Famous Quotes & Sayings

Quotes & Sayings About Not Worrying

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Top Not Worrying Quotes

Not Worrying Quotes By Josh McDowell

Knowing that God is faithful, it really helps me to not be captivated by worry. But knowing that He will do what He has said, He will cause it to happen, whatever He has promised, and then it causes me to be less involved in worrying about a situation. — Josh McDowell

Not Worrying Quotes By Morgan Ensberg

I'm not worrying about my mechanics-and that's a fun feeling. It's nice to be confident and not worry about where my hands and feet are. — Morgan Ensberg

Not Worrying Quotes By Joyce Meyer

I believe confidence is all about being positive concerning what you can do
and not worrying over what you can't do. A confident person is open to learning, because she knows that her confidence allows her to walk through life's doorways, eager to discover what waits on the other side. She knows that every new unknown is a chance to learn more about herself and unleash her abilities. — Joyce Meyer

Not Worrying Quotes By Louise Nurding

The thought of a spa treatment is lovely, but I'd be lying there having a massage and worrying about how much I had to do. I'm not very good at relaxing! — Louise Nurding

Not Worrying Quotes By H.E. Davey

Our past cannot be changed, and to be preoccupied with it is inefficient in time and effort. Likewise, by fretting over the future, we only exhaust ourselves, making us less able to effectively respond when the future is actually upon us. By worrying about a mishap that may or may not take place, we're forced to undergo the event twice - once when imagining it and once again if and when we actually experience it. — H.E. Davey

Not Worrying Quotes By Daniel Prokop

Achala, worrying and scheming about your next life, before you have even completed this one, is not a good practice. Rinpoche — Daniel Prokop

Not Worrying Quotes By J.D. Robb

I'm not putting up with this," she continued. "You can't even go out and buy a solar system without worrying I'll fall apart. How are you supposed to get anything done?"
"Actually, I'm not in the market for a solar system right at the moment. — J.D. Robb

Not Worrying Quotes By Shane E. Bryan

Life is never simple or without challenges. If it is, it will not last long. So stop worrying that because your life is complicated you're doing something wrong. Enjoy the lessons in life, and the chaos they bring. It means you're alive! — Shane E. Bryan

Not Worrying Quotes By Dada Bhagwan

If worries begin, then realize that the task at hand is going to be disturbed and if worries do not occur, then know that the task will not be disturbed. Worries are obstacles to the work. — Dada Bhagwan

Not Worrying Quotes By Doris Lessing

I'm not one of those writers that sits worrying about posthumous fame. — Doris Lessing

Not Worrying Quotes By James Gray

The audience cares what the movie looks like, not about the sleepless night you had worrying about the thing getting developed. — James Gray

Not Worrying Quotes By Judy Blume

How do you stop yourself from worrying?" "I think of all the good things in my life." "What about the bad things?" "There's no room for them inside my head. Not anymore. Now I say live and let live, and I kick those other thoughts away. — Judy Blume

Not Worrying Quotes By Umberto Eco

Then it is he who has sinned, not me. If I had to start worrying whether the client might be lying, I would no longer be in this profession, which is based on trust. — Umberto Eco

Not Worrying Quotes By Julius Rosenwald

Early in my business career I learned the folly of worrying about anything. I have always worked as hard as I could, but when a thing went wrong and could not be righted, I dismissed it from my mind. — Julius Rosenwald

Not Worrying Quotes By Kristen Bell

I refused to worry about something I could not change, and I still refuse. Look, I'm like any other woman. All this evolved b.s. that I'm telling you is my mantra. It's not something I practice naturally. I had to surrender to not worrying about the way I looked, how much I weighed, because that's just part of the journey of having a baby. I am not a woman whose self-worth comes from her dress size. — Kristen Bell

Not Worrying Quotes By Laurell K. Hamilton

When you spend all your time worrying that the devil is right behind you, eventually you start seeing him whether he's there or not. — Laurell K. Hamilton

Not Worrying Quotes By Eugene O'Neill

Dogs ... do not ruin their sleep worrying about how to keep the objects they have, and to obtain the objects they have not. There is nothing of value they have to bequeath except their love and their faith. — Eugene O'Neill

