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Ocean Inspirational Quotes & Sayings

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Top Ocean Inspirational Quotes

Ocean Inspirational Quotes By Ivan Figueroa-Otero

The Universe is like a great ocean of Qi in which we are as rivers that drain into it. In a given moment, we may believe that we are only individual rivers, but when we join it, we realize that we were never separated from the ocean. Some of us emerge as wide and turbulent rivers. Others, as tranquil or as weak streams, but we're never alone in our path. Whatever affects the ocean, affects the river and what affects the river, impacts the ocean. — Ivan Figueroa-Otero

Ocean Inspirational Quotes By Rachel Lewis

Ocean waves gently rock the boat,
As if to the tune of a lullaby.
She sits still as the boat silently floats
Under the infinite blue sky. — Rachel Lewis

Ocean Inspirational Quotes By Jaeda DeWalt

Love wilts under the wight of possession. Love is not something to be clutched tightly in the hand. Love is a living breathing entity. For some, romantic love comes in seasons ... And for still others, love is something that comes and goes as it pleases, over a lifetime, ebbing and weaving, like the ocean tide. — Jaeda DeWalt

Ocean Inspirational Quotes By Cristael Ann Bengtson

I was surrounded by ripples and cascades of Light, rising and falling all around me, like immense waves in the middle of a huge ocean. I was a tiny girl-child, newborn. — Cristael Ann Bengtson

Ocean Inspirational Quotes By Amaka Imani Nkosazana

Don't just leave your footprints in the sand only to be washed away as the ocean waves come crashing to the shore. You want to impact the lives of others in such a way that you'll be remembered forever. You want to instill values and wisdom in the hearts and minds of others that will never be forgotten. So they may teach their children to carry on from generation to generation. — Amaka Imani Nkosazana

Ocean Inspirational Quotes By Rumi

Your heart is the size of an ocean. Go find yourself in its hidden depths. — Rumi

Ocean Inspirational Quotes By Marcus Speh

I am a bomb but I mean you no harm. That I still am here to tell this, is a miracle: I was deployed on May 15, 1957, but I didn't go off because a British nuclear engineer, a young father, developed qualms after seeing pictures of native children marveling at the mushrooms in the sky, and sabotaged me. I could see why during that short drop before I hit the atoll: the island looks like god's knuckles in a bathtub, the ocean is beautifully translucent, corals glow underwater, a dead city of bones, allowing a glimpse into a white netherworld. I met the water and fell a few feet into a chromatic cemetery. The longer I lie here, listening to my still functioning electronic innards, the more afraid I grow of detonating after all this time. I don't share your gods, but I pray I shall die a silent death. — Marcus Speh

Ocean Inspirational Quotes By Debasish Mridha

You are a bubble in the ocean of life that has come to enjoy the glints of the morning light. — Debasish Mridha

Ocean Inspirational Quotes By Rumi

To a frog that's never left his pond, the ocean seems like a gamble. Look what he's giving up: security, mastery of his world, recognition! The ocean frog just shakes his head. "I can't explain where I live, but someday I'll take you there." — Rumi

Ocean Inspirational Quotes By Debasish Mridha

Oh my love, you are my life boat in the ocean of my life. — Debasish Mridha

Ocean Inspirational Quotes By Carl Safina

For each of us, then, the challenge and opportunity is to cherish all life as the gift it is, envision it whole, seek to know it truly, and undertake -with our minds, hearts, and hands- to restore its abundance. It is said that where there's life there's hope, and so no place can inspire us with more hopefulness than that great, life-making sea -that singular, wondrous ocean covering the blue planet. — Carl Safina

Ocean Inspirational Quotes By Debasish Mridha

In the center of my being, I am floating with the waves of time in the ocean of light. — Debasish Mridha

Ocean Inspirational Quotes By Debasish Mridha

Life is just like an ocean; we are moving without end. Nothing stays with us, what remains is just the memories of someone who touched us like waves. — Debasish Mridha

