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Quotes & Sayings About Outlining

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Top Outlining Quotes

Outlining Quotes By Marco Rubio

Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama's strategy is to lead from behind. It sounds like what he is outlining is not to lead at all. We cannot continue to outsource foreign policy. We must lead. We are the most powerful nation in the world. We need to begin to act like it, again. — Marco Rubio

Outlining Quotes By Edan Lepucki

I am always worried that over-planning and outlining will kill the magic of writing; most of the world I created in 'California' occurred via good old sexy sentence-making. — Edan Lepucki

Outlining Quotes By Erin McCarthy

Corbin wanted, quite simply, to die.
He had wished for death many times over his long lifespan, but never as fervently as he did while Beth Adams rattled off breastfeeding statistics, her baby sucking industriously, mouth fully around the entire areola, as Sam was quick to point out, finger outlining the area in question. Corbin was speechless.
-Corbin at Baby Boot Camp — Erin McCarthy

Outlining Quotes By Joseph Finder

But the reason that writers like Harlan and Lee don't outline is that they enjoy the serendipity, the surprises that arise when they're not constricted by the steel girdle of an outline. And I get that too. Some of the best plot twists in my work have been ones that I didn't plan on, including the ending to PARANOIA. One of the great pleasures of writing fiction is living in the story so that you "experience" it the way your characters do. — Joseph Finder

Outlining Quotes By Karen Hawkins

Could he be naked beneath his breeches? They
seemed molded to him, outlining the powerful lines of his thighs and the swell just above
Oh, God. She closed her eyes. She'd been looking at his - Not only was it rude, but it had sent an
amazing tingle through her, almost as if she'd touched it.
"Fiona, if you ever look at me like that again, I will not be held responsible for what I do." Jack was so
close that she could feel his breath on her temple. "Do you understand? — Karen Hawkins

Outlining Quotes By Hannah Arendt

would-be totalitarian rulers usually start their careers by boasting of their past crimes and carefully outlining their future ones. The Nazis "were convinced that evil-doing in our time has a morbid force of attraction,"5 Bolshevik assurances inside and outside Russia that they do not recognize ordinary moral standards have become a mainstay of Communist propaganda, and experience has proved time and again that the propaganda value of evil deeds and general contempt for moral standards is independent of mere self-interest, supposedly the most powerful psychological factor in politics. — Hannah Arendt

Outlining Quotes By Gina Conkle

Mr. Ryland was a riddle to unfold, an attractive one at that. The lone candle flickered behind him, outlining powerful shoulders, tempting solidness she wanted to test.
"But an evening of harmless flirtation isn't out of the question."
His gaze fixed on her. "I'd welcome an evening free of complications."
Did he just proposition her? — Gina Conkle

Outlining Quotes By Harlan Coben

Outlining is not writing. Coming up with ideas is not writing. Researching is not writing. Creating characters is not writing. Only writing is writing. — Harlan Coben

Outlining Quotes By Mark Z. Danielewski

People frequently comment on the emptiness in one night stands, but emptiness here has always been just another word for darkness. Blind encounters writing sonnets no one can ever read. Desire and pain communicated in the vague language of sex.
None of which made sense to me until much later when I realized everything I thought I'd retained of my encounters added up to so very little, hardly enduring, just shadows of love outlining nothing at all. — Mark Z. Danielewski

Outlining Quotes By Joe Swanberg

In the pre-production process, I am emailing with the actors or jumping on the phone, and we're sort of figuring out who the characters are and trying to build the relationship dynamic and things like that. Then, also, I am outlining. — Joe Swanberg

Outlining Quotes By Myra Hargrave McIlvain

Both slaves had been oiled until their flesh shined like polished ebony, outlining every detail of their muscles. — Myra Hargrave McIlvain

Outlining Quotes By Mortimer J. Adler

These three rules of analytical reading - about terms, propositions, and arguments - can be brought to a head in an eighth rule, which governs the last step in the interpretation of a book's content. More than that, it ties together the first stage of analytical reading (outlining the structure) and the second stage (interpreting the contents). The last step in your attempt to discover what a book is about was the discovery of the major problems that the author tried to solve in the course of his book. (As — Mortimer J. Adler

Outlining Quotes By Rian Johnson

If I spend a year and a half writing a script, the first year will be outlining in notebooks. It's just the way I work, definitely not necessarily the best way. — Rian Johnson

Outlining Quotes By Ziad K. Abdelnour

I believe that to create real wealth one must be willing to abandon
one's limited thinking, remove the boundaries around our abundance,
and stop outlining how it is to appear in our lives. Remember not to
create boundaries and remember not to define the outcome. Most
importantly, stop letting people who are motivated by jealousy and
envy dictate what your limitations are. — Ziad K. Abdelnour