Not Worrying Quotes By Oswald Chambers

Don't plan without God. God seems to have a delightful way of upsetting the plans we have made, when we have not taken Him into account. We get ourselves into circumstances that were not chosen by God, and suddenly we realize that we have been making our plans without Him - that we have not even considered Him to be a vital, living factor in the planning of our lives. And yet the only thing that will keep us from even the possibility of worrying is to bring God in as the greatest factor in all of our planning. — Oswald Chambers

Not Worrying Quotes By Rachel Hunter

And I'm a pretty positive person - I don't put a lot of energy into worrying, and I'm not a person who lives in a great deal of fear. — Rachel Hunter

Not Worrying Quotes By Gabriel Garcia Marquez

But when a woman decides to sleep with a man, there is no wall she will not scale, no fortress she will not destroy, no moral consideration she will not ignore at its very root: there is no God worth worrying about. — Gabriel Garcia Marquez

Not Worrying Quotes By Lauren Miller

That's the funny thing about life. We're rarely aware of the bullets we dodge. The just-misses. The almost-never-happeneds. We spend so much time worrying about how the future is going to play out and not nearly enough time admiring the precious perfection of the present. — Lauren Miller

Not Worrying Quotes By George Dawson

I want for people not to worry so much. Life ain't going to be perfect, but tings will work out. People come to visit and I always tell them not to worry. If you got something to eat, don't worry, be grateful. Just look at all those books. Those books aren't about food. They're to do with worrying about food. — George Dawson

Not Worrying Quotes By Melissa De La Cruz

Yet even though they were together, she could not stop worrying about how much time they would have- — Melissa De La Cruz

Not Worrying Quotes By Joyce Meyer

Worrying does not move the hand of God, but faith does. Exchange worry for trusting God and you will see progress. — Joyce Meyer

Not Worrying Quotes By Toni Morrison

Well, feel this, why don't you? Feel how it feels to have a bed to sleep in and somebody there not worrying you to death about what you got to do each day to deserve it. Feel how that feels. And if that don't get it, feel how it feels to be a colored woman roaming the roads with anything God made liable to jump on you. Feel that. — Toni Morrison

Not Worrying Quotes By Steven Pacey

I sleep well. In my entire legal career, I have not lost much sleep at night worrying about things, because I've done what I could do in the time I had, and I've got some rest. — Steven Pacey

Not Worrying Quotes By David D. Burns

Powerful new drug-free treatments have been developed for depression and for every conceivable type of anxiety, such as chronic worrying, shyness, public speaking anxiety, test anxiety, phobias, and panic attacks. The goal of the treatment is not just partial improvement but full recovery. — David D. Burns

Not Worrying Quotes By Grace Burrowes

He wanted to ravish; she merely nibbled. He wanted to plunder her senses; she let one hand drift through his hair. "Oh, for God's sake." He raised himself up on his arms and glared down at her. "Stop thinking, Maggie Windham, and stop worrying or I'll make you stop." Her brows knit. "It isn't something I can - Benjamin? Where are you going?" He hiked himself off the bed, flipped up the hem of her chemise, and knelt between her spread legs. She braced herself on her elbows, peering at him. "Benjamin?" "Hush. I'm busy." He ran the backs of his fingers up and down the silken skin of her inner thighs. When she slumped back on the bed, he let himself lean in and nuzzle curls slightly darker than the magnificent mane on her head. "Not thinking now, are you?" "You — Grace Burrowes

Not Worrying Quotes By Munindra Misra

The marks of wise men - adherence to acts, worrying not of any praise be,
Rejection of what is blameable; in faith and reverence submerged absolutely.
[19] - 33 Mahatma Vidur — Munindra Misra

Not Worrying Quotes By Sarah-Kate Lynch

She was a great wife ... and a wonderful mother, a good daughter, a devoted sister and a truly nice person, which doesn't sound like much but it was one of her ambitions, to be a nice person, and she really got there, I think. She was always there. Or close, anyway.
Of course, she did spend her first thrity-nine years worrying too much and waiting for rotten things to happen to her. Then when they did, and some of the things were obviously, really, truly rotten, she realised she could have a lot more fun not waiting for them.
So you know what she did then? She just stopped seeing the rot. — Sarah-Kate Lynch

Not Worrying Quotes By Tom Holt

That's the problem with running away, said the little voice. No matter where you go, you have to take yourself with you; and if yourself is constitutionally incapable of leaving well enough alone and not worrying if the rest of the world is weirder than ferret ragout, where the hell is the point? — Tom Holt

