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Need A Hug Quotes & Sayings

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Top Need A Hug Quotes

Need A Hug Quotes By Cherrie Lynn

Death growls mostly bore me. Who
wants to hear the Cookie Monster?
Sing your fucking lyrics. Put some
emotion behind it."
And Ghost's usual retaliation.
"Aw, I'm sorry. Do you need a hug,
emo boy? You know, you might
want to cross your legs. Your
vagina is showing."
"Suck my dick."
"I know you'd like that, but
Candace would have to return it
"Burn! — Cherrie Lynn

Need A Hug Quotes By Diane Duane

Virtue," he said. "The real thing. It's not some kind of cuddly teddy bear you can keep on the shelf until you need a hug. It's dangerous, which is why it makes people so nervous. Virtue has its own agenda, and believe me, it's not always yours. The word itself means strength, power. And when it gets loose, you'd better watch out."
Something bad might happen ... "
Impossible. But possibly something painful"
-A Wizard Alone by Diane Duane — Diane Duane

Need A Hug Quotes By Nicole Williams

think you need a hug. A nice warm, dripping-wet one."

Keenan started clapping while Brecken gave me a warning look. "I've got your son on my shoulders. I can't run away from you."

I gave an overdone smile then lunged. "Exactly," I exclaimed, winding my arms around him and wiggling the rest of my wet self against him.

Brecken let out a drawn-out groan, but he stood there and took it, hanging on to Keenan while I hung on to him. "Mature. So mature." He sighed all dramatic-like. "Wonderful example you're setting for your son here."

I tipped my head up, eyebrow raised. "This coming from the man who mixed Frosted Flakes and Cocoa Puffs this morning?"

His eyebrows lifted. "I'm setting the example of how to behave like a proper five-year-old. You're the parent. You get to set the parental example. — Nicole Williams

Need A Hug Quotes By Ben Fountain

He wonders by what process virtually any discussion about the war seems to profane these ultimate matters of life and death. As if to talk of such things properly we need a mode of speech near the equal of prayer, otherwise just shut, shut your yap and sit on it, silence being truer to the experience than the star-spangled spasm, the bittersweet sob, the redeeming hug, or whatever this fucking closure is that everybody's always talking about. They want it to be easy and it's just not going to be. — Ben Fountain

Need A Hug Quotes By Princess Diana

HIV does not make people dangerous to know, so you can shake their hands and give them a hug: Heaven knows they need it. — Princess Diana

Need A Hug Quotes By Neil Pasricha

A long hug when you really need it Sometimes we all get rattled. When bad news surprises you, painful memories flash back, or heavy moments turn your stomach to mush, it's great to fall into a warm and comforting pair of big, wide open arms. Shaking with sobs, dripping with tears, you snort up your runny nose and smear snot across their shoulder as that hug relaxes you and comforts you and helps you get through everything, even for a minute, even for a moment. Maybe there are "It's going to be okay" whispers, some gentle back rubbing, or just the quiet silence of knowing that they're not going to let go until you let go first. As their steady arms support you, and the pain washes over you, the hug gives you a warm glow in a shivery moment. So when you eventually pull back, smile that classic "I'm sorry and thank you" smile, and swipe wet bangs off your forehead, you still might not feel great, but if you're lucky you'll feel a little more AWESOME! — Neil Pasricha

Need A Hug Quotes By Kat McMann

We need our hugs to get us through!
and without them what would we do?
Did you receive a hug today?
and have you given one away?
:o)kat — Kat McMann

Need A Hug Quotes By Nora Roberts

Carpool,my foot. But it's still not a date,MacGregor. What we'll call this is a ... a civilized transit agreement. That sounds bureaucratic enough.I like your car," she added, patting the hood of his Mercedes. "Very sedate."
Alan opened the trunk and set the box inside. He glanced back up at Shelby as he closed it. "You have an interesting way of insulting someone."
She laughed,that free smoke-edged laugh as she went to him. "Dammit, Alan, I like you." Throwing her arms around his neck, she gave him a friendly hug that sent jolts of need careening through him. "I really like you," she added, tilting back her head with a smile that lit her whole face with a sense of fun. "I could probably have said that to a dozen other men who'd never have realized I was insulting them."
"So." His hands settled at her hips. "I get points for perception. — Nora Roberts

Need A Hug Quotes By Katie McGarry

The pure menace radiating from my younger sister is undeniable. She can hate me, but I need her to know that she has something that Stella never did: a place to fall. "And if he hurts you or if anyone hurts you...you have me."
It feels unnatural, but I hug my sister. Her arms are limp at her sides, but she doesn't push me away.
"Remember, you have me," I repeat. — Katie McGarry

Need A Hug Quotes By Camille Lucy

Love is soft. It blossoms like the sweetest and most beautiful flower, giving its nectar away for all that pass by in need.

