Over-the-top Motivational Quotes & Sayings
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Top Over-the-top Motivational Quotes

Today look in the mirror and say 10 positive things about yourself !! Regardless of what other people say about you, your OWN words have more power over the direction of your life than other peoples. Speak positive and know that you are somebody! — Augusta DeJuan Hathaway

Only big goals will provide you with the motivational fuel. This is the fuel required to get over all those obstacles and temporary failures. This is the reason why you wake up and look forward to the day ahead. — Vivek Naik

The amount of time you spend pondering over your problems, can be best spent resolving them. — Abdulazeez Henry Musa

Thinking outside the box only works if you know everything inside it. Don't compare your chapter 1 to someone else's chapter 20. That's the biggest mistake young entrepreneurs do and end up getting disappointed. The ones you call conventional are the business models, which have been optimized and modified at various stages over a long period of time. You need to work hard and be a bit more patient. — Nitin Sharma

Only a bet on the impossible makes sense. It is an act of faith and courage requiring an irrational leap over reason. A man wins simply by making such a bet. — William Kennedy

You have to find something that you love enough to be able to take risks, jump over the hurdles and break through the brick walls that are always going to be placed in front of you. If you don't have that kind of feeling for what it is you're doing, you'll stop at the first giant hurdle. — George Lucas

The past is over and I choose to live in the present and in anticipation of the amazing future God has for me. — Jamie Larbi

Stop using, "easier said than done", as an excuse to not change! Bringing your life to a higher level is challenging; get over it and rise to the challenge! — Steve Maraboli

I mean, really, whatever you woke up worrying about this morning, get over it. How important in the greater scheme of things can it possibly be? Make your peace and move on. — Ken Robinson

Rather then focusing on the obstacle in your path, focus on the bridge over the obstacle. — Mary Lou Retton

We lust after the material things in life, then in a blink of an eye; the life which was once given is taken; is there a point in stressing over the small stuff. — Epiphana Lewis

If his decision is correct, he will win the battle, even if it lasts longer than expected. If his decision is wrong, he will be defeated and he will have to start all over again- only this time with more wisdom.
But once he has started, a warrior of the light perseveres until the end. — Paulo Coelho

When you truly embrace your human impermanence you connect with the power you have, and influence you have, over the time you have. — Steve Maraboli

The reason many people in our society are miserable, sick, and highly stressed is because of an unhealthy attachment to things they have no control over. — Steve Maraboli

Victories in life come through our ability to work around and over the obstacles that cross our path. We grow stronger as we climb our own mountains. — Marvin J. Ashton

There is a specific feeling that comes about during the dying embers of a relationship. Different from the Monday morning quarrels before work because you two are tired, different from the "I'm not going to talk to you for a while because I am mad at you" silences. Breaks ups happen instantly, yet the process occurs over a gradual period of time, with tear by tear until what was once whole, rips into two. Breakups are the disappointment we feel when we wanted our lover to finish the story with an exclamation mark, but instead are left with a question mark. — Forrest Curran

The keys of happiness and success lie beyond your fear fences. Jump over the fences NOW — Mohammed Sekouty

Pain? Yes, of course. Racing without pain is not racing. But the pleasure of being ahead outweighed the pain a million times over. To hell with the pain. What's six minutes of pain compared to the pain they're going to feel for the next six months or six decades. You never forget your wins and losses in this sport. YOU NEVER FORGET. — Brad Alan Lewis

If we keep telling ourselves the same things over and over again, eventually, we start to believe the truths they offer, which in turn, will push us into positive and concrete actions. If we are in control of our own minds, we need to feed it with something beautiful and nice. — Kcat Yarza

What would have become of Hercules do you think if there had been no lion, hydra, stag or boar - and no savage criminals to rid the world of? What would he have done in the absence of such challenges?
Obviously he would have just rolled over in bed and gone back to sleep. So by snoring his life away in luxury and comfort he never would have developed into the mighty Hercules.
And even if he had, what good would it have done him? What would have been the use of those arms, that physique, and that noble soul, without crises or conditions to stir into him action? — Epictetus

