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Nam Nam Quotes & Sayings

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Top Nam Nam Quotes

Nam Nam Quotes By Nam June Paik

There is no rewind button for life. — Nam June Paik

Nam Nam Quotes By Marcus Tullius Cicero

I am of the opinion which you have always held, that "viva voce" voting at elections is the best method.
[Lat., Nam ego in ista sum sententia, qua te fuisse semper scio, nihil ut feurit in suffragiis voce melius.] — Marcus Tullius Cicero

Nam Nam Quotes By Tim O'Brien

You don't have to be in Nam to be in Nam. — Tim O'Brien

Nam Nam Quotes By Nam Le

I do believe that you can never know yourself let alone the person next to you let alone the person halfway across the world. Yet at the same time I believe there is nothing like fiction to fully thrust you into someone else s consciousness. — Nam Le

Nam Nam Quotes By Neal Stephenson

A speech with magical force. Nowadays, people don't believe in these kinds of things. Except in the Metaverse, that is, where magic is possible. The Metaverse is a fictional structure made out of code. And code is just a form of speech - the form that computers understand. The Metaverse in its entirety could be considered a single vast nam-shub, enacting itself on L. Bob Rife's fiber-optic network. — Neal Stephenson

Nam Nam Quotes By Nichiren

A mind now clouded by the illusions of the innate darkness of life is like a tarnished mirror, but when polished, it is sure to become like a clear mirror, reflecting the essential nature of phenomena and the true aspect of reality. Arouse deep faith, and diligently polish your mirror day and night. How should you polish it? Only by chanting Nam-myoho-renge-kyo — Nichiren

Nam Nam Quotes By Melina Marchetta

Thomas Mackee and Jimmy Hailler grasp each other's hands, one of those brothers-in-arms-we-fought-in-Nam-together grips, but outside this room I don't think they relate. — Melina Marchetta

Nam Nam Quotes By Tara Sivec

I leaned in to give him a hug and he stopped me with his hand to my forehead.
"You don't want to do that, son."
I stepped back and gave him a sympathetic look.
"Nam, huh? Still hard for you to get close to people?" I asked.
"No. I'm still not sure you aren't gay and if you try to play grab-ass, it's gonna get real awkward when
I have to snap your fingers in two. — Tara Sivec

Nam Nam Quotes By Nam June Paik

Without electricity, there can be no art. — Nam June Paik

Nam Nam Quotes By Lee Goldberg

Wait a second," Andy said, snapping his fingers. "You're Vietnamese." "Don't say it," Sun warned. But Andy, a grin stretched across his face, couldn't resist. "You're a Vietnam vet." Sun's face became even harder, something Andy hadn't thought possible. "Never heard that one before. Open the pen there." Andy lifted the latch on the gate and Sun led the sheep out of the pen and over to the entrance door. "I've visited Viet Nam twice," Andy said. "Beautiful place. All of those war movies make it look like hell, but it's actually very tranquil, don't you think?" "I wouldn't know. I've never been there. I'm an American. — Lee Goldberg

Nam Nam Quotes By Derrick Wolf

Back on the block they probably call Big Al "Fat Albert" but here in the Nam we don't insult our friends. — Derrick Wolf

Nam Nam Quotes By Sophia Nam

If you have to think about it twice you probably shouldn't do it — Sophia Nam

Nam Nam Quotes By Nam Le

The river was behind him. The wind was full of acid. In the slow float of light I looked away, down at the river. On the brink of freezing, it gleamed in large, bulging blisters. The water, where it still moved, was black and braided. And it occurred to me then how it took hours, sometimes days, for the surface of a river to freeze over - to hold in its skin the perfect and crystalline world - and how that world could be shattered by a small stone dropped like a single syllable. — Nam Le

Nam Nam Quotes By Ming Cher

Coincidence sometimes happens as in a fairy tale. Wong was in an emotional state of mind. Still smoking opium, he thought about Kwang's long-dead father, who had arrived in Singapore from Amoy on the junk Nam Hong. The opium den now felt bare and lonely without all the old vibrations. It was also dark and damp and the small kerosene lamp was running low on fuel. Wong added more kerosene and mumbled to himself, "Tonight I am going to smoke my way to heaven! — Ming Cher