Outlining Quotes By E.L. Doctorow

Planning to write is not writing. Outlining, researching, talking to people about what you're doing, none of that is writing. Writing is writing. — E.L. Doctorow

Outlining Quotes By James Franco

Showing the addiction and unusual sexual practices are ways of just outlining a much bigger character trait. — James Franco

Outlining Quotes By Chuck Klosterman

[ ... ] outlining how certain fans of 'NSYNC like to imagine Justin Timber lake getting fisted by Lance Bass. Glenn Dixon surmised that much of the Contemporary Christian genre is driven by artists who literally want to fuck Jesus Christ. — Chuck Klosterman

Outlining Quotes By Charles Stross

The European Parliament responded by focusing on corporate governance. If corporations wanted to be legal citizens they could damned well shoulder the responsibilities of good citizenship as well as the benefits. Social as well as financial audits were the order of the day. Directives outlining standards for corporate citizenship were drafted and a lucrative niche for a new generation of management consultants emerged - those who could look at an organization and sound a warning if its structure rewarded pathological behaviour. — Charles Stross

Outlining Quotes By Brooke Gladstone

as eminent political theorist Hannah Arendt saw back in 1951: "Would-be totalitarian rulers usually start their careers by boasting of their past crimes and carefully outlining their future ones. — Brooke Gladstone

Outlining Quotes By E.B. White

Commas in The New Yorker fall with the precision of knives in a circus act, outlining the victim. — E.B. White

Outlining Quotes By David Halberstam

He was very good, it turned out, at outlining the flaws in the government as long as someone else was in charge of the government. — David Halberstam

Outlining Quotes By Rupert W. Nacoste

started outlining this book because I know we are on the verge of losing the American Dream. Today, somehow, we have let young people feel that it's OK to speak about other Americans using the language of hate: niggers, bitches, spics, ragheads, retards. What's the big deal? It's all just a big joke anyway, right? Now I was being called to help our nation penetrate that thick fog of — Rupert W. Nacoste

Outlining Quotes By Augusten Burroughs

On London Tonight, on television right now, a reporter is standing in front of a building that is under construction. It's windy, and the wind has pressed the fabric of his slacks against his body, outlining his penis. You can see everything - the length and width and the fact that he's uncut and hangs to the right. But I bet none of the viewers even noticed. In America, there would be letters to the station. There would be a lawsuit because a child was watching. The headlines would dub the reporter "Anchor of Shame" and he'd be fired. When our own Greta Van Susteren got her eyes done, it was front-page news for a week. So you can be sure, if Anderson Cooper's penis were to be visible in outline beneath his trousers, he'd be on the cover of People, Vanity Fair, and The New York Times. We are obsessed with sex in an unnatural way. — Augusten Burroughs

Outlining Quotes By Jeffery Deaver

I spend eight months outlining and researching the novel before I begin to write a single word of the prose. — Jeffery Deaver

Outlining Quotes By Noam Chomsky

In the modern period, similar ideas are reiterated, for example, by an important political thinker who described what he called "a definite trend in the historic development of mankind," which strives for "the free unhindered unfolding of all the individual and social forces in life." The author was Rudolf Rocker, a leading twentieth-century anarchist thinker and activist.3 He was outlining an anarchist tradition culminating in his view in anarcho-syndicalism - in European terms, a variety of "libertarian socialism." These — Noam Chomsky

Outlining Quotes By Jeffery Deaver

I spend about eight months researching and outlining my book. — Jeffery Deaver

Outlining Quotes By Whit Stillman

I explained to Amazon that I don't like outlining or projecting what something's going to be. I like to allow a story to arise as I'm writing scripts. I find it horrible when I try to think of something for the plot without really being on the ground and seeing where it goes. I was really resistant to do the mini-bible. So I gave them something, but I really didn't want to do it that way. — Whit Stillman

Outlining Quotes By Ernest Cline

Several paragraphs of dense text began to scroll across the screen, an unreadable blur of legalese outlining all the details of enlistment. It would have taken hours to read it all, and then I still probably wouldn't have understood a word of it. — Ernest Cline

Outlining Quotes By George Stephen

The benefit of this kind of outlining is that you discover a story's flaws before you invest a lot of time writing the first draft, and it's almost impossible to get stuck at a difficult chapter, because you've already done the work to push through those kinds of blocks. — George Stephen

Outlining Quotes By Cynthia Voigt

I'm a big fan of outlining. Here's the theory: If I outline, then I can see the mistakes I'm liable to make. They come out more clearly in the outline than they do in the pages. — Cynthia Voigt