Love is a hand, a hug, a touch or a nudge. It's what you need, when you need it. The warm embrace that makes you feel safe and comfortable. But it is also that swift kick to your rear-end just when you need one.

Love embraces, appreciates, and holds space for others to feel safe, whole and never alone. Love walks beside you everyday, to support and play. Love stands behind you, so you cannot fall. Love walks in front of you, to encourage you.

Love is eternal. It has no end, evolving from one form to another, and back, again. — Camille Lucy

Need A Hug Quotes By Tyler Oakley

Besides all that, she's hilarious and warm and knows when I need a hug, and just how long the hug needs to be for me to not feel like crying anymore. — Tyler Oakley

Need A Hug Quotes By Rick Riordan

PERCY ALREADY FELT LIKE THE lamest demigod in the history of lame. The purse was the final insult. They'd left R.O.F.L. in a hurry, so maybe Iris hadn't meant the bag as a criticism. She'd quickly stuffed it with vitamin-enriched pastries, dried fruit leather, macrobiotic beef jerky, and a few crystals for good luck. Then she'd shoved it at Percy: Here, you'll need this. Oh, that looks good. The purse - sorry, masculine accessory bag - was rainbow tie-dyed with a peace symbol stitched in wooden beads and the slogan Hug the Whole World. Percy wished it said Hug the Commode. He felt like the bag was a comment on his massive, incredible uselessness. As they sailed north, he put the man satchel as far away from him as he could, but the boat was small. — Rick Riordan

Need A Hug Quotes By Jeff Gunzel

My heart is broken this day. My soul cries out in agony, but I recognize my pain for what it really is. Our shared agony is born of greed, for our fathers, mothers, and friends are all in a better place now. Never again will they know sadness. Never again will they know hunger, thirst, loneliness or pain, yet still we grieve. In reality, we grieve for ourselves. We grieve because we can no longer speak with them, hug them or hold them. We can no longer lean on them when we need a shoulder to cry on. But make no mistake, my brothers and sisters: They are perfect now. Perfect, as all of us will be when the gods, in their infinite wisdom, decide it is our time. — Jeff Gunzel

Need A Hug Quotes By Rick Riordan

Whenever I'm tempted to hug a dwarf, that's usually a sign I need to move along. — Rick Riordan

Need A Hug Quotes By Allie Everhart

Jade, you're doing the exact same thing you did after the pool that night. Don't you know how to do this?"
"Do what?"
"Give a person a hug."
"I'm not much of a hugger."
"Well, you need one, so don't just stand there. Put your damn arms around me. — Allie Everhart

Need A Hug Quotes By Joan Bauer

I'm working hard to have a good life.
You don't need fancy things to feel good.
You can hug a puppy.
You can buy a can of paint and surround yourself with color.
You can plant a flower and watch it grow.
You can decide to trust people, the right people.
You can decide to start over and let other people start over, too. — Joan Bauer

Need A Hug Quotes By Chandra Wilson

If I want to know how I'm doing at work, I don't wait for a pat on the back; I ask the people who will give me a clear, objective opinion. When I need a real, arms-wrapped-around-me hug, I go to someone who does that. I stopped getting disappointed by my expectations from non-huggers. — Chandra Wilson

Need A Hug Quotes By Richelle E. Goodrich

Severing our young and fragile friendship was a sad ordeal, but sadder still was the fact that this friend found it so difficult to respond to my immediate need, unlike a dreamed boy who always afforded me easy comfort. I couldn't understand what was so hard about reaching out to hug someone. But judging by Gregory's uncomfortable conduct I had to assume it was an honest trial. — Richelle E. Goodrich

Need A Hug Quotes By Ai Yazawa

Tell me, Nana,
If for example we had been a love couple,
Would a hug have been enough to wash away my sadness?
Or then; does every single being carry this loneliness, like a burden?
I wans't intending to monopolizing you
I just wanted you to need me. — Ai Yazawa