Not Worrying Quotes By Shannon Hale

When you get tired of worrying and mourning your horse and trying not to be afraid, tell me and I'll do it for you a while so you can shut your eyes and sleep peaceful. — Shannon Hale

Not Worrying Quotes By George Pataki

I have two sons. Both served. One as a marine officer in Iraq, one as an army officer in Afghanistan. I do not see - want to see one parent or loved one worrying about getting a call in the middle of the night. I would not place one American life at risk unless it was absolutely necessary. But to destroy ISIS, it is necessary. — George Pataki

Not Worrying Quotes By Arthur Ransome

Things might have been a lot worse. Don't you worry about it overmuch. When a thing's done, it's done, and if it's not done right, do it differently next time. Worrying never made a sailor. — Arthur Ransome

Not Worrying Quotes By Harold Prince

It's nice to stay up nights worrying about the material, and not about the investors who gave you $10 million to do your musical. — Harold Prince

Not Worrying Quotes By Gillian Flynn

I DIDN'T STOP giving hand jobs because I wasn't good at it. I stopped giving hand jobs because I was the best at it. For three years, I gave the best hand job in the tristate area. The key is to not overthink it. If you start worrying about technique, if you begin analyzing rhythm and pressure, you lose the essential nature of the act. You have to mentally prepare beforehand, and then you have to stop thinking and trust your body to take over. Basically, it's like a golf swing. — Gillian Flynn

Not Worrying Quotes By George Friedman

There are many who predict that China is the next challenger to the United States, not Russia. I don't agree with that view for three reasons. First, when you look at a map of China closely, you see that it is really a very isolated country physically. With Siberia in the north, the Himalayas and jungles to the south, and most of China's population in the eastern part of the country, the Chinese aren't going to easily expand. Second, China has not been a major naval power for centuries, and building a navy requires a long time not only to build ships but to create well-trained and experienced sailors. Third, there is a deeper reason for not worrying about China. China is inherently unstable. Whenever it opens its borders to the outside world, the coastal region becomes prosperous, but the vast majority of Chinese in the interior remain impoverished. — George Friedman

Not Worrying Quotes By Paul Auster

For the first time in his life, he stopped worrying about results, and as a consequence the terms "success" and "failure" had suddenly lost their meaning for him. The true purpose of art was not to create beautiful objects, he discovered. It was a method of understanding, a way of penetrating the world and finding one's place in it, and whatever aesthetic qualities an individual canvas might have were almost an incidental by-product of the effort to engage oneself in this struggle, to enter into the thick of things. — Paul Auster

Not Worrying Quotes By Jim Wallis

The people who have more money and goods than any people in the history of the world spend most of their time worrying about not having enough. — Jim Wallis

Not Worrying Quotes By David Cronenberg

But when you're writing a script - for me anyway - you have to sort of create an enforced innocence. You have to divest yourself of worrying about a lot of stuff like what movies are hot, what movies are not hot, what the budget of this movie might be. — David Cronenberg

Not Worrying Quotes By Victor Hugo

That night, before going to bed, he went on to say, 'Never be afraid of thieves and murderers. They represent the dangers without, which are not worth worrying about. Be afraid of ourselves. Prejudices are the real thieves, vices are the murderers. The greatest dangers are within us. Who cares who threatens our heads or our purses! Let's think only of what threatens our souls. — Victor Hugo

Not Worrying Quotes By David Suchet

I love seeing my characters big up there and I would have liked to have reached a different public in movies from my television public. There's still a part of me that wishes that my character range could be seen on the big screen. Rather, as Rod Steiger was, because he was a big influence on me - about becoming other people and not worrying about your own glory or self esteem but sacrificing yourself to become somebody else. — David Suchet

Not Worrying Quotes By John C. Danforth

As a senator, I worried every day about the size of the federal deficit. I did not spend a single minute worrying about the effect of gays on the institution of marriage. Today it seems to be the other way around. — John C. Danforth

Not Worrying Quotes By Peter Singer

I'm not overly alarmist about it, but I do think there are some worrying signs, like the growing accumulation of wealth by a very small proportion of the population, plus elections in the US are much more dominated by money than anywhere else calling itself a democracy. — Peter Singer

