Famous Quotes & Sayings

Nadella Home Quotes & Sayings

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Top Nadella Home Quotes

Nadella Home Quotes By Hal Elrod

Anything you want for your life, if someone else has done, become, or achieved it, use that as evidence that so can you. — Hal Elrod

Nadella Home Quotes By Satya Nadella

What matters is 'Have you done a better job of making our experiences feel like home on Windows?' That's our real goal, and that's what we're going to stay focused on. — Satya Nadella

Nadella Home Quotes By Yasmin Mogahed

I have so much respect for the emotionally brave. The ones who put in the emotional work and take the real risks of being vulnerable and removing masks. It's easy to make chitchat, but it's hard to speak about what's really under the surface. It's easy to joke, but difficult to cry. It's easy to numb, but hard to feel.
Ironically the real victims of emotional laziness are the people themselves. They end up choosing their emotional comfort zones over happiness. So in the end, they may not be 'uncomfortable' anymore; but they are also miserable. — Yasmin Mogahed

Nadella Home Quotes By Lemony Snicket

As I'm sure you know, to be in one's own room, in one's own bed, can often make a bleak situation a little better. — Lemony Snicket

Nadella Home Quotes By Satya Nadella

Windows is the best place; it's the home for the very best Microsoft experiences. — Satya Nadella

Nadella Home Quotes By Elspeth Huxley

How much does one imagine, how much observe? One can no more separate those functions than divide light from air, or wetness from water. — Elspeth Huxley

Nadella Home Quotes By Lisa Unger

I love the village in my computer. There's little validation in the day-to-day life of a writer; sometimes we ache for a connection. — Lisa Unger

Nadella Home Quotes By Satya Nadella

To me, Microsoft is about empowerment ... we are the original democratizing force, putting a PC in every home and every desk. — Satya Nadella

Nadella Home Quotes By Heraclitus

If you went in search of it, you would not find the boundaries of the soul, though you traveled every road-so deep is its measure [logos]. — Heraclitus

Nadella Home Quotes By Jennifer L. Armentrout

Then he turned to Seth. "And don't think you and me are okay. It's great you're no longer Ares' little bitch-boy, but you're still a punk-ass.
Aiden snickered.
"And I hope your jaw really hurts," Apollo added. — Jennifer L. Armentrout

Nadella Home Quotes By Christina Dodd

If Amy had one ounce of romance in her soul, she would be sighing with gratification. Instead, she said acerbically, "All that's missing is the love poem."
Jermyn deposited her in a chair by the table. "I'll order a pen and ink for you. — Christina Dodd

Nadella Home Quotes By Teal Ceagh

Veris gave a low chuckle as they stepped into the building. He took off his glasses and put them in his breast pocket. "I've always said women were stronger, when it came to pure courage, haven't I?" he said to Brody.
Brody stabbed at the top elevator button. "There's a reason we have a queen and not a king. — Teal Ceagh