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Nihilists Big Lebowski Quotes & Sayings

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Top Nihilists Big Lebowski Quotes

Nihilists Big Lebowski Quotes By Natalie Imbruglia

Enjoy every moment: you never know when things might change. — Natalie Imbruglia

Nihilists Big Lebowski Quotes By Moffat Machingura

My goal is not to frighten you. My goal is to make you fight your fears. — Moffat Machingura

Nihilists Big Lebowski Quotes By Janet Evanovich

Diesel rocked back on his heels and grinned at the monkey. "Carl?"
"Eep!" The monkey stood, squinted at Diesel, and gave him the finger.
"Looks like you know each other," I said.
"Our paths crossed in Trenton," Diesel said. "How did he get here?"
"Monkey Rescue," Glo told him. "He was abandoned."
"Figures," Diesel said.
The monkey gave him the finger again.
"Does he do that all the time?" I asked Diesel.
"Not all the time."
"I got him by mistake," Glo said. "And now we don't know what to do with him."
"You could turn him loose and let him go play in traffic." Diesel said.
- Lizzy, Shirley, Diesel, and Carl, pages 132-134. — Janet Evanovich

Nihilists Big Lebowski Quotes By Proclus

This therefore is Mathematics:
She reminds you of the invisible forms of the soul;
She gives life to her own discoveries;
She awakens the mind and purifies the intellect;
She brings light to our intrinsic ideas;
She abolishes oblivion and ignorance which are ours by birth ... — Proclus

Nihilists Big Lebowski Quotes By Lailah Gifty Akita

The opinions of others should not deter you from being yourself.. — Lailah Gifty Akita

Nihilists Big Lebowski Quotes By Jack Williamson

"Hard" science fiction probes alternative possible futures by means of reasoned extrapolations in much the same way that good historical fiction reconstructs the probable past. Even far-out fantasy can present a significant test of human values exposed to a new environment. Deriving its most cogent ideas from the tension between permanence and change, science fiction combines the diversions of novelty with its pertinent kind of realism. — Jack Williamson

Nihilists Big Lebowski Quotes By Dogen

What is the way of the Buddha? It is to study the self. What is the study of the self? It is to forget oneself. To forget oneself is to enlightened by everything in the world. — Dogen

Nihilists Big Lebowski Quotes By Maggie Stiefvater

Piper's attention focused. All right. I zoned out there, but what? Skip all the feelings parts. — Maggie Stiefvater

Nihilists Big Lebowski Quotes By Sebastian Coe

My mum was critical in getting me to recognise very early on that although what I was doing was pretty serious, quite selfish, and probably to most people pretty obsessive, there actually was more to life than running quickly twice round a track. — Sebastian Coe

Nihilists Big Lebowski Quotes By J.S. Davey

The early bird gets the worm that should have slept in. — J.S. Davey

Nihilists Big Lebowski Quotes By Richard Wiseman

We are far more like somebody watching ourselves than somebody in charge of ourselves. — Richard Wiseman

Nihilists Big Lebowski Quotes By Anna Godbersen

That kind of love is always changing, you can never plant your feet on it. Trust me there will be others. But those kinds of affairs-you can't ever count on them like blood. — Anna Godbersen

Nihilists Big Lebowski Quotes By Abbie Jaye

People are not fat and sick because they choose to eat conventionally produced produce over organic. It's because they are not eating fruits and vegetables. — Abbie Jaye

Nihilists Big Lebowski Quotes By Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie

It was the exaggerated gratitude that came with immigrant insecurity. — Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie