Famous Quotes & Sayings

Paralyses Quotes & Sayings

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Top Paralyses Quotes

Paralyses Quotes By Simon Van Booy

There is little joy in those first moments of recognition- for the reality is that most encounters of such depth, most first glances of love come to nothing. And while the sincerity of that rare moment when your heart is bursting should be the signal to fling yourself on the ground in the path of this stranger, it's the depth of such sincerity that paralyses you, holds you back from the silence of phrases like "hello" and "good morning."
And as they pass, granting only single, torturous details like fingers upon the handle of an umbrella, or a hair pin bearing the weight of a twist, or a wool collar beaded with pearls of rain- there is only one thing you could ever say that would be true, that would make them stop walking and turn to face you.
But such a thing is unsayable. — Simon Van Booy

Paralyses Quotes By Shaka

I need no bodyguard at all, for even the bravest men who approach me get weak at the knees and their hearts turn to water, whilst their heads become giddy and incapable of thinking as the sweat of fear paralyses them — Shaka

Paralyses Quotes By H.P. Lovecraft

Ultimate horror often paralyses memory in a merciful way. — H.P. Lovecraft

Paralyses Quotes By Anonymous

This study began in an exact and precise manner only with the labours of Professor Charcot at the Salpetriere, on the traumatic accidents of the hystericals: the paralyses, the contractures, mutisms, or anorexias. Everywhere, as we have seen, he showed the importance of the fixed idea which produced and kept up the accident, the reproduction of identical facts by suggestion, the treatment by isolation, and the moral influences which modified not the physical state, but the mental pathological state of the hysterical. It remained to generalise somewhat more this conception — Anonymous

Paralyses Quotes By Euginia Herlihy

Fear is the greatest enemy of humanity, it paralyses tons and tons of people around the globe. — Euginia Herlihy

Paralyses Quotes By Eugen Herrigel

Zen Buddhism does not preach. Sermons remain words. It waits until people feel stifled and insecure, driven by a secret longing. — Eugen Herrigel

Paralyses Quotes By Groucho Marx

Dig trenches? With our men being killed off like flies? There isn't time to dig trenches. We'll have to buy them ready made. — Groucho Marx

Paralyses Quotes By John Dolan

The American educational psychologist Patricia Alexander has expressed the view that fear paralyses and curiosity empowers. Accordingly, she reasons, we should always be more interested than afraid. — John Dolan

Paralyses Quotes By Ralph Waldo Emerson

Life too near paralyses art. — Ralph Waldo Emerson

Paralyses Quotes By Henri Matisse

I don't paint women, I paint pictures ... What I am after above all is expression. If in a portrait I put eyes, a nose, a mouth, there isn't much use; on the contrary it paralyses the imagination of the spectator, and obliges us to see the person in a certain way. — Henri Matisse

Paralyses Quotes By Peter Erskine

It is the charge of us who survive to see another dawn each day that we honor the memory of the kind and brave souls who have pioneered and lived and loved before us. They have taught us how to interpret a melody, or how to play a rhythm, or how to laugh at one of life's many absurdities. Life lessons. Good deeds. Mistakes. The sum of a man's or a woman's life can take years to absorb and understand, but we must always appreciate the sacrifice, wisdom, love, and humor that our fallen comrades have left to us. — Peter Erskine

Paralyses Quotes By W.N.P. Barbellion

I waste much time gaping and wondering. During a walk or in a book or in the middle of an embrace, suddenly I awake to a stark amazement at everything. The bare fact of existence paralyses me- holds my mind in mortmain. To be alive is so incredible that all I do is to lie still and merely breathe- like an infant on its back in a cot. It is impossible to be interested in anything in particular while overhead the sun shines or underneath my feet grows a single blade of grass. — W.N.P. Barbellion

Paralyses Quotes By Dennis Prager

The bigger the State, the smaller the citizen — Dennis Prager

Paralyses Quotes By Annie Lennox

Fear paralyses you - fear of flying, fear of the future, fear of leaving a rubbish marriage, fear of public speaking, or whatever it is. — Annie Lennox

Paralyses Quotes By Ted Cruz

I want you to take a good, hard look at me, America, because this is exactly what you've got coming. — Ted Cruz

Paralyses Quotes By Paulo Coelho

Judging yourself to be full of virtue paralyses. Judging yourself to be full of guilt also paralyses. — Paulo Coelho

Paralyses Quotes By R.v.m.

FAITH creates Energy that makes Success possible. DOUBT paralyses and makes the possible impossible. -RVM — R.v.m.

