Famous Quotes & Sayings

Partizanski Quotes & Sayings

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Top Partizanski Quotes

Partizanski Quotes By Lily Cole

I have to admit I've always had quite a complex relationship with modeling and with the idea of advertising: not always knowing what I'm advertising and selling. — Lily Cole

Partizanski Quotes By Friedrich Nietzsche

Everything becomes and recurs eternally - escape is impossible! — Friedrich Nietzsche

Partizanski Quotes By Anne Desclos

O felt that her mouth was beautiful, since her lover condescended to thrust himself into it ... — Anne Desclos

Partizanski Quotes By John Milton

Just are the ways of God, And justifiable to men; Unless there be who think not God at all. — John Milton

Partizanski Quotes By William Falconer

The fishes are also employed for the same purpose on any yard, which happens to be sprung or fractured. Thus their form, application, and utility are exactly like those of the splinters applied to a broken limb in surgery. — William Falconer

Partizanski Quotes By John Wyndham

I'm not romancing. I'm talking about the inevitable time when, unless we do something to stop it, men will be hunting men through the ruins, for food. We're letting it drift towards that, with an evil irresponsibility, because with our ordinary short lives we shan't be here to see it. Does our generation care about the misery it is bequeathing? Not it. "That's their worry," we say. "Damn our children's children; we're all right. — John Wyndham

Partizanski Quotes By Timothy Murphy

Instead, I think over the years we have cut the strength of marriage and relationships by the law and weakened the institution. We have tried to deal with relationships with no-fault divorce, with child custody, with so many other avenues; and it has not helped. — Timothy Murphy

Partizanski Quotes By Sherry Soule

His kiss was fierce, desperate, and slow, drugging. A shudder passed through me, warming my body from the inside out. All my defenses dissolved. We started making out again and I let Trent slip his hand inside my top. This time, when he kissed me, something inside me awoke and a shudder warmed my skin. Our kisses got more passionate and hotter. His fingers slid over my bra, and a turbulent ache burned through my body. — Sherry Soule