If there ever was someone who had a control over you, someone who could cause you the greatest pain, someone who could ignore your most necessary requirements and someone for whom forgiveness were truly difficult to render, that person is none other than YOU. — Stephen Richards

A great tree develops over time and can tell stories not only those of happiness, but also those that contain pain from what it has seen over the years, and as a result is the wise ancient tree that it is today. As the seasons change, the tree naturally goes through changes as well: where the leaves turn yellow and orange in the fall, falling by the Winter, returning in the Spring, and with full set of new leafs by the Summer. Love is no different in that there will be times when we are fully naked in the Winter, and left to wonder about Spring when it seemed so easy to love, yet the wise tree knows that no winter will last forever no matter how cold it may be. — Forrest Curran

You're awesome, remember that." She continued, harsh and bitter. "Who cares what anyone says about you? And they will talk shit. People are going to verbally destroy you, plaster your image all over the Net, say hateful things about you as if they're fact, and you need to be indifferent. Got that? You don't give a shit. About anything." She removed her grip from his chin. "Why?"
"Because I am awesome. — Jesikah Sundin

Winners never quit, and quitters never win. Once you give up, you'll have to start all over again. Success take time, especially when you need it. The one is patient remains undefeated. — Bianca McCormick-Johnson

Motivation doesn't come from empty words, because words fade over time. If persistance and perservance is what you live then what motivation do you need? Your dreams can turn into goals and your goals can turn into a reality. You are all the motivation you need to succeed. — Gabriel Mason

In life, we have no control over the storms that we encounter. It's normal to feel devastated and sad, but to continue being sad is already our choice. — Kcat Yarza

The chief beauty about time is that you cannot waste it in advance. The next year, the next day, the next hour are lying ready for you, as perfect, as unspoiled, as if you had never wasted or misapplied a single moment in all your life. You can turn over a new leaf every hour if you choose. — Arnold Bennett

As people began playing, Delgado watched the activity in their striata. This time, when people were allowed to make their own choices, their brains lit up just like in the previous experiment. They showed the neurological equivalents of anticipation and excitement. But during those rounds when participants didn't have any control over their guesses, when the computer made a choice for them, people's striata went essentially silent. It was as if their brains became uninterested in the exercise. There was "robust activity in the caudate nucleus only when subjects" were permitted to guess, Delgado and his colleagues later wrote. "The anticipation of choice itself was associated with increased activity in corticostriatal regions, particularly the ventral striatum, involved in affective and motivational processes." What — Charles Duhigg

Don't be intimidated by people who try to belittle your ambitions. Most of the time they are just jealous of your success or determination to reach the highest peaks of the mountains, and reign over them. — Robert Cheeke

The greatest triumph is victory over all trials. — Lailah Gifty Akita

Dreams can come true, but there is a secret. They're realized through the magic of persistence, determination, commitment, passion, practice, focus and hard work. They happen a step at a time, manifested over years, not weeks. — Elbert Hubbard

Do not be bitter over the past. Believe in a brighter future. — Lailah Gifty Akita

Just because something is tough or difficult, it doesn't mean that it isn't possible. The challenge is what makes something wonderful when you finally overcome your obstacles. The sense of success that comes when working hard over time is much better than achieving a simple task. Don't be afraid of a challenge when it can make you a better person in the end. — Alexander Davidson

Strive through your adversities with a tenacious mindset and a sincere heart and there shall surely be a great end when you get to the end unrelentingly. You shall surely leave a noble mark when you endure to the end and you shall surely smile in the end and ponder over how the journey to the end was. Note; there is no sweet fruit that is not the product of the dirty soil. No matter what, keep moving on! — Ernest Agyemang Yeboah

If you hear a good idea, capture it; write it down. Don't trust your memory. Then on a cold wintry evening, go back through your journal, the ideas that changed your life, the ideas that saved your marriage, the ideas that bailed you out of bankruptcy, the ideas that helped you become successful, the ideas that made you millions. What a good review-going back over the collection of ideas that you gathered over the years. So be a collector of good ideas for your business, for your relationships, for your future. — Jim Rohn