Not Worrying Quotes By Pamela Druckerman

Just because you're 40, you don't have to decide whether God exists ... when you're already worrying that the National Security Agency is reading your emails, it's better not to know whether yet another entity is watching you. — Pamela Druckerman

Not Worrying Quotes By Dwyane Wade

One night I'm going to have a big night scoring; some nights I'm going to have a big night doing other things. Just doing whatever it takes to win the ballgame, not necessarily sitting up here worrying about scoring 30 points. — Dwyane Wade

Not Worrying Quotes By Rae Earl

Sometimes, you know, I just want to curl up and see if anyone notices I'm not there.
But I know time is short. Moping around wastes times. I always get attacks of paranoia. Big deal. Fed up of worrying what people think of me and they feel for me.
But I wonder what they do feel for me, though. Am I loved? Perhaps in somebody's bedroom I am secretly fancied?
Probably not. — Rae Earl

Not Worrying Quotes By Laura Moriarty

I know that sometimes when you are really worried about something, it ends up not being nearly as bad as you think it will be, and you get to be relieved that you were just being silly, worrying so much over nothing. But sometimes it is just the opposite. It can happen that whatever you are worried about will be even worse than you could have possibly imagined, and you find that you were right to be worried, and even that, maybe, you weren't worried enough. — Laura Moriarty

Not Worrying Quotes By Sarah Vowell

That, to me, is the quintessential experience of living in the United States: constantly worrying whether or not the country is about to fall apart. — Sarah Vowell

Not Worrying Quotes By Sheldon B. Kopp

If I reveal myself without worrying about how others will respond, then some will care, though others may not. But who can love me, if no one knows me? I must risk it, or live alone. — Sheldon B. Kopp

Not Worrying Quotes By Lauren Beukes

In the forest, they did things to drive us mad. Muti. Drugs. Rape. Killing Games. ( ... ) God is not in the forest. Maybe He is too busy looking after sports teams or worrying about teenagers having sex before marriage. I think they take up a lot of His time. — Lauren Beukes

Not Worrying Quotes By Patrick Lencioni

It's not that they go out of their way to tick off their clients. It's just that they're so focused on saying and doing whatever is in the best interests of those clients that they stop worrying about the repercussions. They make themselves completely vulnerable, or naked, and don't try to protect themselves. — Patrick Lencioni

Not Worrying Quotes By Mikhail Lermontov

True, we might never have arrived, but the fact is we did. If only people thought a little more about it, they would see that life is not worth worrying about so much. — Mikhail Lermontov

Not Worrying Quotes By Kerry Condon

I'm not panicking any more or worrying about the next job. It was exhausting and making me very unhappy, and I was missing out on life. — Kerry Condon

Not Worrying Quotes By Les Brown

There is nothing as powerful as a made up mind. Do not give yourself another excuse to put off making up your mind. You know in your heart of hearts that once you do that you have got to act.
You owe it to the world, your family and most importantly, to yourself to live a life of no regrets. Stop worrying about what other people will think, say, or do. You only have one life. LIVE IT now. You have GREATNESS within you!! — Les Brown

Not Worrying Quotes By Kcat Yarza

Change is uncomfortable and awkward at first. It has a ripping effect on those who refuse to go along with it. It is not fixed by crying, or worrying, or wallowing in self-pity and mental anguish. — Kcat Yarza

Not Worrying Quotes By Trent Reznor

I'd much rather be worrying about playing that note in tune, and picking out the best way to arrange the song, rather than thinking about pricing for the download. It's not art. — Trent Reznor

Not Worrying Quotes By John Schneider

My biggest change is what is important to me, and what is not. What's worthy worrying about, and what is not. When we're younger, we tend to spend too much time worrying and going over the unnecessary. I'm no longer running the hamster wheel. — John Schneider

Not Worrying Quotes By Jane Siberry

I try not to agonize over my lyrics, though, because that can come across in them. Some lyrics come more easily than others and some you have to spend a lot of time on, but I think you have to watch that you don't take the life out of them by worrying too much. — Jane Siberry

Not Worrying Quotes By Craig Groeschel

Rather than worrying about work, schedules, and deadlines, I felt at peace with God. He was in control. The world at large would not crumble because I turned off my iPhone. This is how it's supposed to be. For the first time in who knows how long, I felt like myself. Fully alive. Fully present. And fully aware of God's goodness. — Craig Groeschel

