Famous Quotes & Sayings

Nuturing Quotes & Sayings

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Top Nuturing Quotes

Nuturing Quotes By Debolina

When we have no reason to be happy we often think to end ourselves, We often think we have no one in this world, it happens when our loved ones leave us and make us alone in this vast universe. — Debolina

Nuturing Quotes By Sylvia Earle

Why does evolution matter? There is so much about the evolution of life, the development of life on Earth that should rivet the attention of everyone to understand where we've come from and where we might be going. We need to understand the world around us if we are to succeed as a species on the planet. — Sylvia Earle

Nuturing Quotes By D.H. Lawrence

The upshot was, my paintings must burn that English artists might finally learn. — D.H. Lawrence

Nuturing Quotes By Sara Miles

What happened once I started distributing communion was the truly disturbing, dreadful realization about Christianity: You can't be a Christian by yourself. — Sara Miles

Nuturing Quotes By Julian Assange

Capable, generous men do not create victims, they nurture victims. — Julian Assange

Nuturing Quotes By Donald L. Hicks

If you nurture Life, Life will nurture you. — Donald L. Hicks

Nuturing Quotes By Garry Shandling

I'm dating a woman now who, evidently, is unaware of it. — Garry Shandling

Nuturing Quotes By Sapan Saxena

Why do you speak like we won't meet again for such a long time?"
"Because we didn't, for such a long time, — Sapan Saxena

Nuturing Quotes By Aporva Kala

Its gresham's law in operation is all walks of life and not just money: bad money drives out good money from circulation; bad writers drive out good writers from circulation, bad parents drive out good parents from nuturing, bad politicians drive out good politicians from governance, bad girls drive out good girls from heart, bad teachers drive out good teachers from classes ... But bad emotions drive out good rationality. — Aporva Kala

Nuturing Quotes By Sophie Scholl

Just as I can't see a clear brook without at least stopping to dangle my feet in it, I can't see a meadow in May and simply pass by. There is nothing more seductive then such fragrant earth, the blossoms of clover swaying above it like a light foam, and the petal-bedecked branches of the fruit trees reaching upward, as if they wanted to rescue themselves from this tranquil sea. No, I have to turn from my path and immerse myself in this richness ...
When I turn my head, my cheek grazes the rough trunk of the apple tree next to me. How protectively it spreads its good branches over me. Without ceasing the sap rises from its roots, nuturing even the smallest of leaves. Do I hear, perhaps, a secret heartbeat? I press my face against its dark, warm bark and think to myself: homeland, and am so indescribably happy in this instant. — Sophie Scholl

Nuturing Quotes By Robin Sacredfire

It comes a point in which you don't know if you write books or the books write you — Robin Sacredfire

Nuturing Quotes By Donald L. Hicks

When you nurture Nature, Nature nurtures you. — Donald L. Hicks

Nuturing Quotes By Ellen Hopkins

We enter the world
with innocent needs.

We grow, learning through
reward, to want.

When reward becomes the goal,
want becomes desire.

When desire becomes need,
desperation follows.
Disconnection. — Ellen Hopkins

Nuturing Quotes By Pattiann Rogers

How can I appreciate light from an aging
sun shining through new configurations neither pine
nor ash? How can I extol the nuturing
fragrances from the spires, the spicules
of a landscape not yet formed or seeded? — Pattiann Rogers

Nuturing Quotes By Rae Carson

A word is the only thing in the world made more powerful by absence than existence. — Rae Carson

Nuturing Quotes By Evel Knievel

I am not, never have been, and never will be a politician. But I want to tell you the United States has always been proud of having the support of the United Kingdom, of keeping Britain in Europe. We need Britain in Europe. — Evel Knievel

Nuturing Quotes By Mariko Nagai

When Nick leaves our room, he leaves behind a dark thunder cloud. He has carried the shadow with him for so long that it has become a part of him and has settled in the shadows of the room. — Mariko Nagai

Nuturing Quotes By Kiersten White

Wait - no, not drifting. Following us. "We have an audience," I said to Reth, nodding at the clusters of flying insects.
"I suppose we can't make the Dark Queen any angrier with us than she already is," he said, then his perfect mouth moved, silently forming words, and he gracefully waved his hands through the air in a semicircle. The warm breeze suddenly froze, and I saw frost eat across the nearest butterflies' wings. They stopped midair, then dropped to the ground with tiny clinking noises, frozen solid.
A serene smile spread across Reth's face. "I've always disliked insects."
"If the whole being-a-faerie thing doesn't work out for you, you definitely have a future in pest control. — Kiersten White

Nuturing Quotes By Terri Gillespie

It was happening. At least in that little section of the salon, women were connecting and doing what women knew how to do, show compassion, nurturing - helping someone fit in. — Terri Gillespie

Nuturing Quotes By Suzy Menkes

Change is good; it's what fashion is all about. — Suzy Menkes

Nuturing Quotes By Ralph Waldo Emerson

Life is a series of surprises. — Ralph Waldo Emerson