To commit to the present moment is to accept our inability to control the future and accept that many of our fears and reactions are just what they are, thoughts and emotions that are irrationally internalized. We will never be completely void of the temptations to look into the future when we are in the present; however, one must come to the understanding that by looking too far off into the future, we taint the future by creating an artificial expectation of what the future should hold, and are emotionally drained when it holds something else. Focus on the present, and you will come to have more control over the future naturally. — Forrest Curran

Advaita is the only system that gives us complete control over ourselves, takes off all dependence and its associated superstitions, thus making us brave to suffer, brave to do, and in the long run, attain to absolute freedom. — Swami Vivekananda

In softball ... , the softball gods giveth and the softball gods taketh away, but that evens out over the season. — Yvette Girouard

Life is like an Hourglass. The grains of sand drop one by one and then it's all over. Live before you die. - RVM. — R.v.m.

Positive ones go on the wall, negative on the floor over there. He points to this heap of paper. It's important to get those down but they don't need to stick around after you do — Jennifer Niven

As a population, if a large number of people make even small moves to eat less meat and more plant-based foods, the livestock industry will shrink. Over time, farmers will find other crops to support their livelihoods. Through such collective awakening we can make a difference in our world. — Nhat Hanh

Record what you can, pursue your passions, connect with the world, fight the good fight, defy evil, shine incandescently as best you can. And it doesn't matter what field it's in but, it does matter that we leave something that accumulates over time. — Stefan Molyneux

One of the things that I did before I ran for president is I was a professional speaker. Not a motivational speaker - an inspirational speaker. Motivation comes from within. You have to be inspired. That's what I do. I inspire people, I inspire the public, I inspire my staff. I inspired the organizations I took over to want to succeed. — Herman Cain

When you see a thing clearly in your mind, your creative "success mechanism" within you takes over and does the job much better than you could do it by conscious effort or "willpower. — Maxwell Maltz

Allowing both negative and positive thoughts to arise in life and acknowledging them for what they are, a secondary reaction within to what is happening outside, we grant our emotions free passage within without allowing external influences to impede our personal happiness. We cannot have control over everything that occurs in life, but that is simply not the goal, for we have control only over our relationship that we have with life. — Forrest Curran

If you keep taking an approach that continues to lead you over and over again to the same result, you just have to take a total new different approach to get to your desired result". — Abdulazeez Henry Musa

History is the same thing over and over again. — Woody Allen

Success can be defined as how hard you continue to fight when they tell you that the battle is over. — Mark W. Boyer

Just get to lunch," I muttered to myself.
It was the only way I could control my anxiety. In 1998, I'd made it through Basic Underwater Demolition/SEAL, or BUD/S, by focusing on just making it to the next meal. It didn't matter if I couldn't feel my arms as we hoisted logs over our heads or if the cold surf soaked me to the core. It wasn't going to last forever. There is a saying: "How do you eat an elephant?" The answer is simple: "One bite at a time." Only my bites were separated by meals: Make it to breakfast, train hard until lunch, and focus until dinner. Repeat. — Mark Owen

Don't undermine the mirror that always shows you how good or the otherwise you look for any necessary correction! You may dearly miss its real essence the day it will break and you shall step out only for people to show you the little fault in your appearance that will give you something to ponder over and over! — Ernest Agyemang Yeboah

The desire to rule over others, the will to power, is one of the greatest crimes that man has committed. — Rajneesh

Everybody is a champion! Everybody has conquered something in life before! You have achieved something great before: your first time of walking. Remember how life would have been should you have failed to challenge and overcome that challenge, even as an infant! If you could do that as an infant, you can conquer great challenges now to leave great and indelible mark before you go! He who thinks failure has a super power over him should remember the first day he took the first step to walk! He who wants to end it all because of failure must think of why he never ended the journey of life just because he tried walking the first time ever and fell, but stood up and tried over and over until he could walk without a fall! Take your courage and be a champion! Dare to conquer life! — Ernest Agyemang Yeboah

The purpose of forgiveness is not to make sure that someone ends up changing into what you expect them to be, as this is dominance. The purpose is actually to make your own life better, more worthy and less stressful. Forgiveness reduces the hold that the wrongdoer has over you and empowers you. — Stephen Richards

The Athens Olympics will be meaningful even though I cannot participate as an athlete, since I can participate in the flame relay all over the world. — Cathy Freeman

If I've learned one thing about a woman: they'll get over every damn single tragedy without losing the charm of their smile. — Sarvesh Jain

Fear is a basic human instinct and an indicator of the gravity of a situation. It becomes an asset if it is effectively controlled. It becomes a weakness for a man if he lets it prevail over him. — Janvier Chouteu-Chando

If you read one hour per day in your field, that will translate into about one book per week. One book per week translates into about 50 books per year. 50 books per year will translate into about 500 books over the next ten years. — Brian Tracy

I profoundly believer, as Grammen's experience over twenty years has shown, that personal gains is not the only possible fuel for free enterprise. Social goals can replace greed as a powerful motivational force. Social-consciousness-driven enterprises can be formidable competitors for the greed-based enterprises. I believe that if we play our cards right, social-consciousness-driven enterprises can do very well in the marketplace. — Muhammad Yunus

Is it not strange that while we have an opportunity to choose Positive over Negative,Joy over Sorrow,we often choose the latter?-RVM — R.v.m.

I am pushing you, even if it's off a cliff, to create. Write that book, that song; pore over the concept of redecorating your life. I meet people all the time who say they're not creative. Bullshit, motherfuckers, you are creative. — Nikki Sixx

I was told over and over again that I would never be successful, that I was not going to be competitive and the technique was simply not going to work. All I could do was shrug and say "We'll just have to see". — Dick Fosbury

Leaders in OVER their heads is the mere result of getting ahead of their intended SEASON. — John Paul Warren

When going for a run, I pick fresh air, openness, and scenery of the outdoors over a treadmill every time. — Robert Cheeke

Bridges are built not to cross over it but it is built to lift you to the other side safely. — Edwin Lawrence

The best advice I got from my aunt, the great singer Rosemary Clooney, and from my dad, who was a game show host and news anchor, was: don't wake up at seventy years old sighing over what you should have tried. Just do it, be willing to fail, and at least you gave it a shot. That's echoed for me all through the last few years. — George Clooney

To Regret Over Something is Never the Way out, Never stick to it, Just Learn from it, correct yourself and move on. — Auliq Ice

Dance before the music is over. Live before your Life is over.-RVM — R.v.m.

Smile all the While for life is just a Mile.Enjoy the Journey before it is over.- RVM — R.v.m.

Don't give up! It's not over. The universe is balanced. Every set-back bears with it the seeds of a come-back. — Steve Maraboli

Forgiveness does carry with it numerous obstacles and one may well be surprised why many people find it a very difficult hurdle to jump over. — Stephen Richards

The enemy wants to make you believe that you are powerless over the circumstance of life, that God or no one else loves you and that you are all alone, you are going to lose your mind or that you are not smart enough to get out of this one. I call this the Divide and Conquer Strategy; I believe this one of the enemy's most successful strategies. Simply because, if he can make be feel and believe that you are unloved, not needed, and alone; you become hopeless! But the enemy is a liar! and the Bible calls Him the Father of all lies. — Michelle Word Hollis

Not many people are willing to give failure a second opportunity. They fail once and it is all over. The bitter pill of failure is often more than most people can handle. If you are willing to accept failure and learn from it, if you are willing to consider failure as a blessing in disguise and bounce back, you have got the essential of harnessing one of the most powerful success forces. — Joseph Sugarman

I am a champion standing over the shadow of my former self. — Adam Johnson

The truth is, unless you let go, unless you forgive yourself, unless you forgive the situation, unless you realize that the situation is over, you cannot move forward. — Steve Maraboli

You are not, though, forgiving so as to let others off with things. You are forgiving so that you can empower yourself to get over it and become strong. — Stephen Richards

I must not fear. Fear is the mind-killer. Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration. I will face my fear. I will permit it to pass over me and through me. And when it has gone past I will turn the inner eye to see its path. Where the fear has gone there will be nothing. Only I will remain. — Frank Herbert

Fool! The Ideal is in thyself, the impediment too is in thyself: thy Condition is but the stuff thou art to shape that same Ideal out of: what matters whether such stuff be of this sort or that, so the Form thou give it be heroic, be poetic? O thou that pinest in the imprisonment of the Actual, and criest bitterly to the gods for a kingdom wherein to rule and create, know this of a truth: the thing thou seekest is already with thee, 'here or nowhere,' couldst thou only see! — Thomas Carlyle