Nam Nam Quotes By Vo Nguyen Giap

The American soldiers were brave, but courage is not enough. David did not kill Goliath just because he was brave. He looked up at Goliath and realized that if he fought Goliath's way with a sword, Goliath would kill him. But if he picked up a rock and put it in his sling, he could hit Goliath in the head and knock Goliath down and kill him. David used his mind when he fought Goliath. So did we Vietnamese when we had to fight the Americans. — Vo Nguyen Giap

Nam Nam Quotes By Nam June Paik

The only way to win a race is to run alone. — Nam June Paik

Nam Nam Quotes By Ovid

The most wretched fortune is safe; for there is no fear of anything worse.
[Lat., Fortuna miserrima tuta est:
Nam timor eventus deterioris abest.] — Ovid

Nam Nam Quotes By Nam June Paik

An artist should always bite the hand that feeds him - but not too hard. — Nam June Paik

Nam Nam Quotes By Deborah Nam-Krane

If I said he really wants to see you, would you care a little bit?"
"You don't have anything you want to say to him?"
"I do, but I'm trying to be a better person and not use those words as much. — Deborah Nam-Krane

Nam Nam Quotes By Nam June Paik

The cathode-ray tube will replace canvas, — Nam June Paik

Nam Nam Quotes By John Goodman

Smokey, this is not 'Nam. This is bowling. There are rules. — John Goodman

Nam Nam Quotes By Fernando Henrique Cardoso

In my own experience as president of Brazil I observed first hand many of the trends that Nam identifies in this book, but he describes them in a way that is as original as it is delightful to read. All those who have power-or want it-should read this book. — Fernando Henrique Cardoso

Nam Nam Quotes By Nam Le

The thing is not to write what no one else has written but to write what only you could have written.'
I found this fragment in my old notebooks. The person who wrote that couldn't have known what would happen: how a voice hollows how words you once loved can wither on a page. — Nam Le

Nam Nam Quotes By Robert Kiyosaki

I don't know why I am internally a violent person. I don't have the normal nerve endings most people do, which was very good for me as a pilot in Viet Nam. When most people are afraid, I'm actually quite excited about things. The more dangerous something is, the happier I am. — Robert Kiyosaki

Nam Nam Quotes By Tim O'Brien

Anyways, the guys try to be cool. They just lie there and groove, but after a while they start hearing - you won't believe this - they hear chamber music. They hear violins and cellos. They hear this terrific mama-san soprano. Then after a while they hear gook opera and and a glee club and the Haiphong Boys Choir and a barbershop quartet and and all kinds of wierd chanting and Buddha-Buddha stuff. All the whole time, in the background, there's stil that cocktail party going on. All these different voices. Not human voices, though. Because it's the mountains. Follow me? The rock, it's TALKING. And the fog, too, and the grass and the goddamn mongooses. Everything talks. The trees talk politics, the monnkeys talk religion. The whole country. Vietnam. The place talks. It talks. Understand? Nam - it truly TALKS. — Tim O'Brien

Nam Nam Quotes By Nam June Paik

Nature is beautiful, not because it changes beautifully, but simply because it changes. — Nam June Paik

Nam Nam Quotes By Gerald R. Ford

The Communist leaders in Moscow, Peking and Hanoi must fully understand that the United States considers the freedom of South Viet Nam vital to our interests. And they must know that we are not bluffing in our determination to defend those interests. — Gerald R. Ford

Nam Nam Quotes By Mollie Gross

I found myself surrounded by really old veterans wearing hats that said, "Retired Marine - SEMPER FI." These hats didn't appear to fit on their heads, but instead seemed to hover over them.
At one point, I mistakenly tried to take the last box of crackers that a veteran also wanted. He started yelling, "I ran away from home at seventeen, lied about my age, and joined the Corps! I fought in World War II, Korea, and NAM! I have no cartilage in my right knee! It's bone-on-bone, but every morning I run six miles! I did not sacrifice my knee for this country to come here today and have you disrespect me at the commissary. Oooh-RAH!"
I dropped the crackers and walked away. — Mollie Gross