Ocean Inspirational Quotes By Debasish Mridha

The best way to live a stress-free life is to learn how to swim in the ocean of uncertainty. — Debasish Mridha

Ocean Inspirational Quotes By Rumi

Absorbed in this world, you've made it your burden. Rise above this world. There is another vision. All your life you've paid attention to your experiences, but never to your Self. Are you searching for your Soul? Then come out of your prision. Leave the stream and join the river that flows into the Ocean. It will not lead you astray. Let the beauty you seek be what you do. — Rumi

Ocean Inspirational Quotes By Lailah Gifty Akita

The beauty of nature-humanity:
Animal is animal.
Book is book.
Forest is forest.
Happiness is happiness.
Human is human.
Joy is joy.
Mountain is mountain.
Music is music.
Ocean is ocean.
Life is life.
Light is light.
Love is love.
Plant is plant.
Peace is peace.
Stream is stream.
Sun is sun.
Spirit is spirit.
Snow is snow.
Rain is rain
Rainbow is rainbow.
River is river.
Wind is wind. — Lailah Gifty Akita

Ocean Inspirational Quotes By Uday Mane

Surrounded by water
Miles into the ocean
All out alone
Searching for a beacon — Uday Mane

Ocean Inspirational Quotes By Debasish Mridha

Look at the magnificence of love,
At this heavenly dusk,
Wind is singing the song of joy,
The sun is kissing the ocean.
Saying goodbye for the night
Promising to wake her up
At the dawn of life,
With the touch of his warmth
and light. — Debasish Mridha

Ocean Inspirational Quotes By Debasish Mridha

It is very easy to fall in the ocean of love and feel great,
but it's difficult to get out of the river of love and forget. — Debasish Mridha

Ocean Inspirational Quotes By M.J. Abraham

I belong to clever words and bedtime stories
even a good riddle or two
I belong to the sound of music
and dance to my own rhythm
I belong to the sunlight on a chilly autumn day
when the world awaits a new beginning
I belong by the shore under a star-filled sky
with the ocean caressing my feet
I belong everywhere.
And anyway I please. — M.J. Abraham

Ocean Inspirational Quotes By Debasish Mridha

Life without a defined purpose is similar to a boat without a crew in the middle of the ocean. — Debasish Mridha

Ocean Inspirational Quotes By Debasish Mridha

Jump in the ocean of love
to die and to save at the same time. — Debasish Mridha

Ocean Inspirational Quotes By Ozay Oktay

The ice has to face the heat
and melt to reach the Ocean. — Ozay Oktay

Ocean Inspirational Quotes By Debasish Mridha

Oh my lovely moon! Touch my thirsty heart with your ocean of silvery silent love. — Debasish Mridha

Ocean Inspirational Quotes By Debasish Mridha

The smell of the ocean, southern breeze, blue sky, and the gentle sound of dancing waves make me sing the song of love. — Debasish Mridha

Ocean Inspirational Quotes By Debasish Mridha

Like the waves in the ocean, life changes every moment. — Debasish Mridha

Ocean Inspirational Quotes By Mauro Lannini


Hello everyone, how are y'all doing Y'all seem busy
Don't mean to disturb you, is it me or y'all look dizzy

Can you hear the ocean screaming, can you see the wind in your hair
I know it all seems scattered here and there

Do I sound odd to you, Do you already have a name for me
Where do I belong to, How hard is it for everyone to agree

Can anyone hear me I see all of your vague faces
Coming from all different places
Unconsciously robbed of own your rights,
I wish I could make you all feel despite of all your races

Touch the ground, grab a stone and y'all know you're not alone
Have a mind of your own

Time ticks on
Each hour closer the death
Love, feel what are you waiting upon
Don't waste one breath. — Mauro Lannini

Ocean Inspirational Quotes By Debasish Mridha

Life is a wave in the ocean of time. It touches the heart of the universe like a beautiful rhyme. We are riding the wave as spirits rhyme. — Debasish Mridha