Paralyses Quotes By Juhani Pallasmaa

How much more mysterious and inviting is the street of an old town with its altering realms of darkness and light than are the brightly and evenly lit streets of today! The imagination and daydreaming are stimulated by dim light and shadow. In order to think clearly, the sharpness of vision, has to be suppressed, for thoughts travel with an absent-minded and unfocused gaze. Homogeneous bright light paralyses the imagination in the same way that homogenization of space weakens the experience of being, and wipes away the sense of place. The human eye is most perfectly turned for twilight rather than bright daylight. — Juhani Pallasmaa

Paralyses Quotes By Douglas Coupland

Inasmuch as I am a spiritual man, I do believe in God - I think that He created an
order for the world; I believe that, in constantly bombarding Him with requests for miracles,
we're also asking that He unravel the fabric of the world. A world of continuous miracles
would be a cartoon, not a world. — Douglas Coupland

Paralyses Quotes By Paulo Coelho

But never hold back from firing the arrow if all that paralyses you is fear of making a mistake. If you have made the right movements, open your hand and release the string. Even if the arrow fails to hit the target, you will learn how to improve your aim next time. — Paulo Coelho

Paralyses Quotes By Candace Bushnell

My anger is like some rudimentary, single-celled beast, an exploding virus of fury that paralyses rational thought and blinds me to everything except one single goal ... — Candace Bushnell

Paralyses Quotes By Oscar Wilde

I blame myself without reserve for my weakness. It was merely weakness. One half-hour with Art was always more to me than a cycle with you. Nothing really at any period of my life was ever of the smallest importance to me compared with Art. But in the case of an artist, weakness is nothing less than a crime, when it is a weakness that paralyses the imagination. — Oscar Wilde

Paralyses Quotes By Pope Francis

We can inspire others through witness so that one grows together in communicating. BUt the worst thing of all is religious proselytism, which paralyses: 'I am talking with you in order to persuade you.' No. Each person dialogues, starting with his and her own identity. The church grows by attracting, not proselytizing. — Pope Francis

Paralyses Quotes By Peace Pilgrim

I am never lonely or discouraged or tired. When you live in constant communion with God, you cannot be lonely. When you perceive the working of God's wonderful plan and know that all good effort bears good fruit, you cannot be discouraged. When you have found inner peace, you are in contact with the source of universal energy and cannot be tired. — Peace Pilgrim

Paralyses Quotes By Mark Lawrence

Nothing paralyses a man so well as choice. — Mark Lawrence

Paralyses Quotes By Lia Riley

She's the fire in my frozen heart. The hello in my long good-bye. The best goddamn thing that ever happened to my shithouse life. — Lia Riley

Paralyses Quotes By Stendhal

People who have been made to suffer by certain things cannot be reminded of them without a horror which paralyses every other pleasure, even that to be found in reading a story. — Stendhal

Paralyses Quotes By John Kenneth Galbraith

The happiest time of anyone's life is just after the first divorce. — John Kenneth Galbraith

Paralyses Quotes By Robert Kiyosaki

True passion attracts. If you have passion in your business, the right people will be attracted to your team. — Robert Kiyosaki

Paralyses Quotes By P.G. Wodehouse

You know how it is with some girls. They seem to take the stuffing right out of you. I mean to say, there is something about their personality that paralyses the vocal cords and reduces the contents of the brain to cauliflower. — P.G. Wodehouse

Paralyses Quotes By Martin Luther King Jr.

Normal fear protects us; abnormal fear paralyses us. Normal fear motivates us to improve our individual and collective welfare; abnormal fear constantly poisons and distorts our inner lives. Our problem is not to be rid of fear but, rather to harness and master it. — Martin Luther King Jr.

Paralyses Quotes By David Stove

We set ourselves to achieve a society that would be maximally tolerant. But that resolve not only gives maximum scope to the activities of those who have set themselves to achieve the maximally intolerant society. It also ... paralyses our powers of resistance to them. — David Stove

Paralyses Quotes By Cyril Connolly

Those of us who were brought up as Christians and have lost our faith have retained the sense of sin without the saving belief in redemption. This poisons our thought and so paralyses us in action. — Cyril Connolly

Paralyses Quotes By Anonymous

This loss of certain movements is not due to the complete paralysis of such or such muscle, for all the muscles are able to work in other movements. It is certain combinations, certain systems of muscular contractions, that have disappeared. It is for this reason that such paralyses have often been described under the name of sys-tematised paralyses. M. Babinski, in publishing very interesting examples of these phenomena, observes that the word " systematic ' would be a better term.* He recalls that to systematise designates an act, " bring facts back to a system,"' and that systematic applies simply — Anonymous

Paralyses Quotes By Paulo Coelho

The arrow is the intention. It is what unites the strength of the bow with the centre of the target. The intention must be crystal-clear, straight and balanced. Once the arrow has gone, it will not come back, so it is better to interrupt a shot, because the movements that led up to it were not sufficiently precise and correct, than to act carelessly, simply because the bow was fully drawn and the target was waiting. But never hold back from firing the arrow if all that paralyses you is fear of making a mistake. If you have made the right movements, open your hand and release the string. Even if the arrow fails to hit the target, you will learn how to improve your aim next time. If you never take a risk, you will never know what changes you need to make. Each arrow leaves a memory in your heart, and it is the sum of those memories that will make you shoot better and better. — Paulo Coelho

Paralyses Quotes By Anonymous

The most numerous accidents bear on the digestive system; it is easy to establish anorexias of various kinds, troubles of deglutition, spasms of oesophagus at various heights, vomitings; then intestinal phenomena - diarrhoeas, as well as constipations, distensions of the abdomen, paralyses, or sphincter-spasms, troubles of the same nature in the emission and even in the secretion of the urine, etc. — Anonymous