Nam Nam Quotes By Laura J. Burns

Gabriel Squeezed His Eyes Shut. In the distance He Heard shay Screaming His Nam. What Had he done.?
The answer Slammed Into His Mind. He Had Fallen in Love with Her. It had Clouded His Judgment.
He LOVED Her, HEART, SOUL, And BODY. And He Had Sentenced Her To Death. — Laura J. Burns

Nam Nam Quotes By Thomas Pynchon

I had my Boswell, once," Mason tells Boswell, "Dixon and I. We had a joint Boswell. Preacher nam'd Cherrycoke. Scribbling ev'rything down, just like you, Sir. Have you," twirling his Hand in Ellipses, - "you know, ever . . . had one yourself? If I'm not prying." "Had one what?" "Hum . . . a Boswell, Sir, - I mean, of your own. Well you couldn't very well call him that, being one yourself, - say, a sort of Shadow ever in the Room who has haunted you, preserving your ev'ry spoken remark, - " "Which else would have been lost forever to the great Wind of Oblivion, - think," armsweep south, "as all civiliz'd Britain gathers at this hour, how much shapely Expression, from the titl'd Gambler, the Barmaid's Suitor, the offended Fopling, the gratified Toss-Pot, is simply fading away upon the Air, out under the Door, into the Evening and the Silence beyond. All those voices. Why not pluck a few words from the multitudes rushing toward the Void of forgetfulness? — Thomas Pynchon

Nam Nam Quotes By Slavoj Zizek

There is a wonderful expression in Persian, war nam nihadan, which means to murder somebody, bury his body, then grow flowers over the body to conceal it — Slavoj Zizek

Nam Nam Quotes By Tom Glenn

Post-Traumatic Stress Injury isn't a disease. It's a wound to the soul that never heals. — Tom Glenn

Nam Nam Quotes By Rick Springfield

He doesn't stop talking for most of the three-hour flight about his time in "'Nam." Finally the conversation slows, and I ask him what he's done since leaving the army.

He sums it up in three words: "I'm in insurance."

And that's it. That's all he has to say about the following forty years.

I think I may be in a similar situation with the whole marriage bit. Three words: "I got married. — Rick Springfield

Nam Nam Quotes By John Owen

This day was yesterday to-morrow nam'd: To-morrow shall be yesterday proclaimed: To-morrow not yet come, not far away, What shall to-morrow then be call'd? To-day. — John Owen

Nam Nam Quotes By Juvenal

For the gods, instead of what is most pleasing, will give what is most proper. Man is dearer to them than he is to himself.
[Lat., Nam pro jucundis aptissima quaeque dabunt di,
Carior est illis homo quam sibi.] — Juvenal

Nam Nam Quotes By Nichiren

Suffer what there is to suffer, enjoy what there is to enjoy. Regard both suffering and joy as facts of life, and continue chanting Nam-myoho-renge-kyo, no matter what happens. How could this be anything other than the boundless joy of the Law? — Nichiren

Nam Nam Quotes By Brian Posehn

Grew up in a small town where there was only one crazy guy. He didn't even go insane doing anything good, like going to 'Nam or having an extended acid trip. Turns out - legend has it - he just had some bad cheese. — Brian Posehn

Nam Nam Quotes By Plautus

Who wishes to give himself an abundance of business let him equip these two things, a ship and a woman. For no two things involve more business, if you have begun to fit them out. Nor are these two things ever sufficiently adorned, nor is any excess of adornment enough for them.
[Lat., Negotii sibi qui volet vim parare,
Navem et mulierem, haec duo comparato.
Nam nullae magis res duae plus negotii
Habent, forte si occeperis exornare.
Neque unquam satis hae duae res ornantur,
Neque eis ulla ornandi satis satietas est.] — Plautus