Ocean Inspirational Quotes By Debasish Mridha

You are a sweet ocean of love. Invite everyone to come to your shore to feel the joy of life. — Debasish Mridha

Ocean Inspirational Quotes By Debasish Mridha

A heart filled with love never dries out by giving away love. It is like the ocean with unending waves. — Debasish Mridha

Ocean Inspirational Quotes By Debasish Mridha

I want to be a ripple in the infinite ocean of love. — Debasish Mridha

Ocean Inspirational Quotes By P.J. Parker

There were no stars, only the darkness and an arctic chill that had intensified since the first thin, blood-red stripes of sunrise shimmered on the ocean's horizon. — P.J. Parker

Ocean Inspirational Quotes By Swami Muktananda

Love turns ma into an ocean of happiness, an image of peace, a temple of wisdom. Love is every man's very Self, his true beauty, and the glory of his human existence. — Swami Muktananda

Ocean Inspirational Quotes By Debasish Mridha

In the stillness of the ocean, I wonder at the dancing waves. — Debasish Mridha

Ocean Inspirational Quotes By Debasish Mridha

Let me be an ocean and let me kiss you as many times as the ocean kisses the shore. — Debasish Mridha

Ocean Inspirational Quotes By Debasish Mridha

Feel the kiss of ocean breeze,
Hear the song of dancing wave
Let your soul fly away with seagulls
To fill the heart with the joy of life. — Debasish Mridha

Ocean Inspirational Quotes By Debasish Mridha

Sit on a cliff and look at the ocean. In the ocean of life, you are a bubble, but you have the power to appreciate the greatness, vastness, and beauty of her. Because you came, sit next to the ocean and enjoy the beauty and appreciate the vast, great, and creative power. She is dancing with joy. You may not know that she is watching you, but she knows you are watching her. — Debasish Mridha

Ocean Inspirational Quotes By Debasish Mridha

Love as river loves the ocean.
Love as air loves the leaves. — Debasish Mridha

Ocean Inspirational Quotes By Craig Smedley

If a raindrop that falls into the ocean viewed itself as man views himself, the raindrop would then be a drop of water trapped in an ocean, when in reality, the raindrop is the ocean. — Craig Smedley

Ocean Inspirational Quotes By Munia Khan

You can never be lost when you learn to get lost into the blue of the sea.. — Munia Khan

Ocean Inspirational Quotes By R.v.m.

Just like waves in the ocean come and go, no challenge is permanent. Problems will come and go too. We must enjoy the Challenges just like we enjoy the Waves. - RVM. — R.v.m.

Ocean Inspirational Quotes By Debasish Mridha

Oh my love, I like to vanish in you like a ripple vanishes in an ocean - slowly, silently, and endlessly. — Debasish Mridha

Ocean Inspirational Quotes By John Fowles

Some people would say- you're only a drop, your word-breaking is only a drop, it wouldn't matter. But all the evil in the world's made up of little drops. It's silly talking about the unimportance of the little drops. The little drops and the ocean are the same thing. — John Fowles

Ocean Inspirational Quotes By C. JoyBell C.

We can't be afraid of change. You may feel very secure in the pond that you are in, but if you never venture out of it, you will never know that there is such a thing as an ocean, a sea. Holding onto something that is good for you now, may be the very reason why you don't have something better. — C. JoyBell C.

Ocean Inspirational Quotes By Debasish Mridha

Just like the waves of the ocean, my heart is singing the song of endless, eternal, sadness, joy, and love. — Debasish Mridha

Ocean Inspirational Quotes By Debasish Mridha

To be a leader you have to jump into the ocean of uncertainty and lead the followers toward the known or unknown destination. — Debasish Mridha

Ocean Inspirational Quotes By Timothy Findley

Everyone who's born has come from the sea. Your mother's womb is just a sea in small. And birds come of seas on eggs. Horses lie in the sea before they're born. The placenta is the sea. Your blood is the sea continued in your veins. We are the ocean - walking on the land. — Timothy Findley

