The Nightingale,' a documentary that brings attention to the social and human injustices suffered by the Banchara tribe in India. — Ian Anthony Dale

Pay Forward Quotes By Suzanne Enoch

How many of us have gazed at a man and thought, 'yes, him,' only to have him pay his attentions to someone else? And how many of us have sighed and waited for some other gentleman to come forward? All I wish to ask is, why? Why not strike up a conversation? Why not determine for ourselves whether 'he' is the one? Why leave it to fate?"

Pay Forward Quotes By Julia Glass

From fifth grade on, I worked at our public library. The pay, a pittance, was almost superfluous. All through high school, I looked forward to summer as the time when I could work at the library four or five days a week. I was never a camp counselor, a lifeguard, a scooper of ice cream. — Julia Glass

Pay Forward Quotes By Jairek Robbins

My goal is to assist people in the process of rapidly achieving their goals so they are able to live the life of their dreams. My hope is that they will eventually pay-it-forward and help those that they care about the most do the same — Jairek Robbins

Pay Forward Quotes By Robert B. Parker

Loss is the price we pay for progress," she said. "Only as we leave things behind do we move forward. — Robert B. Parker