Nam Nam Quotes By Kurt Vonnegut

I asked this heroic pet lover how it felt to have died for a schnauzer named Teddy. Salvador Biagiani was philosophical. He said it sure beat dying for absolutely nothing in the Viet Nam War. — Kurt Vonnegut

Nam Nam Quotes By Thomas Steinbeck

I was eighteen when I first read Joseph Heller's stunning work 'Catch-22,' and was at that time close to being drafted for the fruitless and unenlightened war in Viet Nam. — Thomas Steinbeck

Nam Nam Quotes By Dan Groat

My name Quan. Quan Nguyen. This Kim-Ly, wife. We next door. Do nails. We with Mr. Blaylock. He fight, we fight. We come here from Viet Nam. This good country, but sometimes, good people in good country have to fight. — Dan Groat

Nam Nam Quotes By Sophia Nam

If you never love you never hurt
If you never hurt you've never lived.
Love in life and embrace all the pains that come with it. — Sophia Nam

Nam Nam Quotes By Edward R. Murrow

Anyone who isn't confused really doesn't understand the situation. — Edward R. Murrow

Nam Nam Quotes By John Milton

Of four infernal rivers that disgorge/ Into the burning Lake their baleful streams;/Abhorred Styx the flood of deadly hate,/Sad Acheron of sorrow, black and deep;/Cocytus, nam'd of lamentation loud/ Heard on the rueful stream; fierce Phlegethon/ Whose waves of torrent fire inflame with rage./ Far off from these a slow and silent stream,/ Lethe the River of Oblivion rolls/ Her wat'ry Labyrinth whereof who drinks,/ Forthwith his former state and being forgets,/ Forgets both joy and grief, pleasure and pain. — John Milton

Nam Nam Quotes By William E. Peterson

You haven't lived a full life until you have been in a very tough situation when you thought you were going to die. War does that to you. — William E. Peterson

Nam Nam Quotes By Marcus Tullius Cicero

That which leads us to the performance of duty by offering pleasure as its reward, is not virtue, but a deceptive copy and imitation of virtue.
[Lat., Nam quae voluptate, quasi mercede aliqua, ad officium impellitur, ea non est virtus sed fallax imitatio simulatioque virtutis.] — Marcus Tullius Cicero

Nam Nam Quotes By Daniel J. Levitin

Former secretary of state George Shultz, reflecting on forty years of United States foreign policy from 1970 to the present, said, When I think about all the money we spent on bombs and munitions, and our failures in Viet Nam, Iraq, Afghanistan and other places around the world . . . Instead of advancing our agenda using force, we should have instead built schools and hospitals in these countries, improving the lives of their children. By now, those children would have grown into positions of influence, and they would be grateful to us instead of hating us. — Daniel J. Levitin

Nam Nam Quotes By John F. Kennedy

I dont think that unless a greater effort is made by the Government to win popular support that the war can be won out there. In the final analysis, it is their war. They are the ones who have to win it or lose it. We can help them, we can give them equipment, we can send our men out there as advisers, but they have to win it, the people of Viet-Nam, against the Communists. — John F. Kennedy

Nam Nam Quotes By Isaac Watts

Not all the blood of beasts On Jewish altars slain, Could give the guilty conscience peace, Or wash away the stain: But Christ, the heav'nly Lamb, Takes all our sins away, A sacrifice of nobler nam' And richer blood than they. — Isaac Watts

Nam Nam Quotes By Bernard B. Fall

But the Viet-Minh had had about ten months in which to establish their administration, train their forces with Japanese and American weapons (and Japanese and Chinese instructors), and kill or terrorize into submission the genuine Vietnamese nationalists who wanted a Viet-Nam independent from France but equally free of Communist rule. The first round of the war for Indochina already had been lost for the West before it had even begun. — Bernard B. Fall

Nam Nam Quotes By Sophia Nam

The mirror is the worst judge of true beauty — Sophia Nam

Nam Nam Quotes By Plautus

I know that we women are all justly accounted praters; they say in the present day that there never was in any age such a wonder to be found as a dumb woman.
[Lat., Nam multum loquaces merito omnes habemus,
Nec mutam profecto repertam ullam esse
Hodie dicunt mulierem ullo in seculo.] — Plautus