Ocean Inspirational Quotes By Debasish Mridha

Life is nothing but a sea shell in the ocean of love. — Debasish Mridha

Ocean Inspirational Quotes By Debasish Mridha

Love as a river loves the ocean. — Debasish Mridha

Ocean Inspirational Quotes By Debasish Mridha

An ocean does not know how big she is just like you don't know how loving and amazing you are. — Debasish Mridha

Ocean Inspirational Quotes By Debasish Mridha

An eagle can catch a fish in the ocean of impossibility because he pursues and focuses on only one fish. — Debasish Mridha

Ocean Inspirational Quotes By Debasish Mridha

I love the tranquility, serenity, generosity, and the beauty of the ocean. — Debasish Mridha

Ocean Inspirational Quotes By Jaeda DeWalt

I want to be intoxicated by the darkened ether of midnight, running through my fingers as sparkling stardust. I crave the taste of the ocean's salty tears, as her temperamental tides crash and break against the rocks. I yearn for the sweet scent of sun on my skin and the earthy musk of dirt giving way under my bare feet. I want to lay naked in golden fields, as i gaze up at an endless sky, dreaming my dreams, as Mother Nature's love washes over me like spiritual sunshine. — Jaeda DeWalt

Ocean Inspirational Quotes By Aletheia Luna

You are like an ocean: quietly ebbing and flowing to the rhythm of life, but wildly expansive and profoundly powerful. You are boundless. You are whole. Your quietness is your strength. Your depth is your advantage. — Aletheia Luna

Ocean Inspirational Quotes By David Mitchell

Dreams are shores where the ocean of spirit meets the land of matter. Dreams are beaches where the yet-to-be, the once-were, the will-never-be may walk awhile with the still are. — David Mitchell

Ocean Inspirational Quotes By Debasish Mridha

Life is a bubble in the ocean of time. At the same time, it can hold all the water of the ocean in her heart. — Debasish Mridha

Ocean Inspirational Quotes By Munia Khan

Take my hand
and ...
feel the sand
beneath your aimless feet
towards the sparkling waves — Munia Khan

Ocean Inspirational Quotes By Debasish Mridha

I love you as river love the ocean.
I love you as the rain love the earth. — Debasish Mridha

Ocean Inspirational Quotes By Debasish Mridha

If knowledge is a glass of water, then wisdom is the unlimited, infinite and not yet invented ocean. — Debasish Mridha

Ocean Inspirational Quotes By Gordon B. Hinckley

What marvelous things happen when men and women walk with faith in obedience to that which is required of them! I recall reading the story of Commander William Robert Anderson, the naval officer who took the submarine Nautilus beneath the polar ice from the Pacific Ocean to the Atlantic Ocean, a daring and dangerous feat. It recounted a number of other exploits of similar danger and concluded with a statement that the commander carried in his wallet a tattered card that had on it these words: "I believe God will always make a way where there is no way." I too believe that God will always make a way where there is no way. I believe that if we will walk in obedience to the commandments of God, if we will follow the counsel of the priesthood, he will open a way even where there appears to be no way. — Gordon B. Hinckley

Ocean Inspirational Quotes By Halina

I look out at the ocean, and I feel exhilaration, wonder, curiosity, and sadness all at the same time. — Halina

Ocean Inspirational Quotes By Johan Harstad

But I promise you, you guys can do it. In four days you'll be the happiest person Earth has ever seen. You'll stand by the ocean and feel the salty sea spray tingling in your nose. You'll be with people you know and love, and you'all appreciate how beautiful everything is. You'll se cars behind you in your rear view mirror, and maybe you'll laugh at the driver's faces. Because they'll look annoyed, bored, angry. And you'll realize what they're missing. You'll live a long and happy life, Mia. Because when you get home, you'll realize that anything is possible. You mustn't ever forget that. — Johan Harstad