Need A Hug Quotes By Helen Klein Ross

Irony can be tiresome when what you really need is a hug. — Helen Klein Ross

Need A Hug Quotes By J.K. Rowling

Ron: Malfoy, you may be all chummy chummy with Harry, and you may have produced a relatively nice child, but you've said some very unfair things to and about my wife ...
Hermione: And your wife doesn't need you fighting her battles for her.
Ron: Fine. But if you say one thing about her or me ...
Draco: You'll do what, Weasley?
Hermione: He'll hug you. Because we're all on the same team, aren't we, Ron?
Ron: Fine. I, um, I think you've got really nice hair. Draco.
Hermione: Thank you, husband. — J.K. Rowling

Need A Hug Quotes By Maya Banks

Besides, what you need is a swift kick in the ass. If you want a hug, go see Ma. — Maya Banks

Need A Hug Quotes By Susie Davis

There are times we need a hug. A prayer. A listening ear. The tricky part is that it's not always easy to know when those times will come along. So God made a plan for us to gather, to not neglect meeting together.9 That happens in church, at Sunday school, and in Bible studies, and it happens in our homes - those times when we regularly gather to strengthen the spiritual safety net we all need. — Susie Davis

Need A Hug Quotes By Alex Gaskarth

Therapy is about every kids nightmare when people are telling you that you need to get help but all you really want is a hug. — Alex Gaskarth

Need A Hug Quotes By Jeffrey McDaniel

We didn't deny the obvious,
but we didn't entirely accept it either.
I mean, we said hello to it each morning
in the foyer. We patted its little head
as it made a mess in the backyard,
but we never nurtured it. Many nights the obvious showed up
at our bedroom door, in its pajamas,
unable to sleep, in need of a hug,
and we just stared at it like an Armenian,
or even worse - hid beneath the covers
and pretended not to hear its tiny sobs. — Jeffrey McDaniel

Need A Hug Quotes By Richard Wagamese

Sometimes people just need to talk. They need to be heard. they need the validation of my time, my silence, my unspoken compassion. They don't need advice, sympathy or counselling. They need to hear the sound of their own voices speaking their own truths, articulating their own feelings, as those may be at a particular moment. Then, when they're finished, they simply need a nod of the head, a pat on the shoulder or a hug. I'm learning that sometimes silence really is golden, and that sometimes "Fuck, eh?" is as spiritual a thing as needs to be said. — Richard Wagamese

Need A Hug Quotes By James Dashner

Mark laughed. "You are one strange little man." Alec stopped and faced him. "That's what my mama used to say. She'd wake me up in the morning, give me a little kiss and a hug, and she'd say, 'My sweet Alec. You are one strange little man.' Got to me every time, right here." He patted his heart, then rolled his eyes dramatically. "Let's get to work." "See?" Mark said as he followed. "Do I need any more proof? Strange. Little. Man. Officially proven." "You got one word right. I'm definitely a man. I'm all man, baby." He let out a strangled choking sound that might've been a laugh. — James Dashner

Need A Hug Quotes By Elizabeth Fama

The thing is, when you're with someone like Poppu - someone who sees straight through your battered facade and loves every bit of you, someone who makes you laugh until you pee your pants, someone who grabs you in a hug exactly when you need it - you don't crave any kind of approval from strangers. You don't need to "matter" in the world, because you already matter to the only person who counts. — Elizabeth Fama

Need A Hug Quotes By Anuj Tiwari

Don't let them wait for so long, sometimes all confusions just need a warm hug. — Anuj Tiwari

Need A Hug Quotes By J.M. Darhower

... .I thought we'd be okay apart, but I was sorely mistaken. I don't need much, Haven, but I do need you."
"I need you, too, you know," she said. "You make me feel safe."
Despite everything, she trusted him. She believed in him. She loved him.
And he loved her . . . more than anything in the world. She had given herself to him again, every barrier between them broken down. All of those unanswered questions, all of the worry, every single bit of it had been resolved the moment they came back together.
"Haven," he said. "If I could have anything, I know what I'd ask for now."
She pulled back from their hug to look at him with genuine curiosity. "What?"
Carmine took a step back, reaching around his neck to pull off the gold chain. He unfastened it, removing the small ring, and eyed it in his palm momentarily before dropping to his knee.
"If I could have anything in the world, it would be for you to marry me. — J.M. Darhower