Nam Nam Quotes By David Batstone

My greatest inspiration has to be a Thai lady called Kru Nam, 40, she is from an upper middle class family and degree educated who has chosen to dedicated her life to rescuing children. I met her just after she rescued 27 children, since then she has continued to rescue more children without money, influence and making connections. — David Batstone

Nam Nam Quotes By Nora Roberts

And she never had, Doug mused, because war and politics go for the big view and trample all over the little guy. France during the Revolution or a steamy pit of a jungle in Nam. It never changed. He knew just what it felt like to be helpless. He wasn't going to feel that way ever again. — Nora Roberts

Nam Nam Quotes By Nam June Paik

Skin has become inadequate in interfacing with reality. Technology has become the body's new membrane of existence. — Nam June Paik

Nam Nam Quotes By Nam June Paik

Our life is half natural and half technological. Half-and-half is good. You cannot deny that high-tech is progress. We need it for jobs. Yet if you make only high-tech, you make war. So we must have a strong human element to keep modesty and natural life. — Nam June Paik

Nam Nam Quotes By Nam Le

-honor won in youth grows with age. — Nam Le

Nam Nam Quotes By Trin Yarborough

Perhaps the main reason America cannot 'get over' its war with Viet Nam is that Americans cannot fit what happened into its earlier myth of itself - that we had always been 'the good guys,' conquering injustice around the world. The tens of thousands of mistreated half-American children born in Viet Nam are one untidy fact we have been unable to fit into that myth. — Trin Yarborough

Nam Nam Quotes By Lyndon B. Johnson

Just like the Alamo, somebody damn well needed to go to their aid. Well, by God, I'm going to Viet Nam's aid! — Lyndon B. Johnson

Nam Nam Quotes By Juvenal

For whoever meditates a crime is guilty of the deed.
[Lat., Nam scelus intra se tacitum qui cogitat ullum,
Facti crimen habet.] — Juvenal

Nam Nam Quotes By Robin Olds

It got more exciting with each war. I mean the planes were going faster than hell when I was flying a Mustang, but by the time I got to Nam, it scared the piss out of a lot of guys just to fly the damn jets at full speed. Let alone do it in combat. — Robin Olds

Nam Nam Quotes By Jason Medina

The '60s were a very turbulent time for colored people. Being away at war was a chance for them to escape the racial bullshit for a while. It was a shame it came down to that kind of choice.
Don't get me wrong. There were plenty of guys, who tried to bring that racial crap over there with them. However, when the shit hits the fan, you don't give a damn about who's standing next to you, saving your ass. You certainly don't care what color his skin is or what language he speaks. All that matters to you is that he is an American G.I. Government Issued, baby! — Jason Medina

Nam Nam Quotes By Bud Rudesill

I have to keep my mouth shut about Nam though. All of these guys want to believe they were fighting an honorable war, and that their conduct deserves respect. They want the public to treat them like they're heroes - like the WWII vets were." "Instead, smart ass, pampered kids call them names and throw dog shit at them. — Bud Rudesill

Nam Nam Quotes By Nam Le

I write under not only the presumption that everything I write is deeply conditioned by everything I've already written, but that everything I write changes, retroactively, all those things I've already written. — Nam Le

Nam Nam Quotes By Nam June Paik

The future is now. — Nam June Paik

Nam Nam Quotes By Ronald Reagan

... Ending a conflict is not so simple, not just calling it off and coming home. Because the price for that kind of peace could be a thousand years of darkness for generation's Viet Nam borned. — Ronald Reagan

