Famous Quotes & Sayings

Quotes & Sayings About Office Equipment

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Top Office Equipment Quotes

Office Equipment Quotes By Scott Westerfeld

Bring your own. You'll need them. You see, like every other department in the city, Records runs on Almighty Forms. There are forms that tell the Night Mayor's office what we hunters are doing - starting an investigation, ending one, or reaching various points along the way. There are forms that make things happen, from installing rat traps to getting lab work done. There are forms with which to requisition peep-hunting equipment, from tiger cages to Tasers. (The form for commandeering a genuine NYC garbage truck may be thirty-four pages long, but one day I will think of some reason to fill it out, I swear to you.) There are even forms that activate other forms or switch them off, that cause other forms to mutate, thus bringing newly formed forms into the world. Put together, all these forms are the vast spiral of information that defines us, guides our growth, and makes sure our future looks like our past - they are the DNA of the Night Watch. — Scott Westerfeld

Office Equipment Quotes By Alain De Botton

Logically enough, the office and the nunnery have been singularly popular in the imaginations of pornographers. We should not be surprised to learn that the erotic novels of the early modern period were overwhelmingly focused on debauchery and flagellation amongst clergy in vespers and chapels, just as contemporary Internet pornography is inordinately concerned with fellatios and sodomies performed by office workers against a backdrop of work stations and computer equipment. — Alain De Botton

Office Equipment Quotes By Andy Grove

Just as you would not permit a fellow employee to steal a piece of office equipment, you shouldn't let anyone walk away with the time of his fellow managers. — Andy Grove

Office Equipment Quotes By Valerie Solanas

SCUM will become members of the unwork force, the fuck-up force; they will get jobs of various kinds and unwork... SCUM office and factory workers, in addition to fucking up their work, will secretly destroy equipment. SCUM will unwork at a job until fired, then get a new job to unwork at. — Valerie Solanas

Office Equipment Quotes By Barack Obama

Friends persuaded me to run for the office, and I won. I had been warned, before taking office, that state politics lacks the glamour of its Washington counterpart; one labors largely in obscurity, mostly on topics that mean a great deal to some but that the average man or woman on the street can safely ignore (the regulation of mobile homes, say, or the tax consequences of farm equipment depreciation). Nonetheless, I found the work — Barack Obama

Office Equipment Quotes By Shiv Khera

THE DIFFERENCE If I buy a photocopier from you, I have made a transaction and am considered a customer. However, if I start buying all my office equipment from you, I have developed a relationship and have become a client. I have developed a relationship because of which I (the client) keep buying more and more. That's the difference between transactional and relationship selling. A salesperson's philosophy is reflected in his behavior and — Shiv Khera

Office Equipment Quotes By Ernst F. Schumacher

It is quite wrong to assume that poor people are generally unwilling to change; but the proposed change must stand in some organic relationship to what they are doing already, and they are rightly suspicious of, and resistant to, radical changes proposed by town-based and office-bound innovators who approach them in the spirit of: "You just get out of my way and I shall show you how useless you are and how splendidly the job can be done with a lot of foreign money and outlandish equipment. — Ernst F. Schumacher

Office Equipment Quotes By Karl Pilkington

DONNA: She doesn't like office equipment, so we let her come out here and tear up office equipment. For people who don't like TVs, they can break TVs. If you don't like cars, you can break cars. If you don't like living-room things, you can break living-room things. Do you have something that you don't like? KARL: Vandalism. So this doesn't really work for me, does it? — Karl Pilkington

Office Equipment Quotes By Conan O'Brien

The post office says they're raising the price of stamps by one cent because they need to upgrade their equipment. Apparently, they're going from semi-automatics to uzis ... — Conan O'Brien

Office Equipment Quotes By Judith McNaught

To have him look at her as if she was a piece of office equipment whose presence offended him but whom he was obliged out of neccessity to have nearby. — Judith McNaught