Not Worrying Quotes By Alastair Reynolds

The flare-watch in East Nekhebet had picked up an energy pulse, much brighter than anything seen previously. Briefly, there was the worrying possibility that Delta Pavonis was about to repeat the flare which had wiped out the Amarantin: the vast coronal mass ejection known as the Event. But closer examination revealed that the flare did not originate from the star, but rather from something several light-hours beyond it, on the edge of the system. — Alastair Reynolds

Not Worrying Quotes By Blake Bailey

All you ought to be worrying about now is order (not about how to impose it on chaos, wish is the opposite of art, but about how to bring it out of chaos, which is art itself). And your worrying about this ought not to be a tortured thing - God knows there's enough torture growing wild in everybody's life so that nobody in his right mind needs to cultivate it - but a serene thing. Don't, in other words, jazz yourself up into a nervous wreck. Be quiet, be as sane as you can, and let the work come out of you. If it's to come, it will; if it's not, no amount of self-induced frenzy is going to hep it along.
One final piece of solemn, teacherly advice, and I do mean this: Try to like yourself a little better. — Blake Bailey

Not Worrying Quotes By Michael J. Losier

Remember, the Law of Attraction does not care whether you are remembering, pretending, celebrating, playing, creating, complaining or worrying. It simply responds to what's in your Vibrational Bubble. So, find proof, rejoice and send out a positive vibration. — Michael J. Losier

Not Worrying Quotes By Rob Liano

Worry is stressing about a situation that may or may not occur and it's always in the negative sense. — Rob Liano

Not Worrying Quotes By Domhnall Gleeson

You're supposed to take a second if life is going well, to enjoy it and not just move on with the rest of your day worrying about the next thing. And it's a really trite point in some ways. But it's bizarre how little I had done it at various points in my life. — Domhnall Gleeson

Not Worrying Quotes By Brad Alan Lewis

A man goes through many changes in 2000 meters. Some are not very pretty. Some make you hate yourself. Some make you wonder if you've been rowing for only three or four days. To avoid that fate, we prepared for all possibilities. If a meteor landed 10 feet off our stern, we would not blink. [We] Would be aware, yet impassive, to the outside world. Every ounce of energy would be funneled into the water, and not wasted by looking around, worrying about opponents, wondering about things that didn't concern our primary goal-to be the first across the finish line. — Brad Alan Lewis

Not Worrying Quotes By Joan Jett

I'd like to just be a little bit more open to making mistakes and not worrying about it so much. — Joan Jett

Not Worrying Quotes By M. Starks

It is the first time I realize just how much this has taken a toll on my parents. Not the toll of recovering from cancer, or worrying about the bills. The toll paid with fear. A way of life altered completely. Our lives are now on display for those in the community to judge.

I imagine there is a before and after for my parents as well. Before the girls went missing and our lives were normal. After one of the kids is found and the other isn't. — M. Starks

Not Worrying Quotes By Eleanor Catton

As an artist, you need to be not at all entitled in your relation with the work. So money is kind of worrying. You can start to expect things if you're used to a certain level of comfort. — Eleanor Catton

Not Worrying Quotes By Oswald Chambers

It is not only wrong to worry, it is unbelief; worrying means we do not believe that God can look after the practical details of our lives, and it is never anything but those details that worry us. — Oswald Chambers

Not Worrying Quotes By Amelia Earhart

Decide ... whether or not the goal is worth the risks involved. If it is, stop worrying ... — Amelia Earhart

Not Worrying Quotes By David Mandel

I think that's part of being a comedy writer. You have to be confident. If you're sitting around worrying about, like, oh my God, what are people going to think, then you're not writing comedy. You have to write what makes you laugh, and then the world hopefully laughs as well. — David Mandel

Not Worrying Quotes By Martha Beck

Friends, there are many areas in which I need encouragement, but worrying is not one of them. I worry the way Renee Fleming sings high Cs: Effortlessly. Loudly. At length. — Martha Beck

Not Worrying Quotes By Larry Wall

Basically there's just so much stuff flowing past on the internet now, you have to let most of it go. And I've grown accustomed to the process of not worrying too much about the stuff I'm not getting to, because the important stuff will come back around. — Larry Wall