Outlining Quotes By Libbie Hawker

Plot is certainly a part of constructing a story. It's a factor in outlining. But believe it or not, it's the least important factor. If you focus your efforts on the Three Legs - character arc, pacing, and theme - you can change the specifics of the plot a hundred different times, and you'll still have essentially the same story. — Libbie Hawker

Outlining Quotes By Chris Bohjalian

The Beatrice that obsessed Dante was a Florentine named Bice di Folco Portinari. Envision this moment (and, in all fairness, I am envisioning it the way Henry Holiday did in his exquisite nineteenth-century painting): Bice is walking beside the Arno River, dressed in white, the fabric clinging to her legs and outlining her slender thighs, and there is Dante. He meets her at the corner of one of the bridges that span
the river. His left hand, at first glimpse, is moving casually toward his hip; it is only on a more careful study that one realizes his hand is actually going up to his heart. Meanwhile, his right hand is resting on the bridge's waist-high stone balustrade, as if Bico's beauty is such that he needs to steady himself when he beholds her. — Chris Bohjalian

Outlining Quotes By Brit Marling

Once you play with these scenes and you're outlining it, again and again, and telling each other the narrative, and telling it to people you know, trying to make sure that the mathematics of the story work, you feel that those are in place, and the actual writing and final draft doesn't take as long. — Brit Marling

Outlining Quotes By Richard Flanagan

Auger-eyed woman's small stout form, outlining her — Richard Flanagan

Outlining Quotes By Marie Lu

I am a hopeless pantser, so I don't do much outlining. A thought will occur to me, and I'll just throw it into the story. I tell myself I'll worry about untangling it later. I'm glad no one sees my first drafts except for my poor editor and agent. — Marie Lu

Outlining Quotes By Linda Howard

He stood looking down at her for a moment, then walked to the window and raised it. "Let's let the storm in," he said, and then it was with them, filling the half-dark room with sound and vibration. The rain-chilled air washed over her, cool and fresh on her heated skin. She sighed, the small sound drowned out by the din of thunder and rain.
There by the window, with the dim grey light outlining the bulge and plane of powerful muscle, Wolf removed his wet clothing. — Linda Howard

Outlining Quotes By Alice Stewart

It's often said that you learn more from defeat than victory and the RNC has certainly taken that to heart. After difficult losses in 2012, the RNC has made great strides in identifying the problem, outlining solutions, and implementing a strategy to turn things around. The RNC's outreach and communication with African Americans, Hispanic Americans, women, youth, and the faith-based community is working. We've already seen it pay off in the FL 13 congressional race and we will see that continue across the country in the 2014 midterms and in 2016. — Alice Stewart

Outlining Quotes By Hallie Ephron

Outlining is like putting on training wheels. It gives me the courage to write, but we always go off the outline. — Hallie Ephron

Outlining Quotes By Leigh Bardugo

I think the hard work of writing is just how long a book is terrible before it's good."--Leigh Bardugo — Leigh Bardugo

Outlining Quotes By Diana Gabaldon

It starts out the same, but then, after a moment," he said, speaking softly, "suddenly it's as though I've a living flame in my arms." His touch grew firmer, outlining my lips and caressing the line of my jaw. "And I want only to throw myself into it and be consumed. — Diana Gabaldon

Outlining Quotes By Daniel Woodrell

I have tried to outline, but all that seems to guarantee is that the book will not much resemble the outline, so I long ago stopped. I never really know where a book is going, and each new book has it's own voice - and I have to be available to hear it. That's what can be frustrating between novels - the way I wrote any previous book won't work with this one. I'll make notes, do little sketches of characters or places, but every new book has to be discovered, and maps to the older books won't help much. — Daniel Woodrell

Outlining Quotes By Sara Gruen

I don't like outlining, because books are organic things. Sometimes a book doesn't want to be written in a certain way. — Sara Gruen

Outlining Quotes By Jeff VanderMeer

Whenever I write first drafts, I like to maximize the possibility of f-ups, mistakes, mis-written words, digressions, crazy changes in tone, etc. This is why I don't use outlining software or even a computer and why I spread pages and images and research materials kinda crazy across the table. Never know what'll happen. — Jeff VanderMeer

Outlining Quotes By Milton Friedman

The Founding Fathers envisioned a federal government that trusts its people with their money and freedom, outlining this limited, non-intrusive federal government in ... the Constitution, leaving the other powers to people ... or to the states. — Milton Friedman

Outlining Quotes By Martin Filler

Picasso's superhuman gift for draftsmanship might have made him lazy about pursuing the full potential of color. It was not unusual for him to build a composition by first outlining figures and objects in black and then filling the interstices in a perfunctory manner that can put one in mind of a museum-shop coloring book. — Martin Filler