I don't understand these national awards, because half of those who sit in judgement over Indian films do not ... possess the competence to evaluate a film correctly. — Satyajit Ray

Just because you have been through a bad experience does not give you the ticket to keep going back to that situation over and over again and dramatizing it out of proportion. — Stephen Richards

I didn't just magically end up becoming the person that I am today. I also dealt with different kinds of pain and hardships, and I chose to fight and win over these battles instead of letting it defeat me and become just a mere victim. — Kcat Yarza

Here's what I believe. We have control over ourselves at every single moment. We don't control the world. We don't control other people (or at least, we shouldn't.) But we are in control of our experience at all times. — Stephen Lovegrove

Death is the destiny of every man. I shall not worry over material wealth. — Lailah Gifty Akita

Once you forgive yourself, the self-rejection in your mind is over. Self-acceptance begins, and the self-love will grow so strong that you will finally accept yourself just the way you are. That's the beginning of the free human. Forgiveness is the key. — Miguel Angel Ruiz

I read once about the concepts of a lateral idea and the vertical idea. If you dig a hole and it's in the wrong place, digging it deeper isn't going to help. The lateral idea is when you skip over and dig someplace else. — Seymour Chwast

You must see yourself run the race over and over, time and time again. You must put yourself in critical positions and see how you would react in those positions before the race so when and if they do happen, the feedback is automatic. — Rod Milburn

Sometimes we are very convinced that what we went through needs to be re-lived so we end up going back and forth to the demons of the past and eventually we fail to get over them. — Stephen Richards

The whole journey of life has been broken down into bits: days! Day by day we live life! Day by day we live and leave something behind; something good or something bad! Something mediocre or something noble! Until you know how to use your day, you may end your days and ponder over your days; how you used them and how you wasted them! — Ernest Agyemang Yeboah

Nothing remarkable or impressive comes to be overnight, and all those so-called "overnight success" stories misrepresent the truth. It is only the manifestation of that success that appeared overnight, but its essence was built up over time. — Innocent Mwatsikesimbe

As spouses, we play a big role in the development of each other's self-confidence, self-esteem, and self-worth. An entire personality can be destroyed and a marriage ripped apart over the course of just months. It's important that husbands and wives take this subject seriously and learn to build each other up through the simple concepts of dating. It's critical that the older we get, the younger we feel. As the years pass, our attitudes towards each other and our relationships should become more positive and our lives more meaningful. — Lindsey Rietzsch

But I can't control my dreams. I can't even remember them. For all I know I'm having the time of my life when I sleep, but I just can't remember. So I'm forced to live in a life I have no control over. A life where I'm either numb to everything or terrified of every thought that crosses my mind. If this is all just a dream, then it sure is a disappointing one.
But I still have time to try and control my dreams. I have time to try and make my dreams a reality in this waking life as well. The one bloody thing I have is time. I've got to remember that. I still have time. And despite everything, there is something reassuring about that. — F.K. Preston

My caregiver mantra is to remember: the only control you have is over the changes you choose to make. — Nancy L. Kriseman

The remedy for weakness is not brooding over weakness, but thinking of strength. — Swami Vivekananda

Take too much time, and time will take you. — Lisa Kleypas

The wall! Your success is on the other side. Can't jump over it or go around it. You know what to do. — Dwayne Johnson

Nothing is ever as bad as the energy wasted worrying over it. — Teresa Sue McAdams

True success - financial, personal, and professional - lies above all in loving your family, working hard, and living your passion. In telling your story. In authenticity, hustle, and patience. In caring fiercely about the big and the small stuff. In valuing legacy over currency. — Gary Vaynerchuk

Live like Jesus, pray like Jesus, love like Jesus, serve like Jesus but don't hand yourself over to the enemy like Him. — Ikechukwu Izuakor

The virtue of achievement is victory over oneself. Those who know this can never know defeat. — A.J. Cronin

To attract more money, you must be attractive, in the sense that people will want and prefer your products or service over those of your competitior. — Jack Canfield