Not Worrying Quotes By Mark Twain

I have spent most of my time worrying about things that have never happened. Worrying is not an action! In fact, it is action that alleviates concern and dissipates worries. Take more actions when you feel that worry is creeping in to steal your time. It need not be a huge action, any action in the direction you want to go will do. — Mark Twain

Not Worrying Quotes By Oswald Chambers

All God's revelations are sealed to us until they are opened to us by obedience. You will never get them open by philosophy or thinking. Immediately you obey, a flash of light comes. Let God's truth work in you by soaking in it, not by worrying into it. Obey God in the thing He is at present showing you, and instantly the next thing is opened up. We read tomes on the work of the Holy Spirit when ... five minutes of drastic obedience would make things clear as a sunbeam. We say, "I suppose I shall understand these things some day." You can understand them now: it is not study that does it, but obedience. The tiniest fragment of obedience, and heaven opens up and the profoundest truths of God are yours straight away. God will never reveal more truth about Himself till you obey what you know already. Beware of being wise and prudent. — Oswald Chambers

Not Worrying Quotes By Christiane Northrup

Growing older is an opportunity for you to increase your value and competence as the neural connections in your hippocampus and throughout your brain increase, weaving into your brain and body the wisdom of a life well lived, which allows you to stop living out of fear of disappointing others and being imperfect. Ageless living is courageous living. It means being undistracted by the petty dramas of life because you have enough experience to know what's not worth worrying about and what ought to be your priorities. — Christiane Northrup

Not Worrying Quotes By Russell Hoban

People write books for children and other people write about the books written for children but I don't think it's for the children at all. I that all the people who worry so much about the children are really worrying about themselves, about keeping their world together and getting the children to help them do it, getting the children to agree that it is indeed a world. Each new generation of children has to be told: 'This is a world, this is what one does, one lives like this.' Maybe our constant fear is that a generation of children will come along and say: 'This is not a world, this is nothing, there's no way to live at all. — Russell Hoban

Not Worrying Quotes By Britney Spears

I would like to stop worrying so much, because I worry all the time. And to learn how to be happier, just in general. I have to learn to take things not so seriously. And to stop biting my nails! ... Recording music has helped take my mind off certain things. For me, my music is therapy. — Britney Spears

Not Worrying Quotes By Roshan Sharma

Success or failure is not a one day event, but continuous life process. Each day you succeed and each day you fail with life, and most of the time, success follows the failure. — Roshan Sharma

Not Worrying Quotes By Rick Joyner

It is not worrying, but rather trusting and abiding in the peace of God that will crush anything that Satan tries to do to us. If the Lord created the world out of chaos, He can easily deal with any problem that we have. — Rick Joyner

Not Worrying Quotes By Thich Nhat Hanh

Worrying does not accomplish anything. Even if you worry twenty times more, it will not change the situation of the world. In fact, your anxiety will only make things worse. Even though things are not as we would like, we can still be content, knowing we are trying our best and will continue to do so. If we don't know how to breathe, smile,and live every moment of our life deeply, we will never be able to help anyone. I am happy in the present moment. I do not ask for anything else. I do not expect any additional happiness or conditions that will bring about more happiness. The most important practice is aimlessness, not running after things, not grasping. — Thich Nhat Hanh

Not Worrying Quotes By Marc Maron

I'm happy, certainly, given the times we're living in, to be doing OK, and to not be worrying about money, and to be producing something I enjoy. — Marc Maron

Not Worrying Quotes By Pierre Teilhard De Chardin

Personal success or personal satisfaction are not worth another thought if one does achieve them, or worth worrying about if they evade one or are slow in coming. All that is really worth while is action - faithful action, for the world, and in God. — Pierre Teilhard De Chardin

Not Worrying Quotes By Scott Hildreth

People need to worry more about themselves and their fuckin' kids, and stop worrying about what everyone else is doing or not doing. — Scott Hildreth

Not Worrying Quotes By Richelle Mead

About time," Christian said. "Lissa and Adrian get the market share on worrying about you, but they're not the only ones. And someone needs to put Adrian in his place, you know. I can't do it all the time."
"Thanks. It kills me to say this, but I missed you too. No one's sarcasm compares to yours in Russia. — Richelle Mead

Not Worrying Quotes By Ralph Nader

Let it not be said by a future, forlorn generation that we wasted and lost our great potential because our despair was so deep we didn't even try, or because each of us thought someone else was worrying about our problems. — Ralph Nader

