Famous Quotes & Sayings

Ohanian Name Quotes & Sayings

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Top Ohanian Name Quotes

Ohanian Name Quotes By Harold S. Kushner

Prayer is simply coming into the presence of God. Because when you come into the presence of God, even the things you don't have matter a lot less. — Harold S. Kushner

Ohanian Name Quotes By Fran Kranz

There are actors who aren't on the cover of magazines but still decide what work they want and when they want it. I want a family one day. So I dream of really being able to decide when to work and when not to. — Fran Kranz

Ohanian Name Quotes By Robert Browning

Therefore I summon age / To grant youth's heritage. — Robert Browning

Ohanian Name Quotes By Karin Slaughter

A lot of novels use crime as a stepping stone to talk about greater issues. So I just think of myself as a writer. — Karin Slaughter

Ohanian Name Quotes By Chogyam Trungpa

Fundamentally there is just open space, the basic ground, what we really are. Our most fundamental state of mind, before the creation of ego, is such that there is basic openness, basic freedom, a spacious quality; and we have now and have always had this openness. Take, for example, our everyday lives and thought patterns. When we see an object, in the first instant there is a sudden perception which has no logic or conceptualization to it at all; we just perceive the thing in the open ground. Then immediately we panic and begin to rush about trying to add something to it, either trying to find a name for it or trying to find pigeonholes in which we could locate and categorize it. Gradually things develop from there. This development does not take the shape of a solid entity. Rather, this development is illusory, the mistaken belief in a "self" or "ego." Confused mind is inclined to view itself as a solid, ongoing thing, but it is only a collection of tendencies, events. — Chogyam Trungpa

Ohanian Name Quotes By Henry Rollins

I think about the meaning of pain. Pain is personal. It really belongs to the one feeling it. Probably the only thing that is your own. I like mine. — Henry Rollins

Ohanian Name Quotes By Peter Julian Eymard

If the Christians continue to desert Jesus Christ in His temple, will not the Heavenly Father take away from them His well-beloved Son Whom they neglect? — Peter Julian Eymard

Ohanian Name Quotes By N. T. Wright

Justice never means "treating everybody the same way", but "treating people appropriately". — N. T. Wright

Ohanian Name Quotes By Shirley Henderson

I'm not going to get an Oscar at 30 - that's done. So I'll think of something else. — Shirley Henderson

Ohanian Name Quotes By Eleanor Rathbone

The explanation of the ebb and flow of the women's movement ... is partly psychological. During those early post-war years when successes came thick and fast and were almost thrust upon us, the nation was still under the influence of the reconstruction spirit, when everything seemed possible ... A few years later the nation had reached the stage which follows a drinking bout. It was feeling ruefully in its empty pockets. It did not want to part with anything to anybody. Its head ached. Noble sentiments made it feel sick. It wanted only to be left alone. — Eleanor Rathbone

Ohanian Name Quotes By Laurel Nakadate

Humans like to look. I think that voyeurism and exploitation are often used in the same sentence. But, in my opinion, voyeurism is a beautiful and delightful thing. There is nothing more intimate than really looking at someone. — Laurel Nakadate