Ocean Inspirational Quotes By Alanis Morissette

For the ocean is big and my boat is small. Find the courage. — Alanis Morissette

Ocean Inspirational Quotes By Debasish Mridha

Your ocean of joy in not out there. Find it inside of you and swim there forever. — Debasish Mridha

Ocean Inspirational Quotes By Debasish Mridha

I can't control the waves of the ocean, but I can learn how to navigate my ship. — Debasish Mridha

Ocean Inspirational Quotes By Toba Beta

At beyond continent of reality,
there are oceans of ideas. — Toba Beta

Ocean Inspirational Quotes By Mindy Starns Clark

Doesn't the expansiveness of this make you think of the good Lord? Except we know the ocean ends while He goes on forever. — Mindy Starns Clark

Ocean Inspirational Quotes By Louise Mullins

Some things must remain the same in order for the universe to flow properly. One pebble dashed out across the ocean leaves a lifetime of ripples. They call it the butterfly effect. — Louise Mullins

Ocean Inspirational Quotes By Douglas James Cottrell

Your soul is like a drop of water yearning to return to the ocean. There it will cease to exist as an individual and instead become a greater existence. It becomes an entire ocean. — Douglas James Cottrell

Ocean Inspirational Quotes By Rumi

Give up to grace. The ocean takes care of each wave 'til it gets to shore. You need more help than you know. — Rumi

Ocean Inspirational Quotes By Debasish Mridha

It is a wonderful morning with the sun shining bright and flowers smiling. There is a sweet breeze kissing my face while a hot cup of coffee warms my heart and awakens my mind. The primordial songs of ocean waves are soothing my soul. I am not on earth; I am in heaven on earth. — Debasish Mridha

Ocean Inspirational Quotes By Debasish Mridha

Not knowing that I am in the ocean of love, I am swimming to reach the island of love. — Debasish Mridha

Ocean Inspirational Quotes By Trent Reznor

I thought Big Sur would be a great break after the tour. You'd walk down this rickety ladder to this not-very-pretty beach scene; crashing waves, moss-covered rocks, weird ocean life. It was scary. It summed up alot of things in my life, like 'I should be enjoying this, but I'm not. — Trent Reznor

Ocean Inspirational Quotes By N.D. Wilson

This is poetry, but it is not delicate and fragile, a placid ocean beneath a Bible vese on an inspirational poster. This poetry had testicles. It's rougher than a rodeo. Which is why the cliffs are crowded with spectators — N.D. Wilson

Ocean Inspirational Quotes By Debasish Mridha

Higher consciousness means your self consciousness ceases to exist; you become the ocean of life and a part of the universe. — Debasish Mridha

Ocean Inspirational Quotes By L.G. Abell

You know not what you are capable of doing; you cannot sound the ocean of thought within you. You must labor, keep at it, and dig deep and long before you will begin to realize much. Be inactive - mourn because you were not created a giant in intellect, and you will die a fool. — L.G. Abell

Ocean Inspirational Quotes By James Ramsey Ullman

Challenge is the core and the mainspring of all human activity. If there's an ocean, we cross it; if there's a disease, we cure it; if there's a wrong, we right it; if there's a record, we break it; and finally, if there's a mountain, we climb it. — James Ramsey Ullman

Ocean Inspirational Quotes By Debasish Mridha

Let us be the waves of infinite love to be infinite in this finite ocean of life. — Debasish Mridha

Ocean Inspirational Quotes By Patricia Hickman

Because of sorrow, my awareness of life's pulse is strongly detectable. It is syncopation while I journey, a lap of ocean in the eyes of every person I meet. This awareness informs the flesh of my stories. Grief has been an odd companion, at first a terror, but now I am all the better having accepted it for its intrinsic worth. — Patricia Hickman

Ocean Inspirational Quotes By Kem

He will one day meet his true love ... A fellow traveler on the road ... Her eyes will be his ocean ... In her ocean he will sail forever ... — Kem

Ocean Inspirational Quotes By Melanie Kilsby

Aww, the sound of waves crashing along the ocean side and spraying back up to touch the wind only for a moment, then to fall back down becoming the ocean once more... — Melanie Kilsby