Need A Hug Quotes By Richelle E. Goodrich

One smile has the power to ...
Calm fears.
Soften stone walls.
Warm a cold heart.
Invite a new friend.
Mimic a loving hug.
Beautify the bearer.
Lighten heavy loads.
Promote good deeds.
Brighten a gloomy day.
Comfort a grieving spirit.
Offer hope to the forlorn.
Send a message of caring.
Lift the downtrodden soul.
Patch up invisible wounds.
Weaken the hold of misery.
Act as medicine for suffering.
Attract the companionship of angels.
Fulfill the human need for recognition.
Who knew changing the world would prove so simple? — Richelle E. Goodrich

Need A Hug Quotes By Margaret Atwood

You're sad because you're sad. It's psychic. It's the age. It's chemical. Go see a shrink or take a pill, or hug your sadness like an eyeless doll you need to sleep. Well, all children are sad but some get over it. Count your blessings. Better than that, buy a hat. Buy a coat or a pet. Take up dancing to forget. — Margaret Atwood

Need A Hug Quotes By Juno Temple

It's all about the director for me; we have to click. It's a trust thing. I'll say I'm ready to let down my walls. I'll cry for you as long as you need. But you're going to have to hug me afterwards. — Juno Temple

Need A Hug Quotes By Tommy Wallach

She'd prepared herself for any amount of awkwardness or anger, but no for a hug that was probably the longest she'd ever received from a boy, one of those hugs that made it clear how much the person hugging you was in need of a hug, or believed YOU to be in need of a hug. — Tommy Wallach

Need A Hug Quotes By Jessica Sorensen

He laughs and then encloses his arms around me, drawing me in for a hug. And if you need anything, you can call me. I'll always be here for you. — Jessica Sorensen

Need A Hug Quotes By Gordon Neufeld

The key to activating maturation is to take care of the attachment needs of the child. To foster independance we must first invite dependance; to promote individuation we must provide a sense of belonging and unity; to help the child separate we must assume the responsibility for keeping the child close. We help a child let go by providing more contact and connection than he himself is seeking. When he asks for a hug, we give him a warmer one than he is giving us. We liberate children not by making them work for our love but by letting them rest in it. We help a child face the separation involved in going to sleep or going to school by satisfying his need for closeness. — Gordon Neufeld

Need A Hug Quotes By Tera Lynn Childs

Admit it," He insists. "I was right."
"No." I sniff. "You were wrong." sniff. "I'm just crying"-sniff- "cause i'm so happy." My tear take that lie as their cue and start streaming down my cheeks.
"Come on, Princess," he says, "You don't need to cry over that loser."
This only makes me cry harder. We both know who the loser is in this scenario.
With a muttered curse, Quince wraps his arms around me and squeezes. It feels remarkably like a hug.
"Don't cry," he whispers in my ear. "Please."
I don't know if it's his soft words or the fact that my face is now hidden by his broad chest, but i just let go. Three years of longing and loving from a distance have built to the breaking point, and i let it out all over his west coast choppers T-shirt.
"shhh," He soothes. "He's not worth it. — Tera Lynn Childs

Need A Hug Quotes By Akshay Vasu

Sometimes all we need is a hug that will make us feel home. The heartbeats that sound like a lullaby and the eyes which assure us that the world is not such a bad a place yet every time we stare into them. — Akshay Vasu

Need A Hug Quotes By M.F. Moonzajer

Humans are very strange. When you need a hug, they throw you away, when you need condolence , they insult you, and when you need love, they betray you. — M.F. Moonzajer

Need A Hug Quotes By Lara Adrian

Do I look like I need a fucking group hug? — Lara Adrian

Need A Hug Quotes By Gay Hendricks

The best attitude to take toward back talk is to reach out and embrace it with love, compassion, and understanding. No need to criticize it for its shortcomings or to waste time in recriminations. Just give a loving nod and a hug to any back talk you get, and move on to the joyful creation of your fulfilled life. — Gay Hendricks

Need A Hug Quotes By Alber Elbaz

Sometimes you don't really need armor to feel protected. Sometimes maybe you need just a chiffon dress to hug you. — Alber Elbaz

