Famous Quotes & Sayings

Overanalytical Quotes & Sayings

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Top Overanalytical Quotes

Overanalytical Quotes By Peter Redgrove

Some may wonder whether part of the harvest of this invisible pollution (electromagnetic radiation) may be the comparative rarity of visionary experience in the modern world, and the predominence of a removed, overanalytical, repelling 'onlooker' intelligence in its place, resembling that of the (Martin) Amis hero (who will not see because he cannot feel). If this is so, such an intelligence has produced conditions favoring its evolution and survival. — Peter Redgrove

Overanalytical Quotes By Norman O. Brown

To be seen is the ambition of ghosts, and to be remembered is the ambition of the dead. — Norman O. Brown

Overanalytical Quotes By Paulo Coelho

We cannot all see the dreams in the same way. — Paulo Coelho

Overanalytical Quotes By Suzanne Collins

The girl on fire. — Suzanne Collins

Overanalytical Quotes By Emma Michaels

If you remember yourself, you will remember me. I am always a part of you. I am your mother. — Emma Michaels

Overanalytical Quotes By Ann Romines

In The Woman Reader Kate Flint argues that "the study of reading...involves examining a fulcrum: the meeting-place of discourses of subjectivity and socialization." Reading has traditionally been "a prime tool in socialization" and is "centrally bound in with questions of authority". — Ann Romines

Overanalytical Quotes By William Faulkner

Before us the thick dark current runs. It talks up to us in a murmur become ceaseless and myriad, the yellow surface dimpled monstrously into fading swirls travelling along the surface for an instant, silent, impermanent and profoundly significant, as though just beneath the surface something huge and alive waked for a moment of lazy alertness out of and into light slumber again. — William Faulkner

Overanalytical Quotes By Samuel Alito

The separation of church and state has been a cornerstone of American democracy for over two hundred years. Getting rid of it was long overdue. — Samuel Alito

Overanalytical Quotes By Pierce Brown

To prosper, your superior must prosper. — Pierce Brown

Overanalytical Quotes By Mason Cooley

The Media: bold sex and violence, timid politics and morals. — Mason Cooley

Overanalytical Quotes By Carlton Cuse

I think that we're moving into this new phase of television where audiences are really embracing stories with a beginning, middle, and end. — Carlton Cuse

Overanalytical Quotes By Joe Hill

I was too scared to kill you. I had a gun. I bought it just to shoot you. But the closest I ever came to killing anyone with it was myself. I put it in my mouth one night to see how it tasted. ... I was scared to do that, too. Not because I'm afraid I'll go to hell for committing suicide. It's because I'm afraid I won't go to hell ... that there isn't a hell to go to. No heaven either. Just nothing. Mostly I think there emus be nothing after we die. Sometimes that seems like it would be a relief. Other times it's the most awful thing I can imagine. — Joe Hill

Overanalytical Quotes By Earl Warren

The old Court you and I served so long will not be worthy of its traditions if Nixon can twist, turn and fashion If Nixon gets away with that, then Nixon makes the law as he goes along - not the Congress nor the courts. — Earl Warren

Overanalytical Quotes By James Branch Cabell

I take it that I must be the eternal playfellow of time. For piety and common-sense and death are rightfully time's toys; and it is with these three that I divert myself. — James Branch Cabell