Nam Nam Quotes By William Shakespeare

This day is call'd the feast of Crispian:40 He that outlives this day, and comes safe home, Will stand a tip-toe when this day is nam'd, And rouse him at the name of Crispian. He that shall live this day, and see old age,44 Will yearly on the vigil feast his neighbours, And say, 'To-morrow is Saint Crispian:' Then will he strip his sleeve and show his scars, And say, 'These wounds I had on Crispin's day.' Old men forget: yet all shall be forgot,49 But he'll remember with advantages What feats he did that day. Then shall our names, Familiar in his mouth as household words,52 Harry the king, Bedford and Exeter, Warwick and Talbot, Salisbury and Gloucester, Be in their flowing cups freshly remember'd. This story shall the good man teach his son;56 And Crispin Crispian shall ne'er go by, From this day to the ending of the world, But we in it shall be remembered; We few, we happy few, we band of brothers;60 — William Shakespeare

Nam Nam Quotes By Nam Le

If you ask me why I came to Iowa, I would say that Iowa is beautiful in the way that any place is beautiful: if you treat it as the answer to a question you're asking yourself every day, just by being there. — Nam Le

Nam Nam Quotes By Nam June Paik

The culture that's going to survive in the future is the culture that you can carry around in your head. — Nam June Paik

Nam Nam Quotes By William Gibson

Hak Nam rose before her as she waded nearer, but with a dream's logic it grew no closer. Backwashing sea, sucking at her ankles. The Walled City is growing. Being grown. From the fabric of the beach, wrack and wreckage of the world before things changed. Unthinkable tonnage, dumped here by barge and bulk-lifter in the course of the great reconstruction. The minuscule bugs of Rodel-van Erp seethe there, lifting the iron-caged balconies that are sleeping rooms, countless unplanned windows throwing blank silver rectangles back against the fog. A thing of random human accretion, monstrous and superb, it is being reconstituted here, retranslated from its later incarnation as a realm of consensual fantasy. The — William Gibson

Nam Nam Quotes By Nam Le

Art, after all, is - at its best - a lie that tells us the truth. — Nam Le

Nam Nam Quotes By Billy O'Connor

In Nam, the jungle's heat was heavy, and like a spoiled overweight child, it insisted on being carried everywhere. — Billy O'Connor

Nam Nam Quotes By Nichiren

Nam-myoho-renge-kyo is the greatest joy for all humankind. — Nichiren

Nam Nam Quotes By Kim Yong-nam

The great heart of comrade Kim Jong Il has ceased. — Kim Yong-nam

Nam Nam Quotes By Nam June Paik

There is no rewind button on the BETAMAX of life. — Nam June Paik

Nam Nam Quotes By Viet Thanh Nguyen

What am I dying for? he cried back. I'm dying because this world I'm living in isn't worth dying for! If something is worth dying for, then you've got a reason to live. — Viet Thanh Nguyen

Nam Nam Quotes By Horace

Shun the inquisitive person, for he is also a talker.
[Lat., Percunctatorem fugito, nam garrulus idem est.] — Horace

Nam Nam Quotes By Nam Le

He looked out the open window. So this was what it was like. He looked through the green foliage, over the ocean, and felt around him the heat massing in the air, the current of coolness running through it, taking form in the thunderheads. He saw the black energy becoming creatured from a hundred kilometers away, roaring toward shore, feeding on itself. On the headland, trees bending to absorb the weight of the forward wind. — Nam Le

Nam Nam Quotes By Jan Karon

In World War One, they called it shell shock. Second time around, they called it battle fatigue. After 'Nam, it was post-traumatic stress disorder. — Jan Karon

Nam Nam Quotes By Daniel Keys Moran

Before Watergate and Viet Nam, the American public, as a whole, believed everything it was told, and since then it doesn't believe anything, and both of those extremes hurt us because they prevent us from recognizing the truth. — Daniel Keys Moran

Nam Nam Quotes By Nam Le

That was the problem with Alison Fischer: you never knew which part of her to look at. He looked at her face — Nam Le

Nam Nam Quotes By Horace

Too indolent to bear the toil of writing; I mean of writing well; I say nothing about quantity.
[Lat., Piger scribendi ferre laborem;
Scribendi recte, nam ut multum nil moror.] — Horace

Nam Nam Quotes By Nam Le

You couldn't think of after, you only thought of now, and come to think of it, you didn't do that either -- you were left with pools of memory, each stranded from the next by time pulling forward like a tide. — Nam Le