Need A Hug Quotes By Eve Langlais

Leave your brother alone, baby girl. He's going adventuring. Lucky bastard." His dad dragged him into a bear proportioned hug. "Bring me back some images of the local ladies. Naked ones if you can," he whispered. "You'd need eyes to look at those, Geoffrey," his mother retorted. While they argued about his dad's interest in the human body as art, Naomi clutched his tear soaked shirt in her fists and shook him. "Be careful." "Aren't I always?" "No. — Eve Langlais

Need A Hug Quotes By Heidi Clements

Sex is not the gateway to kindness. Your penis is not the hug I need at the end of the day. I don't need your penis. I need you to stop doing shit that makes me act like a bitch. — Heidi Clements

Need A Hug Quotes By Martha McKiever

Therapy dogs visit people in nursing homes, hospitals, and wherever else they are needed. They cheer people up who are sad or lonesome and just need a furry friend to hug. — Martha McKiever

Need A Hug Quotes By Stephanie Rowe

I need a hug from you to make me feel better about the fact I need a hug from you. — Stephanie Rowe

Need A Hug Quotes By Q-Tip

Rock and roll to the beat of the funk fuzz
Wipe your feet really good on the rhythm rug
If you feel the urge to freak, do the jitterbug
Come and spread your arms if you really need a hug. — Q-Tip

Need A Hug Quotes By Owl City

Boy I need a hug (boy I need a hug)
'Cause my heart stops without you
There's something about you — Owl City

Need A Hug Quotes By Paul J. Zak

You need eight hugs a day. You'll be happier and the world will be a better place. — Paul J. Zak

Need A Hug Quotes By Micalea Smeltzer

I have some vows for you first," he spoke to Mia. "I may not be your real daddy, but I vow to be one in all the ways that matter. I vow to be a shoulder for you to cry on when you're sad. I vow to hold you in my arms and hug you whenever you need it. I vow to protect you always, in any way you may need. I vow to hunt down any guy that thinks he can date you - you're going to be single for life Mia, just accept it. But most importantly, I vow to love you with all my heart and take care of you always. — Micalea Smeltzer

Need A Hug Quotes By Lisa Lopes

I see the invisible spirits, where demons still find it livable. I need a hug to hold my soul inside my body. — Lisa Lopes

Need A Hug Quotes By Pamela Clare

If we make it out of this, I'm going to need a hug - and a night of hot sex." "It's a deal." "What's — Pamela Clare

Need A Hug Quotes By William R. Bradford

Within each of us there is an intense need to feel that we belong. This feeling of unity and togetherness comes through the warmth of a smile, a handshake, or a hug, through laughter and unspoken demonstrations of love. It comes in the quiet, reverent moments of soft conversation and in listening. — William R. Bradford

Need A Hug Quotes By Alysha Speer

You'll meet a lot of stupid guys. You'll probably get your heart broken more than once. You might reach a point where life seems worthless without him. Maybe you've already hit that point. I can't tell you to to stop crying, because sometimes, crying helps. I can't ask you to smile, because sometimes, it's all you can do to just breathe. I can't make you happy, because that's something you have to do yourself. But I can promise you one thing. I will be there for you. I will listen if you need to rant. I will hug you if you're feeling alone. I will drive you away if you need to escape. I will buy you coffee, goddammit, if you need some. I will be there for you, because you've always been there for me. — Alysha Speer

Need A Hug Quotes By Nigel Slater

British food is a celebration of comfort eating. Our traditional savoury recipes are all about warmth and sustenance, our puddings a roll call of sweet jollity, our cakes are deep and cosy. We appear to be a nation in need of a big, warm hug. — Nigel Slater

Need A Hug Quotes By M.J. Ryan

Like so many other positive acts, it turns out that hugging boosts our immune system. Plus it just plain feels good! So hug someone today, perhaps a person who seems particularly in need. — M.J. Ryan

Need A Hug Quotes By Karen Salmansohn

I try to fill the emptiness deep inside me with Cheetos, but I am still depressed. Only now my fingers are stained orange. I am blue. And I am orange. — Karen Salmansohn

Need A Hug Quotes By Joan Bauer

You don't need fancy things to feel good. You can hug a puppy. You can buy a can of paint and surround yourself with color. You can plant a flower and watch it grow. You can decide to trust people - the right people. You can decide to start over and let other people start over too -Sugar Mae Cole — Joan Bauer