Famous Quotes & Sayings

Pains And Numbness Quotes & Sayings

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Top Pains And Numbness Quotes

Pains And Numbness Quotes By Hermann Hesse

What is meditative absorption? What is leaving the body? What is fasting? What is holding the breath? These are a flight from the ego, a brief escape from the torment of being an ego, a short-term deadening of the pain and absurdity of life. This same escape, this same momentary deadening, is achieved by the ox driver in an inn when he drinks a bowl of rice wine or fermented coconut milk. Then he no longer feels his self, then he no longer feels the pains of life - he achieves momentary numbness. Falling asleep over his bowl of rice wine, he reaches the same result Siddhartha and Govinda reach when, through long practice sessions, they escape their bodies and dwell in nonego. That is the way it is, Govinda." Govinda — Hermann Hesse

Pains And Numbness Quotes By Penelope Fletcher

Oh, Lee, how deep into the rabbit hole you have fallen. You're worse than Alice. — Penelope Fletcher

Pains And Numbness Quotes By Megalyn Echikunwoke

After Ive enjoyed a floral bouquet to its fullest, I drop a few petals in a bottle with distilled water to create my own soothing toner. — Megalyn Echikunwoke

Pains And Numbness Quotes By Matt Chandler

Because children already have a realization of their weakness, is this not the best opportunity to apply the gospel to their hearts? — Matt Chandler

Pains And Numbness Quotes By John Keats

My heart aches, and a drowsy numbness pains
My sense, as though of hemlock I had drunk,
Or emptied some dull opiate to the drains
One minute past, and Lethe-wards had sunk:
'Tis not through envy of thy happy lot,
But being too happy in thy happiness, - -
That thou, light-winged Dryad of the trees,
In some melodious plot
Of beechen green, and shadows numberless,
Singest of summer in full-throated ease. — John Keats

Pains And Numbness Quotes By Sue Townsend

Just measured my thing. It has grown one centimetre. I might be needing it soon. — Sue Townsend

Pains And Numbness Quotes By Lori Borgman

Every parent who has ever said a few words over a goldfish in a toilet bowl
or felt the numbness of an unexpected diagnosis in a pediatrician's office will appreciate the heartfelt wisdom in It's Okay to Cry. Norm Wright tenderly and skillfully equips parents to help children cultivate a healthy response to life's many pains and sorrows. — Lori Borgman

Pains And Numbness Quotes By Pat Mastelotto

My roots are more in he Beatles, Zeppelin, the whole 60's side. — Pat Mastelotto

Pains And Numbness Quotes By Gyorgy Ligeti

I like to stay home and listen to recordings. — Gyorgy Ligeti