Ocean Inspirational Quotes By Tracy Kidder

You may not see the ocean, but right now we are in the middle of the ocean, and we have to keep swimming. — Tracy Kidder

Ocean Inspirational Quotes By Sarah McCarry

You think that the world we live in is ordinary. We make noise and static to fill the empty spaces where ghosts live. We let other people grow our food, bleach our clothes. We seal ourselves in, clean the dirt from our skins, eat of animals whose blood does not stain our hands. We long ago left the ways of our ancestors, oracles and blood sacrifice, traffic with the spirit world, listening for the voices out of stones and trees. But maybe sometimes you have felt the uncanny, alone at night in a dark wood, or waiting by the edge of the ocean for the tide to come in. We have paved over the ancient world, but that does not mean we have erased it. — Sarah McCarry

Ocean Inspirational Quotes By Mahatma Gandhi

True love is boundless like the ocean and, swelling within one, spreads itself out and, crossing all boundaries and frontiers, envelops the whole world. — Mahatma Gandhi

Ocean Inspirational Quotes By Debasish Mridha

Like the ocean, never forget to be generous with your love. — Debasish Mridha

Ocean Inspirational Quotes By Debasish Mridha

To vanish with the infinite, I am floating with the waves of change in the ocean of time. — Debasish Mridha

Ocean Inspirational Quotes By Clare Vanderpool

As the ocean tugged me at my feet, i realized that Early Auden, that strangest of boys, had saved me from being swept away. — Clare Vanderpool

Ocean Inspirational Quotes By Tom Althouse

You are the water that flows freely, the most dynamic force on the planet with the ability to change course and outlook at any time. You can be a raging river or a placid pond. A source of nourishment, or a breaker of walls. Part of an ocean or a solitary drop. You are dynamic, you are beauty, you are life. — Tom Althouse

Ocean Inspirational Quotes By Marcus L. Lukusa

If you have to fall, fall like a dry leaf, follow the wind, drop on the river; you will meet the ocean and your life will never ne the same. — Marcus L. Lukusa

Ocean Inspirational Quotes By Zora Neale Hurston

Some people could look at a mud puddle and see an ocean with ships. — Zora Neale Hurston

Ocean Inspirational Quotes By Todd Stocker

This life is a wading pool compared to the ocean call eternity. — Todd Stocker

Ocean Inspirational Quotes By Debasish Mridha

Life is a wave of love in the ocean of time. — Debasish Mridha

Ocean Inspirational Quotes By Brooks Palmer

When you hang on to your past, you are gripping an anchor that is swiftly moving to the bottom of the ocean. Sure, you have something to hang on to, but you are drowning, too. — Brooks Palmer

Ocean Inspirational Quotes By Gloria D. Gonsalves

This is the sinking woman
whose soul touched the ocean and
caused it to storm kisses. — Gloria D. Gonsalves

Ocean Inspirational Quotes By Jalaluddin Rumi

You are not a drop in a ocean,
You are entire ocean in a drop. — Jalaluddin Rumi

Ocean Inspirational Quotes By Debasish Mridha

We are like a drop of love, with crystal clear beauty, charm, joy and dance, like to vanish with the ocean of love to become the ocean — Debasish Mridha

Ocean Inspirational Quotes By Rajesh Walecha

The Earth has ocean of water and the sky has ocean of thoughts. — Rajesh Walecha

Ocean Inspirational Quotes By Debasish Mridha

Why you are searching for love all over the world,
when inside you resides an endless ocean of love? — Debasish Mridha

Ocean Inspirational Quotes By Colleen Houck

If anyone can overcome a fear for the ocean, you can, little lady. Courage is being scared to death and saddlin' up anyway. — Colleen Houck

Ocean Inspirational Quotes By Liu Cixin

Life reached an evolutionary milestone when it climbed onto land from the ocean, but those first fish that climbed onto land ceased to be fish. — Liu Cixin