Not Worrying Quotes By Lily Collins

I don't like reading things that people say on the Internet because I know so much of it is not true. I don't want to waste my time worrying about what other people are thinking. I just want to focus on being able to do cool projects. — Lily Collins

Not Worrying Quotes By Daniel Goleman

Albert Bandura, a Stanford psychologist who has done much of the research on self-efficacy, sums it up well: "People's beliefs about their abilities have a profound effect on those abilities. Ability is not a fixed property; there is a huge variability in how you perform. People who have a sense of self-efficacy bounce back from failures; they approach things in terms of how to handle them rather than worrying about what can go wrong."24 — Daniel Goleman

Not Worrying Quotes By Barbara Kingsolver

I don't see why you're not just going for this.' Dovey looked her in the eyes, in the mirror. 'You are a rocket. You go for thing, Dellarobia. That is you. When did you ever not?'
Dellarobia shut her eyes. 'When there was nothing out there to land on, I guess.'
'Now, see,' Dovey clucked, 'that's a woman thing. Men and kids get to just light out and fly, without even worrying about what comes next. — Barbara Kingsolver

Not Worrying Quotes By Peter Rees

History will see this as the residential commodification era, in which housing provision seemed to lose all contact between supply and demand of housing as a utility and simply focused on supply and demand of investment - and that is worrying.
Investment is good for the economy, but the investment you want is investment that goes into creating homes, workplaces and infrastructure, not investing in owning them and inflating asset prices. — Peter Rees

Not Worrying Quotes By Stephen R. Covey

Succeed at home first. Seek and merit divine help. Never compromise with honesty. Remember the people involved. Hear both sides before judging. Obtain counsel of others. Defend those who are absent. Be sincere yet decisive. Develop one new proficiency a year. Plan tomorrow's work today. Hustle while you wait. Maintain a positive attitude. Keep a sense of humor. Be orderly in person and in work. Do not fear mistakes - fear only the absence of creative, constructive, and corrective responses to those mistakes. Facilitate the success of subordinates. Listen twice as much as you speak. Concentrate all abilities and efforts on the task at hand, not worrying about the next job or promotion. — Stephen R. Covey

Not Worrying Quotes By Peter Lynch

That's not to say there's no such thing as an overvalued market, but there's no point worrying about it. — Peter Lynch

Not Worrying Quotes By Tupac Shakur

It's time we stop worrying, and get angry you know? But not angry and pick up a gun, but angry and open our minds. — Tupac Shakur

Not Worrying Quotes By Bill Kirchen

I'm not fighting restraints or worrying about pleasing everyone. I've been able to carve my own niche in the marketplace, which is pretty cool. Obviously, I'm just blessed to be able to tour the country and make a living to support my family at the same time. — Bill Kirchen

Not Worrying Quotes By Peter McWilliams

Worrying is the interest paid on a debt you may not owe. — Peter McWilliams

Not Worrying Quotes By Marcey Shapiro

In each of us there is internal knowledge, a gentle voice, beckoning us
toward well-being. It tells us to let go, to stay in the river of present experience, not to dam up our lives by worrying about potential futures or bemoaning past mistakes. — Marcey Shapiro

Not Worrying Quotes By Chris Coppernoll

I've learned to appreciate what I've got. I'm not going to waste an ounce of energy on sorting through the past or with worrying about the future. Life's too short for that. — Chris Coppernoll

Not Worrying Quotes By T. Harv Eker

Money is a lubricant. It lets you "slide" through life instead of having to "scrape" by. Money brings freedom-freedom to buy what you want , and freedom to do what you want with your time. Money allows you to enjoy the finer things in life as well as giving you the opportunity to help others have the necessities in life. Most of all, having money allows you not to have to spend your energy worrying about not having money. — T. Harv Eker

Not Worrying Quotes By Augusten Burroughs

I understood at once, I am not living, but actively dying. I am smoking, living unhealthily. I'm shutting down. I need to go the other way, inside. And it was so clear to me what I was doing. It was suddenly perfectly clear.
I understood, I need to write. Live here, in my words, and my head. I need to go inside, that's all. No big, complicated, difficult thing. I just need to go in reverse. And not worry about what to write about, but just write. Or, if I'm going to worry about what to write, then do this worrying on paper, so at least I'm writing and will have a record of the anxiety. — Augusten Burroughs